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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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Not sure what you mean by this - when we say we'd raise income tax by a penny to put entirely on the NHS, you this is something the Tories would also do - or do you mean basic free market capitalism principles?

Also yeah, free market capitalism as an ideal is a Tory ideal.

The more I think about it, the more I realise the Libs are like the US Libertarians, guess the clue should be in the name.
Lib Dems ran last time on a pro-austerity campaign and budget deficit reduction, which if not identical in practice, bore great similarity to the Tory plans.

Vince Cable is one of the most right wing members of their party.

Won't disagree with you there - our 2015 campaign was pretty weak.

Cable just being labeled "on the right" is unfair, though. He's one of the best voices on the economy in the country - and we need a trusted pro-EU voice in Westminister.

If he's re-elected he'll be replacing a Tory, too.

Also yeah, free market capitalism as an ideal is a Tory ideal.

The more I think about it, the more I realise the Libs are like the US Libertarians, guess the clue should be in the name.

No, there's a dedicated Libertarian Party in the UK and the old Liberals, both of whom would be better descriptions of that.

Free market capitalism is NOT a Tory ideal. Free market capitalism is what we have in the EU. The Tories want a deregulated, low-tax Singapore-style economy. And as we've seen today on energy price caps, they're not even much fans of keeping internal free markets fair, either.


You've been talking a fair bit of bollocks in here but that's up there with the worst of it.

On the economy, you dingbat. I'm aware of his relatively good opinions on bankers bonuses and the like but:

As business secretary Cable oversaw the privatisation of the Royal Mail in 2013.

"it is entirely wrong for the government to assume the economy should be stimulated by yet more public spending rather than tax cuts"
-Vince Cable

Straight up Libertarian there.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
As mentioned already he was maligned by the mainstream media (yeah the MSM! ;) and he never stood a chance since then. From the moment he stood for party leader the media mercilessly mocked his style of left politics. When he got closer to winning that contest it was literally day after day non stop humiliation, yet he still won the leadership contest. Ever since it's been a never ending drip feed of anti Corbyn, anti left bashing in the papers especially but Keunsberg and co on the tv too. Politics of the left, the non Blairite kind of actual leftist policies are deemed not worthy, silly, not viable. When people are told that day in day out then it's no surprise Labour have slid and slid as the electorate believe they're a joke. Self fulfilling prophecy, no matter what you think of Corbyn and how he's conducted things.. even if he'd been absolutely on point and not made one error Labour would still be sliding. Moderates who would actually agree with his vision of Labour now feel like the party is unelectable and too compromised to vote for. Why? Mainstream media (yeah that is a catch all term but pretty much the media most people see on a day to day basis, the vast majority of which is trending very much rightward).

I don't think it is so easily blamed on the mainstream media as all that.

Corbyn gets under 20% of the vote even among a group of intelligent professionals who are reasonably well-informed and immune to media bias.

That's the Parliamentary Labour party of course.


Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+10)
LAB: 30% (-)
LDEM: 7% (-1)
UKIP: 5% (-9)
GRN: 3% (-1)

Bracketed figures are changes from the 2015 election.

In case there was any doubt as to where the huge Tory majority was coming from.
A OK with selling off government assets, opposing tax cuts for the wealthy, while being FOR individual rights, decriminalization of drugs, gay rights.

Which of the two am I talking about?

We don't oppose tax cuts for the wealthy, I would like to say!

On selling off the Royal Mail - I think that's probably the most stereotypically right wing thing we did in coalition, but again, not really something the party aspires to.

We are indeed for lots of rights, gay sex and lots of drugs.

The lib dems are an economically and socially liberal party. There is a VERY important difference between a social liberal and a libertarian on rights - the latter deems it is OK for society to commit tyranny on those within it.
I don't think it is so easily blamed on the mainstream media as all that.

Corbyn gets under 20% of the vote even among a group of intelligent professionals who are reasonably well-informed and immune to media bias.

That's the Parliamentary Labour party of course.

No, they're against him because they're massive slugs who are against his politics

For example: Tristram Hunt, the man who crossed a picket line to give a lecture on Marx (which I will never not find hilariously stupid)


We don't oppose tax cuts for the wealthy, I would like to say!

On selling off the Royal Mail - I think that's probably the most stereotypically right wing thing we did in coalition, but again, not really something the party aspires to.

We are indeed for lots of rights, gay sex and lots of drugs.

"it is entirely wrong for the government to assume the economy should be stimulated by yet more public spending rather than tax cuts"
-Vince Cable


see also: All of this manifesto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Orange_Book:_Reclaiming_Liberalism


On the economy, you dingbat. I'm aware of his relatively good opinions on bankers bonuses and the like but:

As business secretary Cable oversaw the privatisation of the Royal Mail in 2013.

"it is entirely wrong for the government to assume the economy should be stimulated by yet more public spending rather than tax cuts"
-Vince Cable

Straight up Libertarian there.

Um that's not libertarian. Libertarians would argue the government has no role in stimulating the economy either way (whilst wanting no taxes at all).

Also, I'd argue there's a huge broad swathe of political opinion that thinks we should cut taxes more beyond the far right and libertarians.


Lib Dems ran last time on a pro-austerity campaign and budget deficit reduction, which if not identical in practice, bore great similarity to the Tory plans.

Vince Cable is one of the most right wing members of their party.

So did Labour. The SNP were the only party actively arguing against austerity. Plus Labour were arguing for strong budget cuts in 2010 as well.


So did Labour. The SNP were the only party actively arguing against austerity. Plus Labour were arguing for strong budget cuts in 2010 as well.

Oh, Labour absolutely did, and I was really close to spoiling my ballot over that complete clusterfuck of a campaign. Certainly wasn't alone, it's off the back of that that Corbyn got voted in as leader.

I've said it before, but I'm not a diehard Labour supporter, I'll vote with who has the policies and willingness to do what's right and necessary for this shambles of a country.
"it is entirely wrong for the government to assume the economy should be stimulated by yet more public spending rather than tax cuts"
-Vince Cable


The source of your quote: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7696733.stm

While accepting that it may be "necessary" to borrow more in an economic downturn, the Lib Dems have said the government must demonstrate it has a plan to rebalance the public finances once the economy starts growing again.

The party's treasury spokesman Vince Cable said Labour's fiscal rules had already "lost much of their credibility" and Mr Darling must now admit they have been broken.

"During a recession it is inevitable that the budget deficit will increase," he said.

"However, it is entirely wrong for the government to assume that the economy should be stimulated by yet more public spending rather than tax cuts, particularly for the low paid."

That's not terribly extreme a position, honestly. Tax cuts do, indeed, boost the economy when used well. The Tories take that to somewhat corrupt extremes, but it's one tool in a bag of them.

I'm not arguing that Cable is a leftist, but I will at least provide context.

In government, we of course got tax cuts for low-paid people through.


The source of your quote: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7696733.stm

That's not terribly extreme a position, honestly. Tax cuts do, indeed, boost the economy when used well. The Tories take that to somewhat corrupt extremes, but it's one tool in a bag of them.

I'm not arguing that Cable is a leftist, but I will at least provide context.

For the few, not the many, unless you're going to argue about 'trickle down economics'.


Half the LibDem MPs at the time rejected the rate increase btw.
Nevertheless, they were part of a coalition government which increased tuition fees. It's not about individual MPs, is about the party itself u-turning on the matter, which was a key issue for student voters. Its understandable why it happened politically, but it means that it should've never been a strong promise to begin with - if it was never going to be a "red line" in coalition agreements. What's disappointing is that only the Lib Dems have really been punished politically for such u-turns, it'd lead to better accountability if it was a trend across the political spectrum.
She would make a great little dictator.

👏Ma👏naged 👏De👏mo👏cra👏cy

How many of them are on 0 hour contracts?

I decided to find the figure for people raised out of income tax via a Lib Dem policy and found:

...by April 2014, 2.7 million
low income individuals will have been lifted out of income tax altogether since
2010, and 25.4 million individuals will have benefited from the increases in the
income tax-free threshold...

Zero-hour contracts are a different matter not to do with tax, as you know, and they're pretty nasty things. I hope to see policy tackling them in our manifesto.


Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+10)
LAB: 30% (-)
LDEM: 7% (-1)
UKIP: 5% (-9)
GRN: 3% (-1)

Bracketed figures are changes from the 2015 election.

In case there was any doubt as to where the huge Tory majority was coming from.

Don't "sensible" Tory voters start to get a bit worried when they realise their parties policies are very attractive to former UKIP supporters?


Don't "sensible" Tory voters start to get a bit worried when they realise their parties policies are very attractive to former UKIP supporters?

No because it means your team wins more, and that's all that matters. Plus even Tory remainets were soft remainers and are okay with leaving now the vote has happened.


Don't "sensible" Tory voters start to get a bit worried when they realise their parties policies are very attractive to former UKIP supporters?

Well, that was how Brexit came about, the 'moderate' pro-Europe side of the Tories thinking they were throwing a easy referendum* to appease the harder right, nationalist wing of the party that was losing voters to UKIP.

Fucking whoops.

*probably emboldened that they so easily won the AV referendum a few years before. Also, yes, Labour were to blame there too.


👏Ma👏naged 👏De👏mo👏cra👏cy.

This election is going to play havoc with her control-freak authoritarian personality.

100+ seat majority, all opposition crushed and obedient journalists doing as told, it's going to end badly like Blair and Thatcher.


This election is going to play havoc with her control-freak authoritarian personality.

100+ seat majority, all opposition crushed and obedient journalists doing as told, it's going to end badly like Blair and Thatcher.

Fuck, we're going to war with someone.


On selling off the Royal Mail - I think that's probably the most stereotypically right wing thing we did in coalition, but again, not really something the party aspires to.

Instead of selling Royal Mail shares to the public, they sold them to huge financial institutions, including those involved in valuing the shares. Big surprise, turns out the shares were massively undervalued but it was ok because Cable had a "gentleman's agreement" that the banks who bought them wouldn't liquidate those shares for instant profit. But they did. And Cable made excuse after excuse for the whole debacle.

It was pure sleaze.


If you can come up with something else I'd be all ears, I've been working in a political environment for a long time now and it's the one constant. Nothing seems to work, and eventually you just reach the point where when one single group doesn't participate, despite how much is on the line and how much it affects them, that you have to write them off if you are a political party looking for votes.

Even Obama only saw a minor increase in the youth vote in 2008, and he was the most inspirational, young candidate of our lifetimes running against a wildly unpopular party that had dragged the country into war on a very young person orientated platform. Yet the youth vote only went up from 17% to 18%.

When a candidate running on a campaign tailored to young people, who is themselves far younger and different to every other politician, still doesn't see a big change in young voters - what will?

I wasn't sticking my neck out far enough to offer any actual solutions to the problem ;), just that the diagnosis that youth are just too lazy to vote is wrong

It might be apathy for politics, it might also be disenfranchisement

To use another example, youth turnout was more or less consistent with 25-to-39-year-olds and those aged between 40 and 54 in the Brexit referendum, so they can be engaged just as much as other groups, even if it is harder than it is for pensioners

The symptoms can be variations of laziness/apathy, but the cure is very rarely to approach with scolding/belittling and simply calling lazy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is the point you're making, with which I agree.

Basically yeah.

I think we all (including Maledict too) basically agree about the problem, just maybe differ at how we look at it is all
Ok this Trump comparison is a little more concerning than the Corbyn one. Wonder what happens if they ask a different question to the one they pre-supplied?

(Hyperlinked text is quite hard to read btw)

Tory aides are keeping hold of the mic so they can pull away if they start doing something other than agreed


There was another tweet but I can't find it now




Bloody hell. This is not a part of the UK I want to belong to. Corbyn isn't even this incompetent/sinister, but no worries, public perception and the press will make it seem like May is stable and strong and it's old Jez whos 10x worse than her.

At this point you could roll out Farage as the new Tory leader and the British public would get in line.

edit: Apparently old Corbs "did it right"

I've lost a ton of respect for this country over the past year or so. What have we become, a (much less bad) version of Erdogan's Turkey without the religion but with the nationalism and authoritarianism?
Yep. Tory voters are locked in right now. That should give people pause - unless something weird happens, the polling numbers aren't going to shift much,

'My team, right or wrong' is likely what's going on here. Tory remain voters never truly cared much about remaining anyway even if they do still feel leaving is a mistake.
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