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UK PoliGAF |OT2| - We Blue Ourselves

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Faisal Islam's (Sky Political Editor) twitter is great reading at the moment.

PM's PMQs use of phrase "This man supports IS" most curious. We've asked, but had no evidence back from Number 10 or CCHQ on this ...

.. Number 10's official response was that when the PM said "IS" he was referring not to Daesh, but to the concept of "an Islamic State"...

... It's worth noting that the PM himself warned broadcasters on how damaging misuse of the term "Islamic State" could be - in January ...

..Team Khan say the man mentioned by the PM actively campaigned against him FOR the Conservative 2015 Tooting candidate @DanWatkins ...

The man PM said "supports IS" to attack Sadiq Khan...Pic'd at Conservative Muslim Forum attended by Cabinet minister https://t.co/xAAY9aty1d



And this:

New evidence appears to show that the Conservative Party bankrolled an operation to bus activists to key marginal seats to campaign for local candidates, Channel 4 News can reveal.

The Conservative Party targeted 20 seats in the Midlands and the North they needed to win to defeat Labour in key marginal seats.

Photographs, social media posts and documents obtained by Channel 4 News undermine claims by the Conservative Party that BattleBus 2015 was a "national campaign" designed to "promote the Party".


Channel 4 News has obtained further undeclared receipts showing more than £38,000 was spent accommodating activists at hotels across the country, as part of the BattleBus2015 campaign. The spending was not declared to the Electoral Commission in accordance with the law.

If local campaigning had taken place, 24 of the 29 constituencies visited by BattleBus would have exceeded the legal spending limits set out by law. 22 of these seats were won by the Conservatives.

I dare say they knew of the risks of being found out and would happily take the fine if it resulted in them gaining advantage in the marginals.

I agree a fine would be very painless.
Prohibiting any Tory advertisement at the next election in the districts in question, now that is a fine that would sting.


The only way a fine would be useful would be if it was so large as to actually threaten the viability of the party. Otherwise it's pointless - anyone would happily take a slap on the wrists fine to win an election. Heck, private donors will pay the fine just to curry favour with the party if it's in government.


Unconfirmed Member
Backfired horribly, this racism has.

You can say that again.

Speaking of racism

Boris Johnson in The Sun said:
Something vanished from that room, and no one could quite explain why.

It was a bust of Winston Churchill – the great British war time leader. It was a fine goggle-eyed object, done by the brilliant sculptor Jacob Epstein, and it had sat there for almost ten years.

But on day one of the Obama administration it was returned, without ceremony, to the British embassy in Washington.

No one was sure whether the President had himself been involved in the decision.

Some said it was a snub to Britain. Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan President’s ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.


That story is literally 8 years old. I really cannot believe Boris fucking Johnson has dragged it up again to defend his lunatic anti-EU stance.

The Bust went because every president redecorates the room. It wasn't a standing feature, Bush liked it, Obama wanted something different. There were lots of things that changed in the Oval office, it's utterly a non-story.

(And remember, the actual Oval Office desk is a present from the UK to the USA, carved from the hull of a British ship. Removing THAT would have been a statement).


I dare say they knew of the risks of being found out and would happily take the fine if it resulted in them gaining advantage in the marginals.

Not that they'll do it but that disbar people from running again. They used to disbar the election agent from running again in cases of overspend and not the winning candidate which never really made much sense.


Just saw this article from Peter Oborne slamming Goldsmith's strategy in this election.

How Zac Goldsmith imported Donald Trump's politics into Britain.

I live in Chiswick in west London, just across the Thames from Zac Goldsmith’s Richmond constituency. I heard reassuring reports that he was an excellent constituency MP. For this reason, like many other Tories, I welcomed his emergence as Tory candidate for mayor of London and planned to vote for him.

Wild horses could not make me do so now. Goldsmith's campaign for mayor has become the most repulsive I have ever seen as a political reporter.


I'm sorry, but opening paragraph of that article:

He has overcome the drawback of being born into extreme wealth (which in some cases can be every bit as debilitating as extreme poverty).

I cannot believe that anyone could ever write that with a straight face. Affluenza!

The rest of the article is solid though - the tory campaign for Mayor has been *appallingly racist*. It's not Donald Trump levels, but its getting there, and it's coming right from Cameron's mouth and the Defense Secretary. It's a horrendous abuse of their positions. and I hope to god Zac loses big on the day. Any goodwill the Tories earnt from their LGBT stuff goes out the window with this crap.

Once the nasty party, always the nasty party it seems.


Goldsmith's campaign hasn't been all bad. Claiming to be London's first pansexual mayor was enough to make up for HIGNFY not being on.

It's a shame for Sadiq Khan that even if he does win you just know the story will be about Corbyn.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Bear in mind, Goldsmith believes that Pansexual means to 'love the world', so when he says he wants to be a pansexual mayor, he doesn't mean quite what you think he does (I think he genuinely misunderstands)

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
First ever stoppage of emergency care in NHS history about to go ahead tomorrow. 'Sources' already desperately trying to paint the BMA as "radicalisers" as Hunt continues hiding away from the problem including being driven across one road just to avoid protesters.

Hard to think of someone thats fucked up so much as a minister still keeping their job.


First ever stoppage of emergency care in NHS history about to go ahead tomorrow. 'Sources' already desperately trying to paint the BMA as "radicalisers" as Hunt continues hiding away from the problem including being driven across one road just to avoid protesters.

Hard to think of someone thats fucked up so much as a minister still keeping their job.

I prefer the quote suggesting that a bunch of doctors are 'trying to topple the government'. I guess they think the head of the BMA is one Dr. No.
May saying we need to get out of the Human Rights Act propelling her to leadership contention... both that fact and the mere thought of her leading anything is terrifying.


This is just so urgh :-


Woo hoo we have Jihadi Doctors on our shores. Definitely a nice use of language by this "anonymous government source". As much as I support the Doctors I get the feeling this is going to end badly for them.

Junior Doctors are being effed over so badly. :(

EDIT: Uuuurgh at that Jeremy Hunt video. Makes me feel awful watching that. Pretending to actual care about the welfare of patients. Mentioning pay, he missed out MPs, I wonder why? :p


I do wonder if Jeremy Hunt has ever been in a position where he's had someone he loved very ill and in a NHS hospital.

The cunt.


I have a relative working in an relatively low down admin hr job in the nhs. The view from the HR staff where she works is that the junior doctors are taking the piss and they should accept the loss of overtime pay for the big payrise and that the implementation of a 7 day nhs rather than the current 5 day which will improve weekend service.

The idea is that doctors will still work 5 days a week but those 5 days could fall on any day of the week rather than the current Monday to Friday


I have a relative working in an relatively low down admin hr job in the nhs. The view from the HR staff where she works is that the junior doctors are taking the piss and they should accept the loss of overtime pay for the big payrise and that the implementation of a 7 day nhs rather than the current 5 day which will improve weekend service.

The idea is that doctors will still work 5 days a week but those 5 days could fall on any day of the week rather than the current Monday to Friday

There aren't enough doctors for that, and where it's necessary, the NHS is 7 days a week. The problem is that the overworking of Doctor will cause them to leave en masse, crippling the NHS and making the people who can afford it resort to private healthcare. It's absolutely disgusting and the lives that will be crippled and lost as a result of this is disgraceful. It's entirely on the government, and yes, I'm on the side of the rest of the NHS staff that they deserve better treatment too.

People have already died as a result of Hunt's words. He has shown no regret or remorse for what he is doing. Think about that.


Isn't a part of the govs deal that it's reducing the max amount of hours they are allowed to work?

FullFact (https://fullfact.org/health/junior-doctors-pay-short-introduction-dispute)

Working hour safeguards—the proposed removal of penalties has also proved controversial

The government has said that under the new contract doctors would not be allowed to work more than 72 hours in seven consecutive days, or to work more than four consecutive night shifts. There'd also be a new process for reviewing working hours on the request of either a junior doctor or their supervisor.

The BMA argues that in practice the removal of the banding system for unsocial hours will also remove safeguards that go alongside them, including financial penalties for employers who subject trainees to "fatiguing" working patterns. That could drive up hours and put patients at risk, it says.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) agrees, saying their removal "will damage patient well-being", while the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has said the proposals mean "there is now a significant chance of returning to the 'bad old days' of over-burdened junior doctors in danger of giving sub-standard care."

NHS Employers disagrees, saying that the penalties haven't reduced working hours. It says its analysis shows credit for this should go to the European Working Time Directive.

The new penalty system for overworking Doctors basically has the trusts paying a 'fine' to themselves,the fine goes to the training and continuing development budget (a classic example of wooden dollars).


Another day and we have to reset the 'days since Labour had an anti semitic story' to zero. But they don't have a problem, oh no, it's only McDonnell's PPS.

A Labour MP backed calls to “relocate” Israel to America so that land “stolen” from Palestine could be returned, it has emerged.

Naz Shah, who was elected MP for Bradford West last May, shared a poster on Facebook proposing which argued the “transportation costs” would be worth it.

It went on to argue that Americans would “welcome Israelis with open arms” and that the relocation would bring peace to the Middle East by ending “foreign interference”.

Alongside the poster Ms Shah wrote “problem solved”, added a smiley face and suggested she would lobby David Cameron to adopt the plan.

Ms Shah has apologised for the messages, which were posted in 2014 before she became an MP, and said the proposal “does not reflect my views” today.



Seems incredibly dumb and naive more than antisemitic.

From later on in the telegraph article:

It has now emerged Ms Shah urged people on Facebook to back suggestions Israel was “committing war crimes” in a poll in 2014 and said that “the Jews are rallying” to vote .

I think there is an undertone of anti-Semitism there. It's more awkward as she's on the home affairs select committee which is going to look at tackling anti-Semitism.

John Mann also piles in:

John Mann, the MP for Bassetlaw, told GuidoFawkes: “The last person to propose a forced repatriation of this kind was Adolph Eichmann on August 15 in 1940 (the Madagascar plan).”



sputum-flecked apoplexy
i don't have a lot of patience when reasonable left-wing objection to israel's policies spills over into borderline or outright antisemitism. it's a pernicious problem that needs to be stamped out.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Hilarious to pop in and see the current topic here in UK PoliGaf. Sure, definitely the story of the hour. Fucking transparent.

Mr. Sam

Hilarious to pop in and see the current topic here in UK PoliGaf. Sure, definitely the story of the hour. Fucking transparent.

The rest of the page is about the Tories' dogwhistle, racist politics, electoral cheating, and mishandling of the junior doctors' situation. I hardly think it's fair to paint four posts as some sort of cynical attempt at agenda-setting.

I think it's only fair to be vigilant against anti-semitism on the left, some people being emboldened by Corbyn's own controversial statements on the Israel subject. I'm not personally of the opinion that Corbyn's anti-semitic; just a bit unpracticed at the media game and a big target.


From later on in the telegraph article:

I think there is an undertone of anti-Semitism there. It's more awkward as she's on the home affairs select committee which is going to look at tackling anti-Semitism.

John Mann also piles in:


Yikes. Yeah that is bad. :/

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Everything about that Naz Shah comment is disgusting and stupid.

Jeremy Hunt though is the worst currently operating politician. The agenda of the government is so blatant and it is very nice to see that the public still support the junior doctors.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Arguing over the semantics of 'semitism' may have some value, but it seems to miss the point when someone called for the relocation of a nation state...
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