Hope y'all had a good weekend!
Just checkin' in to prove I'm alive. I'll check in again before 5, tornado permitting.
dem tornadoes
Hope y'all had a good weekend!
Just checkin' in to prove I'm alive. I'll check in again before 5, tornado permitting.
The 'help me talk to girls' threads on here are as frustrating as all the depressing news stories which get posted. And when you call out the idiots who make corny jokes, somehow you're in the wrong. Eurgh.
Being walking distance from Fabric seems both a blessing and a curse. Whereabouts are you moving to? Staying fairly central I assume?
David Bowie turned up in an episode of Extras, clearly Gervais pays more than the Olympic Committee.
That was circa 2006, I hear his issues have come in the last 6 years (weight especially), word is he is a recluse now.
I would like to see fat Bowie. I thought he had one of those nerdlinger body types that meant he was a rake no matter what he ate.
And why are the Greeks/Cypriots obsessed with Starbucks? At any one time there are 20+ in the Starbucks on Campus.
Its not a weight problem, he had a heart attack and swore to his wife that he would never do a concert again.
So good.
'sup kentpaul. Tried these?
Shit's like crack to me. I can't get enough of them.
So good.
I think I'm starting to develop a chemical addiction to Sizzling King Prawn flavoured Real McCoy crisps.
My Grandfather introduced me to them. If i had never tried them i would never randomly add them to my trolley in Tesco.
For me it was because it was and still is my dad's Saturday night thing of Match of The Day and a bag of bombay mix.
But dave they are not ridge cut or highly processed like pringles. That means once accident and the entire bag will be crushed to oblivion.
I'm not fan of a small sharp crisp wedged into my gum.
Unless your one of they blokes that pre crush the packet then open it a little and pour it into your Gulliver.
But dave they are not ridge cut or highly processed like pringles. That means once accident and the entire bag will be crushed to oblivion.
I'm not fan of a small sharp crisp wedged into my gum.
Unless your one of they blokes that pre crush the packet then open it a little and pour it into your Gulliver.
I had a friend in school that used to do this, until I started loudly going "OM NOM NOM NOM" into his ear everytime he did. Soon fixed that.
King Prawn are the way forward.
Anyone see Southampton go up against Man City this weekend?
Epic match! I only got livetext and the highlights later (no Sky) but wow - I didn't think we'd hold up so well.
How can you crush the bag before hand? That removes the satisfaction of finding the big one and fitting the whole thing into your gob.
Huge coffee-shop culture in Greece/Cyprus/Turkey - it's a grown-up thing to do, where you catch up with what is going on and all the gossip and all that.
Its not a weight problem, he had a heart attack and swore to his wife that he would never do a concert again.
The bag crushers mentally differs from the normal British man. Who knows why they do what they do.
Isn't this just another rumour or do you have a source for it? Sad news either way.
A facebook post brought this epic show to my attention. Forgot all about it.
The old farts of the thread wont know it but the younger ones will.
The Demon Headmaster Series 1 ep1 part 1
He used to creep me out so much.A facebook post brought this epic show to my attention. Forgot all about it.
The old farts of the thread wont know it but the younger ones will.
The Demon Headmaster Series 1 ep1 part 1
He used to creep me out so much.
I used to like Bernard's Watch. Mainly because I would've loved to have been able to stop time and just leave school and wander around town.
What about that fifty pence show. The one with the wishes. Fuuu I miss being a kid
I have never heard of Bernards watch wah
The Queen's Nose > Demon Headmaster
Now you have.What about that fifty pence show. The one with the wishes. Fuuu I miss being a kid
I have never heard of Bernards watch wah
What about that fifty pence show. The one with the wishes. Fuuu I miss being a kid
I have never heard of Bernards watch wah
CITV had far better shows than CBBC.