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Ukraine calls on PlayStation, Xbox to stop supporting Russian markets


don't bother, the "USA = the most terrible country in the world" propaganda is strong, plus it's an easy way to get tons of likes/upvotes/etc

Seems that way. Anyone with a half decent grip on recent history and geo-politics can see that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not the same as the US invasion of Iraq. The Iraq War was a massive foreign policy failing, and was rightly condemned for that, but to equate it to what’s happening now? But I guess when people just want to bash the west, they’ll happily skip anything that doesn’t fit their cognitive bias.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Let’s talk about why the Russian people elect Putin every election year we know they’re corrupt but the results seem overwhelmingly Pro-Putin. And let’s be real Ukraine wasn’t on peoples radar following Jan. 2022 the attention is deserved, you could argue they’re the size of Texas, but you’re finding yourself in a big brother (Russia) vs little brother (Ukraine) let’s stay out of their conflict.

see ya goodbye GIF by WWE


This only applies to certain privileged countries eh? I'd love this to be a blanket rule.
I 1000% agree. In fact it pisses me off. First things that comes to mind is Palestine of course, the media bias is unbelievable and racist. So are the actions of the west unfortunately. Of course I know right from wrong and I want to see Ukrainians come out of this and applaud all of the support from sanctions, military aid etc... etc... but when it comes to countries that are not "WHITE" or "EUROPEAN" everyone turns a blind eye. It's disgusting actually.


We’ve had those bunker baby types ourselves. Please stay safe Russian GAF person. If you can help a Ukrainian or two after you oust Putin that’d be great.

The Internet can amplify some terrible shit sometimes but it also can allow us to be “together” despite these strange and scary times.
It's a bit crazy. I'm Russian/Persian/Jewish. I went to Israel at the height of the conflict (My parents were super pissed). Missile hit the hotel next to us. All Israeli hotels we went to had bunkers, I can only hope there's something similar in Ukraine but I doubt it. This was before the Iron Dome. Wonder if Israel can help Ukraine with that, would be a cool alliance. I'd like to see it.
Such a political thread.

My ontopic take: Sony and Microsoft could offer Metro Exodus or other 4A Games game on PSN and Gamepass effectively helping the developer stay afloat, they could also create a fund, to help other ucranian game developers with published games on their platforms.

That would be a nice goodwill stance, I don't see Ukraine bouncing from this in one piece so these teams might as well disband without help.
Wars should always be condemned but if some dick dictator started a war while u have no part and just want to enjoy elden ring , why should regular people like u and me who have no part in any war should suffer


11:55 pm: '' Sony, microsoft and cats agency, i want to see your representatives sitting next to me tomorrow morning at 12 am in the political church. Be aware that we do cursing prayers collectively against those that are ''astray'' among us, curses are SPECIFICALLY by name, we assure you that our prayer against those who are astray will spread like cornona, so we are looking forward for your unique satisfying curses, condemn those who oppose us before condemnation befalls on you. thank you for your choice in obeying and for unquestioned support, do it for '' our freedom of speech'', do it for " our democracy". we love you until we don't so be wary''
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The world should sanction Israel for the invasion of Palestine, also should sanction USA for the invasion of Afghanistan.

What should the world do about two planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2 causing thousands of casualties? What should the world do about crashing an airplane into the pentagon? I'm not saying the war in IRAQ wasn't horsecrap because it was, but Afghanistan was warranted and provoked.


All governments are GUILTY of escalating, so i no longer support a government side (USA/Israel/Ukraine/Russia..etc all are guilty of escalating in ''ukrainian'' topics ).

If we were to address each topic. Any decision that favor a (government/political side) over (the safety of BOTH PEOPLE of Ukraine and PEOPLE of Russia) is clear escalation and EXTRA Guilty. These sanctions and these wars and these interferences are all unacceptable and inhumane and (any government choosing a political side in these dialogues (like insisting in joining russia or joining nato ) OVER THE PROTECTION OF THESE TWO PEOPLE are GUILTY even more than the other side, in these dialogues neglecting the consequences of picking a political side makes you MORE GUILTY than the other side. Even cats are politically suppressed in this war and you want us to side with these fake cries from governments. wth. Ukraine needs to stay neutral from both political sides. even If you like russia or you like USA/israel, if you have a good heart and you really care about Ukrain and Russian people than you should demand that Ukraine become neutral from these 2 freaking world powers. No russian weapons nor western weapons in Ukrain! No favoring.

All this nonesense that putin is evil or nato is evil is an excuse to escalate. The solution is clear.
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What should the world do about two planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2 causing thousands of casualties? What should the world do about crashing an airplane into the pentagon? I'm not saying the war in IRAQ wasn't horsecrap because it was, but Afghanistan was warranted and provoked.
Alqaeda is not Afghanistan just like The Proud Boys and Antifa are not USA. I knew people were ignorant as fuck, but not this ignorant.
Alqaeda is not Afghanistan just like The Proud Boys and Antifa are not USA. I knew people were ignorant as fuck, but not this ignorant.

Yeah well I promise you if the Proud Boys go and kill 3k people in Russia they're going to take that as an act of war with the US and won't be parsing that. But this is a games forum so let's drop it.
As a grandson of someone who literally came off the boat from thr Ukraine in thr early 1900's, this is fucking stupid.

Punishing citizens for the actions of dictators is moronic.

Should we be punished for the thousands of drone strikes in the middle east that killed thousands of civilians including Children?

Cut Putins head off execution style but don't punish the people who don't want this and most likely never voted for that trash.


you have a good heart and you really care about Ukrain and Russian people than you should demand that Ukraine become neutral from these 2 freaking world powers.
What if Ukraine doesn't trust Russia and wants to be apart of the EU and/or Nato?

Do we ignore their sovereignty and/or the will of the people?
Punishing citizens for the actions of dictators is moronic.

Russians are being brainwashed, they are in a Truman show world where this minor military operation is removing nazis and going well. If they stay in this world the dictators will remain in power and we might have a future world war on our hands.

Anything we can do to shatter this illusion to the masses is a good idea, showing them that every brand, every company and every sporting event doesn’t want Russia anymore will get this message across loud and clear. What they are being told is a lie and they should know so they can do something about it.

It’s like telling someone their spouse is cheating, it’ll hurt them in the short term but they deserve to know the truth.
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John Wick

The false equivalence is breath-taking.
NO! What's breathtaking is the hypocrisy shown by the west. I didn't see any outcry when the US was doing the invading. False narratives made up to start wars just for oil and money. Ukrainians don't deserve to be killed or their land to be invaded. But the silence was deafening when middle Eastern countries were put to the sword.

John Wick

Learn your history
Learn my history? You having a laugh? Or just being stupid?
When has all of Europe condemned Israel for its illegal occupation of Palestine? I won't even mention the US. When did European leaders speak out? When were sanctions applied? Any idiot can see the difference in response to Russian aggression. Whereas when the US does it it's OK.

John Wick

What should the world do about two planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2 causing thousands of casualties? What should the world do about crashing an airplane into the pentagon? I'm not saying the war in IRAQ wasn't horsecrap because it was, but Afghanistan was warranted and provoked.
Except no one from Afghanistan was involved. Also do you still believe terrorists flew planes into the twin towers and the pentagon? I thought most gamers were a bit more intelligent than the average sheep.


The Falkland Islands are British, and have been since 1833. The first settlements were French, Spanish and British. ‘Return’ suggests ownership of the land and people, that the Argies have never had.

Edit, I dont wanna get political on neogaf, I like some of you guys lol
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Cut Putins head off execution style but don't punish the people who don't want this and most likely never voted for that trash.
And who can do that? He’s not even letting his top people go near him now. The plan is obviously to get 140 million russian people, including Putin’s closest friends, disgruntled enough to stand up from their comfy couch and declare that they’ve had enough because Putin has destroyed the life they used to have. When he realize that he’s a hated man within his own people for destroying his own country and any type of hopeful future for his people he might start thinking about some kind of exit plan.


Palestine I can kinda understand. Iraq definitely but those fuckers harbored, protected and failed to turn over Bin Laden. Cannot believe someone would downplay 9/11 like that.

If you cant go to war over fucking 9/11, what do you go to war over?

Afghanistan wouldn’t have harboured Bin Laden if the US didnt fund the cunt decades back to beat the communists in… Afghanistan lol.

Afghanistan was kinda decent till the US and Russians decided to kick out the king and have a proxy war


Not to diminish the war cost of a conflict, but Argentina invaded and attempted to annex the Falklands due to their territorial sea claim. It's not an Argentinian territory, nor are the generations of people living in it Argentinian. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, with 44 million people, with its own language, its own culture and its own history being invaded by a tyrannical regime that still believes in spheres of influence. It's absolutely NOWHERE near the same and equating the stupidity of the Falklands to what's happening now is wrong.

Edit, I cant be bothered to get political on neogaf lol
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What if Ukraine doesn't trust Russia and wants to be apart of the EU and/or Nato?

Do we ignore their sovereignty and/or the will of the people?
There is no such thing as sovereignty. All these terms are distorted and became illusions like [freedom of speech, democracy, international laws and protecting minorities and races from racisms and injustice, peace and protecting the weak..etc]. These things are valid only when it serves the interest of a political side. These are no longer consistent principles, as long you have USA there is no such thing as sovereignty. Just today America COMMANDED Iraq to remove a picture of putin in one of the villages and the government obeyed without any complaints, middle east governments are all PUPPETS to USA, even Europe are obeying or excusing USA Agrgressions. The hypocrisy is clear as day.

" Evil USA" is not an excuse to sanction american people or wage war on its people and arming citizens over this nonesense . Russia also don't trust Nato (USA/Israel.etc) for GOOD reasons but that is not an excuse for war. Ukrain clearly is obeying and empowering a side that is opposite to Russia and that side also proven to be harmful to the people of these countries and its neighbers, you want another saudi and yemeni situations in europe ?. '' evil'' putin is not an excuse, '' evil '' usa is not an excuse to avoid solving the issue. Ukrain situation is not complex, neutral = peace of mind of both political sides and both ukrain and russian people are saved from all these aggressions..
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Da fuck is your everyday Sergei Smith or Anastasia Doe supposed to do about Putin starting a war? Go hold up a protest sign to get the firing squade or 10 years in prison? Putin don't give a shit about Xbox.
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There is no such thing as sovereignty.
1) there is
2) yes the US and countries have overridden other countries sovereignty many times and its bad all the times. US, France, UK, India, China and more countries than I can list.
3) you clearly missed the memo where Putin basically implied that Ukraine was a fake state and was really apart of Russia. That might be true for a part of Ukraine but not all of it. For those people who don't believe that, Russian is an existential threat.

Going to move on cause you basically ignore my comment anyways


1) there is
2) yes the US and countries have overridden other countries sovereignty many times and its bad all the times. US, France, UK, India, China and more countries than I can list.
3) you clearly missed the memo where Putin basically implied that Ukraine was a fake state and was really apart of Russia. That might be true for a part of Ukraine but not all of it. For those people who don't believe that, Russian is an existential threat.

Going to move on cause you basically ignore my comment anyways
How did i ignore your comment ?

What if Ukraine doesn't trust Russia and wants to be apart of the EU and/or Nato?
You your self insist on '' sovereignty '' because Ukrian president himself said he will do whatever he want in response to joining the nato. That is a misleading desire, this desire caused a deliberate escalation, it is what triggered the war along side many aggressions from ukranian government, not that historic points in a speech. Russia is like iran in that they like to speak about history before they disclose a point of a topic. That is just their style, look at all putin interviews, many times he don't answer directly, he like to tell a historic point.

Do we ignore their sovereignty and/or the will of the people?
This 'will' you speak of is the will of the Ukrainian government not its people. I assure you, the will of the people IS NOT TO HAVE a devastating WAR over joining a clan, the only way to preserve life and progress is to become neutral. sovereignty is just a nice distorted word. Anyone who is not obeying USA is punished (whether you are an allie or an enemy)

both sides are guilty so it is naive to pick a government side. We need to look for the interest of people in this moment.
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John Wick

Afghanistan wouldn’t have harboured Bin Laden if the US didnt fund the cunt decades back to beat the communists in… Afghanistan lol.

Afghanistan was kinda decent till the US and Russians decided to kick out the king and have a proxy war
It's convenient how SlimySnake forgot how Afghanistan was left in this state. Same as Iraq and Iran with the US allying itself with Iraq and Russia with Iran. Always interfering with how countries are run.
The only reason the Taliban never turned over Bin Laden was because the they asked for proof which to this day the USA have never provided. It's the usual believe us as we're the heroes spiel.
Remember how the USA accuses Huawei of spying? I know hilarious....


Gold Member
The Russian autocrat Vladamir Putin controls the worlds largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and has decided to kill Russians by having them invade and murder Ukrainians. In addition to Russian troops, Putin has called on Chechan Kadyrovites (noted for human rights abuses on their own people) and Wagner Group (so-named because their founder loves Nazis and the Third Reich) soldiers to join the battle.

This action is almost universally despised by the global community with even some Russian aligned nations like Serbia and Kazakhstan condemning it or rejecting Russian calls for troops.

To avoid nuclear engagement, Russia is instead sanctioned economically in order to change the calculus from Russians killing Ukrainians for Putin to Russians killing Russians to liberate themselves from Putin.

This may be Putin's war but Russians are responsible for Putin. Russians suffer because of Putin and his oligarchs so blame them. There is no "both sides" here when some Russian Czar decides that all of Ukraine is now part of a new Russian empire.

All of the people trying to rally for a dictator should just up and live in those corrupt autocratic states with lower life expectancies and poor economies because they've been too busy getting robbed by the one guy in power and his crew for decades.

John Wick

Oh lord. You're one of those false flag goobers?
Try flying a jumbo jet into the pentagon in MS Flight Simulator? It's hilarious you actually believe Afghans flew planes in to WTC and Pentagon. These are uneducated people but somehow they learned to fly planes. Also majically their ID documents also survived and landed at the foot of FBI agents lol


Repost from the other thread

I had a afterthought.

I didn't like this ban of accounts, I thought it was useless and unfair.

But then I've read what the "tech" minister of Ucraine, Mykailo Fedorov said about blocking account tied to entertaintment services like Netflix or Xbox, and I think he's right. Entertainment is not only fun, is social thing and is tied with psyche to push mood.
Remove all this services and this will effect the russian's morale. We are not jn the WWII anymore, we live in a world where soldiers do instagram stories during war. People don't want to lose something they think they have for granted.

Remove all this hobby and lot of russian will have more time to ponder. Sometimes thinking too much is dangerous.


Learn my history? You having a laugh? Or just being stupid?
When has all of Europe condemned Israel for its illegal occupation of Palestine? I won't even mention the US. When did European leaders speak out? When were sanctions applied? Any idiot can see the difference in response to Russian aggression. Whereas when the US does it it's OK.
Do you understand what moving the goalposts is?

And do you understand the concept that two wrongs don't make a right? Russia is not justified in invading Ukraine because Israel is also shit


Let’s talk about why the Russian people elect Putin every election year we know they’re corrupt but the results seem overwhelmingly Pro-Putin. And let’s be real Ukraine wasn’t on peoples radar following Jan. 2022 the attention is deserved, you could argue they’re the size of Texas, but you’re finding yourself in a big brother (Russia) vs little brother (Ukraine) let’s stay out of their conflict.

see ya goodbye GIF by WWE
If u got this mindset u will say same thing about my country- Poland, keep in mind i live 60miles/80km away from russian border here, so sincerely, fuck u u russian troll, hopefully u and ur daddy putin fucks u in the ass.
Its not Russia vs Ukraine "conflict" its full scale invasion with 150k of russian soldiers, tanks, rockets, fighter jets, ships helicopters and w/e else u got, including huge missiles that hit civilian buildings.
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Try flying a jumbo jet into the pentagon in MS Flight Simulator? It's hilarious you actually believe Afghans flew planes in to WTC and Pentagon. These are uneducated people but somehow they learned to fly planes. Also majically their ID documents also survived and landed at the foot of FBI agents lol

They were enrolled in a Florida flight school.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
They were enrolled in a Florida flight school.

The point is that all of the hjackers came from Arab countries: Egypt (1), UAE (2), Lebanon (1) and Saudi Arabia (15). The only link to Afghanistan was that Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 911 (also from Saudi Arabia) had set up camp there to liberate the country from the Soviets (which he had done with financial and military support from the US).


Seems that way. Anyone with a half decent grip on recent history and geo-politics can see that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not the same as the US invasion of Iraq. The Iraq War was a massive foreign policy failing, and was rightly condemned for that, but to equate it to what’s happening now? But I guess when people just want to bash the west, they’ll happily skip anything that doesn’t fit their cognitive bias.
You think this dumbasses take the time to understand any of that? They just want to throw their hot take and be glad they're edgy.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I wonder how fucked off the Russian people needs to get before they remove Putin.


Try flying a jumbo jet into the pentagon in MS Flight Simulator? It's hilarious you actually believe Afghans flew planes in to WTC and Pentagon. These are uneducated people but somehow they learned to fly planes. Also majically their ID documents also survived and landed at the foot of FBI agents lol

You fucking loon.
The world should sanction Israel for the invasion of Palestine, also should sanction USA for the invasion of Afghanistan.
You mean when all the Arab countries tried to invade Israel by declaring war? Or when Israel gave land for peace only to have Hamas and Hizbollah take over that land to use as a terrorist hotspot?

Know your history or shut the FUCK up.
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I’m sorry, but do the people of Ukraine routinely carry out murderous hate filled attacks against other religions and countries? Do they say death to Russia while stabbing a Russian guards? Do they use their people to protect their rockets?

Do they strap bombs to themselves and fantasize about committing genocide?

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