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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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Nobody wants to go near the house of parliament.

edit: You just posted a link to a website that starts the headline with "Donald Trump claims ..."

The article then has the (at the time) prime minister say he is flat out wrong, the current mayor of london calling him a Nazi, and a scottish MP also condemning him. I'm not saying there aren't parts of london police don't go in, maybe there are, but that article isn't what I'd use to justify the position.

You've misunderstood dude. Sorry, should have been clearer in my post. There's a logical inconsistency in the current situation.


Fixes nothing and suggests our government is not opposed to other countries being affected.

This Bannon twat needs sorting out, imagine if Dacre was actually in number 10 giving the orders. This whole situation is fucking mental.


That's not true at all. Why can't people help themselves from pulling lies out of their arse?

In 2010 the NHS was at a record high in terms of satisfaction. They were also at a 2 billion pound surplus, now look at the state of the NHS.


The level of spending under Labour was completely unsustainable though. Labour's entire economic policy was basically "Throw money at it" and if there wasn't any money, just borrow more.

Don't forget, The Tories have never cut the NHS, only increased funding to it. The only political party that has cut the NHS is the SNP.
This Bannon twat needs sorting out, imagine if Dacre was actually in number 10 giving the orders. This whole situation is fucking mental.
Actually, we had Murdoch telling Blair and Cameron what to do. Thankfully though, Murdoch's interests were more economic than social.


Actually, we had Murdoch telling Blair and Cameron what to do. Thankfully though, Murdoch's interests were more economic than social.

Well he influenced them, this situation is more like giving him an office and letting him get on with it.


The level of spending under Labour was completely unsustainable though. Labour's entire economic policy was basically "Throw money at it" and if there wasn't any money, just borrow more.

Don't forget, The Tories have never cut the NHS, only increased funding to it. The only political party that has cut the NHS is the SNP.

Don't forget the Tories have enacted not one but two costly restructures.

They've also gutted (not cut, gutted) local authority social care which drastically increases load on the NHS.


That's not true at all. Why can't people help themselves from pulling lies out of their arse?

In 2010 the NHS was at a record high in terms of satisfaction. They were also at a 2 billion pound surplus, now look at the state of the NHS.


Paying back those PFI loans ain't cheap.

Still, more funding is needed especially in preventative measures. Costs will only spiral as time goes on and we live longer.


As expected:

A source said a rejection would be a "populist gesture", adding that the invitation had been accepted and scrapping it would "undo everything".

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said PM Theresa May would be failing the people if she failed to postpone the visit.

A petition to stop it has gathered more than 900,000 signatures since Saturday.

Only 100,000 signatures are needed for Parliament to consider debating a petition.

The visit was announced during PM May's trip to the US - no date has been set but it is expected to take place later this year.

Particular focus should be placed on the "undo everything" bit...



It would be most unbecoming if our current 'Brexit means Brexit' government blindly followed a misguided populist agenda, wouldn't it? Can't believe they wrote that with a straight face.



As expected:

Particular focus should be placed on the "undo everything" bit...


To be fair, I don't think we should be blocking him from entering our country. Fight shitty ideas with better ones, and protest your points of view, but this isn't a country that should be cheering an outright block (other than to be hyperbolic in your distaste for the man).

Postponing it whilst the American scene is as rocky as it is, sure, but outright block? Nah. Let him come over and he'll see how he is met.


Subete no aware
I know she's just a puppet, but can't the Queen just refuse to meet him? Like what can they do if she just tells her people to fuck off and decides to spend the day playing with her dogs?


I know she's just a puppet, but can't the Queen just refuse to meet him? Like what can they do if she just tells her people to fuck off and decides to spend the day playing with her dogs?

She cancelled some engagements over January thanks to a bout of flu, wouldn't be surprised if it made a return during Trump's visit...


I know she's just a puppet, but can't the Queen just refuse to meet him? Like what can they do if she just tells her people to fuck off and decides to spend the day playing with her dogs?

She's an experienced eldar stateswoman, not a stroppy teen who refuses to meet someone she may disagree with.


I know she's just a puppet, but can't the Queen just refuse to meet him? Like what can they do if she just tells her people to fuck off and decides to spend the day playing with her dogs?

The Queen is supposed to be apolitical. In other words, if a President comes to visit she'll meet him regardless of who it is.


Thank god for Philip. Lets hope there's an open mic near him when he meets Trump.

It'll be dat boi Harry we keep an eye on


for non-Brits happened a long time ago and apology ~ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/4170083.stm

Can't think of anyone she could have met as Queen.

Usually meetings with the Saudi's don't go down well considering the weapons we sell them and the humans rights abuses in the country



I know she's just a puppet, but can't the Queen just refuse to meet him? Like what can they do if she just tells her people to fuck off and decides to spend the day playing with her dogs?

The Queen's pr advisors will probably be trying to work something out.


Besides the fact Trump is 'new money' I'm not sure why people think she wouldn't get along. Are we still pretending she really is neutral in private?

Trump is like her husband but fatter.


To be fair, I don't think we should be blocking him from entering our country. Fight shitty ideas with better ones, and protest your points of view, but this isn't a country that should be cheering an outright block (other than to be hyperbolic in your distaste for the man).

The article quotes the creator of the petition as being explicitly clear; he's not opposing Trump's entry to the country outright. As he points out, unfortunately Trump is POTUS whether we like it or not and so the show must go on, to an extent.

The objection is to a formal 'state visit' with all of the pomp and ceremony and the face-to-face with a Queen. All of that is incredibly hard to stomach and is totally unnecessary.


The article quotes the creator of the petition as being explicitly clear; he's not opposing Trump's entry to the country outright. As he points out, unfortunately Trump is POTUS whether we like it or not and so the show must go on, to an extent.

The objection is to a formal 'state visit' with all of the pomp and ceremony and the face-to-face with a Queen. All of that is incredibly hard to stomach and is totally unnecessary.

I also think it's more of a statement that we, the UK find his actions unacceptable. And a statement to the Tories that we, the people don't agree with cuddling up to what could be Hitler #2. He won't be banned, nothing like that will come of this but it makes a statement.


The article quotes the creator of the petition as being explicitly clear; he's not opposing Trump's entry to the country outright. As he points out, unfortunately Trump is POTUS whether we like it or not and so the show must go on, to an extent.

The objection is to a formal 'state visit' with all of the pomp and ceremony and the face-to-face with a Queen. All of that is incredibly hard to stomach and is totally unnecessary.

That's going to happen though when the new President of the USA comes to the UK. As much as those who don't want him banned may instead just want him wheeled in the back door, it's not going to happen after May got the "red carpet" treatment in America. The Queen chats with the Saudi's so she's going to "chat" with Trump.

Just the reality we live in. Protests can be had by the people when he comes. Other than that we'll have to be depressingly realistic about what is going to happen, petition or not.

Don't worry, Scotland won't do anything of the sorts. Big Alex Salmond is like a dog tugging on a leash to go for Trump :p
BBC still allowing Farage to spew his shit on TV as he licks Trump's wrinkled oranges.

There's a surprise. What show is he on now?

He isn't the leader of a party and he's not an elected MP. Why are they letting him on to spew his vitriol so frequently? Shut the asshole out, let him leave the country he 'loves' so much and go to work for The Donald.

And take smug sack of shit Piers Morgan with him.
I think Theresa May is making a big mistake cosying up to Trump, even if I understand why she's doing so. It seems all but the most hardcore Farage-types fucking hate Trump, yes even a lot of pro-brexit people. If she's not careful, this might be the thing that finally turns public opinion against her.


I think Theresa May is making a big mistake cosying up to Trump, even if I understand why she's doing so. It seems all but the most hardcore Farage-types fucking hate Trump, yes even a lot of pro-brexit people. If she's not careful, this might be the thing that finally turns public opinion against her.

And then maybe Corbyn can... nah, not happening...
I think Theresa May is making a big mistake cosying up to Trump, even if I understand why she's doing so. It seems all but the most hardcore Farage-types fucking hate Trump, yes even a lot of pro-brexit people. If she's not careful, this might be the thing that finally turns public opinion against her.

I hope so. This will be very interesting. I don't think it will do massive damage, but something needs to at least cause a dent eventually...

But there is the thing that let's be honest - a 'Muslim Ban' here would get a decent amount of support. Hopefully we'd fight it and not let it through, but there's enough of that bigotry built up over the years to make that feel reasonable to people. There'll be some support for it. Hell, with May's 'Go Home' vans and actions in the Home Office, I wonder how much she genuinely disagrees with it.

But the level of reaction to this is great. She'll start to look weaker as more protests come through. And we all know petitions are useless at actual results, but if this keeps the narrative on Trump/May, that itself is a bit of a victory in my books.

Also Trump's ego vs crowds of boos, well I'm looking forward to that too


I think Theresa May is making a big mistake cosying up to Trump, even if I understand why she's doing so. It seems all but the most hardcore Farage-types fucking hate Trump, yes even a lot of pro-brexit people. If she's not careful, this might be the thing that finally turns public opinion against her.

Also gives the UK a really bad position in any upcoming trade deal negotiations. I still cannot believe people thought/think this is better for the UK than Europe.
I hope so. This will be very interesting. I don't think it will do massive damage, but something needs to at least cause a dent eventually...

But there is the thing that let's be honest - a 'Muslim Ban' here would get a decent amount of support. Hopefully we'd fight it and not let it through, but there's enough of that bigotry built up over the years to make that feel reasonable to people. There'll be some support for it. Hell, with May's 'Go Home' vans and actions in the Home Office, I wonder how much she genuinely disagrees with it.

But the level of reaction to this is great. She'll start to look weaker as more protests come through. And we all know petitions are useless at actual results, but if this keeps the narrative on Trump/May, that itself is a bit of a victory in my books.
There'll be 'some' support but I wouldn't overstate it. As much as we pretend our country is shit and the people are mostly little-England xenophobes, most of us really aren't.

I think a 'Muslim ban' would go down incredibly poorly. More vetting? Welcomed with open arms. Tougher border controls? Same as before. The country turned on a dime once we saw that drowned child and I think people by-and-large are more empathic to refugees than you'd think.


I think Theresa May is making a big mistake cosying up to Trump, even if I understand why she's doing so. It seems all but the most hardcore Farage-types fucking hate Trump, yes even a lot of pro-brexit people. If she's not careful, this might be the thing that finally turns public opinion against her.

The Tories are desperate for a good trade deal, or at least the promise of a good trade deal on the table, to point to during the A50 process. As the economy starts nosediving, they want to be able to pretend Brexit isn't the disastrous act of self-harm that it is, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm pretty sure some of the Tory hard-Brexiters would sacrifice their first born for it.

This is the UK's foreseeable future - cosying up to anyone and everyone who might be prepared to invest in us.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
What if suddenly trump demand Britain initiate the same ban on Muslims in return for trade opportunities. I mean, he could do it, and May doesnt look like she'd put up a fight.
There'll be 'some' support but I wouldn't overstate it. As much as we pretend our country is shit and the people are mostly little-England xenophobes, most of us really aren't.

I think a 'Muslim ban' would go down incredibly poorly. More vetting? Welcomed with open arms. Tougher border controls? Same as before. The country turned on a dime once we saw that drowned child and I think people by-and-large are more empathic to refugees than you'd think.

True - I shouldn't overestimate, I'm just a bit worried we're not as far along as maybe I thought before.

But on the drowned child - the mood changed for what, a week? Then back to where we started.
I think that sewage workers are making a big mistake by keeping the drains working. I mean, it seems that everyone but the most extreme scatologists hates shit and the smell of shit. Just let the shit pile up on it's own and close our borders to keep it out I say.

Why is this sort of argument seemingly the most powerful one in current politics on all sides. It seems sort of bad and easy to dismiss with basic understanding of rhetorical fallacies to me. I guess there is a sucker born every minute.


What if suddenly trump demand Britain initiate the same ban on Muslims in return for trade opportunities. I mean, he could do it, and May doesnt look like she'd put up a fight.

Business is all about £££$$$. He isn't going to start making demands of completely UK based political decisions that could get in the way of making money. It's one of those 'what ifs' you can add to a pile that would scare yourself into oblivion. The real question is, is this scenario I'm cooking up in any way realistic?

The surest way to lose is to think you can't win.

It's not how this country is going to react politically to an "ally", and it's not how the Queen is going to react as a supposed apolitical figure when someone of importance visits. Protest voices the people's concerns and beliefs, but it isn't going to stop this going ahead. It should however show May and the Tories just what the people think.
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