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Weather has been absolute wank.
Is he standing for the Labour leadership too?
Weather has been absolute wank.
Is he standing for the Labour leadership too?
Ooh, hiding that shit away ain't it? I scrolled back to Gödel's post on the last page to click but he's removed it the sneak.There's a tonne of stuff in his news section: http://www.jeremyforlabour.com/news ; including his economic proposals here: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.n...nomyIn2020_JeremyCorbyn-220715.pdf?1437556345
They are actually going to do it aren't they, the crazy bastards are actually going to vote for Corbyn.
Hardly surprising now is it? The other three candidates are vacuous non-entities who only offer the idea that Labour need to be the Tories but with a pretty face. At least Corbyn stands for something else, something different to what's already available.
As phisheep correctly points out, if people want a Tory government, they'll vote Tory. So an alternative is what should be offered.
I think that the Nasty Party vibe is still very much around and some people still think they're all swan eating child rapists, yet they still won the election because people found Ed's offer so unappealing that they'd rather hold their nose and vote Blue than elect Labour. As such, I think the idea - as Phisheep also said - of a "Tory party with a heart" might actually be a very popular option. And whilst it's not all about being popular, ya gotta win it to get your policies made law, right? They ain't gonna stop the "wholesale privatisation of the NHS" or whatever guff they've made up today by complaining about it at PMQs. Of course, it could be that there's a huge tranche of voters that would have voted Ed were he a) more appealing personally and b) more left wing, but the evidence doesn't bear that out imo, so Labour's options are basically Tory lite or ruin, imo.
Can I just ask, how exactly was Ed so left wing? Was it the controls on immigration? Or his agreement that social security needed reforming? The mansion tax and getting rid of the bedroom tax promises hardly matter when your argument is still centred around promising to fuck over the poor.
It was nasty but competent vs. not as bad (note: not nice) but a bit useless and untrustworthy. Polling for many of Labour's flagship policies were overwhelmingly popular, they just could not be trusted (legacy of Blair/Brown + failures over previous parliament).
Talk of Labour's ruin is overdramatic. We all know 2020 is unlikely to be a victory, it is better to restore principal and trust even if it is at the expense of short term success. People respect principal and they like characters. Corbyn is a better shout because he has both. Yes he may not be in the political zeitgeist (ugh) but people fucking hate career politicians more than someone they slightly disagree with. I would vote for Dan Jarvis without question, but frankly they other candidates offer nothing of value. Fuck them.
The more I think about it, the less I am convinced that New Labour's success was Blair. He was made to look strong and powerful because he won. Just the same way Cameron went from weak end inept to the opposite because he won. Blair was not why Labour won. Everything was in their favour. However one of the best things they did was have a very strong party political machine. They had strong messaging and solid organisation. Blair was a good mouthpiece for that, but was only a part of it. All that has disintegrated.
ED wasn't very left wing outside of certain rent control ideas and energy price freezes (although immigration control has a long legacy in Labour). It was largely fabricated by the media.
Labour are also very bad at getting their vote out.
Honestly, if they had any strategic common sense the Labour party's platform at this point would be built entirely around electoral reform.
That's good as an electoral thrust (ironically), but for the next 4.5 years the Tories are going to be tabling bills that cut welfare, change this, alter that etc and Labour need to know where they stand. Electoral reform, whatever else its virtues, don't answer any of those questions. I'm slightly sympahetic towards Cooper and Burnham right now in the sense that they're stuck between a rock and a hard place by virtue of their being in cabinet - they need to act with the cabinet collective responsibility and vote with whatever their supply teacher says, which makes it pretty hard for them to actually chart a direction. We don't really know where they stand on a lot of things, just where Harman stands.
The communication workers union has declared war:
What the fuck.
The communication workers union has declared war:
What the fuck.
Cameron announcing huge internet censorship plan this morning. Press barely notice.
Cameron announcing huge internet censorship plan this morning. Press barely notice.
The communication workers union has declared war:
What the fuck.
What's wrong with what they said? The virus stuff is just shit rhetoric.
I can't see this anywhere.
This gives me a dilemma if I decide to run for public office. Do I, as no doubt you would, dear naive leftie, proclaim these beliefs loudly in the certain knowledge I am right and the public is wrong? Or do I concentrate on other issues, such as economic prosperity? Do I perhaps even have enough respect for the electorate to concede that, in a democracy, I have no mandate for my republican views? For the Corbynite left, this shows a flinching coward and a sneering traitor. For anyone with a less adolescent view of the world this is no hypocrisy or betrayal. Its politics in a democracy. Heres the rub, simple-minded leftie, in words of one syllable: grow up.
I apologise to readers of an intelligent disposition for the next sentence. If Labour is not in power, the Conservatives are. The Labour party was formed to send the representatives of working men to parliament and form a government. Mr Corbyn is a loser who will help to ensure the original purpose of the Labour party is frustrated. Making this case, which ought to be obvious, is not helped by writers who waste their fluency on a pitiful attempt to cast Mr Corbyn as the heir of anti-politics. No, clever-clogs commentator, Mr Corbyn is not the messiah. Hes just a very naughty boy. The tip-off for this sort of rubbish is the use of the meaningless term neo-liberal. Anyone who dares compromise with reality is, for the mock intellectuals of the left, a neo-liberal. Whatever it means, Id rather be neo-liberal than Neolithic.
Is there some sort of law that if you're called Phil Collins you have to be a twat?
60 minutes in Australia has done a piece on the Westminster Paedophile scandal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDVbAD5QCrk
So I watched this Channel 4 video about Corbyn, I quite like him as a leader and I think he'll offer a new and different take on the big political issues.
I don't really want to nationalise the Royal Mail since that's against EU regulations but otherwise I think he's great (abolishing tuition fees would be something I strongly believe in!).
Just found out he wants to abolish the monarchy as well! For the republic!
..and this is why Labour will spend the next 10yrs in opposition, eventually realising they need to move back to the centre and putting another TB like figure in charge...you lefties, stuck in your little echo chamber of student schoolboy politics never learn.
..and this is why Labour will spend the next 10yrs in opposition, eventually realising they need to move back to the centre and putting another TB like figure in charge...you lefties, stuck in your little echo chamber of student schoolboy politics never learn.
Define the centre ground please.
Define the centre ground please.
It's the place from which Labour can only ever win an election in a middle class dominated electorate in 21st century Britain.
Putting a twat like Corbyn in charge is a betrayal of those that need the most help because you'll be able to do fuck all for them from the opposition benches.
"Those that need the most help" are already completely fucked under Tory leadership, ta.
I think we'd rather support a losing side than bend over and accept the constant reaming.
It does beg the question if Corbyn being elected leader would unify the party or split it more from those who want to pull it to the centre to attract those fence sitters. Because I for one can't see those same voters wanting to elect someone who will be 70 by the time 2020 rolls around..
It's the place from which Labour can only ever win an election in a middle class dominated electorate in 21st century Britain.
I think we'd rather support a losing side than bend over and accept the constant reaming.
Like I said, schoolboy politics...
Looks like Corbyn might be pulling an empty_vessel.![]()