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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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"Lead", "together".

All along we were worried about becoming Little Britain when in actuality we're turning into Little Trumpland.

The Tories, heck Britain in general, have always chased in the footsteps of America. Tony Blair followed Bush into an illegal war like a good little servant.

As much as there are many reasons to want to ally with America, it doesn't mean you need to try and become America.... All the privatising plans of our health care system is but one thing you do NOT want to copy America on.
But I thought they wanted to be free from other countries. Why wanting to be Trump best buddies? It should be only Britain First, right?



One country just left the door open for China to usurp its place in Southeast Asia, the other thought it still has an empire and left a major alliance with real bargaining power
At this point I am not really sure about anything anymore. It sounds a bit like a desperate bid in order to maintain some sort of relevance in the world scenario after leaving the EU...
And here was me thinking the UK surely would not side with Trump.

Because that's exactly what it is. If Britain actually wanted to be a globally relevant country, we would never even begin to fathom leaving the EU.


I've disliked May ever since she was put in charge, stupid decision by the tories. But due to how bloody useless labour is we don't even have an alternative.


You're better than that UK friends. You left Europe, but never forget, you're better than that.

It doesn't matter anymore, May isn't acting in the interest of the general public and neither is Trump. Not even the working-middle class voters that voted for their parties. We're just along for the ride.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Big laugh if the new right-wing alliance thinks they're going to "lead". They're going to enrich a few business interests, stay in power for 5-10 years, then be regarded as a regrettable footnote of history. This is the kind of politics that no one reveres unless they are the direct beneficiaries in that time and place.

History will hate you, you don't "lead" shit.
Yes, USA and UK, lead together again, maybe along with the Russians. After all, during the first half of the 20th century, you kicked off the instability in basically every region of the world that still is boiling about.
It's so transparent what our government are doing, they realise that they shit the bed by agreeing to leave the Eu but to save face and have the ability to remove protection and security laws they are willing to continue driving head on.

Of course now we are a lot weaker trade and partner wise so they figure "US is about to do the stuff we would love to do and Donald is desperate enough for people to kiss his arse that we can become significant partners with the US all by verbally sucking their dick"

People used to joke about our 'special relationship' with America but I fear we haven't seen how far our government are willing to go to make that a fact and strengthen our own position. I mean, it's not like we have a government that won an election and referendum on a platform of xenophobia and nationalism all while trying to increase totalitarian control and corporate interests 'in the background ' so it makes complete sense this would happen.
It's all very depressing. We've shunned very good friends in hope of business with America and it turns out now that friend as turned into a egotistical facist twat.


If Scotland doesn't vote yes to independence now... I will truly disown my fellow country persons. I mean honestly, if we're gonna just go along with this depressing new world order Orwellian bullshit then I will happily curse Scotland and it's idiotic fucking people and then try to row a boat to Iceland! (Last part half joking).

Surely we realise we're better than this. I don't give a fuck if Britain is our biggest export market (as if the UK, which equally sells just as much back to Scotland would cut all ties and not agree a sensible deal with us afterwards), we're better than this. There's more to life than just partnering up with where the most cash is, there's these weird notions of principals and wishing to live in a society people on the whole are happy with, not one that reduces people down to numbers and statistics and gives no fucks for their wellbeing.

Scotland, in Europe (yes I'm sure we can get a deal sorted there with our fellow non-fucking-berserk(!) Europeans), is the sane option.

Fuck if it really is that bad that we must go it completely alone, but not ruled by the fucking despotic Tories, then even that is a better option. Enough is enough.

Trump may manage to stay in power for 8 years, if he survives world war three he's probably going to start but eventually the decent people in the US will reclaim their country, then Britain realises it's truly fucked on the world stage. We cannot be the one fucking major state that legitimised this fascist cunt. Enough!


Wonder how those who voted Brexit to "regain our sovereignty" are feeling now that we are looking like we're just going to end up getting in bed with Trump?, or was the EU such a huge demon that it was escape at any cost?

We aren't regaining our sovereignty, we'll end up getting a shitty deal, and being the US's lap dog, again, 52nd state and all that.

It's like the 80's all over again.

Or is May just offering up such a shitty option that maybe, just maybe, Brexiters will wake up to the prospect of Cold War v2, that they'll realise that this is a bad thing?, nah, that won't happen.


I don't even know what to say anymore.
It's just becoming embarrassing how politicians present themselves at this point.


Honestly, talking about "responsibilities", I'm not convinced the world would actually care if we were to just fuck off into oblivion and never return. We're such arseholes, god.


It's getting more and more depressing.
The so-called white paper for Brexit will now not be released until the government witll trigger article 50.

Davis refuses to commit to publish Brexit white paper before MPs debate article 50 bill

The Conservative Anna Soubry asks when the white paper will be published.

Davis said it will be published “as expeditious as it can be”.

The SNP’s Stephen Gethins asks if it will be published before the article 50 bill is debated.

Davis says it will come before some of the EU legislation that is coming (like the great repeal bill). He will be as “expeditious” as he can.

Gethins asks if it will be published before the article 50 bill’s committee stage.

Davis says he will publish it as soon as he can.

Jenny Chapman, a shadow Brexit minister, says MPs may not get the white paper when they need it. Can he assure it will come before the committee stage?

Davis asks what you can do with an opposition that won’t take yes for an answer. He will publish it as soon as he can.

Chapman asks if it will be a cut and paste of the prime minister’s speech. Or will it set out the financial impacts of the various options?

Davis says the prime minister’s speech was very clear. He says the Labour opposition passed a motion last year saying the government should not publish anything that might undermine its negotiating position.

I don't understand what is going on in this country any more.
I moved here 10 years ago and loved London... now, I just struggle to understand how did they get to this point.
We are begging off the wrong country may, US will be failed state under trump, should be getting into bed with China.

She already did that when she resumed the nuclear plant deal. Now she just need to kiss up to piss baby and get a sweet trade deal ASAP.


It's getting more and more depressing.
The so-called white paper for Brexit will now not be released until the government witll trigger article 50.

Davis refuses to commit to publish Brexit white paper before MPs debate article 50 bill

I don't understand what is going on in this country any more.
I moved here 10 years ago and loved London... now, I just struggle to understand how did they get to this point.

London is very different from a lot of England. Londons a lot more diverse for one
Wonder how those who voted Brexit to "regain our sovereignty" are feeling now that we are looking like we're just going to end up getting in bed with Trump?, or was the EU such a huge demon that it was escape at any cost?

It wasn't really about sovereignty. Brexit was about one particular issue and nothing else.
I am confused. Is it not fairly obvious that Trump does not want to 'lead the world'? Protectionist attitudes et al. Why does May think it's all gravy? Speeches, I know, are not always literal expressions of fact etc, but I don't get it. Other than desperation.

Trump will sign a deal with the UK, and I would assume given his shtick that it will not be a super duper deal for 'free trade woo' May, but designed to suit the USA. Like any self interested nation, tbh. But press here will lap it up, because ANY deal is fine for them given the logic is not how good a deal is, it's just that they exist and aren't boooo EU boooooo.


It's getting more and more depressing.
The so-called white paper for Brexit will now not be released until the government witll trigger article 50.

Davis refuses to commit to publish Brexit white paper before MPs debate article 50 bill

I don't understand what is going on in this country any more.
I moved here 10 years ago and loved London... now, I just struggle to understand how did they get to this point.

Foolish pride.
Wonder how those who voted Brexit to "regain our sovereignty" are feeling now that we are looking like we're just going to end up getting in bed with Trump?, or was the EU such a huge demon that it was escape at any cost?

We aren't regaining our sovereignty, we'll end up getting a shitty deal, and being the US's lap dog, again, 52nd state and all that.

It's like the 80's all over again.

Or is May just offering up such a shitty option that maybe, just maybe, Brexiters will wake up to the prospect of Cold War v2, that they'll realise that this is a bad thing?, nah, that won't happen.

Speaking to people i know who happened to vote for Brexit, they are obsessed with the British Empire.. Whilst some wanted sovereignty, what a lot really wanted is being on the very top table at world affairs. Good old great britain. And it seems like we are eager to throw all our values under the bus for it.

One thing that does my head in is the media here. They are obsessed with the special relationship. We're basically a big kid that just wants to hear nice things said about us. It crosses everything from politics, to sport (just watch the olympics and the pandering to guest athletes)

You can see why Obama closely allied himself with Merkel.


It wasn't really about sovereignty. Brexit was about one particular issue and nothing else.

Yeh, trade is fine, inanimate objects are great. But I honestly believe seeing and hearing Polish people and even imagining hearing a Syrian refugee makes many a Brexiters stomach turn.


I am confused. Is it not fairly obvious that Trump does not want to 'lead the world'? Protectionist attitudes et al. Why does May think it's all gravy? Speeches, I know, are not always literal expressions of fact etc, but I don't get it. Other than desperation.

Trump will sign a deal with the UK, and I would assume given his shtick that it will not be a super duper deal for 'free trade woo' May, but designed to suit the USA. Like any self interested nation, tbh. But press here will lap it up, because ANY deal is fine for them given the logic is not how good a deal is, it's just that they exist and aren't boooo EU boooooo.

Because she's got no other option, she knows the UK can't stand toe to toe with the rest of the world alone.

As I said, any port in a storm.


I doubt she sees it that way. If you are referring to a hard Brexit people voted leave to control immigration and you can't stay in the single market without following the four freedoms.

Oh, of course she doesn't. And yes, people voted for Brexit mostly based on that one issue, however she could have an out in saying that the referendum wasn't on the conditions of Brexit, only the action itself.
Sure it would be an unpopular decision, but she would still be "respecting the people's mandate" and could try to calm the masses by saying they were still "taking the country back".
As of now, I see her determination on getting a hard Brexit (and apparently alienating any sensible negotiations with the EU) as nothing more than furthering her political position/power - and that's of her own volition.


I am confused. Is it not fairly obvious that Trump does not want to 'lead the world'? Protectionist attitudes et al. Why does May think it's all gravy? Speeches, I know, are not always literal expressions of fact etc, but I don't get it. Other than desperation.

Trump will sign a deal with the UK, and I would assume given his shtick that it will not be a super duper deal for 'free trade woo' May, but designed to suit the USA. Like any self interested nation, tbh. But press here will lap it up, because ANY deal is fine for them given the logic is not how good a deal is, it's just that they exist and aren't boooo EU boooooo.

It seems more likely that he won't involved in anything. He'll just say he wants a great trade deal that benefits both countries and he'll get someone to screw things up. UK, who is currently burning all the bridges with the EU, won't have many partners to have a decent trade deal will probably take whatever is offered.
I don't understand what is going on in this country any more.
I moved here 10 years ago and loved London... now, I just struggle to understand how did they get to this point.
Conservative messaging, all three parties ignoring the poor, conservatives being fine with baiting hatred if it gets them more votes, the poor being failed by education, politicians failing to explain why the world works the way it does, the 'conservative' newspapers pandering to the baby boomers, baby boomers thinking things used to be 'great' when they were actually much worse.

There's a lot of reasons. You can still love London, it was one of the sane places. Actually, to be fair, if you've only[/b] lived in London then you're in somewhat of a bubble. A lot of places in this country have been failed economically and when that happens the people who have been treated the worst by the system often, ironically, turn to the 'other' because it's a much easier fight than accepting that the people you've voted for are failing you. That and the establishment is much happier with you thinking that than grabbing your pitchforks and going to the town hall. You can't be surprised when these people are finally given an effective vote - and they've been conditioned to hate the other out of political convenience - they'll vote to Leave.

It fucking sucks but please try and remember that not all Leave voters are monsters. Just because they make a vote that we find politically, economically and socially irresponsible this does not make them nigh-on fascists or racists. Our country is going to go through hard times because of this but the worst thing that we can do is begin to cannibalize ourselves.

Just remember, at least we didn't vote for someone like Trump. At least the London Mayor is a Muslim, proving we've not all lost our damn minds. At least Farage lost his own constituency, proving that nobody wants this right-wing dickbag even if they want to leave the EU and the same goes for UKIP.


The thing is, there's not a lot fascists can do, even with the backing of the baying scum who are their core support. Fascism comes to power when people who should know better either fail to oppose them, or think they can deal with them to their own benefit. Fuck Theresa May for a collaborationist. I don't expect her to tell him to fuck off, realpolitik being what it is, but I certainly do not expect her to go and validate the sick fuck.
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