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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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If they're still requiring to know the question in advance, it's still high-level scumminess. Allows for easy deflection of that question, then ensure that journalist doesn't get to ask questions again.

Guardian reports that Conservative HQ are pissed with Michael Crick's tweets - apparently they select journalists day-to-day i.e. on rotation so everyone gets a question eventually. If they hadn't been keeping May away from the public so far then this wouldn't be a story, so it's still their own fault for being over protective.

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Unconfirmed Member
Desperately sad piece on south Wales in the Guardian today from Aditya Chakrabortty. I've read my Robert Putnam (Bowling Alone, Our Kids), Charles Murray (Coming Apart), Jennifer Silva (Working Class Adulthood in An Age of Uncertainty), David Goodhart (The Road to Somewhere), Gary Younge etc. but I'm still moved by these stories. There's first the natural regret for what's been lost, followed by something angrier, more frustrated, at the hopeless ignorance of the elite and successful, and then a sad resignation - nothing's likely to change for the people in these places.

Those are all good reading selections for anyone interested in the Labour Party or even more broadly leftwing politics in general.


I've seen people making the argument about Liverpool that as a city they would do themselves a favour by voting Tory once in a while. The logic being that Liverpool always voting Labour means that Labour know they can ignore it and still win, and the Tories ignore it knowing any effort spent there is wasted. You could probably apply that logic to the really safe Labour seats in Wales too

I can broadly see his point tbf, although saying that Labour ignore Liverpool isn't fair

I live in Liverpool. There's a roughly 0% chance of the Tories being voted in anytime in the next generation due to the treatment of the city under Thatcher. It's a weird city in some ways, very working class, but also incredibly left wing leaning, which bucks the trend of the surrounding areas.

Us having a regional mayor is a step in the right direction though, it certainly helped Manchester in the last few years.


Those are all good reading selections for anyone interested in the Labour Party or even more broadly leftwing politics in general.

This gets into another subject away from the election but..some of these places really are doomed, through no fault of the people living there, just how industry has changed so much in the last 50 years.


This gets into another subject away from the election but..some of these places really are doomed, through no fault of the people living there, just how industry has changed so much in the last 50 years.

A few years ago a Tory MP got in trouble for saying some places needed bulldozing, I think he said Sunderland or something which was a little extreme.


I live in Liverpool. There's a roughly 0% chance of the Tories being voted in anytime in the next generation due to the treatment of the city under Thatcher. It's a weird city in some ways, very working class, but also incredibly left wing leaning, which bucks the trend of the surrounding areas.

Us having a regional mayor is a step in the right direction though, it certainly helped Manchester in the last few years.

Um, Manchester only got its Mayor last week as well?


I live in Liverpool. There's a roughly 0% chance of the Tories being voted in anytime in the next generation due to the treatment of the city under Thatcher. It's a weird city in some ways, very working class, but also incredibly left wing leaning, which bucks the trend of the surrounding areas.

Us having a regional mayor is a step in the right direction though, it certainly helped Manchester in the last few years.

Yeah, but this guys point is that by doing so, you basically do yourself a disservice. The Tories write you off and Labour don't try as hard to win your vote

I guess his overall point is that its better for an area to be a swing seat (or at least contain some)

I don't really agree with him, just thought it went well with the original point about Welsh voters
Far more sensible to suggest Lib Dems winning in Liverpool, as we ran the council for a long time, after all. That's still unlikely, and will be until 2022 at the earliest I'd say.


One aspect that people haven't really covered is how, ironically, the Tories are now seen as anti-establishment even though they are the absolute, de facto establishment. By painting the EU as the undemocratic, liberal elitist establishment, they get to be the plucky underdog that's got everyone's back.

In that respect you can understand why these Labour strongholds are now turning Conservative. The Welsh have been relying on Labour to fight for them for decades and got nowhere. But now here's Theresa May, promising to knock the stuffing out of the EU and deliver a fairer Britain for everyone. So why not back her?

The use of the EU as a scapegoat for everything wrong in this country has been spectacular and effective. Turkeys are voting for Christmas because Santa convinced them that they'd be even worse off at Easter.


A close ally of Len McCluskey has been selected to fight Liverpool Walton. It is the safest seat in the country. Amongst his opponents he will be fighting Liverpool Lib Dem Chair Kris Brown, a former Labour councillor for Edmonton who moved north and defected to the Lib Dems.

Unsure how much my old local party will be able to target the city seats with Southport so marginal. But personally I'd love to see a Corbynite lose the safest Labour seat in the country to a thoroughly decent chap like Kris Won't happen in a million years, but it'd be nice.

"In both the 2010 and 2015 general elections, Liverpool Walton also saw the highest share of the vote for a winning candidate in the country, and in the latter election, the 81.3% of the vote won by Rotheram was the highest of any candidate in an election in the UK since 1997."

The lib Dem candidate in 2015 got 2.3%. Your boy has been sent in to die.

Although if Fat Joe had gotten in as the Labour Candidate, I would have voted against him, for the Green Party, FWIW.


Yeah, but this guys point is that by doing so, you basically do yourself a disservice. The Tories write you off and Labour don't try as hard to win your vote

I guess his overall point is that its better for an area to be a swing seat (or at least contain some)

I don't really agree with him, just thought it went well with the original point about Welsh voters

Oh, I get his point, and there's merit to it. Just another reason FPTP is a goddamn awful way to run a country.


Yeah, but this guys point is that by doing so, you basically do yourself a disservice. The Tories write you off and Labour don't try as hard to win your vote

I guess his overall point is that its better for an area to be a swing seat (or at least contain some)

I don't really agree with him, just thought it went well with the original point about Welsh voters

I'm not saying I believe it myself btw, hence the warning label about being provocative. I'm trying to imagine a reason for people voting in this way and some logics behind it. That was the one I came up with first.


Oh, I get his point, and there's merit to it. Just another reason FPTP is a goddamn awful way to run a country.

Yep, definitely agree with that, its shit

I'm not saying I believe it myself btw, hence the warning label about being provocative. I'm trying to imagine a reason for people voting in this way and some logics behind it. That was the one I came up with first.

Sorry, wasn't clear there, the "him" there referred to the guy i spoke to, not you.

But this guy is left leaning, and usually votes Labour, so I just thought it was a good comparison to go with your scenario - although it is completely anecdotal, and was for the 2015 election. He's fully abandoned that logic with the Tories going for full hard Brexit


Um, Manchester only got its Mayor last week as well?

Tony Lloyd has been the interim Mayor for GM for a year or two (he's also just been greased by being selected for Simon Danczuk's seat in Rochdale). I'm not sure how the Liverpool Mayor is set up or what powers they have, but the GM Mayor has more power than any other city region in the country (including London in some respects). The local authorities in GM have a history of close cooperation which already puts them "ahead" of Liverpool and the other more disparate city regions which don't have the same level of cooperation and integration which GM has.


Unconfirmed Member
I see the BBC have already turned Corbyn's answer to what he would do about a bad deal into "Corbyn won't confirm he'll leave the EU" on the news channel.

Good job, Laura. May must be proud of you.


Chili Con Carnage!
Jeremy would be doing a lot better if he got onto May's press routine and just said "FOR THE MANY NOT THE FEW" over and over again to every question no matter the subject. He's so bad at redirecting questions he knows he shouldn't answer, gets caught out every single time.
Yeah, Corbyn really could have answered the question better - but I don't think he was implying we'd stay.

Meanwhile, Labour have banned Buzzfeed from events after yesterday's scoop. It's a bit of a spat over whether he said he'd stay, so obviously they posted the audio: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahalot...ampaign-events?utm_term=.mpV6BKkx2#.xjnvBb1oj

It seems to be Corbyn's MO to give an answer and then if pressed on it or the question is rephrased he says he's answered it and gets annoyed. Not a great way to deal with the press.
I like these videos. Obviously John Harris has a left-wing stance, but they're good to watch as sorta snapshots of feeling. The Tory councillor guy was interesting, in how he basically said nothing to Harris about what he'd do, but evidently his message worked.


The old boy who wants the cuts reversed but is voting Tory :/ :/ :/ :/

You don't vote for the person you think will win ffs, THAT'S NOT HOW THIS IS SUPPOSED TO WORK

Immediately followed by the hi-vis safety vest asking for a lift :(

EDIT: The bit with the Labour candidate's dad after the results were announced is legitimately heartbreaking.

Labour attacking May on not ruling out NI tax rises? Is this opposite world? Thought the Conservatives were the low tax bootstrap party :p

Specifically NI tax rises for people on low to middle incomes. Not NI tax rises in general.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said: ”There is already a £2bn black hole in the Budget from when the Tories tried to sneak through a hike in NICs only a month ago.

”It is becoming clear they are looking to try to go ahead with this tax hike if they're re-elected next month."

He added: ”The Tories still won't rule out further tax rises on those with low and middle incomes and are a threat to working people.

”Labour's personal tax guarantee rules out rises in National Insurance Contributions, VAT and income taxes for the 95 per cent. Labour is now the party of low taxes for the many and not the few."


Just read that May is open to there ring a vote to repeal fox hunting.


Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

I guess the rich have got to get their rocks off somehow. Fucking the poor and disabled and lamenting the days when Britain wasn't filled with Johnny foreigner can only take you so far.
The lib Dem candidate in 2015 got 2.3%. Your boy has been sent in to die.

Although if Fat Joe had gotten in as the Labour Candidate, I would have voted against him, for the Green Party, FWIW.

Our boy was until about three hours ago the only candidate!

Predictably, Walton Labour has imploded over this and will obviously be able to show unity behind a parachuted in Corbynite.

The goal there will be to hold the deposit, I'd wager. It'd be hilarious if we won, but as I said, it won't happen in a million years.


Another episode of the Guardian's Anywhere but Westminster is here. A quick scoot through Lancashire either side of the local elections last week. Depressing AF to be honest, but again, I think hearing people's unvarnished opinions is really valuable.

Another great, but depressing video. John Harris is one of the best journalists at the Guardian someone who actually leaves the Westminster bubble and goes to see the utter depressing state of the UK.

Interesting about that video is how these cuts have now started to bite people who do have a bit more money, but also actually used the local services and were appreciative of them.

Seeing your library close or no longer having bus services, which in places like that are vital especially for older people to get around.

More cuts incoming. But remember we must remain Strong and stable.


Fox hunting.

What's the actual point? Is it a fancy way to control the population via culling? Aristocratic pastime?

The second one. A legion of uniformed toffs smearing themselves in the blood of one fox after using a team of dogs to catch it is hardly the most efficient method.
Labour has expelled three senior members in Surrey for trying to unseat the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, by forming a progressive alliance with local Greens and Liberal Democrats to unite behind an NHS doctor standing against him.

Uhh didn't Labour do this in 1997 with Martin Bell by joining with the Libs in not running a candidate in Neil Hamilton's seat?

edit: also guardian roundup is filled with more corbyn lolz

Labour has confirmed that the UK will leave the EU if it wins the election, after Corbyn repeatedly refused to give that assurance in a BBC interview. (See 3.44pm.)

Corbyn has disowned a claim he made in an interview yesterday that he intended to stay on as Labour leader even if he lost the election. (See 4.21pm.)

Joe Anderson, the mayor of Liverpool, has effectively accused the party of cronyism after the party blocked him from being the Labour candidate for a safe Labour seat in the city and selected a far less prominent and less local assistant to the Unite general secretary, Len McCluskey, instead. (See 4.39pm.)

Well jeez Corbyn you really are fiending to destroy Labour aren't ya?


Uhh didn't Labour do this in 1997 with Martin Bell by joining with the Libs in not running a candidate in Neil Hamilton's seat?

Difference between fielding a candidate and not supporting your parties candidate.

It is fairly standard fair for all parties BTW, there's nothing odd about labour expelling someone for doing this. It's stupid that they remain committed to the idea of fielding a candidate in every seat in this way, but the Tories would kick you out for doing the same as well.


Corbyn retreating on staying on is good news.
I'm sure that weird seamus character won't like it though.


The second one. A legion of uniformed toffs smearing themselves in the blood of one fox after using a team of dogs to catch it is hardly the most efficient method.
I can't believe this is probably the most high-profile domestic, non-Brexit issue the Conservatives have been willing to take a stand on. I really can't.
Let us hope this fucks her over good and royal. Fox hunting is massively unpopular in this country.

You'd think economic collapse would be too but hey, here we are. I bet this does fuck all to harm her and more likely the media manages to find a way to get the public to back her on it instead.


May and husband on the One Show.

He takes the bins out and does the boys jobs, how common. Equal opportunities!
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