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UK PoliGAF |OT2| - We Blue Ourselves

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So thats how we end this week. Front pages awash with this actual Godwins law bullshit for days on end and the doctors strike a distant memory.

I'd like to shoot John Mann and co into the fucking sun.

Right. So rather than, say, kick fucking Ken Livingstone into the sun for comments that are extremely dubious at best, and coming from him with his history dodgy as fuck. You'd rather attack the guy who went after Livingstone. Makes sense.

At some point your going to have to stop blaming the press and the Tories here, and Labour mps who you don't like. The fact is, the left has always skirted close to anti-semitism over the last thirty years or so. The only reason this gained legs was because of people saying things they shouldn't say - especially bloody Livingstone. The guy hamstrung Labour in London in the last mayoral election, and has needed to get the hell out of the party for some time. When George bloody Galloway is your main defender you have done something horribly wrong.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Right. So rather than, say, kick fucking Ken Livingstone into the sun for comments that are extremely dubious at best, and coming from him with his history dodgy as fuck. You'd rather attack the guy who went after Livingstone. Makes sense.

At some point your going to have to stop blaming the press and the Tories here, and Labour mps who you don't like. The fact is, the left has always skirted close to anti-semitism over the last thirty years or so. The only reason this gained legs was because of people saying things they shouldn't say - especially bloody Livingstone. The guy hamstrung Labour in London in the last mayoral election, and has needed to get the hell out of the party for some time. When George bloody Galloway is your main defender you have done something horribly wrong.

I'm not sure if you saw the video, but Mann came across like an absolute idiot. Barking nonsense at Livingstone on national TV just so he could... what? Get the boot in, make sure Labour has a really fucking ridiculous week? I expect more decorum of drunkards in Wetherspoons at midnight let alone a fucking MP in broad daylight with cameras around.

The fact is, the left has always skirted close to anti-semitism over the last thirty years or so.
The problem with this whole thing is real broad brush shit like that. "Oh, the Labour party hate jews right? Thats on the sign up sheet."


notice that there's not a suggestion that the comments calling out goldsmith's appalling xenophobia baiting, divisive campaign are just motivated by people who want sadiq to win stirring up trouble. the same with any objections to tory or ukip racism or homophobia, we don't say 'well it's just being exploited by people who oppose tory austerity and privatization policies to make them look bad'. we just call it out.

would be nice if the left could just be against anti-semitism instead of saying yes i'm against it let's remember i'm also really against using it as a political weapon as these corbyn opponents are and you must remember that all racisms and islamophobia are bad as well, see this is the nuanced position *forgets about actual anti-semitism* . like they're #alllivesmatters 'feminism should be equalism' supporters.

it's also clear that 'blairite plot' is to corbyn what 'brown's spending ruined the economy' is to osborne, something desperately stretched to justify their own incompetence.

Mr. Sam

notice that there's not a suggestion that the comments calling out goldsmith's appalling xenophobia baiting, divisive campaign are just motivated by people who want sadiq to win stirring up trouble.

I absolutely agree with your sentiment that Labour, and the left of British politics in general, should come out unequivocally against anti-semitism. However, I don't believe the above is true. The Tory party hasn't even acknowledged the dogwhistle racism; the party, and their leader, have supported it or ignored it.

To use a technical term, Labour are going to get merked in the council and devolved elections. I'm fairly confident that Khan will win the mayoralty, and probably with a decent margin, but there's more stormy weather ahead.
I don't think making it clear that anti-semitism isn't welcome in the Labour party is going to do much good because, like a lot of discrimination, a lot of people that do it don't think that they *are* being anti-semitic.


Ignoring what you think of the issue in terms of what he's said, anyone who's enough of a moron to generate a BBC headline "Livingstone stands by Hitler comments" should be expelled for the incredible amount of damage he's managed to do to the party through his own pigheaded stupidity.


The more I think about it the more overblown I find this whole ordeal.

Being critical of Israel isn't anti-Semitism, and regarding it as such is incredibly damaging.

That said Livingstone really shouldn't of mentioned Hitler...


Ignoring what you think of the issue in terms of what he's said, anyone who's enough of a moron to generate a BBC headline "Livingstone stands by Hitler comments" should be expelled for the incredible amount of damage he's managed to do to the party through his own pigheaded stupidity.

Exactly. The NHS has seen it's first all out strike in history, there's an EU referendum that's causing division in the Tory ranks and the Schools Academy bill is causing strife. But the weekend before an election, what are all the media headlines focusing on? Livingstone mentioning Adolf fucking Hitler. Labour should be out hammering home messages about the doctors strike, or taxes, or academies. But nope, they have to spend this entire weekend discussing Hitler.

Suspend Livingstone? He should be fired into the sun for a cockup this big.
The more I think about it the more overblown I find this whole ordeal.

Being critical of Israel isn't anti-Semitism, and regarding it as such is incredibly damaging.

That said Livingstone really shouldn't of mentioned Hitler...

I don't think anyone really cares about Naz. It wasn't a particularly big deal until Livingstone brought Hitler into it.


goldsmith's racist campaign reaches a new low


the invoking of 7/7 images is utterly pathetic. can't wait for him to lose.


The more I think about it the more overblown I find this whole ordeal.

Being critical of Israel isn't anti-Semitism, and regarding it as such is incredibly damaging.

That said Livingstone really shouldn't of mentioned Hitler...

The frustrating thing about it all is that what Livingstone said is actually factually and historically accurate. It is true that in earlier years, Hitler and Zionist German Jews shared a commonality in thought, which was for the Zionists relocation to British Mandated Palestine, and for Hitler to simply get rid of them, but they actually went so far as making mutual political agreements to that effect, see the Haavara agreement.

Haavara Agreement 1933

So whilst Ken's comments were ill timed and likely unnecessary, they are not untrue. Obviously in later years Hitler disregarded diplomacy altogether, and went a far more violent, reprehensible and evil path, as Ken himself stated ("later went mad and killed 6 million Jews"), but in earlier years he absolutely did work alongside Zionist German Jews, as a matter of historical fact. It's disturbing to see some trying to re write history, or imply the statement of such facts is somehow antisemitic or pro Nazi, mostly just for political expediency.

It's also important that we separate Zionism and it's many implications, to Judaism itself.


I definitely agree that for all the outrage over Livingstone and my desire to see him fired into the sun for what he said and how he has acted, Goldsmith is doing far worse. Not only is it ignored by the press, but he actually gets column inches to write his evil, racist bigoted views to try and win votes.

He and his party have undone all the good will they earn with their progress in LGBT rights. Naked racism of a particularly vile nature that takes us back to the 60s.
I don't know how much of Zacs campaign is him or Crosby, but it's terrible, both ethically and as a political campaign in a city like London.

The frustrating thing about it all is that what Livingstone said is actually factually and historically accurate. It is true that in earlier years, Hitler and Zionist German Jews shared a commonality in thought, which was for the Zionists relocation to British Mandated Palestine, and for Hitler to simply get rid of them, but they actually went so far as making mutual political agreements to that effect, see the Haavara agreement.

Haavara Agreement 1933

So whilst Ken's comments were ill timed and likely unnecessary, they are not untrue. Obviously in later years Hitler disregarded diplomacy altogether, and went a far more violent, reprehensible and evil path, as Ken himself stated ("later went mad and killed 6 million Jews"), but in earlier years he absolutely did work alongside Zionist German Jews, as a matter of historical fact. It's disturbing to see some trying to re write history, or imply the statement of such facts is somehow antisemitic or pro Nazi, mostly just for political expediency.

It's also important that we separate Zionism and it's many implications, to Judaism itself.

Ehh, it's really not. I mean, it's factual in the same way "black people comit more crime" is a fact. Technically true but useless in isolation. Here's a comment I found on FB that sums it up better than I can (he's a Marxist, as you can probably tell, as well as being Jewish). A chap called David Rosenberg:

in recent days, interventions by several people, including many Jewish left wing activists, have begun to deconstruct the "problem with antisemitism" that the Left, and the Labour Party in particular, is charged with, mostly by people with nefarious agendas. It has also been acknowledged that there are a small number of real incidents that must be addressed. Make no mistake: Ken Livingstone's crass intervention yesterday was a massive setback for those efforts, and a free gift to those manipulating the issue for right wing purposes.

Everything that was so wrong about what he said is way too long to put in a Facebook post but in headlines - Hitler's poisonous attitudes to ALL Jews regardless of their political leanings, his portrayal of them as a cancer and a danger to humanity that he wanted to remove from German life, were well established long before 1932, when he wrote Mein Kampf (1925 and '27). The Holocaust was not about one person suddenly going "mad and killing 6 million Jews". Like elsewhere in Europe, Zionists were a weak and marginal force in Germany's Jewish community. Any talk of "Nazi-Zionist collaboration", "Nazi Zionist deals" etc without reference to the massive power imbalance is nonsense. Some Zionists tried to exploit Nazi intentions to remove Jews from German society. The vast majority of German Zionists shared the same fate as most German non-Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews - they were reduced to ashes.

My plea to fellow anti-racist, anti-Zionist, socialist activists is: don't waste any of your precious time today trying to rationalise, defend or explain away Livingstone's comments, but concentrate on challenging the terms of the debate as set by the right-wing alliance that are exploiting this whole issue.

Concentrate on how to persuade and split off those who are genuinely worried about rising antisemitism from those exploiting the issues. Concentrate on showing how the Left can demonstrate that the fight against antisemitism is tied up with the fight against all racism including Islamophobia; concentrate on exposing how those feigning sympathy for Jews are implicated in racism against others; and concentrate on ways to ensure free speech and rational debate about the realities of what Zionism and Israeli policy is enacting daily against the Palestinians.

Mr. Sam

Goldsmith's approach is a Hail Mary as a response to his poor polling - the hope being that enough closet racists will flock to vote for him in addition to people who vote Tory out of habit for him to win, which he won't. It would have been better for him to lose with dignity, yet here we are.


I don't know how much of Zacs campaign is him or Crosby, but it's terrible, both ethically and as a political campaign in a city like London.

Ehh, it's really not. I mean, it's factual in the same way "black people comit more crime" is a fact. Technically true but useless in isolation. Here's a comment I found on FB that sums it up better than I can (he's a Marxist, as you can probably tell, as well as being Jewish). A chap called David Rosenberg:

I don't agree with this sentiment at all, and think the parallel is an awful one. When people say something akin to "black people commit more crime", it paints an entire race in negative light, and that is generally the intent. Zionism is not a race, nor is it even a religion, on the contrary it is a movement or ideal, and has had very dangerous connotations throughout history. If people are negative or critical of Zionism, it does not mean they are automatically being negative, critical or insensitive towards Judaism or Jews. I would compare it to how people are highly critical of say, extremist Wahibism. When they are, it doesn't automatically mean those people are anti-Arab, or anti Islamic or whatever. There are some real issues with extremist Wahibism, as there are with Zionism, and I personally thing it's awful that people are trying to conflate sentiment about Zionism with Judaism or antisemitism itself, especially at the behest of historical accuracy.
I don't agree with this sentiment at all, and think the parallel is an awful one. When people say something akin to "black people commit more crime", it paints an entire race in negative light, and that is generally the intent. Zionism is not a race, nor is it even a religion, on the contrary it is a movement or ideal, and has had very dangerous connotations throughout history. If people are negative or critical of Zionism, it does not mean they are automatically being negative, critical or insensitive towards Judaism or Jews. I would compare it to how people are highly critical of say, extremist Wahibism. When they are, it doesn't automatically mean those people are anti-Arab, or anti Islamic or whatever. There are some real issues with extremist Wahibism, as there are with Zionism, and I personally thing it's awful that people are trying to conflate sentiment about Zionism with Judaism or antisemitism itself, especially at the behest of historical accuracy.

I can't tell if you're intentionally misunderstanding me, or I'm just not explaining myself well. If you really don't understand why I brought up the black-crime analogy, say so and I'll try and explain again.


Mann is on Twitter threatening to name names and incidents. Feel like his principled stand is slightly undermined if he's been sitting on these for years but this is not going away any time soon.


I can't tell if you're intentionally misunderstanding me, or I'm just not explaining myself well. If you really don't understand why I brought up the black-crime analogy, say so and I'll try and explain again.

Yes, I genuinely don't understand why you brought it up, and I explained in my post why they are not alike, and also what a better comparison would be.

I personally feel like there has over the years been a strong movement to essentially conflate criticism of Zionism, or even Israel, with antisemitism, and it is a very very dangerous thing that is essentially allowing Zionist groups and Israel, to quite literally get away with murder, and colonise an entire other state before our very eyes.

It's deathly important to not ignore the historic context of this all, and the fact that even early on, Zionist groups were indeed working with Nazi Germany, because for them the ultimate goal was always to take over and rule the land that was at the time known as Mandated Palestine, not Germany. They were of course ignorant to the fact that Hitler would later turn on them, and carry out the extent of the horrors he did. That ideal however, about capturing and ruling that area of land, has not changed even today, and it is one of the key reasons why there is still such a hateful and aggressive push from within Israel, to occupy more and more of Palestine.
Yes, I genuinely don't understand why you brought it up, and I explained in my post why they are not alike, and also what a better comparison would be.

I personally feel like there has over the years been a strong movement to essentially conflate criticism of Zionism, or even Israel, with antisemitism, and it is a very very dangerous thing that is essentially allowing Zionist groups and Israel, to quite literally get away with murder, and colonise an entire other state before our very eyes.

It's deathly important to not ignore the historic context of this all, and the fact that even early on, Zionist groups were indeed working with Nazi Germany, because for them the ultimate goal was always to take over and rule the land that was at the time known as Mandated Palestine, not Germany. Little did they know Hitler would later carry out the horrors he did. That ideal however, about capturing and ruling that area of land, has not changed even today, and it is one of the key reasons why there is still such a hateful and aggressive push from within Israel, to occupy more and more of Palestine.

I wasn't drawing a comparison between anti-semitism and anti-black racism. It was an example of a fact which is true but doesn't actually tell you anything useful, because crime's got nothing to do with skin colour and everything to do with the context (IE poverty). We can go back and change it to the fact that poverty went down during the recession (the context being that relative-poverty measures mean that even when everyone gets poorer, poverty can go down, which is what happened) or that UK military spending went over 2% as per NATO requirements (the context being that we didn't spend any more, we just reclassified certain spending as military that was previously considered civilian).

Saying that Hitler signed an agreement with a minority Zionist group doesn't really tell us anything about the reality of the situation. German Jews were not in any doubt about the degree to which they were welcome in Nazi Germany. There's a reason Einstein moved to the US in 1933. Those that remained may not have understood the crushing lengths that Hitler would go to but there was no doubt they were unwelcome. If they needed a hint, they could have read Mein Kampf. There's not a serious historian in the country who would consider Hitler a Zionist. Haavara was not some alignment of ideals between Hitler and Zionists (which, in the 1930s, were not a significant part of the German Jewish population, nor were they a particularly organised force) but rather a mechanism to encourage Jews to go away by generously allowing them to keep some of their possessions. It was a deal that really only came into being under the back drop of massive coercion. The say Hitler was a Zionist requires so many mental gymnastics hoop jumps that it's hard to come away thinking that anyone stating as such is arguing in good faith.

Re: anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism, yeah, everyone knows that. Like which much of this issue, though, you have one group who think that what's being said is is anti semitic, another thinking it's just anti-zionist, so saying they aren't the same thing isn't helpful. I don't think many people really think they are the same, but people do disagree on what constitutes anti-semitism.
Really? Okay bro glad you know my personality better than me.

Fact is, no I wasn't. I detest some of the cretins running London or trying to, that is all. Not the people.
I was kinda joking, but effectively saying "London is rubbish because this person is about to lose an election" is so dumb that it's hard to understand why you even mentioned it unless you just wanted to put the boot in, bro.


I was kinda joking, but effectively saying "London is rubbish because this person is about to lose an election" is so dumb that it's hard to understand why you even mentioned it unless you just wanted to put the boot in, bro.

Have a thicker skin, I didn't say London is rubbish. I was poking at the article that said London is the greatest city alongside such a shockingly shit article. I guess you live in London? Either way, I'll say it again I am not prodding the people, the government and individuals trying to own the city.

Let's just be chill and bros. *handshake*
Have a thicker skin, I didn't say London is rubbish. I was poking at the article that said London is the greatest city alongside such a shockingly shit article. I guess you live in London? Either way, I'll say it again I am not prodding the people, the government and individuals trying to own the city.

Let's just be chill and bros. *handshake*

Zac Goldsmith is a cunt, he voted for the disability cuts so I don't buy his claims that he cares about the average person in London. Most of the houses he builds are going to be occupied by overseas rich people anyway.


I wasn't drawing a comparison between anti-semitism and anti-black racism. It was an example of a fact which is true but doesn't actually tell you anything useful, because crime's got nothing to do with skin colour and everything to do with the context (IE poverty). We can go back and change it to the fact that poverty went down during the recession (the context being that relative-poverty measures mean that even when everyone gets poorer, poverty can go down, which is what happened) or that UK military spending went over 2% as per NATO requirements (the context being that we didn't spend any more, we just reclassified certain spending as military that was previously considered civilian).

Saying that Hitler signed an agreement with a minority Zionist group doesn't really tell us anything about the reality of the situation. German Jews were not in any doubt about the degree to which they were welcome in Nazi Germany. There's a reason Einstein moved to the US in 1933. Those that remained may not have understood the crushing lengths that Hitler would go to but there was no doubt they were unwelcome. If they needed a hint, they could have read Mein Kampf. There's not a serious historian in the country who would consider Hitler a Zionist. Haavara was not some alignment of ideals between Hitler and Zionists (which, in the 1930s, were not a significant part of the German Jewish population, nor were they a particularly organised force) but rather a mechanism to encourage Jews to go away by generously allowing them to keep some of their possessions. It was a deal that really only came into being under the back drop of massive coercion. The say Hitler was a Zionist requires so many mental gymnastics hoop jumps that it's hard to come away thinking that anyone stating as such is arguing in good faith.

Re: anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism, yeah, everyone knows that. Like which much of this issue, though, you have one group who think that what's being said is is anti semitic, another thinking it's just anti-zionist, so saying they aren't the same thing isn't helpful. I don't think many people really think they are the same, but people do disagree on what constitutes anti-semitism.

Apologies for the late response, been a very long day. Firstly, unless I am mistaken, I don't believe Ken actually said Hitler was a Zionist, rather that he supported Zionism, which of course, is factually accurate to a point. He was working in unison with Zionist German's at the time, to come up with a suitable plan to have Jews relocated to Palestine. This is the exact quote in question that actually got Ken in trouble.

Ken Livingstone said:
"When Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews."

There is nothing in this quote, that is historically inaccurate, false, or even anti-Semitic, and within the context of Palestine (the thing that originally spurred Naz's angry comments), it is of course relevant. And this brings me to the other point you brought up. The group that thinks anti-zionism is automatically (key word automatically) anti-semitic, are quite simply, wrong, and should not be allowed to set such a misguided precedent of skewing or blending the two together, especially at the expense of facts and truths, which all too often happens when it's regarding the conflict with Palestine for example. Doing so is extremely dangerous and shields Zionism from blame, criticism and context. It cannot, and should not be seen as automatically racist to criticise ideological movements such as Zionism, extremist Wahibism or whatever else. It's this sort of thing that has aided in allowing Zionism to prosper, and for so much damage, death, heartache and land theft to befall the Palestinian's, not just in the past either, but on-going to this very day. The distinction between Zionism and Judaism, or Jews and Semites, must be drawn and made. Hell, certain sects of Orthodox jews are among the most critical of Zionism, but of course people are less inclined to automatically jump to calling them anti-semitic.


How do these idiots slip through the cracks of the education system, never mind the Labour Party.

Local party councillors are very rarely vetted to any degree of sophistication. I know for a fact that in my borough numerous councillors were elected because they didn't anticipate winning - labour increased their majority substantially and ended up taking seats that have been Tory or Lib-Dem for years. They never thought that would happen, so the candidates in those areas were literally the only people willing to put their name on the ballot.

Back bench councillors in one party boroughs are really not that highly sought after positions.
Apologies for the late response, been a very long day. Firstly, unless I am mistaken, I don't believe Ken actually said Hitler was a Zionist, rather that he supported Zionism, which of course, is factually accurate to a point. He was working in unison with Zionist German's at the time, to come up with a suitable plan to have Jews relocated to Palestine. This is the exact quote in question that actually got Ken in trouble.

There is nothing in this quote, that is historically inaccurate, false, or even anti-Semitic, and within the context of Palestine (the thing that originally spurred Naz's angry comments), it is of course relevant. And this brings me to the other point you brought up. The group that thinks anti-zionism is automatically (key word automatically) anti-semitic, are quite simply, wrong, and should not be allowed to set such a misguided precedent of skewing or blending the two together, especially at the expense of facts and truths, which all too often happens when it's regarding the conflict with Palestine for example. Doing so is extremely dangerous and shields Zionism from blame, criticism and context. It cannot, and should not be seen as automatically racist to criticise ideological movements such as Zionism, extremist Wahibism or whatever else. It's this sort of thing that has aided in allowing Zionism to prosper, and for so much damage, death, heartache and land theft to befall the Palestinian's, not just in the past either, but on-going to this very day. The distinction between Zionism and Judaism, or Jews and Semites, must be drawn and made. Hell, certain sects of Orthodox jews are among the most critical of Zionism, but of course people are less inclined to automatically jump to calling them anti-semitic.

Firstly, I'm not sure what the distinction between "a zionist" and "supporting zionism" is. Isn't "supporting Zionism" literally the definition of "a zionist"?

"He was working in unison with Zionist German's at the time, to come up with a suitable plan to have Jews relocated to Palestine."

He was not "working with Zionist Germans", he had a jackboot to their throat. It was not a "suitable solution", it was one in which the German state would first confiscate all their possessions and then only give them back the value if they reappeared in Palestine and bought German goods (which was important to Germany, because much of Europe's Jewish population was boycotting Nazi Germany because they'd read Mein Kampf and knew that Hitler had referred to them as the personification of the devil and all evil).

If "Zionism" has any widely agreed upon definition, it's the support for a Jewish state. Do you really believe Hitler ever supported a Jewish state? It was a convenient way for the Nazi's to remove some of the Jews from Germany, simple as that. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that Hitler wished to actively avoid the creation of a Jewish state, and only this single example to balance the scales - an example which happens to coincide with his desire to eradicate Europe of Jews.

His quote ending with "before he went mad and killed 6-million jews" is also such a cack-handed interpretation of history that it's hard to imagine he's being serious. Hitler didn't "go mad". He may have been mad or otherwise horribly disturbed but he wrote Mein Kampf a full 10 and 8 years before the signing of Haavara. The Nazi Party Newspaper, "Der Stürmer", was routinely printing anti-semitic stuff about blood-libel, how the Jews were to blame for Germany's defeat in WW1, and printed an article before the signing of the Haavara agreement calling for the extermination of the Jews.. This was (one of) the official Nazi Party newspapers! Hitler categorically did not "go mad" and turn his back on his wiley old Zionist ways. He was never a Zionist.

This is why people who shrug and say "well, they're just facts" as Livingstone and - I'm afraid to say - you are doing, sometimes find themselves accused of Anti-semitism. To try to argue this angle is so, so, so far from the mark that saying "facts are facts, guvner, the numbers don't lie!" requires either gross, gross ignorance (which I know Ken doesn't have and I'm sure you don't either) or a wilful misrepresentation of this single "fact". When you say "nothing about this is historically inaccurate", I really have no idea where you learned your history.

This is also why I originally brought up the black-crime analogy. If someone said "Well, it's a fact that black people commit more crimes. It's just a fact." You'd rightly harangue them for being an idiot and missing the point so entirely. In fact, it's hard for them to miss the point that much unless they're actively trying to paint black people badly by their incredibly careful deployment of facts. So when the same thing is done to try to argue that even Hitler - who's an almost comically anti-Semitic figure; Like, there's no grey area there - supported Zionism, and Hitler's always wrong ergo.... It's hard to see what they reallllllly mean, because the historic ground they're on is so shaky that it can't support the weight of a gnat let alone the dome-like cranium of that Triassic wank stain. If you add in the fact he said he said that you're only anti-semitic if you hate all Jews, and it's really, really hard to see how anyone can think he's not anti-semitic or, if you want to be really generous, that he's at least swallowed the pill of "Jews run everything" that his cronies have been selling for so long.

Edit: Re: Your final paragraph, I don't know who you're arguing with. To my knowledge, no one here thinks that criticism of Israel is automatically anti-semitic. We're all in agreement. You can call of those particular dogs.
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