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UFC 193 OT: Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm / First PPV headlined by 2 womens Title Fights

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I don't feel like you can compare Holm's old fights to this one.

Girl was on fucking fire. Everything from her timing, to her footwork, to her angles were on point. PERFECT gameplan and execution.


Yep, because there is always a new fighter to throw the UFC marketing machine behind.

This kid earns a few wins and he'll be pushed no doubt.


We'll get the ''Karate Kid'' hype non stop. Dude looks like a real life Ken doll.

Looks like that guy from Saved By The Bell
Ronda said he would win from Floyd in an MMA FIGHT, meaning that she never said she would punch him to ko.

Still think that if she recovers her sense and go full judo Holm will loose.

she couldn't catch and take down Holly Holm without eating shit loads of punches in the process, but she's gonna do that to Floyd fucking Mayweather? Get real. Anybody still parroting that nonsense was delusional to begin with, but to still think that after watching what just happened requires a special kind of brain damage.


I'll side with the person that said it. Just because this is an echo chamber doesn't mean a differing opinion shouldn't be heard. I'm a huge sports fan and I absolutely hate professional fighting for that exact reason.

Then don't watch it. I hate College football, guess what I do? Don't watch it and I don't go into College football threads.


You couldn't be more wrong. She was only popular because people believed the dumb myth that she was unbeatable. That she was so powerful she could beat male fighters. She'll never have that aura about her again. Ever. Not as long as videos/gifs of her getting absolutely wrecked exist.
This. No one is doubting she won't still be popular but she will not go higher in terms of popularity and mainstream appeal. She peaked and its downhill from here since her gimmick was what you have stated.
she couldn't catch and take down Holly Holm without eating shit loads of punches in the process, but she's gonna do that to Floyd fucking Mayweather? Get real. Anybody still parroting that nonsense was delusional to begin with, but to still think that after watching what just happened requires a special kind of brain damage.

i appreciate your posts.
people believe what they want.
floyd is a human piece of garbage and as much as i'd like seeing him getting beaten up, Ronda would have 0.000% chance.

she just got outclassed by a 1000 times worse and much weaker/slower fighter.


I think those last punches are more about convincing the ref to end the fight than they are about obliterating your opponent.
Welp... I'm only really interested when there's some alpha just chewing people to bits but no one lasts forever and now Womens fighting in UFC is gonna be back to boring normal.

Rousey really didn't even last that long. She won her belt in 2013. Anderson won his in 2006 and didn't lose it until 2013. Jon won his in 2011 and only lost it this year because of his own stupidity. Her hype was her worst enemy because she seemed to really believe that she was invincible. That also eventually cost Anderson when he started to think that he was Neo.

Mory Dunz

Ronda Rousey kind of reminds me of Brittany Griner. Cause the Mayweather thing.

(pre-draft, epsn and all these people were talking up her playing in the NBA. And as it turns out she's not even close to the best players in her own league, wnba.

Hopefully women's MMA doesn't take a dip in popularity. For all her faults, Rousey was definitely good for the sport.

It will take a dip in popularity. That's unavoidable. I'm already starting to not care.
It was a well done hype machine, I'll give it that.


Passing metallic gas
I'll side with the person that said it. Just because this is an echo chamber doesn't mean a differing opinion shouldn't be heard. I'm a huge sports fan and I absolutely hate professional fighting for that exact reason.

Agreed. This sport caters to the lowest common denominator in society.



C'mon, the ref was in there fast. In real-time it was stopped in a second. You need to give fighters a chance to defend themselves after being dropped as well. I've seen fighters go down like Ronda and then get their guard up pretty quick. Ronda just happened to be out. You need a second to see if a fighter is out or not.

What would be so terrible if when someone went to the ground like that the action stopped until they got back up? Give a point to the person who got the knockdown and wait to see if they can get back up? By not having a rule like that you set things up like this where people are pummeling unconscious people in the head.


Ronda's next match will be her biggest one yet. People love redemption stories. Career wise she will be perfectly fine for the forseeable future.

And it would be a shame if she stopped smack talking. If anything, there isn't enough smack talking in UFC. I need some good ol wrasslin storylines that will really make me invest in the fighters for each card. Ronda took her opponent's man away that destroyed her marriage AND she punched her opponent's mom in the face? That scoundrel! She deserves a beatdown.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I wonder if Holm's will pop for anything under the new USADA testing. Have any of Greg's people been caught using? I know there was an issue with Jones' T levels way back.
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