So, firstly, let's get my immediate reaction out of the way: odious little toad, it's not Labour who have the hugely tenuous majority, etc
Secondly, let's open it up to the floor: if you are Corbyn, how do you play this? Do you enforce the three-line whip, or do you risk allowing your MPs a little bit more freedom? It seems like too much of a gamble after the PLP fiasco, but something has to be said for peer pressure - would you want to risk being the *only* Labour MP to rebel?
Chancellor George Osborne is urging "moderate" Labour MPs to rebel against their leadership and support his fiscal charter in a vote later.
His appeal follows a fallout within Labour after shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the party would no longer support the proposal.
The charter would force future governments to run a budget surplus.
Mr McDonnell said he would propose his own charter, but Mr Osborne said Labour MPs should vote with the government.
At the very least, Labour MPs should abstain in the vote, the chancellor added.
So, firstly, let's get my immediate reaction out of the way: odious little toad, it's not Labour who have the hugely tenuous majority, etc
Secondly, let's open it up to the floor: if you are Corbyn, how do you play this? Do you enforce the three-line whip, or do you risk allowing your MPs a little bit more freedom? It seems like too much of a gamble after the PLP fiasco, but something has to be said for peer pressure - would you want to risk being the *only* Labour MP to rebel?