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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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Sturgeon should wait a few years. See how this May and Trump adventure fairs, then use it.

Yeah, nothing is happening till we see how this circus show plays out. Nor should it, even as someone pro-independence, situations need to actually change before there is a right to reintroduce another referendum. As in article 50 needs to be triggered, and arguably we need to be fully out the EU first.


Trump's america leading the world is a TERRIBLE thought. Please keep his disgusting idea's away from us in the rest of the civilized world.


It's completely and utterly embarrassing just how spineless our leadership is. May is an absolute joke of a PM, continuing the trend from Cameron. Wanting to leave the EU but also wanting to climb into bed with Trump's America? Is she actively trying fuck us over?
Watch May bend the UK over for Trump and find a way to remove wind farms near his golf course in Scotland in return for a trade deal concession.

"We have the opportunity for a deal, we can move the wind farm"
I mean, this sentiment has been around right? NeoGAF itself has had a thread where people wanted to be "allowed" to be proud of the Raj.


Watch May bend the UK over for Trump and find a way to remove wind farms near his golf course in Scotland in return for a trade deal concession.

"We have the opportunity for a deal, we can move the wind farm"

Man, that would brew a shit storm. Regardless of any one's political beliefs up North I'd wager most are in favour of our attempts at renewable energy. Sure there can be some moaning about wind farms near residential areas but off the coast? I doubt you'll find many other than Trump whining about that.
Yeah, nothing is happening till we see how this circus show plays out. Nor should it, even as someone pro-independence, situations need to actually change before there is a right to reintroduce another referendum. As in article 50 needs to be triggered, and arguably we need to be fully out the EU first.

If Brexit ends up hurting the UK (which it very likely will, I see no scenario in which Brexit will benefit the UK both short and long term), it might even be in the interest of the EU to try and "lure" the regions that voted to remain to break off from the UK by offering them easier route into becoming candidates and accepted back in - i.e. sped up process like Iceland. Obviously, Scotland first and foremost (but also Northern Ireland and Gibraltar).

With that said, while the EU departure motion had a lot of steam after the Brexit vote ended up successful, it seems that it's losing a bit of momentum as the reality of how it would affect any country starts to come out. At the very least, it might lead to even the EU skeptics to wait and see what exactly happens.


Brits, you HAVE to get your nation back on track. It seems like you have a rolling cannon and everybody is in shock.

Atm we still need you, but Germany and France are already forging a new Europe. Snap out of it!

this is just a snippet of how Europe is already ahead in moving on from brexit
The majority of people want to remain in the single market, but she has no intentions of respecting that mandate.

You can't please everyone. Going with the results of the referendum we just had is a legitimate course of action here.


Like it or not, that was an option she had.
No one expected her to ignore it, she could, but no one would expect her to. But no one sure as hell asked her to ignore the other half of the voters who didn't want to leave at all. She used the referendum to make it as though the british people have all voted for full-on break from the European Union, and is using it to advance her own political gain at the cost of the country's wellbeing.
You yourself are admitting her decision was politically motivated. She has always had the choice to leave the EU in a rational way that respected the outcome of the election (Soft-brexit), but didn't make this choice.

Sure, of course she had the option of trying for a soft Brexit. But since that option is essentially: continue to obey EU directives, continue to pay into the system, continue to have no border control, etc., and the only difference being we don't get any MEPs, it sort of begs the question "what's the point?". The only reasonable interpretation of "Leave the EU" is "Properly leave the EU". And that's what she's said all along.


If Brexit ends up hurting the UK (which it very likely will, I see no scenario in which Brexit will benefit the UK both short and long term), it might even be in the interest of the EU to try and "lure" the regions that voted to remain to break off from the UK by offering them easier route into becoming candidates and accepted back in - i.e. sped up process like Iceland. Obviously, Scotland first and foremost (but also Northern Ireland and Gibraltar).

With that said, while the EU departure motion had a lot of steam after the Brexit vote ended up successful, it seems that it's losing a bit of momentum as the reality of how it would affect any country starts to come out. At the very least, it might lead to even the EU skeptics to wait and see what exactly happens.

The Spanish federation is having issues with communities that want to break away, so they will veto anything that encourages parts of other nations to break off and join the EU

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Guess its going to be the reverse of that Black Mirror episode and she's going to be fucked by the pig instead.


The Spanish federation is having issues with communities that want to break away, so they will veto anything that encourages parts of other nations to break off and join the EU

It's said time and time again but Scotland breaking away would be legally accepted and a mutual agreement from the rUK and Scotland. Not to mention Scotland is not a "community", "city", "area" or whatever else, it's a nation. Catalonia's situation is not the same as Scotland and never would be. It's just a Unionist wet dream to wheel it out to strike fear in people's minds. If we legally get independence, then we're not part of the UK, end of. We'll be the same as every other country in the EU which has borders with neighbouring countries.

The Republic of Ireland springs to mind...


Unconfirmed Member
If Brexit ends up hurting the UK (which it very likely will, I see no scenario in which Brexit will benefit the UK both short and long term), it might even be in the interest of the EU to try and "lure" the regions that voted to remain to break off from the UK by offering them easier route into becoming candidates and accepted back in - i.e. sped up process like Iceland. Obviously, Scotland first and foremost (but also Northern Ireland and Gibraltar).

With that said, while the EU departure motion had a lot of steam after the Brexit vote ended up successful, it seems that it's losing a bit of momentum as the reality of how it would affect any country starts to come out. At the very least, it might lead to even the EU skeptics to wait and see what exactly happens.
The EU has never done anything like this. They have the upper hand in negotiations and countries like Ireland will definitely try to woo British companies and banks, but the EU is not in the imperial aggressor business and will definitely not actively try to break up a country.
May needs to be very careful. I know quite a few Tory voters despite living in a 'liberal bubble'. However, I don't know anyone who is at all sympathetic to Trump.

May's special relationship negotiations are gonna make Alex Salmond's golf course negotiations look like a good deal.
Trump gives no fucks and is entirely ruthless. He will promise the world to secure a deal then immediately welch on it as soon as he has what he needs.


Yeah, nothing is happening till we see how this circus show plays out. Nor should it, even as someone pro-independence, situations need to actually change before there is a right to reintroduce another referendum. As in article 50 needs to be triggered, and arguably we need to be fully out the EU first.

Political speaking, I don't think Nicola is in a position to initiate anything. She's however in a position to play a part in the shape Brexit would take in the long run and how it will benefit Scotland.

She cannot call for another referendum. That won't be a good move.


May needs to be very careful. I know quite a few Tory voters despite living in a 'liberal bubble'. However, I don't know anyone who is at all sympathetic to Trump.

May's special relationship negotiations are gonna make Alex Salmond's golf course negotiations look like a good deal.
Trump gives no fucks and is entirely ruthless. He will promise the world to secure a deal then immediately welch on it as soon as he has what he needs.

independence and taking back control seems to mean accepting whatever shit the Tory party say.


You're better than that UK friends. You left Europe, but never forget, you're better than that.

If only Theresa May didn't win the Tory party elections by default. She's going to ruin what's left of this country with her hard brexit rhetoric and her awful opinions.

She only cares about No.1
It's said time and time again but Scotland breaking away would be legally accepted and a mutual agreement from the rUK and Scotland. Not to mention Scotland is not a "community", "city", "area" or whatever else, it's a nation. Catalonia's situation is not the same as Scotland and never would be. It's just a Unionist wet dream to wheel it out to strike fear in people's minds. If we legally get independence, then we're not part of the UK, end of. We'll be the same as every other country in the EU which has borders with neighbouring countries.

The Republic of Ireland springs to mind...
Good. Nicola Sturgeon needs to call her referendum asap and the Scots can vote to leave if they wish. I am tired of the SNP trying to tie the hands of Theresa May as she enters Brexit negotiations. The government needs a free hand to extract the best possible deal from the EU.

If only Theresa May didn't win the Tory party elections by default. She's going to ruin what's left of this country with her hard brexit rhetoric and her awful opinions.

She only cares about No.1
Probably best to leave negotiation to those better qualified. Nobody enters a negotiation kow-towing. That's what David Cameron did and look at the 'deal' he got. And who can forget Blair's 'red lines' that wasn't worth the paper it was written on.
Good. Nicola Sturgeon needs to call her referendum asap and the Scots can vote to leave if they wish. I am tired of the SNP trying to tie the hands of Theresa May as she enters Brexit negotiations. The government needs a free hand to extract the best possible deal from the EU.

Heaven forbid they try and campaign for what their people voted for. If London could do the same it would.


Good. Nicola Sturgeon needs to call her referendum asap and the Scots can vote to leave if they wish. I am tired of the SNP trying to tie the hands of Theresa May as she enters Brexit negotiations. The government needs a free hand to extract the best possible deal from the EU.

Probably best to leave negotiation to those better qualified. Nobody enters a negotiation kow-towing. That's what David Cameron did and look at the 'deal' he got. And who can forget Blair's 'red lines' that wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

You are tired of a government looking out for the best interests of its constituents first? Maybe May could learn a thing or two.

Who do you consider qualified to negotiate here? There is no one. The last trade deal Britain negotiated was joining the EC.


It leaves a bad taste in the mouth but May's responsibility is to position the UK in the best position possible. As loathsome as Trump is he is clearly an Anglophile and she has to take advantage of that. Some people won't like it but I don't blame her for it. Got to play the hand you are dealt as well as you can.

Hitler was clearly an Anglophile too, no doubt May would have been happy to accept his offer of peace and joint world-dominion too. Then he'd have fucked us when the fancy took him...


Political speaking, I don't think Nicola is in a position to initiate anything. She's however in a position to play a part in the shape Brexit would take in the long run and how it will benefit Scotland.

She cannot call for another referendum. That won't be a good move.

She does have some support behind her, outside of the hardcore supporters. The manifesto voted for and behind the 56 out of 59 MPs in Scotland explicitly stated that a large change in circumstances would be justification for the SNP to revisit all options around Scotland and its future. Hence why the first actions after the Brexit vote were talking to the EU about a soft Brexit and exploring staying in the EU/single market as part of the UK. As expected all of these options are dead ends, but it was worth investigating prior to the most extreme decision, independence.

This isn't a remark in favourability of independence, but a simple statement that politically they do have every right to PROPOSE a referendum for the PEOPLE to vote to go ahead or not. As always, these things would be done above board and based on what the people want.

Good. Nicola Sturgeon needs to call her referendum asap and the Scots can vote to leave if they wish. I am tired of the SNP trying to tie the hands of Theresa May as she enters Brexit negotiations. The government needs a free hand to extract the best possible deal from the EU.

Probably best to leave negotiation to those better qualified. Nobody enters a negotiation kow-towing. That's what David Cameron did and look at the 'deal' he got. And who can forget Blair's 'red lines' that wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Nah, asap would be careless. We do need to bide some time to see May and Co fuck everything up. Democratically the people do deserve some time to see how Brexit will go ahead, and get evidence to then make their minds up on. Too much of politics is based upon hearsay and speculation, it is time now for responding to actions and facts.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
You can't please everyone. Going with the results of the referendum we just had is a legitimate course of action here.
Sure, of course she had the option of trying for a soft Brexit. But since that option is essentially: continue to obey EU directives, continue to pay into the system, continue to have no border control, etc., and the only difference being we don't get any MEPs, it sort of begs the question "what's the point?". The only reasonable interpretation of "Leave the EU" is "Properly leave the EU". And that's what she's said all along.
That's true. Honestly though, the people voted to leave the EU. Nowhere on the ballot did it say how. It didn't say 'leave the EU and gain full control of borders, and not pay into the EU', because if that option was available and won the referendum, that would have been a clear choice.
Doing this whole thing in a manner that respected the outcome of the referendum as it is now, would mean the UK left the EU, the leave voters get their wish. But at the same time, further economic hardship is prevented because the rest of the voters came out strongly for the opposite.
You are tired of a government looking out for the best interests of its constituents first? Maybe May could learn a thing or two.

Who do you consider qualified to negotiate here? There is no one. The last trade deal Britain negotiated was joining the EC.
A devolved administration. There is only one government here, the government of the United Kingdom. Don't get me wrong though, I support self-determination. Unfortunately I happen to be English.

All the more reason to enter negotiations with an aggressive offer and hope for the best tbh. European leaders are showing no compunction with their aggressive stances, we need to match to try and get the best possible deal that avoids hard Brexit but also allow control over immigration which is obviously an important issue to a lot of people.


Not surprised May is a vile woman and would jump in bed with the devil himself if it meant furthering her own political goal.

I hate that image as it's just nonsense and just makes the leave party look like fool as Britain had an Empire many years ago and countries like India had to fight for their freedom and got treated like dirt when they immigrated to Britain.

She looks like she trying to take a piss.

Soon as Scotland gain independence im moving.



Not surprised May is a vile woman and would jump in bed with the devil himself if it meant furthering her own political goal.

I hate that image as it's just nonsense and just makes the leave party look like fool as Britain had an Empire many years ago and countries like India had to fight for their freedom and got treated like dirt when they immigrated to Britain.

She looks like she trying to take a piss.


She's got dat Donald Trump superior posture. I don't really like poking fun at people's physical appearance, but posture is often "learned", as in it is bad habits/lack of confidence/etc. Unless of course there are medical reasons behind it. Still, as of now, it just looks like she's a part of the Donald Trump School of how2posture. Fitting really in the wake of the Trump brown nosing.
A devolved administration. There is only one government here, the government of the United Kingdom. Don't get me wrong though, I support self-determination. Unfortunately I happen to be English.

All the more reason to enter negotiations with an aggressive offer and hope for the best tbh. European leaders are showing no compunction with their aggressive stances, we need to match to try and get the best possible deal that avoids hard Brexit.

EU cannot negotiate before Article 50 is triggered. Nobody is negotiating with UK so far, there are only hypothetical answers based on the EU positions.

EU isn't going to burn both unions out of spite, but UK is going to lose anyway.


I'm kind of tired of people thinking only their view of the world is correct and everybody else who disagrees is Hitler.

What are you implying? There's no need to make generalisations - I certainly don't think anyone is Hitler. Hitler's dead.

I'd rather hear your opposing opinion rather than the implication of a contrarian position. I would be happy to discuss your views, rather than simply the notion of opposition. You haven't actually said anything constructive about the subject at hand.


A devolved administration. There is only one government here, the government of the United Kingdom. Don't get me wrong though, I support self-determination. Unfortunately I happen to be English.

All the more reason to enter negotiations with an aggressive offer and hope for the best tbh. European leaders are showing no compunction with their aggressive stances, we need to match to try and get the best possible deal that avoids hard Brexit but also allow control over immigration which is obviously an important issue to a lot of people.

How can you maintain this completely disproven view almost a year later? European leaders didn't adopt an "aggressive" stance, they have explained constantly before and after the referendum that the 4 freedoms are not bargaining chips for negotiation. The Leave campaign ignored this and repeated the lie that they would get both single market access and immigration controls when it was never on the table. Which brings us to now, where reality has set in and the doublethink of "the British people always wanted hard Brexit" has been trotted out by the Government.


Your reaction to this is exactly what they want. It's a process of homogenisation, and anyone with heterogeneous sympathies will feel unwanted. I mean, you gotta give it to them, it's working...but it'll only end up being to their detriment.

By the way, I'm with you on looking for opportunities to leave –– but we must remember, this is a Europe-wide change of consciousness. France, Netherlands, Italy are all adopting similarly imperialist homogenous stances.

I am not entirely sure France is currently showing any imperialistic dream of leading the world with Trump. The National Front has been pretty much stable in France, always getting shit loads of votes during the regional elections and not making it (luckily!) in the political ones. Same can be said about Italy, althought they do have a bit of a weird-ass movement with the 5 stars. As far as I know, in Netherlands the rates of "affection" towards the EU have actually increased since the shit-show of Brexit.

I am not sure why, but sometimes I get the feeling that many people in UK are relentlessy pushing the agenda of "the EU is going to shit anyway", while this doesn't always seem to be the truth (not referring to you here eh, just in general).

I'm kind of tired of people thinking only their view of the world is correct and everybody else who disagrees is Hitler.

I am not sure what do you mean (?)


European leaders are showing no compunction with their aggressive stances, we need to match to try and get the best possible deal that avoids hard Brexit but also allow control over immigration which is obviously an important issue to a lot of people.

Which stemmed from the idea among several Brexit-makers that concessions would be in place and the UK could have access to the single market without accepting the EU pillars.
Of course EU leaders were going to aggressively and vehemently refuse that. They won't let the Project be further compromised.


A devolved administration. There is only one government here, the government of the United Kingdom. Don't get me wrong though, I support self-determination. Unfortunately I happen to be English.

All the more reason to enter negotiations with an aggressive offer and hope for the best tbh. European leaders are showing no compunction with their aggressive stances, we need to match to try and get the best possible deal that avoids hard Brexit but also allow control over immigration which is obviously an important issue to a lot of people.

Riiiight, and all the years you called the Germans NAZI's, Threatened to leave, made it into a little show for the media and a huge "Blame Brussels for everything!" wasn't an aggresive stance?

Germans just are sick and tired of you Leaver English. None of those you called NAZI's were actually alive during the Second World war, or very small children during it. But you are rushing to align yourself with actual NAZI's just so you can pat yourself on the back.

I mean you could also have left in a normal fashion without making it into a NAZI calling Fox News Fest, fuelled by uncle Rupert. We Norwegians aren't in the EU and seem to do fine, have cordial relations with the Germans, Swedes, Danish (Their Langauge is still a disaster though ;) ), Dutch, France, etc. Why? Because we are POLITE!

While you on the other hand are already threatening us with a new Codwar! (Yes CODWAR :D, not Cold War, look it up, The Norwegians and Icelandic have a history with England. They were dicks back then as well ;), sending NAVY ships to sink fishing boats). Really, is it that hard to leave gracefully for you guys?
I am not entirely sure France is currently showing any imperialistic dream of leading the world with Trump. The National Front has been pretty much stable in France, always getting shit loads of votes during the regional elections and not making it (luckily!) in the political ones. Same can be said about Italy, althought they do have a bit of a weird-ass movement with the 5 stars. As far as I know, in Netherlands the rates of "affection" towards the EU have actually increased since the shit-show of Brexit.

I am not sure why, but sometimes I get the feeling that many people in UK are relentlessy pushing the agenda of "the EU is going to shit anyway", while this doesn't always seem to be the truth (not referring to you here eh, just in general).

Sorry, my remark wasn't about the EU per se. But the general adoption of homogenous thinking within those states as well. You can stay in the EU and still have those views –– after all, to many it's all about economic prosperity.

The rhetoric by the Dutch PM towards migrants and foreigners tends to promulgate this anti-foreign rhetoric fostered during the Leave campaign. Anyway, fundamentally, I agree with you.

What's ironic is that all this has shown to others in Europe is how NOT to act, with respect to the consequences of leaving the EU. And you're quite right, the EU is actually pretty robust and stable (the instability was always mostly the UK with its unreasonable demands).


This is just bad platforming really. If I got this through my door, I'd wipe my ass with it (literally) and send it back to the aspiring councillor. Not because I'm anti-unionist per se, but just how bad at getting across its message is. There is no profound difference they're offering other than invoking the notion of being 'their' voice, which is bullshit lol.

Heh, I got it yesterday when out. Some of my friends said bet the deliverer was glad you weren't in! I laughed, but in reality, I ain't an asshole. A polite decline of the leaflet and/or stating I don't align with their political beliefs is all I'd deliver.

Fight for your home as long as you can before they just fuck you over I guess

True, I don't doubt many just want to be proud to be English. Nothing wrong with this, so yeah, fight politically as long as you can for your birth home!


Like a good amount of Americans I have a positive overall opinion of the British, but May and your leaders are dumb as fuck to think Trump is gonna throw them a lifeline. You can't depend on him. As unqualified as Bush or Reagan were to be president, at least their allies could rely on them for the most part.
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