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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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I don't feel like I belong in this country.

Nope, the Britain I love is gone. Even the Britain of 5-6 years ago seems like a distant memory. We're never going back either, the next 2-3 years (by the way they're going) will be irreparable and I'm looking for every opportunity off this island and on to the continent, the fascists and close-minded bigots can have it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
She is literally celebrating imperialism.
Are we shocked by this? It's like a bedrock of the Home Counties Little Englander national self-image that the British Empire was great stuff and we've really gone downhill as a nation now that we don't go around invading other countries and plundering their resources. See also Gove rallying against 'Marxist' academics for arguing that the Empire might not have been the wonderful, benign civilising mission it was portrayed as.

Whatever your view of the British Empire, the absolute last thing you should be shocked by is a Tory MP referring to it with rosy nostalgic language.
We didn't, but, like it or not, we now have him as our main ally, although it couldn't have been known, this is a result of the brexit vote, so by proxy.........
Yeah, I know. I'm much more happy with something negative being borne out of repercussions of idiocy than out of actively voting for someone as despicable as Trump.

Small thing, I know. Plus, its hardly like the Tories would do anything but suck up to America. Bright side is, most people dislike Trump and feeding his ego seems to get you whatever you want so he may be easy enough to manipulate on the international stage, it seems to have worked out so far for Putin.
great last time blair and bush have brought us the iraq invasion which has destabilized the region immensely. cant wait for trump and may to wreck havok everywhere (but this time under the influence of russia).
Wonder how those who voted Brexit to "regain our sovereignty" are feeling now that we are looking like we're just going to end up getting in bed with Trump?, or was the EU such a huge demon that it was escape at any cost?

We aren't regaining our sovereignty, we'll end up getting a shitty deal, and being the US's lap dog, again, 52nd state and all that.

It's like the 80's all over again.

Or is May just offering up such a shitty option that maybe, just maybe, Brexiters will wake up to the prospect of Cold War v2, that they'll realise that this is a bad thing?, nah, that won't happen.

This is what they want. This is not actually about sovereignty, it's about conservative values. That is why Trump being in bed with Russia does not matter, because Russia has extremely conservative values and is a good ally to the US Republicans and UK Tories.

If France elects Le Pen, you will see US, UK and Russia ally with them as well. But if they elect a lefty, they won't. Any country that gets a far-right government will be a potential ally.
May is trying to secure the vote from people who think that England having mostly abandoned our history of colonialism is a bad thing.

Edit: But it's a hollow sentiment. Britain's empire days are long behind us, but we're still in the post-empire hangover period of thinking we should have more power than we have.

Britain (England specifically) are still the only people proud of their colonial past and feudalism. It's so bizarre –– nationalism of this kind is why nationalism gets a bad rep. They need to stop with the nostalgia and realise UK isn't what they think it is.
Nope, the Britain I love is gone. Even the Britain of 5-6 years ago seems like a distant memory. We're never going back either, the next 2-3 years (by the way they're going) will be irreparable and I'm looking for every opportunity off this island and on to the continent, the fascists and close-minded bigots can have it.

Your reaction to this is exactly what they want. It's a process of homogenisation, and anyone with heterogeneous sympathies will feel unwanted. I mean, you gotta give it to them, it's working...but it'll only end up being to their detriment.

By the way, I'm with you on looking for opportunities to leave –– but we must remember, this is a Europe-wide change of consciousness. France, Netherlands, Italy are all adopting similarly imperialist homogenous stances.



I feel I'm being unfair to Chamberlain.


The only thing I can hope for is May slightly modifying his international plans, stop him going completely off the deep end.


Maturity, bitches.
as the British people voted with determination
Just over 50% of those who voted and roughly translates to about 27% of the total population.

Quite the determination.


"Tough" Theresa reduced to being a sycophant. Cosying up to a guy who thinks to thinks torture is a good thing. As usual "British values" are pushed to one side where money is concerned.

Juicy Bob

Your reaction to this is exactly what they want. It's a process of homogenisation, and anyone with heterogeneous sympathies will feel unwanted. I mean, you gotta give it to them, it's working...but it'll only end up being to their detriment.

By the way, I'm with you on looking for opportunities to leave –– but we must remember, this is a Europe-wide change of consciousness. France, Netherlands, Italy are all adopting similarly imperialist homogenous stances.
I'm also an Australian citizen. My family are still out there as I came back to the UK in 2011. I'm constantly thinking about returning Down Under and my family would be thrilled if I did which makes it all the more tempting.

But then, thinking about it, if I bail out and leave right when shit hits the fan here, I'm also bailing on every single vulnerable person here in Britain who does not have the same options as me and will be hit far harder by Brexit and Trump than I will be.

I feel like I have a duty to finally stand up and do something about all this. The problem is, I need to overcome my social shyness and general fear of conflict if I'm going to do it and I worry I'm too weak to.

But I need to start fighting for the values that I believe in and I think there are many others like me here too.


The only thing I can hope for is May slightly modifying his international plans, stop him going completely off the deep end.

She's going over there to offer him the family silver in the vain hope he offers her a something she can come home with and say

"See we are a global player ! America <3's UK !"


She's going over there to offer him the family silver in the vain hope he offers her a something she can come home with and say

"See we are a global player ! America <3's UK !"

Oh I meant in the longer term.
I know this trip is a begging mission.


The UK needs allies and the US is the world's dominant superpower.
If we are gonna have to suck someone's dick it might as well be the US. We need the allies because we aren't making any in Europe...
Britain (England specifically) are still the only people proud of their colonial past and feudalism. It's so bizarre &#8211;&#8211; nationalism of this kind is why nationalism gets a bad rep. They need to stop with the nostalgia and realise UK isn't what they think it is.

I wouldn't say proud per se, and don't get get me wrong, I know the consequences of colonialism are still felt to this day. But I think that a lot of people believe that on the whole, Britain, while obviously motivated by self-interest, was a force for good. I think the world would look very different and far less globalised if the British Empire hadn't existed. Or worst, perhaps the vacuum would have been filled by an even worse imperial power.
The hand she was dealt with was 'please keep all your money and stature, you can ignore the referendum.' but she didnt want that. She wants to make an image for herself and wants to pave the way for privatization and deregulation.

Oh what rubbish! Sure, the referendum was "advisory" but you can't ignore the political reality of the situation. If she didn't follow through with Brexit she'd just be pushed out and replaced with someone who would.


I wouldn't say proud per se, and don't get get me wrong, I know the consequences of colonialism are still felt to this day. But I think that a lot of people believe that on the whole, Britain, while obviously motivated by self-interest, was a force for good. I think the world would look very different and far less globalised if the British Empire hadn't existed. Or worst, perhaps the vacuum would have been filled by an even worse imperial power.

And they would be wrong. Also, they could have also been filled by a much better imperial power. Britain was particularly horrific in its empire building.


Who are you gona lead if nobody is following you?

By orchestrating govern overthrows, installing your own puppet regimes while milking resources of said countries dry. If they do not agree, put sanctions on them until their people get on the streets to revolt. You then go to the UN and start a peace keeping mission. Calling for all parties to come on board, respect human rights and set a date for peaceful elections.

You then send retired parliamentarians over to said country to see for a peaceful transition of power.


Your reaction to this is exactly what they want. It's a process of homogenisation, and anyone with heterogeneous sympathies will feel unwanted. I mean, you gotta give it to them, it's working...but it'll only end up being to their detriment.

By the way, I'm with you on looking for opportunities to leave –– but we must remember, this is a Europe-wide change of consciousness. France, Netherlands, Italy are all adopting similarly imperialist homogenous stances.

No, I understand. But I've always had a small amount of family in Britain (despite being of British heritage) so as time goes on, less and less holds me here and at point in time, where the facts are so loud (amplification of the Internet etc.) but nobody's listening then there's little impact I can make here than if I went and lived somewhere else. I'm aware that the repercussions of these events will affect Europe and the wider world too.


Oh what rubbish! Sure, the referendum was "advisory" but you can't ignore the political reality of the situation. If she didn't follow through with Brexit she'd just be pushed out and replaced with someone who would.

There is rarely any thought to political reality in threads such as these.
If you want to do something about May, you can sign up to a political party and help defeat her and her party at the coming elections. If you're not a British national, you can still get involved, too!

Campaigning is a lot of fun. You spend a lot of time on your feet, delivering leaflets and talking to voters, and you'll meet plenty of people who share a desire to fix our country.

My pitch would be for folks to join the Lib Dems. We're run the best campaigns and we're the clearest opposition party to May. But getting involved at all is what is important.


Campaigning is a lot of fun. You spend a lot of time on your feet, delivering leaflets and talking to voters, and you'll meet plenty of people who share a desire to fix our country.

Just wanted to second this. While you will meet the occasional wanker, it's generally a worthwhile activity. I had a lot of fun out campaigning for Sadik Khan in the mayoral elections.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Oh what rubbish! Sure, the referendum was "advisory" but you can't ignore the political reality of the situation. If she didn't follow through with Brexit she'd just be pushed out and replaced with someone who would.

Like it or not, that was an option she had.
No one expected her to ignore it, she could, but no one would expect her to. But no one sure as hell asked her to ignore the other half of the voters who didn't want to leave at all. She used the referendum to make it as though the british people have all voted for full-on break from the European Union, and is using it to advance her own political gain at the cost of the country's wellbeing.
You yourself are admitting her decision was politically motivated. She has always had the choice to leave the EU in a rational way that respected the outcome of the election (Soft-brexit), but didn't make this choice.


If you want to do something about May, you can sign up to a political party and help defeat her and her party at the coming elections. If you're not a British national, you can still get involved, too!

Campaigning is a lot of fun. You spend a lot of time on your feet, delivering leaflets and talking to voters, and you'll meet plenty of people who share a desire to fix our country.

My pitch would be for folks to join the Lib Dems. We're run the best campaigns and we're the clearest opposition party to May. But getting involved at all is what is important.

What's the point when you've got papers like the daily mail shaping the views of large parts of the country. DM's reach and influence is unparalleled and it is allowed to freely put out bullshit. It's the most read online newspaper. Throw in social media's viral effect and you've got something that's very difficult to go up against.
Disgusting... Some think the British Empire still exists, and will come into existence once again. All hail Trump... hope she doesn't forget to bow and kiss his ring. Oh and Trump will "Grab her by the pussy" before signing any Trade deals...


I'm kind of tired of people thinking only their view of the world is correct and everybody else who disagrees is Hitler.


Oh what rubbish! Sure, the referendum was "advisory" but you can't ignore the political reality of the situation. If she didn't follow through with Brexit she'd just be pushed out and replaced with someone who would.

The majority of people want to remain in the single market, but she has no intentions of respecting that mandate.
What's the point when you've got papers like the daily mail shaping the views of large parts of the country. DM's reach and influence is unparalleled and it is allowed to freely put out bullshit. It's the most read online newspaper. Throw in social media's viral effect and you've got something that's very difficult to go up against.

It's hard to go up against sometimes, but that's why you actively campaign!

By delivering leaflets and talking to voters, you can present reality to voters who otherwise would only get their information from the Mail or whatever.

You also start small. This year is a great time to get into campaigning, because there is a smattering of local elections and mayoral elections happening now, but everyone is now beginning to think about the plan for 2020.

Lots of people have got involved. Obviously the Labour Party's membership has surged thanks to Momentum, but the LDs are also reporting all-time high numbers of members.
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