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UK PoliGAF |OT2| - We Blue Ourselves

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This budget really does seem like an absolute clusterfuck tbh.

It's not financially responsible and it shits on the poor at the same time. It just seems incompetent from top to bottom (even if it's probably slightly better for me personally in the medium term).
A new poll has put Labour ahead of the Conservatives for the first time since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader.

Labour was on 34 per cent, with Tories one point behind on 33 per cent, according to the YouGov poll. Ukip was in third place on 16 per cent with the Lib Dems on six per cent.

Forget what I said about YouGov earlier in the thread. Not bad for "No opposition"

Par Score

In more good news for Labour, the arch-Blairite, sexter of teenage girls, accused rapist, and all around wanker Simon Danczuk has now been done for £11,000 of expenses fraud.

Of course since he's an MP this means he gets to repay the money and say sorry, rather than face the sort of fines, community service or even prison time handed out to common fraudulent benefits claimants.


A new poll has put Labour ahead of the Conservatives for the first time since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader.

Labour was on 34 per cent, with Tories one point behind on 33 per cent, according to the YouGov poll. Ukip was in third place on 16 per cent with the Lib Dems on six per cent.

Forget what I said about YouGov earlier in the thread. Not bad for "No opposition"

Woof. That'll put the cat among the pigeons.

PMQs next week will be a bit good :)


Anyone see Nicky Morgan's performance on Question Time last night? Rather impressive how she claimed that the Budget was now a 'suggestion.' Looks like the cuts in disability benefits are unravelling rather quickly, with more Tory MP's expressing concern about them now. Might we see another defeat for Osborne?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Holy shit. Ian Duncan Smith, one of the triforce of evil has resigned over the disability cuts? Too low down and dirty even for him. Maybe I was wrong, maybe Osborne does get to be the Thatcher.


oh my god lol osborne.

he gets so over-confident then just destroys himself.

ids letter is perfectly written to fuck him
So obviously there'll be an element of party politics to his decision (not to dismiss what he says in the letter as well, just that there's more to it), my thoughts are...

- Can campaign more freely feeling for Leave, and when it wins and Cameron gets deposed, Boris will make him chancellor or some crazy shit
- Actually Osbourne making all the departments make last minute slices every budget due to his own failure to plan properly would get annoying progressively moreso.
- You don't want teflon Dave and George to get no flack when you know there's a shitstorm coming over the 4bn.
- There were more stories coming out about how Universal Credit is fucked up the fucking fuck

But fair play to doing it on a Friday 9pm that's incredible news management, this'll dominate through Monday.


Tweet from Isabel Oakeshott:
Hang on a minute - Treasury was telling me earlier today that it was all IDS’s idea?!

Then again someone told her about Cameron and the pig and she believed that without reason

Mr. Sam


It's funny that the most effect opposition the Cabinet are facing is their own party..

Well, not really. It's always going to be more impactful when somebody on your own side - never mind the work and pensions secretary - breaks ranks.


Nothing to do with the cuts, that's just cover. The Disability cuts were punted into consultation and review this afternoon. He's essentially resigned over cuts after they've been pulled. He's fluffed the timing, if he'd done it yesterday he'd have had them over the coals in regards to the cuts, they've have looked even weaker pulling it after the resignation.


I'm sure Europe is at the heart of this. IDS is a major euro-sceptic, and now he'll be able to campaign for leaving Europe far more effectively.
Whilst I would love to celebrate IDS departure, I am afraid part of me is dreading what complete and utter arsehole is going to replace him. The way this government is going in 6 months time we will be looking back on IDS's era and thinking "well he was really a kind hearted moderate really".


Whilst I would love to celebrate IDS departure, I am afraid part of me is dreading what complete and utter arsehole is going to replace him. The way this government is going in 6 months time we will be looking back on IDS's era and thinking "well he was really a kind hearted moderate really".

Pritti Patel


Whilst I would love to celebrate IDS departure, I am afraid part of me is dreading what complete and utter arsehole is going to replace him. The way this government is going in 6 months time we will be looking back on IDS's era and thinking "well he was really a kind hearted moderate really".
Hunt will somehow get the job, because why not.


What's a shambles bigger than an omnishambles? Is an omegashambles bigger? almightishambles? All-incompasshambles?
I think clusterfuck sums it up pretty much.

I really don't know what the political landscape will look like in 2020 but I am pretty certain of one thing; George Osbourne won't be PM.


Yeah GO is now fucked. The idiot was too set in his way politically to get a surplus by 2020, and he couldnt face up to not being able to do it his way. He's been called out on it and now his leadership credentials are down the drain.


From Laura Kuenssberg's twitter.

Stand by for what I’ve been told was the timetable that led to IDS resignation.

Treasury tells DWP they have to get long term PIPs changes ready for Budget so the savings can be included – DWP reluctantly agrees.

Story about PIPS changes breaks on Friday, campaign groups, opposition and some backbench MPs start to get worried.

On Sat, IDS finds out Budget will also give CGT cuts to better off at the same time as cuts to disability benefit cuts for individuals.

IDS even more cross, but keeps quiet.

After Budget, opposition and backbenchers start to speak out against PIP changes.

Thursday, Treasury and Number 10 pressure IDS’ team and DWP to get out and defend the changes, saying they must not back down.

Late Thurs night, Morgan hints that there might be changes altho DWP been told to stand firm, even more grumpiness.

Govt sources say late today that policy dumped, ‘into the long grass’ – IDS furious they are dumping on policy they forced him to adopt.

He decides to quit, PM fails to persuade him to stay – explosive letter drops, ‘all in this together’?

That version of events may/will be denied in next few hours, but that’s what I can piece together from good sources close to it tonight.
They have just faded into the background as the Tories are tearing themselves over Europe, Labour are still a mess 😋

Perhaps this can serve to motivate the fuckers to tow the party line from now on. Because if they do, there's a genuine chance that they might manage to actually get into power next cycle.

Of course, I give it a week until Labour decides to oit-crisis the Tories.


Grew up on housing estate to single mother, worked for charity, food bank patron etc. Refreshing antidote to the Oxbridge leadership. You Might not agree with his voting records but I think he will do well.


Grew up on housing estate to single mother, worked for charity, food bank patron etc. Refreshing antidote to the Oxbridge leadership. You Might not agree with his voting records but I think he will do well.

I don't see how working for a charity or a foodbank would make him a good W&P minister.

It's a common Tory line that it's okay to have a tattered government safety net because charities/foodbanks are there to mop everything else up. They see them as evidence that government need not step in to fix every problem, not that government is failing.

As for coming from a 'humble background', that hardly stops many Tories both in the cabinet and on the backbenches from supporting policies that would be a nightmare for themselves growing up.


I don't see how working for a charity or a foodbank would make him a good W&P minister.

It's a common Tory line that it's okay to have a tattered government safety net because charities/foodbanks are there to mop everything else up. They see them as evidence that government need not step in to fix every problem, not that government is failing.

As for coming from a 'humble background', that hardly stops many Tories both in the cabinet and on the backbenches from supporting policies that would be a nightmare for themselves growing up.

You're making the mistake of coming at this from an opposition perspective. From the perspective of "will he do what Osborne wants" Nicktendo is probably correct. Then again I reckon the job's a poisoned chalice anyway, especially considering he's going to have to deal with the fallout from Universal Credit. If he does have leadership credentials I can't see them lasting long in that post.


You're making the mistake of coming at this from an opposition perspective. From the perspective of "will he do what Osborne wants" Nicktendo is probably correct. Then again I reckon the job's a poisoned chalice anyway, especially considering he's going to have to deal with the fallout from Universal Credit. If he does have leadership credentials I can't see them lasting long in that post.

That's not the perspective Nicktendo was coming from.


So the Tory rebellion to the budget "is on" according to a few tweets. It could be the first time since 1984 a budget bill has failed to be passed.
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