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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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All very fair - I guess what drunk flippant Jon was considering was:
- How much will they push on the referendum as their main thing vs Challenging the Tories, if they'll more focus on that as the challenge to broaden their appeal. More about messaging than policy.
- Would any language on another referendum have wiggle room about specific conditions, which isn't a terrible idea considering how much things are changing. As you say the motion has been passed - but I'm personally not sure if it'll take place then or what'll change about it.
I do agree that the SNP will probably push the 'Tory' button quite a few times as their best strategy of holding their existing seats is to discourage Labour voters from switching tactically to the Tories.

There won't be much talk about a referendum beyond that one is necessary after the constitutional mess the two conflicting referendum results have left Scotland in, and re-iterating that it is for the Scottish Parliament and not Theresa May to decide if and when such a referendum should take place.

...it was however just pushed through by the greens...
AKA: how parliaments work.

and yesterday's increase in Tory council votes allied with the libdem and labour votes still show a clear majority voting for unionist parties.

The SNP have an issue if the torys bring the same turnout to the GE as it will strengthen Mays hand to decline the indyref pointing to roughly 60% of votes for unionist parties. (Based on yesterday's votes)

Sturgeon needs to be seen to be the voice of all of the people rather than the rhetoric of the minority.
This is all fairly hilarious. Every prediction puts the SNP romping home with the majority of Westminster seats, and while the SNP didn't get the significant gains they hoped for the council elections only show the continued trend of Leaver-Unionist Labour supporters switching to Conservatives. Both the SNP and Greens increased their representation.

And 'vote share' is a pretty hilarious thing to go by, given w're talking about FPTP here and on a good day for the Tories at Westminster to match the SNP vote share in Scotland.

If she intends to win back support she needs to be seen to be doing her day job better because outside the echo chamber of Indy support the consensus seems to be do your day job better.

Just lol. All the Conservatives have now in Scotland is talking about 'No referendums' they don't have any policy here beyond that. The 'day job' in Scotland is generally going a lot better than the 'day job' being carried out by the Westminster gov.

tl:dr - Stop believing newspaper headlines.
LibDems and tax rise for NHS

They want me to pay more than £383 extra a year purely for the NHS? They do realise that I could put that £32/month towards a private healthcare policy and get far better value for money. And not to forget that in our household it would also mean my wife paying around an extra £25 per month too. So we'd be drained of £57/month!

If you starve the NHS you will be paying 4 times that amount for worse private insurance in 5 years.


Im amazed that someone thought coming on to GAF, detailing their household incomes and decrying a tax increase to fund the NHS was ever a good idea.

Based on your comments you and your wife must be paying around £15-20k in tax and NI between you so your clearly paying your dues for society but damn your comment was always going to get burned.

Eh, living in different parts of the country can mean "50k" somewhere isn't the same as "50k" somewhere else. No one is going to deny that. However, that's one criticism some launch at the likes of Londoners and any others in big cities. The wealth "bubbles" where it appears the reality in the minds of many that the whole country is the same.

Also, obviously wealth tends to follow wealth into London because people on lower wages/income cannot afford to live in many parts. So sure, standards of living are higher in many parts of the country, and if you live in many places in London it will seem like everyone around you is wealthy as fuck too. "Poorer" people are literally gated off. No one is forcing anyone to say they need to spend £200~400 on a night out though cause "elite nightclubs/restaurants/etc". Nice things in life, sure, but just keep in mind you may well be spending like 1/3rd the monthly salary of a lot of people on one night out. It's still up to you to wisely manage your wealth. Just because you have money doesn't mean it's always wise to spend £300 on a pair of jeans, or £100 for a bottle of wine. It's fun and can be a luxury to enjoy, but "wealthy" people still get ripped off too.

Be proud of your accomplishments, and sure, enjoy nice things life has to offer, it's your earned money, but don't let your head become too much of a bubble to the reality of many areas in the UK. The NHS is a nationwide service, it's not compartmentalised into rich people and poor people. That's not to say we cannot debate how politicians and political parties try to frame tax bands. Sometimes it may well be a little unfair, however traditionally speaking if you earn a fair chunk of money you'll probably be hit with more taxes. It's not a perfect system but it's often the best we can come up with. It's not set out to just punish the rich, but sure, it can look at you and say well you're driving nice cars, live in a nice house, have lots of random shit others don't, and while yes, it is your hard earned money, if you're wanting your country to prosper you may need to help out a bit more.

To which many still do scoff at and get accountants to do the "legal loopholes" and tax avoid. The Government is at fault there too, they're fucking at it as well. So really, as much as us citizens are arguing amongst ourselves, it's all the tax dodging companies, MPs and so forth that seriously aid with the strain. Poor people cannot afford accountants to do all of that, or even have enough money anyway.

*types this up on an iPhone and goes to shop on Amazon*...

Well, Galaxy S6, but I do shop on Amazon. Still, everyone knows what Apple and the others do with taxes. That's really up to the government to stop, not the people.
Eh, living in different parts of the country can mean "50k" somewhere isn't the same as "50k" somewhere else. No one is going to deny that. However, that's one criticism some launch at the likes of Londoners and any others in big cities. The wealth "bubbles" where it appears the reality in the minds of many that the whole country is the same.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I was simply commenting that a poster coming to GAF and saying he earns more than the average and won't pay more into the NHS is always going to be met with derision on GAF despite what he ( and I) believes is a far amount of tax (probably) he already pays.

The Fifer in me shivers at the thought of £300 jeans........
So, east end of Glasgow is currently seeing a huge Orange March parading around.

I know Scotland hasn't had the uptick in fascism that England had, but denying the growing numbers of them here is crazy.

Theresa May's call for a GE and backing her party to quell the saboteurs was a call for action for every little fascist organisation in Britain - not expecting them to cut down on marching through Glasgow until the end of the GE.
They are getting their voters in line right now, and they will organise their vote, too.

I sincerely hope the SNP/Greens/Labour are planning to show a lot more anti-fascist presence in these areas here, because right now the whole east end is regressing hard.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
LibDems and tax rise for NHS

They want me to pay more than £383 extra a year purely for the NHS? They do realise that I could put that £32/month towards a private healthcare policy and get far better value for money. And not to forget that in our household it would also mean my wife paying around an extra £25 per month too. So we'd be drained of £57/month!

That's not how it works. At all.

Does private medical insurance cover GP visits? Emergency treatment? I could go on.

I pay for it, and it's quite clear that at about £80 a month it is very much a supplementary service.

That all said, I would feel aggrieved to pay that extra tax when I'm already paying for something that takes financial burden away from the NHS for myself and my family.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I was simply commenting that a poster coming to GAF and saying he earns more than the average and won't pay more into the NHS is always going to be met with derision on GAF despite what he ( and I) believes is a far amount of tax (probably) he already pays.

The Fifer in me shivers at the thought of £300 jeans........

Scoffing on GAF tends to come with phrasing. At times some appear a bit callous or with a lack of any empathy, but then again, it's the internet and text on a message board is a very narrow way to judge someone. Emotion is lost, as is meaning and intent at times.

Anyway, you and me both. Even some higher end Levis will only set you back around the £100 mark. Diesel tends to ramp it up to mid to high £100's and even into £200. There's nothing wrong with enjoying some nice clothing, or eating out, or nightclubs, I think my bigger point was it doesn't matter if you have wealth, you still fall "victim" to overspending/mismanaging money/being ripped off/making dumb decisions and ultimately regrets.

In the fields of psychology, it is often proposed the "ideal" amount of money to be earning is enough to pay your bills and spend a little bit on yourself/family/home/etc (as well as a portion for savings). In regards to happiness. Often lots of wealth doesn't necessarily correlate to a mass of happiness, and for many, it brings in its own set of new "problems" with addictions, stupid spending and at times drugs and other "coping" mechanisms such as elite nightclubs/gambling and so on. Living with silly wealth as much as this remark will get scoffed at often leads to many mental health problems. I think many humans just aren't cut out to know what to do with wealth, and the innate response in many is to want to spend it constantly. Very few people manage to master the skill of saving, regardless of how much they are bringing in. If you're swimming in money it is actually hard to keep finding ways to spend it all, without getting crazy, careless and continuing to look for ways that hoover up money (often leading to gambling/drugs/anything else that can suck money up).

I also know people struggling will often read statements like that and feel angry because the dream is always to "become a millionaire" to solve life's problems. The key point to remember is the proposal is the "height" of happiness is having enough to pay bills comfortably with some left over. Often "down the bottom" you're scraping by to manage to pay bills and feed yourself/your family, and that is high-tier stress, depression and upset. Therefore it's no wonder being rich as fuck is fantasised about.

All of this is an offshoot of discussing taxes and funding public services, but it also ties into how minds can get very hostile to the idea of their money being parted with them on something that they don't perceive to be "getting something back" from. If you're in a "privileged" position of being able to pickup nearly anything you want whenever you want, you're used to getting something shiny to use/play with/store/etc. The tax man coming in and whisking your money away to "pay for poor people's healthcare" becomes an actual line of thought for some. It's why living in a bubble of wealth can be dangerous, and yes, I know 50K is hardly rich as fuck anywhere in the country, but 50k should be enough (combined with a partners salary) to cover your bills and have some left over. It's why these lines of thought can start creeping in within the middle-class, as being part of the middle-class does often meaning being able to cover bills and have a reasonably comfortable life.

Alternatively, just look at America where the "I have mine" is fucking rampant around anything to do with social care/health care. #NotAllAmericans, many are fighting for a fairer society, but the perception has spread far over there through middle-class families. I genuinely think the uptick of middle-class and even lower class over here voting Tory in droves is beginning to lead the UK to that kind of future.

So, east end of Glasgow is currently seeing a huge Orange March parading around.

I know Scotland hasn't had the uptick in fascism that England had, but denying the growing numbers of them here is crazy.

Theresa May's call for a GE and backing her party to quell the saboteurs was a call for action for every little fascist organisation in Britain - not expecting them to cut down on marching through Glasgow until the end of the GE.
They are getting their voters in line right now, and they will organise their vote, too.

I sincerely hope the SNP/Greens/Labour are planning to show a lot more anti-fascist presence in these areas here, because right now the whole east end is regressing hard.

Orange Walks have been a thing forever, but yeah, they are often filled with bigots, Rangers/Celtic hostility, religious hostility, and are also usually the strident Unionists


Not that being a Unionist is inherently wrong, not at all, but the kinds of Unionists you'll find in an Orange Walk are probably the ones that'll tell you Nicola Sturgeon is literally Hitler trying to destroy their UK.


LibDems and tax rise for NHS

They want me to pay more than £383 extra a year purely for the NHS? They do realise that I could put that £32/month towards a private healthcare policy and get far better value for money. And not to forget that in our household it would also mean my wife paying around an extra £25 per month too. So we'd be drained of £57/month!

That seems very reasonable to me.

That Conservative comment though, god it's infuriating...
"Only a vote for Theresa May on 8 June can provide the strong and stable leadership we need to get a good deal in the Brexit negotiations, keep taxes low, and secure our growing economy.

When I first moved here I was amazed that kind of march is happening at all, you know, coming from Germany where marches haven't been that en vogue for historical reasons.
Whenever those kind of parades did happen (depending on what city you lived in, though), it would spawn an anarchist block, an antifa-block, and centrist protesters interrupting it, or at least organising a counter-march.

Currently the Orange March is the most visible political movement in the East End, making it no surprise, as I said a couple of pages back, that Tories have gotten seats in Glasgow of all places.


When I first moved here I was amazed that kind of march is happening at all, you know, coming from Germany where marches haven't been that en vogue for historical reasons.
Whenever those kind of parades did happen (depending on what city you lived in, though), it would spawn an anarchist block, an antifa-block, and centrist protesters interrupting it, or at least organising a counter-march.

Currently the Orange March is the most visible political movement in the East End, making it no surprise, as I said a couple of pages back, that Tories have gotten seats in Glasgow of all places.

They're usually always peaceful enough, and I think most Brits/Scots have just gotten used to them and at worst pity them more than care. Rangers/Celtic bullshit has the public at an all time high of apathy. It's continual to the point of people have just given up with it ever changing. One of Scotlands biggest problems, sectarianism, and probably a big reason why drinking laws up here are as strict as they are. Mix alcohol and sectarianism and it's an ugly mix. The main reason I hate Scottish football apart from it being shite, quality wise. The society is secular enough as well not to care too much about religious bigotry. So really, it's all compartmentalised into "just let those people do what they want if they aren't hurting me".

You'll find more anger for getting stuck in traffic these days than you'll find for an Orange Walk actually taking place. Dunno if that's a good thing or not, but as long as they remain peaceful I guess they have every right to walk around looking like idiots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The good thing we'll always have on our side is our Government has zero tolerance for any nonsense if we're talking getting violent. Strict gun and knife laws help too. For as much as Glasgow is the home of the Celtic/Rangers lunacy, the City itself is often voted highly in terms of it being friendly. It's my favourite City, Edinburgh is a bit too much "mini-London" for me. Dundee is cool too. Can't speak for Aberdeen.

In the fields of psychology, it is often proposed the "ideal" amount of money to be earning is enough to pay your bills and spend a little bit on yourself/family/home/etc (as well as a portion for savings). In regards to happiness. Often lots of wealth doesn't necessarily correlate to a mass of happiness, and for many, it brings in its own set of new "problems"


I did my uni dissertation on motivation and the effect money had on different groups.

I'm a Quantity Surveyor "to trade" so construction was a large part of the groups that I profiled.

Many of the people I spoke to were on around £35k a year and the question was put to them 2,3,4,5 k a year more or an extra fortnight off. Of the 20 Engineers, QS and Architect technicians I spoke to generally all said the extra time off up to the £5k . Whereas when I spoke to those on £22k ish then the cash was more important.

People will always vary their lifestyle to what they can afford and it doesn't take long to move your lifestyle to accommodate an extras £5k per annum and not feel you're better off.

Saying that to someone who's never had that feeling though is anathema understandably.


Interesting article over on the FT about some fears from senior Tories that the manifesto will shift away from free market policies towards more interventionist policies.

Senior Conservatives fear a significant ideological shift away from free markets in the party's new manifesto, which they say is being drafted in secret with little input from MPs.

One minister said ”many people are concerned" about the power over party policy concentrated in the hands of Nick Timothy, Theresa May's co-chief of staff, and Ben Gummer, a loyal but low-profile Cabinet Office minister.

Mrs May's promise of a cap on energy prices, originally promoted by former Labour leader Ed Miliband, is seen by some as a harbinger of a more interventionist government.

Mr Timothy is in charge of writing the manifesto and argued last year, before he joined Mrs May in Downing Street, that the Tories should adopt ”a relentless focus on governing in the interests of ordinary working people".

There's also tensions between promising specific solutions and policies, and adopting more of a 'trust me' stance, which would of course mean that the Lords couldn't be bypassed via the Salisbury Convention.


I did my uni dissertation on motivation and the effect money had on different groups.

I'm a Quantity Surveyor "to trade" so construction was a large part of the groups that I profiled.

Many of the people I spoke to were on around £35k a year and the question was put to them 2,3,4,5 k a year more or an extra fortnight off. Of the 20 Engineers, QS and Architect technicians I spoke to generally all said the extra time off up to the £5k . Whereas when I spoke to those on £22k ish then the cash was more important.

People will always vary their lifestyle to what they can afford and it doesn't take long to move your lifestyle to accommodate an extras £5k per annum and not feel your better off.

Saying that to someone who's never had that feeling though is anathema understandably.

Yeah, I would expect that. Many who can pay their bills and have some left over would be likely to start valuing something like "free time" more than "more money". At least to the point of a couple of k isn't "much", but when you start creeping the amount up the mind naturally starts to think that's a decent raise, what could I do with it?

The lower down you go the more likely you are to meet people in debt, with multiple cards/loans and the biggest stress for them is bills. So even 1~2k more instantly translates into help for credit card debt/to go their first holiday in 10 years/etc. Ironically, many of these people could probably do with "extra holidays", as it's well documented how "lower paid" high-stress jobs and overworking (overtime) has a horrendous effect on the body/mind/health.

There's a lot of generalising going on in my remarks, for sure, no one can say every rich person is x, and every poorer person is x. There's a multitude of personality traits, upbringing, background, current living conditions/lifestyle, family or not and everything else which influences decision making. No one can deny a number of cases of rich people in serious need of mental health care, and many who speak openly about how "money has destroyed their lives". No one can deny if you're floating just above minimum wage and struggling like hell an extra 5~10k would be a "lifesaver". "Bills" can easily be whatever the fuck they are as well, depending on your lifestyle choices, what car(s) you want, what TV/BB service you want, etc. Generally speaking would mean bills of the average levels of requirements to cover home, vehicles, insurance, food, some entertainment, appliances, etc. Necessity bills, rather than luxury bills.

A home is the big one, hence why without affordable housing so many end up renting these days. Which then isn't helped by landlords taking the absolute piss.


That's what I'd usually say as well - probably why I'm so disturbed by the routine display of Orange Marches, and those guys don't look particularly friendly to me.

Some of them might be, some of them won't be. There will be a mix. However, if you're a betting man you can probably safely assume if you're a Celtic fan, or probably an SNP voter (or even Labour now), you'll get some serious unprovoked vitriol thrown your way.

Most of my friends in my age group, even between the Celtic/Rangers fans, just throw some general banter at worst. If I need to go searching for some of the more nefarious shit, it's older extended family members, or friends of the family, who would spend 60~80% of their time posting some of the most mental articles you could find on their FB pages. Plus every other sentence being "fuck the 'insert other religion'" or going batshit at anyone who isn't fully on board with Brexit/the Union. By batshit I do mean seriously vitriolic, not just ordinary grievances of political differences. My mother's side is protestant, and my dad's side is Catholic, so that produces some of the fruitloops mentioned above.

It isn't just the older ages though, plenty of the youngsters get caught up in it being born into families and/or friend groups highly involved in sectarianism and hostility towards the other. N.Ireland is the bigger tragedy of what happens with sectarianism than Scotland, but we can be equally as bad.

Also throw in the disclaimer there will be plenty of Rangers/Celtic fans that rightfully treat it as a sport, not a religious battle.


Junior Member
For the avoidance of any doubt, the Y axis represents spending growth. As long as it's above 0 (and it is), then spending in growing in absolute terms. With inflation (especially in health care) this might mean it's going down in real terms, but when Cameron and co road to power under the promise of austerity they promised not to cut health spending and, by the books, they didn't.

Thank you for the explanation, appreciated.
Out campaigning in Enfield Southgate today. Saw a rack of Riso-printed posters by the Socialist Party (Militant / TUSC / Trots) endorsing Corbyn.

Then had a Momentum member come up to us in the pub afterward and ask why we didn't support a progressive alliance.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Just what the fuck is labour trying to do?
They keep pandering to brexiters and destorying the country and not gaining anything out of it. Is it possible to exclude them from the election?

Holy shit. Conservatives being voted in left and right. Just what the fuck is going on in the UK? People keep going on about Thatcher then go ahead and do the exact same thing 20 years later. Jesus. I never want to hear Thatcherism being used as a bad word again.


LibDems and tax rise for NHS

They want me to pay more than £383 extra a year purely for the NHS? They do realise that I could put that £32/month towards a private healthcare policy and get far better value for money. And not to forget that in our household it would also mean my wife paying around an extra £25 per month too. So we'd be drained of £57/month!

Obviously you've had a bit of a kicking for this, but one other point - my wife is an NHS nurse and has had a real terms pay cut for several years now due to the pay freeze, as have many in her profession (10s thousands? 100s?).

A lot of NHS consultants also have private practice and use their NHS clinics, secretaries, facilities and clinical staff to treat those patients, of course with fees payable back to the NHS.

But this still means that treatment on your £57/month health insurance policy would be competitively priced on the basis that staff, like my wife, are earning wages priced below inflation.
Just what the fuck is labour trying to do?
They keep pandering to brexiters and destorying the country and not gaining anything out of it. Is it possible to exclude them from the election?

Holy shit. Conservatives being voted in left and right. Just what the fuck is going on in the UK? People keep going on about Thatcher then go ahead and do the exact same thing 20 years later. Jesus. I never want to hear Thatcherism being used as a bad word again.

They don't even have to look like a good option, if they could just present themselves as being anything other than completely incompetent they could stop the Tories steamrolling everything but they can't even manage that. Come on, just try and pretend that you're just slightly rubbish, that's all. My area's been a Labour safe seat for as long as I can remember but fuck, I'll believe anything now.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
LibDems and tax rise for NHS

They want me to pay more than £383 extra a year purely for the NHS? They do realise that I could put that £32/month towards a private healthcare policy and get far better value for money. And not to forget that in our household it would also mean my wife paying around an extra £25 per month too. So we'd be drained of £57/month!

England expects that every man will do his duty.


They don't even have to look like a good option, if they could just present themselves as being anything other than completely incompetent they could stop the Tories steamrolling everything but they can't even manage that. Come on, just try and pretend that you're just slightly rubbish, that's all. My area's been a Labour safe seat for as long as I can remember but fuck, I'll believe anything now.

You'd better watch yourself ZB, you'll have a brick through your window saying stuff like that :)
Interesting article over on the FT about some fears from senior Tories that the manifesto will shift away from free market policies towards more interventionist policies.

There's also tensions between promising specific solutions and policies, and adopting more of a 'trust me' stance, which would of course mean that the Lords couldn't be bypassed via the Salisbury Convention.

Senior Conservatives fear a significant ideological shift away from free markets in the party’s new manifesto, which they say is being drafted in secret with little input from MPs.

This is interesting.

What would happen if May came out with a manifesto pledge to stay in the single market and keep the four freedoms? It won't happen, but it'd be fun to see what the reaction would be from some Tory quarters.
"That was a very bad idea when Ed Miliband announced it. But now they've announced the same thing, it's a really good idea.

And in the old days it was interfering in the market, but now it's... interfering in the market. But it's a very good idea because the Tories are doing it.

Do you see the difference? If Labour do it, it's very very bad.

If the Conservative Party do it, it's intervening in a good sense to provide a stable, strong... strong and stable... stable."

We're entering a really nasty period for our politics, I fear. The Tory media message is exceptionally strong and there's really nobody to challenge them.


This is interesting.

What would happen if May came out with a manifesto pledge to stay in the single market and keep the four freedoms? It won't happen, but it'd be fun to see what the reaction would be from some Tory quarters.
They'd bitch and moan but the right always gets in line eventually.


It's both admirable and disgusting.


This is interesting.

What would happen if May came out with a manifesto pledge to stay in the single market and keep the four freedoms? It won't happen, but it'd be fun to see what the reaction would be from some Tory quarters.

I thought the market reaction to the call for a general election was reasonably positive because they thought this was what is going to happen? Not necessarily in the manifesto, but a stronger majority could let May ignore the extremists.

"Give me a stronger hand in negotiations" can be read in multiple ways.


I thought the market reaction to the call for a general election was reasonably positive because they thought this was what is going to happen? Not necessarily in the manifesto, but a stronger majority could let May ignore the extremists.

"Give me a stronger hand in negotiations" can be read in multiple ways.

That's going to be limited to a transitional deal, there's no way she can retreat without causing mayhem on her side. The daily mail alone will want to crucify her and she's raised expectations with her rhetoric.


Obviously you've had a bit of a kicking for this, but one other point - my wife is an NHS nurse and has had a real terms pay cut for several years now due to the pay freeze, as have many in her profession (10s thousands? 100s?).

A lot of NHS consultants also have private practice and use their NHS clinics, secretaries, facilities and clinical staff to treat those patients, of course with fees payable back to the NHS.

But this still means that treatment on your £57/month health insurance policy would be competitively priced on the basis that staff, like my wife, are earning wages priced below inflation.

Also BUPA do not cover those with preexisting conditions

Am I covered for pre-existing conditions?

We won't cover you for any illnesses you're currently suffering from or have had before. These are known as pre-existing conditions.

A pre-existing condition is any disease, illness or injury for which in a period of time before your start date†:

You've received medication, advice or treatment; or
You've experienced symptoms

whether the condition was diagnosed or not.

†The time period is different depending on your choice of underwriting.


Fun to remember that when thinking of the US


i have a pre existing health condition. cant wait to get fucked over when the NHS is turned into America-lite in order to ensure a strong and stable government while delivering a brexit is brexit
All this means is if we lose tomorrow I'm blaming Corbyn personally.

Lot of people on the Liverpool FC subreddit were pissed about it but I don't really see the problem. Corbyn's a plonker but people can support who they want. Hell this might do more exposure than Labour have recently managed.


They won't get it inside the stadium. I'm sure it's been outside Anfield before and there was similar debate about it then. Think it was when he was re-elected leader.

Edit: even the photo used by the echo is the same one from back then in September. The club didn't let it in then.

It's nice to remember some of the Tories greatest hits for the working class.

And let us not forget, when the trots were bankrupting the city one of the few people to stand up for them, even when they were handing out redundancies in taxis, was Jeremy Corbyn.


They won't get it inside the stadium. I'm sure it's been outside Anfield before and there was similar debate about it then. Think it was when he was re-elected leader.

Edit: even the photo used by the echo is the same one from back then in September. The club didn't let it in then.

Not letting it in is for the best, I don't approve of mixing politics and football.

Why have they jailed Mark Hughes

He does manage Stoke, not that much difference.


And let us not forget, when the trots were bankrupting the city one of the few people to stand up for them, even when they were handing out redundancies in taxis, was Jeremy Corbyn.

I think I could understand worrying about Corbyn if he had the slightest chance of winning an election.


Didn't see it posted:

Liverpool fans to unveil huge Jeremy Corbyn banner at Anfield tomorrow


My take: it's Liverpool so it's not going to make any difference and I don't think it's a good idea to associate football and politics.

I love the picture of Corbyn with "hope" below it. Hope? What did he do to help stop Brexit? Nothing. What did he do to stop the most intrusive state surveillance and internet censorship legislation to pass in the Western world? Nothing! Hope? Don't make me laugh.


That's what I'd usually say as well - probably why I'm so disturbed by the routine display of Orange Marches, and those guys don't look particularly friendly to me.

The Orange marches are scum and its disgusting that what is a hate group in all but legal classification is allowed to continue like that.

I never want to hear Thatcherism being used as a bad word again.
Shockingly, its different people who complain about Thatcherism than vote for Tories.


I love the picture of Corbyn with "hope" below it. Hope? What did he do to help stop Brexit? Nothing. What did he do stop the most intrusive state surveillance and internet censorship legislation to pass in the Western world? Nothing! Hope? Don't make me laugh.

Hope that he will pack it all in and instead focus on making jam full time, maybe.


The Orange marches are scum and its disgusting that what is a hate group in all but legal classification is allowed to continue like that.

Shockingly, its different people who complain about Thatcherism than vote for Tories.

They're coming for us! (well me for sure, I'm a filthy independence supporter)


The LOL badges are the best. (Loyal Orange Lodge). I mean, LOL.


Lick ma baws you brightly coloured bigots.

Let's read the comments on Twitter, cause I expect they'll be civil...




SNP equals...


So yeah, England, Scotlands got some issues with nutters as well. I'm sure you knew, it's not just the Buckfast talking. That Twitter profile is a great example of a Scottish Tory. It's also an example of what most of us grumble about when we say "Unionist". Non-radicalised minds who want the UK to stay together, okay, those mixing religion with bigotry/sectarianism/hostility and lies whilst rattling on about the Union, not okay.

For something a bit lighter, and funny, I dunno if you've all seen this vid from JOE?

And let us not forget, when the trots were bankrupting the city one of the few people to stand up for them, even when they were handing out redundancies in taxis, was Jeremy Corbyn.

Five quid this banner is something TUSC has promoted, not Labour or affiliates. Militant has come out strongly for Corbyn.

Edit: Hunting through, the campaign seems to have come from a campaign called Blacklist - so maybe not Trots. Still a goofy banner.
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