Or just use google maps on Safari, which has the same features as the app did?
Having to open up the browser n' shit in a survival situation.. Come on son its fast actions that save life's.
S3 > Shitmaphone five
Or just use google maps on Safari, which has the same features as the app did?
iOS then covers any mobile gaming you require, look at the iPad now, it's getting Frozen Synapse, BG:EE, Warhammer and Dungeons of Dredmore as well as the best version of M:TG. The iPhone has more games than you will ever get to play, a lot of crap but the good stuff is oh so very good.
Or just use google maps on Safari, which has the same features as the app did?
The ol' booth babes.
QuestionableDo you play any real Magic or just the wallet safe version?
Now I feel guilt. Especially as I now recall her saying something about games testing.Yeeaaaaah, that's my friend Suze, she's actually a games tester for Sega (or was then, working for some other gaming company now), not a booth babe. She just happens to also be hot. She hated getting called a booth babe.
Ah, the holiday I never bother with.ITS ALMOST HALLOWEEN
Just the wallet safe one, I mean the best version of that game (MTG 2012), the PC version has terribad controls that really need a 360 pad.
For any card game touch > all.
Ah, the holiday I never bother with.
Agreed, although I also need my Vita to fill the gap inbetween.im honestly coming to the conclusion, at least at the moment, that PC + IOS gaming is all you need.
This is the single greatest 'anti-iPhone' post I've ever read. I mean, it's total bollocks, but at least it's creative bollocks.Having to open up the browser n' shit in a survival situation.. Come on son its fast actions that save life's.
S3 > Shitmaphone five
Having to open up the browser n' shit in a survival situation.. Come on son its fast actions that save life's.
S3 > Shitmaphone five
I love this holiday. I always aim too high and end up with a shit costume though.
I love this holiday. I always aim too high and end up with a shit costume though.
Dude. pls. stop it.
My Facebook timeline is already getting shitted up with Android owners going spastic about various iOS stuff, we don't need it here too. It's funny, these people are so much more interested in iOS than I am as an iPhone/iPad user. Just let it go man, it's fine, we're all fine.
The map thing is bullshit for sure though
ETA: I'm due to upgrade in a couple of months - thinking about just going for the 4S and saving myself a ton. There's nothing on the 5 that's setting my balls on fire, all I really need is a new phone because my home button is dying. Might even just get another 4, I don't play any games on it any more as it is.
I love this holiday. I always aim too high and end up with a shit costume though.
Yeah that's fair enough. Did you see the Solforge kickstarter?
Yeah I've noticed this too, it's mainly people who don't have an iPhone that are slagging off the new iOS. It doesn't affect you, why do you care? Oh that's right because you know the iPhone is superior but you didn't get one because you wanted to be 'edgy and unique' and now you'll welcome any excuse to prove you were right in not getting one, even though you weren't.
Get the 5 though dude, there are some great deals at the mo where you can get one free or for not that much, plus loads of minutes/texts/downloads for a reasonable amount a month.
Smartphones universally have shit battery life and I'm considering getting a mid-range one next so the battery will last longer. Just browsing the web can drain batteries in a couple of hours in the high end ones. Ridiculous. I avoid smartphone gaming for these reasons.
If there was an Andriod phone with the build quality of the iPhone I might make the leap, I tend to use mostly google aps anyway. iOS "feels" smoother to me (yes, used both) and the phone is on another level of build, other than that it's down to preference and frankly Android is better for virtue of being open.
yeah O2 are doing really good deals for iPhone 5. I'm with them for them for the 4s and for a similair price plan I only get 300 minutes and 500mb of intenet. if I had money to waste I'd upgrade to an iPhone 5 but otherwise I'm just waiting till the 5s or whatever.
What PRACTICAL applications does Android being open benefit though? It's an argument I see again and again but I can't think of how I'd use it outside of a few instances.
Home screen changing?
Rooting? I don't even know what this is, let alone why I'd want to do it.
I can see the ability to save data directly where you'd like it could be useful, but it's a very small niche that could find use for it.
So, Android owners, so that I have ammo to fight my idiot friends with, how else you you use the openess of the platform? Because if we can't find any reasons, I'm going to have to call bullshit on the buzzwords
EDIT: I see Mike has a few more reasons. Wossa undervolt?
im honestly coming to the conclusion, at least at the moment, that PC + IOS gaming is all you need.
Undervolting is effectively downclocking the CPU and GPU so that you get more battery life out of your device. You can get adaptive ones that will downclock when you're not using, but then beef up again when you're playing a game or whatever.
Home screen changing is important to me because I can completely customize the widgets, apps and information that comes up on my homescreen(s) - which means I can get rid of anything I'm not going to use and add information/apps I need to make using my phone a lot more efficient. It's also great to mess around and come up with a great homescreen that looks awesome too (see more here).
Rooting is something you can do with both Android and iOS - it just gives you admin rights to change the actual system files on your device. It's a means to an end when it comes to cusomizing/undervolting etc.
I also love that there are a variety of different ROMs I can put on my Android device, which are essentially different versions of the OS, all tailored to different uses. For example, there's one 'brand' called MIUI which is for people who want an almost-iOS experience, which is slick and good looking.
The one I use is called Paranoid Android - the big draw of that is that it has something called 'Hybrid Mode' which means I can set the system and each individual app to run in either it's phone version or it's tablet version - I can also adjust the DPI etc.
Again, this is all stuff that I use a LOT on my devices and I wouldn't switch to iOS because I'd be without it. A lot of people really love these aspects of owning an Android device.
Equally, a lot of people would read this and think "er... so what?" and they're absolutely right to do so.
You could even store the dinky fucker in your rectum if needed, great for Prison![]()
I don't mean this in a bad way, but in terms of my taste in videogames I really feel like I've grown out of Nintendo. not saying its bad, just not for me nowadays.Yeah, in a perfect world! Unfortunately, many of us (e.g.: people under 20) are skint, so consoles it is.
Also, Nintendo, but that's clearly a bad word around these parts.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but in terms of my taste in videogames I really feel like I've grown out of Nintendo. not saying its bad, just not for me nowadays.
Not to brag, but I am one of the best 1,000 Tiny Wings players in the world. Magic fingers.
Another suicide thread in the OT....see nothing changed over the weekend.
This is pretty much exactly my position, indeed!Eh, I'd argue that objectively neither is better as each is ideal for a different type of user.
I love to tinker with things, get them exactly how I want them. Replace default apps, fuck with my homescreen, undervolt etc so iOS is a nightmare for me.
SmokyDave, for example, probably doesn't give a shit about this stuff. He wants a solid performer out of the box with a huge variety of games etc to choose from and a simple OS that he doesn't have to think about.
Horses for courses, let's all just be friends.
Thing is, after the initial outlay, PC & iOS gaming is so much cheaper!Yeah, in a perfect world! Unfortunately, many of us (e.g.: people under 20) are skint, so consoles it is.
Also, Nintendo, but that's clearly a bad word around these parts.
Awesome, thanks for the educationthis means that I can tell my friends who only use facebook to stfu with their talk of openess when I ask about their OS and voltage settings. ammo is good to have.
So, where is this suicide thread?
Thing is, after the initial outlay, PC & iOS gaming is so much cheaper!
I buy my Vita games digitally and the prices are kinda eye-watering when I think what I could've bought on Steam or the app store.
No worries - glad UK Gaf is a bit more open to actual discussion about these things, unlike the wastelands out there in the rest of OT.
Musha, sorry if I sounded like I was bitching directly at you, back then. It was more aimed at the general bickering outside of this thread, at least it was supposed to be!
So, where is this suicide thread?
I'm guessing its the one about the guy being 30 and his ex being 23.
I thought it was this one where he's bullied through Facebook - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492814
the bit that made my head spin was that one of the bullies is his friend, and he bought his friend lunch every day for a term, and then one time his friend stole his debit card and bought a mcrib and won't pay him back and I'm like JESUS CHRIST KID, MAN THE FUCK UP.
I'm guessing its the one about the guy being 30 and his ex being 23.
who's the hardest guy in this place?