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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Pizza Dog
Chiming in on Communty - it's aces. You should check it out. Also, Once Upon a Time starts on Channel 5 this week. From the writers of Lost, it's better than you'd think it is.

Another pretty sunny day here today, though I am being repeatedly assured the good weather will not last to the weekend. Was planning on heading down the park for a picnic too, oh well. Will go have a sit out on the grass at lunchtime and pretend I can fight off the inevitable hayfever through sheer force of will. I know it's coming. Sometime in the next few months. I can feel it out there taunting me.


^Oh write it! We could all submit mini-tales of Bus Wankery
'Tales from the Peasant Wagon'.

I am almost exactly 1 month and 2 weeks older than you.


Nice. I shall cherish my relative youth, grandpa.
Hey UK Gaf, I'm really sorry to bring a downer to the thread but I have to vent.

So I have a general catch up meeting with my bitch boss this morning. She starts laying in to me about stuff I haven't done, or have done wrong, basically talking to me like im a piece of shit, and I'm trying to stay chipper but it just isn't working and I start tearing up.

She says it's not worth getting upset over, and she's there to help me I just need to ask, and so I tell her that I feel like I'm being overwhelmed, given too much work and not enough support, all the while I'm getting more and more upset. She basically says its my fault for not asking for help or communicating, so I say I will from now on and we leave it at that. She leaves me in the meeting room to calm down and sort myself out while she goes back in to the office.

Then when I go back in her boss asks me for a chat. She says my boss is worried about me (yeah right) so I figure what the hell, I'm just going to take everyone's advice and be straight with her. I tell her how my boss treats me and speaks to me, that I feel I can't approach her, etc. As I expected she jumps to my bosses defence and although appearing concerned basically tells me I need to sort it out with her. So she's not going to do anything about it. She also says that my boss has approached her on several occasions about my lack of communication and not doing things, most of which are made up or exaggerated, and that I need to sort myself out and do better.

So much for being honest and open, I wish I'd just kept my mouth shut. On the plus side due to my excessive crying, which still hasn't stopped, she did tell me to take an early extended lunch, so I've been sat in the park for 1/2 hour finally getting some sun.

I really hope the agency guy I saw the other day finds me a new job soon.


Maturity, bitches.
I sit at the back... when there are no other seats at least you get a nice window.

I usually aim for a seat about 3/4 of the way back of the left hand side (facing forwards). You have a whole window and a bell. There's a similar seat a bit further forward with a similar layout that is my second choice. Third and forth are the right hand side equivalents (they have no bells).
^Ha, so glad to read I'm not the only one with a strict protocol in place for chosing a seat on the bus.

Ergh, good luck with finding somewhere else soon Mush :( having a bad boss is terrible and it sounds liek you have exactly the same problem as my best mate. Likes her job but her line manager is so two faced, says all the right things when the superiors are there but basically treats her like shit the rest of the time.

Chin up though - enjoy being out in the sun while you can and just think - you won't have to put up with the Bitch Boss forever!


Never sit at the back of the bus!

Always go 3/4s of the way at most. The back is for people drinking cans and/or crazy people.

I don't mind drinking. Smoking I hate. And I always stay downstairs.

Last time I went upstairs there was two trollops smoking down the back. A very attractive/tall black girl in high heels and a short skirt* told them to stop. She was from the UK. They cackled to themselves and said to her to "f**k off, black bitch". She went mental, stomped to the back of the bus and gave one of them a smack. Then it just descended into a three way hair pulling match. The bus stopped, driver called the guards, I got off since I was close enough to home and the bus wouldn't be starting up any time soon.

The gas thing was that I remember the British girl saying she smoked too, but that there was no smoking on the bus. Fair play to her anyway, those gobby girls deserved a smack.

*Not important to the story but still very nice.


Maturity, bitches.
If there is one thing about my job I like is it the people. I will have to move on one day but I know it will be hard to find another job with such a nice close knit community.

My bus rants seem rather mundane compared to that. The worst I have to put up with is over crowding.


Musha, Is there no HR department you can go and file a complaint? Bosses are just gonna cover each other no matter what the problem is. Hope you get that new job and bail out of this current one. Overload of work plus no support is no fun at all.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Tommorow is the last day of beautiful weather. Nooooooooo :(

i'm off work for a few days after tomorrow :(

noooooooooo! Guess i'l be hill walking in the grey Scottish overcast (i got relaxed writing that because Scotland feels like skyrim)


Hey UK Gaf, I'm really sorry to bring a downer to the thread but I have to vent.

So I have a general catch up meeting with my bitch boss this morning. She starts laying in to me about stuff I haven't done, or have done wrong, basically talking to me like im a piece of shit, and I'm trying to stay chipper but it just isn't working and I start tearing up.

She says it's not worth getting upset over, and she's there to help me I just need to ask, and so I tell her that I feel like I'm being overwhelmed, given too much work and not enough support, all the while I'm getting more and more upset. She basically says its my fault for not asking for help or communicating, so I say I will from now on and we leave it at that. She leaves me in the meeting room to calm down and sort myself out while she goes back in to the office.

Then when I go back in her boss asks me for a chat. She says my boss is worried about me (yeah right) so I figure what the hell, I'm just going to take everyone's advice and be straight with her. I tell her how my boss treats me and speaks to me, that I feel I can't approach her, etc. As I expected she jumps to my bosses defence and although appearing concerned basically tells me I need to sort it out with her. So she's not going to do anything about it. She also says that my boss has approached her on several occasions about my lack of communication and not doing things, most of which are made up or exaggerated, and that I need to sort myself out and do better.

So much for being honest and open, I wish I'd just kept my mouth shut. On the plus side due to my excessive crying, which still hasn't stopped, she did tell me to take an early extended lunch, so I've been sat in the park for 1/2 hour finally getting some sun.

I really hope the agency guy I saw the other day finds me a new job soon.

In my last job I had a new supervisor come in and he was a complete idiot. He was really bad; started changing work practices for no reasons or really stupid ones. I didn't get on with him right away, but he would do monthly reviews on us and laid into me generally about stupid stuff.

I'd be raging on my way home every day from work, very stressed.

To cut a long story short it all came to a head when I his latest idiot rambling came in through email. I was so angry I opened about four different responses, some to him, some to his manager (who was based in another country, but I got on very well with) and some to others. So I typed out a rant to his manager and accidentely sent it to him instead.

We had just finished a row earlier that morning. And he shot up (it was an open plan office) and came over and said we needed to talk in one of the focus rooms. I just rolled my eyes in a "what now" way. I didn't realise about the email. Then he told me and I just started laughing. I apologised, but he said he was reporting me to HR. I was fine with that. I had called him a robot and control freak and mentioned that it was like "having a potato run the department". He was most upset about the control freak comment. I dunno.

I rang the senior manager and told him what happened, said I needed a break. He gave me a week off, but I knew I needed to leave before I decked the guy. So I gave my notice at the end of the week and they gave me gardening leave.

It all worked out, I got another job (never been happier with it), and you don't realise how that kind of stress really effects you until it is gone.

Jedeye Sniv

I usually enjoy my bus journey. I just sit down the back and read my kindle.

Although on Tuesday this pack - I call them the loonies - comes down the back. I've seen them over the years; a smelly weird guy who's hobby is catching buses (he knows all the bus drivers), his girlfriend who stares at me funny and always chats to me (urgh) and this other girl who appears to hate the smelly guy, but I suppose is his friend. And another large old woman who they all know, who has managed to cram herself into leggings designed for a much smaller body so that they are stretched real thin and her granny knickers can be seen through them.

There is a weird love triangle (pentagram/crooked set of lines)between the loonies. The smelly guy is clear in love with the friend (they are all horrible looking by the way) and sits beside her while the girlfriend send daggers in both there directions and complains out loud to herself about behind left hanging. They are all chatting with the old woman and racy remarks are flying about that make me vomit in my mouth. The smelly guy laughs shrilly all the time while pawing at his friend, who seems to cringe at his touch.

Smelly guys girlfriend sits beside me at first and asks the the old woman who is dowsing herself in Soft and Gentle spray for a shot. She then sprays it under her top it comes out the arm hole and gets all over me. I now smell of strumpet. The back of the bus is filling with a heady mix of sickly sweet Soft and Gentle and smelly guy's two year old grot. Smelly guys girl friend - who is seat hopping probably looking for attention from her BF - sits opposite me and starts give me the crazy eye and trying to chat with me.

Thank God my bus journey is pretty short.

YES! This is exactly why I want to write some stories! The characters are so vivid and strange, and yet they really exist. I want to try and get inside their heads a little and humanise them, while still retaining the oddness of their existences.

I have a similar group of mentals that get on my bus. There are these two sisters who could well be twins, and without meaning to be rude (lol) they look like a pair of lesbians with learning difficulties. In fact for the first couple of years of seeing them I genuinely thought they were a couple. They have very short blonde hair, massive arses and are quite possibly the dumbest people I've heard in my life.

My illusions of their sexuality were shattered when one day one of the pair was at the back of the bus snogging the face off the weediest most boss-eyed greasy little man I may have ever seen. I was transfixed, this giant woman was kissing this guy like she wanted to taste his breakfast. And all the while her sister sat on the other side of the bus trying to talk to them, being ignored and getting more and more dispondent looking. I love it.

They've now added another to their posse, and this guy is a behemoth of a fat man, dwarfing the giant sisters with ease. And together the four of them live at the back of the bus, braying and carrying on like nobodies'.

I say all of this of course, and yet some part of me is maybe jealous of them, of their freedom and their lack of shame. We're all so wrapped up in ourselves and our fear of being judged by others, whereas these guys just don't give a fuck. They are truly uninhibited, and it a strange way it's commendable.

I like to appall my wife by coming up with lurid sex fantasies about them all. And I bet what I'm thinking is barely even touching the sides....


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm sorry guys but i will stop posting in this thread if it gets moved to the graveyard.


horrible boss story

Damn, dude. I know things have been rough for you for a little while now, but that's quite bad. Hope the agency sorts you out with something soon.

GAF, I got charged £17 for a 20 minute cab ride to the hospital. Is it me, or are cabbie prices just extortinate? I know there's an impending fuel crisis and all, but believe me, if I could have cycled, I would have.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
This thread's in my subscribed anyway, but I do it manually. I was surprised this and the LEGO thread didn't get moved.

Anyway, another day of putting off doing work by making the most of this weather and heading out to skate.


I don't auto but that's because I post in a lot of threads I don't intend to keep following. However, I do manual subscribe to many.


Pizza Dog
I only manual subcribe, but that's probably because there's only a few threads I end up feeling like I want to continually contribute to. Subscribed to here, you guys are special. So special.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Reading these managerial stories makes me want to share my own.

The biggest reason why I'm leaving my job is because all of the managers in my department have elastic bands where their spines should be. All cower to all the schizophrenic and driven-purely-by-numbers orders of our banker CEO. One of my department's managers is barely qualified to manage anything at all whom lacks even a modicum of knowledge of marketing or design and instead resorts to using inane fucking businesspeak to deflect their ignorance. Today I was asked to "migrate a promotional message" on a website ... MIGRATE! What in the fuck does that even mean?! :lol

That and I constantly have my knowledge of the English language challenged, simply because our CEO has a very unique interpretation of the language that my highly-educated native speaking doesn't fit into. I could write more, but my final pay arrives next Friday, so wait 7 days and I may break it down more.


One of my department's managers is barely qualified to manage anything at all whom lacks even a modicum of knowledge of marketing or design and instead resorts to using inane fucking businesspeak to deflect their ignorance. Today I was asked to "migrate a promotional message" on a website ... MIGRATE! What in the fuck does that even mean?! :lol

Migrate would mean move from one database to another, usually used when moving from flat-page content to CMS or vice versa. Migrate can also be used to mean a move within a website's structure. In this context, migrate seems to mean create, which it doesn't.


Maturity, bitches.
On the other hand I got an email from the company director reminding everyone about the staff meeting on Monday. The final item on the agenda? An Easter Egg hunt.
Thanks for your support guys, it helps knowing people have your back. And thanks for sharing your own crappy boss stories, lets me know I'm not alone.

After sitting in the park for a hour I went and met a couple of friends who work close by for a burrito, they helped cheer me up and I was feeling ok. Got back to work about an hour ago and everyone had gone to the pub, so it was nice and quiet and no one to ask if I was ok (don't know about you but when people ask me that it just makes it worse). But my boss' boss was still here and asked if I was ok, and said the three of us would sit down and go through my work load and try and tackle it in bite sized pieces (whatever that means) and make sure I'm not overloaded. Which sounds good in theory, but we'll see what happens when we get in there.....

Jedeye Sniv

Musha - Find a new job mate, you don't want to be working in an environment like that.

Easier said...

I think that right now, finding a new job is one of the hardest things imaginable. It's taken me 5 years to find one, after applying almost weekly. Crazy.

My missus is in the same position, her boss is a total cunt but she's finding it impossible to find another job. The trouble for her is that she gets paid too much, all the comparable jobs are a two grand pay cut which is a bit much to stomach. But it is really starting to affect her, and she's the kind of person that can't just leave work at work (me, I walk out the door of an evening and forget I ever even had a job).


On the other hand I got an email from the company director reminding everyone about the staff meeting on Monday. The final item on the agenda? An Easter Egg hunt.

lol, kinda reminds me of a 1 hour meeting we had where the manager spent the first 5 minutes talking about work and then took the rest of the 55 minutes to give us his analysis on the previous night's episode of The Apprentice. I was stabbing myself in the leg through out the whole thing and I can't recall if I did it out of frustration or simply to stay awake.


I've never understood the "graveyard" complaints at all. Once an OT gets to a certain age, they stop getting new traffic anyway.


Their royalty, Devo and Timedog, are dating now so they're popular again without Microsoft intervention.

Devo and Timedog are by far the worst development that has happened in the last 3 years on NeoGAF. Every thread they post in becomes this "OH TIMEDOG, YOU CRAZY" kind of thing. They both do my fucking nut in.


Maturity, bitches.
Devo and Timedog are by far the worst development that has happened in the last 3 years on NeoGAF. Every thread they post in becomes this "OH TIMEDOG, YOU CRAZY" kind of thing. They both do my fucking nut in.

I honestly feel I missed something big when the Timedog vs Blamespac thread popped up. Then again I feel I've missed out on most of GAF's epic threads.

In other news someone is playing with fireworks near the office. It's 3:30pm and the sun is shining. Why?
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