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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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Day 1: complete meltdown

This is probably why they make her avoid human interaction at all cost.

The leader of the UK, someone who needs to avoid unscripted human interaction or they implode. Seems like a great, stable, people's person choice. As I ranted on above with education, too many of the elite politicians are like this (Cameron ran from debates as well). It's comical at times. Completely unable to socialise with anyone outside of their top 5% bracket. It's no wonder the Tory party is pretty much the party of contempt for "poor"/sick people, and privatisation. Doesn't everyone have bank balances bursting with money, attend polo-sports/fox hunting and live in mansions in a gated community? No? Well, those people aren't trying hard enough and how dare their parents bring children into this world without first being millionaires. Fat chance of England ever trying to extend a basic free entry University education system as long as the Tory reign continues. That's secondary to the NHS which was used as a bargaining chip for Brexit all while being purposely starved of funding and dismantled!

As Malcolm Baker puts it, "I'm voting for Theresa May" cause, "EU taking all our money!".


The Birthday Skeleton
may is weaponising the story in a way that perfectly supports her message *sigh*

How is this speech fitting her message. Her message was that she (they) are the only ones who can make a successful Brexit. The image she paints in this speech is neither strong nor stable.

A good opposition would fire from all canons using this and her fear of meeting people, fear of discussing with journalists, fear of joining the debates etc.


To be fair to Cameron, he was much better in a public setting, on the street, on radio... you name it, really.

Better than May? 10 times over. It's a systematic reoccurrence with the elitists though. Even when they try to act "common", see Farage, they end up looking like idiots. Hurr dee hurrr, check my pint and cigarettes, I'm a working man! Sure, Nigel.

Becoming a politician often equals a gateway to becoming rich. However, well socialised and down to earth people can come from varied backgrounds and earn wealth, and not instantly turn into selfish pricks. Heck, even people born into wealth can be as well rounded a person as anyone else. It doesn't take much effort on your own part to learn, understand and accept humans will come from varying backgrounds, opportunities and some people just aren't cut out to be doctors, pilots and bankers. You don't need to have contempt for those that do the jobs you don't want to (often cleaning/retail/catering/some council roles/etc). Nor those that struggle to even do the "bottom-tier" jobs in society (disabled/sick/struggling).

Choosing a politician as your career is supposed to represent you wanting to look out for/represent the people of the country, all of them. While hard choices/decisions have to be made, I'd argue a caring, socially driven society will tend to produce the "better" country. You cannot fully eradicate unfairness, inequality, poverty and hurt, but there are many ways you can aid it without making it worse and/or just not giving a shit. Too often those running the country, if not in their words (they can speak the lingo at times and pretend to care), do things behind the scenes or just in normal policy which continues to make people question what the hell is the UK trying to turn into?


Juncker must be laughing his ass off, how easy it is to piss off theresa 'strong stable bloody difficult' may .


Just had a quick scan on the BBC and Daily Mail website: looks like the speech has been received positively amongst the general public.


Just had a quick scan on the BBC and Daily Mail website: looks like the speech has been received positively amongst the general public.

The Daily Mail is... The Daily Mail. The BBC is always a mixed bag (couple most recent comments ~ Over 1000 all in!)



Big John is having none of it, though. Louise after dat British courage. She must be an Apple user ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tbh, boycotting Scottish food will probably lose you some weight! This always concerns international GAF.

The energy content of sample munchy boxes has been reported as 1224, 2200[1] and 3000[2] calories while their salt content was estimated to be more than double the 6g recommended maximum for an adult. While it is not clear whether a munchy box is actually intended to be consumed as a meal for one,[citation needed] there has been concern at the health implications if it is consumed in this way.

Wikipedia pls, of course, it is, citation needed indeed.


Just had a quick scan on the BBC and Daily Mail website: looks like the speech has been received positively amongst the general public.

The 'Great' British people. Depressing as ever.

Perhaps more campaigning (arguing) needs to be done in the comment sections of both. People literally do not care about nor read anything outside of their propaganda bubble. Finally watched her speech and its definitely a case of party before national interest. Even some in the cabinet are probably aghast.


The Daily Mail is... The Daily Mail. The BBC is always a mixed bag (couple most recent comments ~ Over 1000 all in!)



Big John is having none of it, though. Louise after dat British courage. She must be an Apple user ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tbh, boycotting Scottish food will probably lose you some weight! This always concerns international GAF.

Wikipedia pls, of course, it is, citation needed indeed.
Daily Mail = general public at this point.


Daily Mail = general public at this point.

I guess if you put it that way, it makes sense. Demographics would be interesting. I bet a large portion of their readers are middle aged/older (big chunk of Leave voters then...).

So off to Google I go... "the daily mail reading ages"


LOL, Google, that is a bit on the edge, no?

Anyway, back on topic

The Daily Mail and The Telegraph have the largest percentages of over 65s, making up almost half of their audiences – at 45 and 46 percent respectively.


This surprised me a bit though

The Daily Mail is the only paper to have more female readers than male ones (these stats are across all age groups), with 52.5 percent female vs 47.5 percent male.

The battle of old versus young continues? At least Gary Lineker is on our side? Tbh Gary, while an elite himself, is a pretty good advocate for sensible decisions for the country. Bonus Nicola giving it a go on Twitter too...



How is this speech fitting her message. Her message was that she (they) are the only ones who can make a successful Brexit. The image she paints in this speech is neither strong nor stable.

A good opposition would fire from all canons using this and her fear of meeting people, fear of discussing with journalists, fear of joining the debates etc.

her message is that it's your national duty to vote for her to strengthen her hand in brexit negotiation

this becomes more vital if you present the eu leaders as trying to sabotage us. she needs to be as strong and stable as possible to fight them off, they know this so they are trying to interfere in the election to weaken us.

it is complete bollocks but people hate brussels bureaucrats and love petty nationalism


I'm just waiting for someone in the UK goverment to suggest they should build a wall and make the EU pay for it


I don't understand how that bullshit Theresa was spouting earlier is supposed to 'strengthen her hand'. She's just pissing the EU off.


I don't understand how that bullshit Theresa was spouting earlier is supposed to 'strengthen her hand'. She's just pissing the EU off.

Maybe she's playing 4d chess trying to sabotage brexit so the country changes opinion and wants to stay

She was a remainer after all


Maybe she's playing 4d chess trying to sabotage brexit so the country changes opinion and wants to stay

She was a remainer after all

She doesn't have the brains for it. There's a reason Crosby's only given her three lines to remember and told her to avoid debates and interviews.
If we don't get the negotiation right, your economic security and prosperity will be put at risk and the opportunities you seek for your families will simply not happen.
WTF is she talking about I thought if we didn't get a good deal we would walk away from the table and everything would be fine. That's what the Leave side have been saying, anyway.


WTF is she talking about I thought if we didn't get a good deal we would walk away from the table and everything would be fine. That's what the Leave side have been saying, anyway.

This is basically May preparing the inevitable no deal scenario.

She has realized she cannot get a deal without crossing the red lines she has set herself(ECJ for example). From the looks of it she doesn't want to compromise and therefore will leave with no deal and blame the EU to stay in power
why did i just get an email from John McDonnel saying Theresa has handed in her notice at the palace? 0_o

Does Labour think this is such political suicide?

Or have I missed something?
why did i just get an email from John McDonnel saying Theresa has handed in her notice at the palace? 0_o

Does Labour think this is such political suicide?

Or have I missed something?

Basically, the leadership are so fucking useless that they've managed to turn this into a bad reflection on them already.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

Waiting for this election is horrible. It's like getting a handwritten letter each and every day telling you that everyone hates you and is going to kick you in the balls, but the worst part is they're not even going to do it now, they're going wait for a month to really give you the time to dwell on how awful your situation is.

Just kick us in the balls already and move on, damn it.
Question Time tomorrow will feature David Davies, Paul Nuttall, Liane Wood, Rebecca Long Bailey... And the head of Siemens UK.

A non-aligned businessman, a nationalist whose party is standing in a small minority of the seats at the GE, two leading Brexiteers and a Labour spokesperson who will present no meaningful opposition.

I am beginning to see conspiracies everywhere.



Waiting for this election is horrible. It's like getting a handwritten letter each and every day telling you that everyone hates you and is going to kick you in the balls, but the worst part is they're not even going to do it now, they're going wait for a month to really give you the time to dwell on how awful your situation is.

Just kick us in the balls already and move on, damn it.

At least we're getting Milibantz now.



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Conversation with a UKIP/Leave voter ...

Her: I've changed my mind, I'm going to vote for Theresa May

Me: I thought you said you'd never vote Conservative

Her: Not bloody likely! I told you, I'm voting for Theresa May

Me: She's the Prime Minister. She'a a Conservative

Her: But ... I had this Labour leaflet through the door, and it kept going on about Theresa May, I assumed she was one of theirs


Who'd have thought that the most critical political and economic negotiations of the post-war period might interfere with our election, eh? I mean, that fact that you called the election just when those negotiations were about to kick off ought to have been a clue...

Everything from May and co is pure political posturing at this point. Eg 'no deal better than a bad deal' - this is only true for domestic politics as you can turn it on the EU, but no reasonable person can accept it would be better economically under any circumstances.

I do hope that her doubling down on this stupid position backfires. The poll lead owes a certain amount to Remainers accepting the result and trusting the govt with the negotiation. The Brexit news lines of the last few days ought to be playing very badly indeed to those folks.


Conversation with a UKIP/Leave voter ...

Her: I've changed my mind, I'm going to vote for Theresa May

Me: I thought you said you'd never vote Conservative

Her: Not bloody likely! I told you, I'm voting for Theresa May

Me: She's the Prime Minister. She'a a Conservative

Her: But ... I had this Labour leaflet through the door, and it kept going on about Theresa May, I assumed she was one of theirs

Just... wow

Is she still going to vote Conservative? As a member of the UKIP faithful I'd assume so. That's where my in-laws have gone
Conversation with a UKIP/Leave voter ...

Her: I've changed my mind, I'm going to vote for Theresa May

Me: I thought you said you'd never vote Conservative

Her: Not bloody likely! I told you, I'm voting for Theresa May

Me: She's the Prime Minister. She'a a Conservative

Her: But ... I had this Labour leaflet through the door, and it kept going on about Theresa May, I assumed she was one of theirs

I had Labour leaflet through my door, and not once did it mention Corbyn.

The joys of living in a Remain area, the local Labour MP has to distance herself from Labour HQ.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Just... wow

Is she still going to vote Conservative? As a member of the UKIP faithful I'd assume so. That's where my in-laws have gone

She's a bit, er, confused by the whole thing. Now claims to regret voting Leave, still thinks Farage would be a great PM, hates Corbyn, but family is traditional old-school Labour.

Every policy position she espouses, both of them, are straight Labour. Everything else she says might as well be BNP.

The joys of living in a Remain area, the local Labour MP has to distance herself from Labour HQ.

I don't think it is just Remain areas. Same here, which is strongly Leave - hence the Theresa May confusion.


Lol at the idea the EU wants to influence the election. Exactly who are they backing instead of May then? Sure as shit ain't Corbyn, a man nearly as hard Brexit as May is. As an outside observer looking on I find that there's no one who I want to see win (apart from the Lib Dems who are still fairly toxic politically). As long as the SNP maintain their numbers in Scotland who cares!
I don't understand how that bullshit Theresa was spouting earlier is supposed to 'strengthen her hand'. She's just pissing the EU off.

She's playing to her base and the wider electorate to solidate an election win next month. She'll worry about the inevitably disastrous talks afternoon she's ensured five more years in power to get her party facing an election three years away from the 2019 deadline rather than one.


Chili Con Carnage!
The battle of old versus young continues? At least Gary Lineker is on our side? Tbh Gary, while an elite himself, is a pretty good advocate for sensible decisions for the country. Bonus Nicola giving it a go on Twitter too...


Pretty sad but this actually made me think 'I think Gary Lineker would be a better labour leader than we've got now'.

Corbyn should be knocking down the doors of television house tonight to get his boot in on May but instead he's just ignoring anything to do with Brexit.

Real Hero

leaflets here in Jo Cox's old seat (tracy brabin's now!) don't mention Corbyn once. It actually draws more attention to the fact they don't want to say his name
why did i just get an email from John McDonnel saying Theresa has handed in her notice at the palace? 0_o

Does Labour think this is such political suicide?

Or have I missed something?
Because the Parliament has now been dissolved and she's now acting PM pending the results of the election. It's factual albeit wrapped in an untruthful statement.

Mr. Sam

My thoughts on May's statement:

She is unhinged. If it wasn't obvious before that she was putting the interests of her party above the interests of her country, it is now.
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