Mr. Luchador
David Cameron is the best at talking for a long time and not actually talking about, committing to, or answering the question or topic at hand. It's quite the skill.
I would consider supporting air strikes if the people proposing them could even give a half realistic answer about what they want the political situation in Syria to be like in 5-10 years.
And after Corbyn took the high ground in not calling Cameron a pig fucker...Labels the leader of the Opposition a terrorist sympathiser?
I know all I need to know about Cameron with that.
I would consider supporting air strikes if the people proposing them could even give a half realistic answer about what they want the political situation in Syria to be like in 5-10 years.
So far the plan seems to be
1. Bomb Syria
2. Imaginary army of 70,000 moderate fighters appears to simultaneously wipe out ISIS and Assad
3. ???
4. Profit
Edit: Cameron being asked to withdraw/apologise for calling oponents of his war terrorist sympathisers 12 times. Shaking with rage Salmond is best Salmond.
That is why I believe that we should now take the decision to extend British
airstrikes against ISIL into Syria, as an integral part of our comprehensive
strategy to degrade ISIL and reduce the threat it poses to us.
At the same time, we must close down the ungoverned space in Syria that ISIL
is exploiting, by working round the clock to bring about a political resolution to
the war there.
That means putting Britain’s full diplomatic weight, as a full member of an
international coalition, behind the new political talks – the Vienna process. It
means working through these talks to secure a transition to an inclusive
Government in Syria that responds to the needs of all the Syrian people and
with which the international community could co-operate fully to help restore
peace and stability to the whole country. It means continuing to support the
moderate opposition in Syria, so that there is a credible alternative to ISIL and
Assad. It means using our aid budget to alleviate the immediate humanitarian
suffering. It means insisting, with other countries, on the preparation of a
proper stabilisation and reconstruction effort in Syria once the conflict has
been brought to an end. And it means continuing, and stepping up, our effort
here at home to counter radicalisation.
We must pursue all these tracks in parallel. As the threat from ISIL to our
national security grows, we must take action - recognising that no course of
action is without risk, but that inaction – not dealing with ISIL at source – also
carries grave risk.
We have a comprehensive overall strategy in place to tackle the ISIL threat
globally. This document sets out how extending our military contribution to
Coalition operations in Syria would contribute both to our aim of reducing the
ISIL threat to the UK and to delivering our objectives in Syria.
This Government’s strategy for Syria therefore reflects our need
simultaneously to:
- Protect the UK here at home by maintaining robust counter-terrorism
- generate negotiations on a political settlement, while supporting and
preserving the moderate opposition;
- help deliver, through this process, a government in Syria that can
credibly represent all of the Syrian people;
- degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL, including through Coalition military
and wider action;
- continue our leading role in humanitarian support and forestall further
migratory flows towards Europe;
- support stabilisation already underway in Iraq and plan for post-conflict
reconstruction in Syria; and
- work in close partnership with our allies across the Middle East, to
mitigate the impact of ISIL and other violent extremist groups on the
stability of the region.
All these elements are linked - and all are important.
'cept it kind of is, because bombing them necessarily changes the negotiating grounds for talks, making them harder to achieve.
Maybe, but it has benefits too.
Maybe, but it has benefits too.
Yes, but they're not worth the costs. The faster you can achieve negotiated settlement between Assad and the majority of the opposition, the faster ISIS will be dealt with. Delaying negotiations just to kill ISIS troops is just stupid in that context; it's missing the forest for the trees.
Benefits to who?
Does anyone know what position did Burnham took tonight? I missed it. Thanks.
Voted no.
Edit: Uhhh he is a terrorist sympathiser, guys. You don't have to think there's a problem with that, but that doesn't change what it means. If you actually don't think he is one, please tell me what he'd need to do or say to be a terrorist sympathiser (where we all acknowledge that "sympathiser" and "supporter" are different things. This is also true for Livingstone and McDonnell btw.
Killing some IS brothers isn't the only other benefit; There's virtue to "keeping them on their toes" and attempting to ensure they don't have a safe haven where they can act with impunity.
Can you give me your thought process to explain why Britain conducting air strikes will halt or slow down any negotiation between Assad and the opposition powers in Syria?
For: 397
Against: 223
Majority: 174
Looks to be more than 60 Labour MPs voting for action.
Yep, just confirmed.
Seems like one of them was the chief whip, surprisingly enough.
So is Corbyn lasting to the election?
So is Corbyn lasting to the election?
So is Corbyn lasting to the election?
I don't know. I do know that Hilary Benn sounded like the real leader in that Party...
So is Corbyn lasting to the election?
Then Labour is permanently diminished and fractured. If Labour gets rid of Corbyn, they are not leftist enough for a huge portion of their party. They already proved that with Blair, but Corbyn is the way they can turn the tide, and it's clearly what members of their party, as in, the public, actually want. If he's too leftist for them, they will clearly be considered too conservative for many.
The man that holds the dagger rarely holds the crown.
Its a very difficult thing to unite all sides of Labour. Blair was successful because he was charismatic and able to juggle both sides. Whose next no idea? Whose got the best chance of winning the election for Labour? Maybe Dan Jarvis.
The only way the party doesn't split is if one of the two groups is purged.
I think I read it was 11 Tories that voted against.
Well it's done now. History will tell if this was the right decision. Chilcot part II due 2027
Well the Labour party membership aren't representative of the wider public, since Corbyn became leader the Conservatives have consistently led in the polls and his own personal rating have declined. Hardly the signs of a revival in left-wing politics. The Labour party will have to be more pragmatics or they face a decade on the sideline of politics unable to influence any real change. At least Tony Blair managed to get Labour 13 years of power to oversee a massive redistribution of wealth, I prefer that sort of politics to this 'kinder, gentler' nonsense.Then Labour is permanently diminished and fractured. If Labour gets rid of Corbyn, they are not leftist enough for a huge portion of their party. They already proved that with Blair, but Corbyn is the way they can turn the tide, and it's clearly what members of their party, as in, the public, actually want. If he's too leftist for them, they will clearly be considered too conservative for many.
Well the Labour party membership aren't representative of the wider public, since Corbyn became leader the Conservatives have consistently led in the polls and his own personal rating have declined. The Labour party will have to be more pragmatics unless they want to face a decade on the sideline of politics unable to influence any real change. At least Tony Blair managed to get Labour 13 years of power to oversee a massive redistribution of wealth, I prefer that sort of politics to this 'kinder, gentler' nonsense.
I guess congratulations are in order for David Hameron he finally got the war he wanted and has been after for the past few years. This is not gonna do a fucking thing but create more hate towards the UK and the West. If anything we are doing exactly what IS want, but who cares we want to be gung ho and bomb a few sand dunes.
If Labour dump Corbyn NOW and get Benn they miiiight have a chance in 2020.
Grassroots are not the entirety of labour voters.A chance with Tory voters. Not Labour. He's about to find life pretty hard at the grassroots.
Inequality increased under New Labour didn't it? Or sort of middled.
edit: source
Labour voters overwhelmingly want *Labour* MPs; the sooner we can be rid of the Tories that have infected the party the better... Corbyn just needs to hold out until grassroots can start the cull.
Grassroots are not the entirety of labour voters.
Also amusing to note ukip managed a rebellion tonight, Carswellvoted against Farage's wishes.
Then Labour is permanently diminished and fractured. If Labour gets rid of Corbyn, they are not leftist enough for a huge portion of their party. They already proved that with Blair, but Corbyn is the way they can turn the tide, and it's clearly what members of their party, as in, the public, actually want. If he's too leftist for them, they will clearly be considered too conservative for many.