gutter_trash said:
that is the classic play-book attack used against a 3rd party that is threatening the two top parties
Yup. What makes me laugh is that they're both stupid enough to use it.
Did they not have the foresight to think that perhaps, just maybe, the other party would use it too? Or did they then both think that the other party would have that very same thought, and as such, they'd be able to land the whole "A vote for LibDem is a vote for x" exclusively?
It's baffling. The fact that, probably, teams of hundreds of interns and spinners on both parties have been ploughing through the LibDem manifesto since Thursday (or earlier) and these smears are the best they can come up with speaks volumes.
Tory blogger
Iain Dale traditionally calls LibDem policies "idiotic" without elaborating, and he's got away with it so far because he looks down on them with a certain air of superiority because they're the third party. Despite the poll surge, I've seen nothing but weasel words from him and the two parties.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. -Ghandi
I'm not getting any grand delusions that the Lib Dems will win, yet, but it seems appropriate, somehow.