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Ukraine calls on PlayStation, Xbox to stop supporting Russian markets

Man, please!
Gran Turismo was a game I've always enjoyed. This game is pure beauty! I will be missing this game badly. Glad they've managed to stay among the top and still make a game they wanted.
Really want to play this game even if I've consumed by Elden Ring. That's very beautiful situation when you can play two great games without interfering each other. GT7 will be my number 1 relaxing game.
(We here cannot buy a PS5 now. It costs like a used car) lol.
(And yes of course I'm against any war, or whatever it's called. Same as anybody I've talked past week)


Russian don't need videogames. They need to ponder about the place they live in. No videogames, more time to think about serious issues.

Also videogames, like many arts, are made by many cultures, are possibile because the partnership of different countries and people. This is valid even for a game like GT which was made mostly by japanese.

Forget this and act like other people and countries have no rights, and you will have no rights to benefit from their work.


Neo Member
So when should American's be punished for the decades of death and destruction the US has brought upon the world? Also who gets to punish us? China?
In a fair world, yes. I just don't see how that could happen because of the extact questions you asked.


Gold Member
Hows that working out for America/Canada?
i dont understand michael cohen GIF


I'm sure Putin couldn't wait to play GT7. War off now. Great move Sony!

lol when is Sony going to pull their games from the US market for all the illegal wars we've had over the years?


It's actually going pretty well in general, the people are fighting against the establishment from several sides and factions and letting their voices be heard. The amount of people realizing that the establishment isn't about parties is growing by the day, and the military–industrial complex is no longer completely free to hide what they are doing without receiving relatively effective criticism. There are still an overwhelming amount of issues ahead, but it's no...Russia..
lol what

We are given two false choices for President and no real change ever happens. In fact things are getting worse.

The only thing that is going "pretty well" are the rich decision makers are getting richer. So if you are one of them, good on you I guess.


You don't know what I'd do and thousands of regular Russians do stand up to him. The problem is too many people have your attitude.

Instead of 200k protesting in Russia, if 20 million had the same courage they could force real change.
There has to be a hate-based cognitive bias that's making people think this way because I have NEVER seen anyone blame the citizens for actions of the government like this. We've been blowing shit up for over twenty years and there was never any massive movement by outside countries meant to get our attention and wake us up from the Bush, Obama, or Trump propaganda. Nobody ever came after our avocadoes, heroin, or curly mustache balm to get us to protest drones or overthrow the president or whatever. It's a pipe dream.
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'Lets fuck over normal working russians who, no doubt, dont even want a war. That'll show em'

Fucking morons, all of them.
The only "fucking moron" here is you for not understanding that there are more ways of getting rid of a government besides rockets and guns. You need history lessons....
Pushing a populace to the brink of revolution by making it as uncomfortable as possible is not exactly a new tactic.
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I'm not American. My partner is also not American. From Eastern Europe in fact. They all think the Russians are cunts and want to run them freely without Russian interference.

They don't love the west especially America but they most certainly don't hate it and want to do business with them.

If the Russians weren't cunts they'd be happy to form a prosperous relationship with them also.

You know in Europe we prefer to get on with the east and West but sadly the east is current run by the modern day Hitler.

Every person born in Poland knows instinctively to hate Russia (country, not people). They always were the worst cunts around. Hitler was terrible AF but his rule only lasted for a few years, Russian motherfuckers were like that for centuries...


Well, whatever side you all fall on all I was saying is that it's total hogwash to alienate normal people for things out of their control. It's just a shitty, not thought out thing to do. We've just had two years of this ourselves what with this suddenly vanishing pandemic and our own people turning on each other.

If you honestly think stopping a ten year old Russian kid accessing the Xbox or Sony store will stop the nutcases at the top, well.. are you really in a postion to say whats wrong or right in the first place.


Ukranian citizens are getting their homes and themselves blown up by bombardments from the Russian army, an event that was enabled by the fact that Europe + USA weren't tough enough on the madman dictator's regime beforehand.

And now that the civilized world is applying a less-than-proportional response to Russia's genocidal war through economic sanctions, neogaf users feel sorry for the Russians who can't buy a videogame.

Look at where "worrying about Russian kids not buying videogames" took us. There's a real threat of a nuclear war in Europe.

Instead of 200k protesting in Russia, if 20 million had the same courage they could force real change.
This is honestly our best hope.
Have the brave Russians take out the madman's internal support. That's all he has at the moment.
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They live in a dictatorship, so easier said than done. Videogames and all entertainment should have been removed from American gamers because of illegal wars in Syria and Iraq as well right? Did we ever find those WMDs? Can't forget murdering Gadaffi and destabilizing Libya.

In Poland when people were oppressed by the government they went on the streets and fought it:

Same for many more countries in Europe and Ukrainian people too.

What sanctions are trying to do is to make people finally go against this bandit government in Russia, I doubt it will happen personally but least there is hope...

I won't defend wars made by United States but usually they were fought in countries with dictators and/or authoritarian regimes and Ukraine is no such place.
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I've been thinking a bit about this. So technically the UN would be the world authority that would facilitate international voting and decide when an invasion is legitimate and when it's tyrannical, right? So back in 2003 when the UN voted no to the invasion of Iraq and the coalition still did it, shouldn't sanctions be applied in the same way?

I know the international community criticized it and many Americans and citizens from other countries protested against it but nothing really happen for the average American (assuming they had no relation to the industrial-military complex) but still, the war still happened and lasted many years.

Who decides which invasion is legitimate and which isn't? At what point should we as citizens start pressuring others to apply sanctions?

I'm also wondering this because recently a Canadian dude posted something on my country's subreddit and said he was disappointed at my country not sanctioning Russia (my country never has done anything like that) and later Americans also got in there and called us cowards.

So far it seems that it depends what the most powerful countries say and if they have a good propaganda machine or not but I don't know... it's such a bleak scenario.

I'm not saying Russia is doing good or anything, just wondering why some conflicts get more backlash than others.
1. The UN has no real authority, especially amongst the major nations of the world. It is basically useless outside of distributing aid in emergencies.
2. UN General Assembly votes are non-binding. Basically just a bunch of nations stating for the record how they feel on a particular topic.
3. No nation needs the UN's approval to sanction anyone.
4. Security council votes are the closest the UN gets to actually having real power and it can be completely neutralized by one veto vote. 5 nations (America, UK, France, China, Russia) are permanent members of this council and can not be removed. Essentially, Russia can nullify the UN taking any official action against it and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

TL;DR The UN can be completely ignored by any significant power that wants to do what it wants to do. Israel's settlements have been declared illegal for decades and yet they are still there.

Honestly, Sony and (especially, due to Windows and Azure) Microsoft have a better chance of affecting Russia than the UN ever will.

John Wick

Because you can't overthrown a dictator without a strong resistance from the people. You need majority of the people to be upset so when the army is put in front of them to defend the 'master' they will not flee
So everytime this has happened it's the innocent who suffered. You only need to look at Syria and Libya as an example. How many millions killed? Are the countries better off?


What did Crimea citizens vote again?
Lol those votes matter now? I guess Argentina can stop complaining about the Falklands now, and if the Confederates wanted to leave the Union Lincoln should have just let them.
If the Crimeans want to be Russian so badly they can just move there. Russia is right next door and there is plenty of space. They can pick a time zone.
What the hell do private companies have to do with government military? This is so dumb.
The links go deeper than you can imagine:

Xbox were the real Kingmakers the entire time.

The point is that all of the hjackers came from Arab countries: Egypt (1), UAE (2), Lebanon (1) and Saudi Arabia (15). The only link to Afghanistan was that Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 911 (also from Saudi Arabia) had set up camp there to liberate the country from the Soviets (which he had done with financial and military support from the US).
Oh, so the military went after their enemy where they were instead of where they were not. Is the reason why seriously a mystery to you people?
So how come the USA didn't invade Saudi Arabia? Seeing as 15 of them were from there and so was the so called mastermind. This should be a clue for you.
Al-Qaeda had no significant physical presence in Saudi Arabia, why invade a place where your enemy is not? If national bloodline of the perpetrator determines where you plan retaliatory attacks then lots of European countries would have been attacking themselves a few hundred years ago due to intermarriage. It other words: It is something no serious person considers.

They killed Bin Laden in Pakistan which is right next door to....?
And, seeing what's happening, I'm almost 100% sure that Russia won't annex Ukraine. They want a neutral or pro Russian country next to them.
:messenger_grinning_smiling: They already annexed part of it, 8 years ago. Where have you been?
Plus one of Putin's boys got so flustered he slipped and all but admitted they are going to annex parts of Eastern Ukraine (timestamped 0:32):



Hey, are they still selling those products in China as well? Is Google still enforcing censorship on behalf of the CCCP as well?

Or is all of this just moral grandstanding from spineless corporations that only care about optics?
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Russia doesn't need Playstation at all, on the contrary... Playstation needs Russia.

And more than his console sells too little due to the pandemic and the component crisis.
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Gold Member
Hey, are they still selling those products in China as well? Is Google still enforcing censorship on behalf of the CCCP as well?

Or is all of this just moral grandstanding from spineless corporations that only care about optics?
Theses very countries are still buying oil from Saudis who are still bombing Yemeni civilians. But who cares, it's in the desert doing desert things, right?

If we are being morally consistent, ofc. Let's see if the same energy holds up if/when China seizes Taiwan, since the Uyghurs sure doesn't move the needle. Hell, you have sports CEOs coming out and saying they don't care about what's happening to them. Money talks. Your morals and ethics are based around what our wallets tell you to.
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