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Ukraine calls on PlayStation, Xbox to stop supporting Russian markets

John Wick

Do you understand what moving the goalposts is?

And do you understand the concept that two wrongs don't make a right? Russia is not justified in invading Ukraine because Israel is also shit
I've never stated Russia isn't wrong in invading Ukraine. So I don't understand why your telling me about two wrongs don't make a right?
I'm stating about the west's hypocrisy(especially their leaders) in calling out Putin and applying sanctions etc but don't miss a heartbeat when Palestinian children are murdered everyday. Not to mention the millions killed in all your other invasions and regime changes.
What makes it even worse, many of these European and World leaders have been living off Russian money for years. Indulging in their lavish lifestyles off the blood of the innocent.
The West knew that Russia would never allow a Nato expansion into Ukraine or near their borders. Yet they continued to stir the pot giving Zelenski assurances they have his back.
It's the same with China. The day the West think Taiwan will be added to Nato China will respond. The USA and Nato are aware of this but they'll carry on stoking the fire. In the meantime innocent lives will be lost. All wars lead to death of innocent people. Just so greedy bastards for money and power play off their latest chess game.

John Wick

You mean when all the Arab countries tried to invade Israel by declaring war? Or when Israel gave land for peace only to have Hamas and Hizbollah take over that land to use as a terrorist hotspot?

Know your history or shut the FUCK up.
Maybe listen to someone who's father was a general in that Israeli army instead of shooting your mouth off.

Around the 9 min mark he'll talk about that so called Arab countries invading Israel narrative. It was Israel who struck first.

John Wick

You fucking loon.
The point is that all of the hjackers came from Arab countries: Egypt (1), UAE (2), Lebanon (1) and Saudi Arabia (15). The only link to Afghanistan was that Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 911 (also from Saudi Arabia) had set up camp there to liberate the country from the Soviets (which he had done with financial and military support from the US).
So how come the USA didn't invade Saudi Arabia? Seeing as 15 of them were from there and so was the so called mastermind. This should be a clue for you.


I've never stated Russia isn't wrong in invading Ukraine. So I don't understand why your telling me about two wrongs don't make a right?
I'm stating about the west's hypocrisy(especially their leaders) in calling out Putin and applying sanctions etc but don't miss a heartbeat when Palestinian children are murdered everyday. Not to mention the millions killed in all your other invasions and regime changes.
What makes it even worse, many of these European and World leaders have been living off Russian money for years. Indulging in their lavish lifestyles off the blood of the innocent.
The West knew that Russia would never allow a Nato expansion into Ukraine or near their borders. Yet they continued to stir the pot giving Zelenski assurances they have his back.
It's the same with China. The day the West think Taiwan will be added to Nato China will respond. The USA and Nato are aware of this but they'll carry on stoking the fire. In the meantime innocent lives will be lost. All wars lead to death of innocent people. Just so greedy bastards for money and power play off their latest chess game.
Sorry but even if there is truth to what you say it comes out like Russian propaganda because if the waves of bot farms spewing the same rhetoric.

There have been massive protests over decades against American wars, and Israel yet you say "all of Europe". Germany and France famously opposed the war on Iraq. In fact the vast majority of countries opposed, and it was an illegal war not approved by the UN

The idea that Ukraine becoming NATO is a good reason for invasion is ridiculous. They are a sovereign nation and Russia should have no say in if they become NATO or not. Secondly, it is a ridiculous claim because Russia's actions have put them right on the border with NATO countries when they take Ukraine. So they've effectively put themselves right next to NATO, despite claiming that's the issue
Sorry but even if there is truth to what you say it comes out like Russian propaganda because if the waves of bot farms spewing the same rhetoric.

There have been massive protests over decades against American wars, and Israel yet you say "all of Europe". Germany and France famously opposed the war on Iraq. In fact the vast majority of countries opposed, and it was an illegal war not approved by the UN

The idea that Ukraine becoming NATO is a good reason for invasion is ridiculous. They are a sovereign nation and Russia should have no say in if they become NATO or not. Secondly, it is a ridiculous claim because Russia's actions have put them right on the border with NATO countries when they take Ukraine. So they've effectively put themselves right next to NATO, despite claiming that's the issue
Amazing on how people stating something that can be easily checked online is spewing Russian propaganda, but the other side doing exactly the same thing is not... Once again, this conflict has been showing the double standards, but yeah whatever.

You are right, there were protests... But were there any sanctions for this? Did Playstation stop being sold in these countries? War crimes, were they judged? Paying for reparations? Or the world just kept going on like nothing happened?

And, seeing what's happening, I'm almost 100% sure that Russia won't annex Ukraine. They want a neutral or pro Russian country next to them.
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Ev1L AuRoN

People don't realize what is to live in a country with a totalitarian regime, Putin put himself in a position that his own life depends on the outcome of this war, he will do whatever he can to win, the ordinary citizen can't do much to stop him, the only ones that can do something are the Russian military. One can only hope they do something before this war escalate to something no one wants, a World War with nukes.


Writes a lot, says very little
People don't realize what is to live in a country with a totalitarian regime, Putin put himself in a position that his own life depends on the outcome of this war, he will do whatever he can to win, the ordinary citizen can't do much to stop him, the only ones that can do something are the Russian military. One can only hope they do something before this war escalate to something no one wants, a World War with nukes.


All I'm saying is turn off that Porn to Russia and either they start turning out like they are in prison or someone get horny enough to assassinate....let the chips fall where they may lol


Don’t excuse yourself for not accepting an invasion. I have a russian coworker, she angrily explained that russian people don’t want this, never wanted any of this, the countries are like siblings, she has relatives in Ukraine and her cousin called from shelter crying and talking about bombs. It’s awful all of it.

Yes, Russians never wanted this.

I mean, they were cool with murdering journalists, and arresting and disappearing protesters, imprisoning political opponents, poisoning foreign leaders, invading neighbors, cozying up to other autocrats, war crimes in Syria, rigging electoral results at home, dissolving regional governor roles, kleptocratic oligarchs, eliminating presidential term limits, and running bot farms to spread disinformation worldwide, but THIS!

They never wanted THIS!!!

*clutches pearls*

John Wick

Yes, Russians never wanted this.

I mean, they were cool with murdering journalists, and arresting and disappearing protesters, imprisoning political opponents, poisoning foreign leaders, invading neighbors, cozying up to other autocrats, war crimes in Syria, rigging electoral results at home, dissolving regional governor roles, kleptocratic oligarchs, eliminating presidential term limits, and running bot farms to spread disinformation worldwide, but THIS!

They never wanted THIS!!!

*clutches pearls*
C'mon man all governments are evil. They kill people all the time. Look at Saudi's botched assassination of Kishogi? We wouldn't have known about it if they didn't screw it up. Edward Snowden would be a dead man if he hadn't leaked the info and managed to escape.
Yes, Russians never wanted this.

I mean, they were cool with murdering journalists, and arresting and disappearing protesters, imprisoning political opponents, poisoning foreign leaders, invading neighbors, cozying up to other autocrats, war crimes in Syria, rigging electoral results at home, dissolving regional governor roles, kleptocratic oligarchs, eliminating presidential term limits, and running bot farms to spread disinformation worldwide, but THIS!

They never wanted THIS!!!

*clutches pearls*
Now do America. They also keep voting in the same warmongers over and over again, so they don't have the excuse of having a literal dictator rule over them. I'm looking forward to your post :messenger_smirking:


Now do America. They also keep voting in the same warmongers over and over again, so they don't have the excuse of having a literal dictator rule over them. I'm looking forward to your post :messenger_smirking:

Most Americans are dumb af but the Iraq war and other things is what allowed a change candidate like Obama to be elected. Though he turned out to be the same sort of warhawk as ever other politician

Then the next change candidate was Trump who at least didn't start new wars, but also didn't get US out of any.

And then there's been the popularity of someone like Bernie, who the current system bent over backwards to keep away from the Presidency

Even if Americans want change the two party system doesn't allow it
Most Americans are dumb af but the Iraq war and other things is what allowed a change candidate like Obama to be elected. Though he turned out to be the same sort of warhawk as ever other politician

Then the next change candidate was Trump who at least didn't start new wars, but also didn't get US out of any.

And then there's been the popularity of someone like Bernie, who the current system bent over backwards to keep away from the Presidency

Even if Americans want change the two party system doesn't allow it
True, it's no choice vs the illusion of choice in the end. So I wouldn't blame any populace for the atrocities its leaders commit.


I've never stated Russia isn't wrong in invading Ukraine. So I don't understand why your telling me about two wrongs don't make a right?
I'm stating about the west's hypocrisy(especially their leaders) in calling out Putin and applying sanctions etc but don't miss a heartbeat when Palestinian children are murdered everyday. Not to mention the millions killed in all your other invasions and regime changes.
What makes it even worse, many of these European and World leaders have been living off Russian money for years. Indulging in their lavish lifestyles off the blood of the innocent.
The West knew that Russia would never allow a Nato expansion into Ukraine or near their borders. Yet they continued to stir the pot giving Zelenski assurances they have his back.
It's the same with China. The day the West think Taiwan will be added to Nato China will respond. The USA and Nato are aware of this but they'll carry on stoking the fire. In the meantime innocent lives will be lost. All wars lead to death of innocent people. Just so greedy bastards for money and power play off their latest chess game.

This isn't the time for this false equivalence, stop "stanning" for your team or pretending to do so on their behalf. This isn't the time for your morality team's divisive ridiculousness. This is like that woman that was calling concern over Ukraine "racist", because the population is white. Accept the situations aren't similar and deal with it.
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With Moldova and seemingly Georgia wanting to join the EU, are we going to see calls for them to be neutral from third parties as well?

I also wonder what people make of Putin calling Ukrainians and Russians one people.
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My question is why should common people suffer for the actions of a dictator
Is this a question directed at the Ukranians who are actually dying from all the bombings?
Or perhaps the Finns, Moldovians and Swedes that will come after the Ukranians if the rest of Europe keeps paving the way for the madman?


My question is why should common people suffer for the actions of a dictator
Putin has 70% approval among russian citizens, mate, many families live both on russian and ukrainian side, "some" russian citizens are so brainwashed that when their ukrainian sides of family contacts them and tells them the truth of what russian army does they dont believe them, yup its that bad, u cant even mention word that its war there, just special military operation, no independend news atm, all was taken down, only ones from russian goverment.
Message gotta be send to every1, so every persom in Russia has to get the memo, that what they are doing is war crime.
Another example of russian army behavious is- they brought mobile crematoria vehicles to burn their own soldiers bodies, so they dont hate to inform mothers/families of soldiers who died, they just inform them their son "went missing".
Btw, they value their own soldiers so high that families who lost members there get equivalent of 114 usd as payment( maybe less now, rubel worth keeps on tanking hard on a daily basis).


My question is why should common people suffer for the actions of a dictator
Because you can't overthrown a dictator without a strong resistance from the people. You need majority of the people to be upset so when the army is put in front of them to defend the 'master' they will not flee



Sony Interactive Entertainment has quietly pulled Gran Turismo 7‘s Russian release.
The PS4 and PS5 game was scheduled for a worldwide release today, but it’s currently unavailable to buy digitally via the Russian PlayStation Store, which lists its release date as “pending confirmation”.

Eurogamer claims Sony made the decision not to sell the game in Russia on Thursday night, although the company has yet to officially comment on the move.

VGC has contacted PlayStation for comment on the game’s removal from sale.

Sony has become the most high-profile games company yet to withdraw products from sale in Russia following the country’s invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24 and is being aided by Belarus.

Earlier this week, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister called on Xbox and PlayStation to halt product support in both Russia and Belarus.

In an open letter, Mykhailo Fedorov said the platform holders should block all Russian and Belarusian accounts and temporarily stop the participation of their nations’ teams and players in all international esports events.

On Thursday, Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher maker CD Projekt pulled sales of its products, including PC games distributed through GOG, in Russia and Belarus.

Meanwhile, EA has removed all Russian teams from FIFA 22 and all Russian and Belarusian teams from NHL 22.

Ukraine-based Stalker 2 studio GSC Game World said this week that the game’s development has been put on hold due to Russia’s invasion of its home country.

The developer of anti-war game This War of Mine recently pledged to donate some profits from the game to the Ukrainian Red Cross, while Doom II co-creator John Romero has created a new level for the game to raise money for Ukraine’s war effort.


I mean… either they were going to pull it directly or let the internet service providers pull the game for them. This just saves people the heartache of installing the game.


Right? The British and the Americans should have just continued to pamper the average German while Jews were gassed in the millions with their quiet consent.
Comparing Russia to Nazi Germany is pretty fkn dumb. It would make more sense to punish Americans & EU members for starting major wars and invasions because they are democratic societies (People's votes directly influence the politics of the country). Whereas Russia is essentially a dictatorship and the people have little to no say. This entire thing is stupid as hell.
Comparing Russia to Nazi Germany is pretty fkn dumb. It would make more sense to punish Americans & EU members for starting major wars and invasions because they are democratic societies (People's votes directly influence the politics of the country). Whereas Russia is essentially a dictatorship and the people have little to no say. This entire thing is stupid as hell.
There is no single country on this planet where the general population is completely free of any responsibility for the government it is tolerating. Makes no difference at all.


Gold Member
Normal Russians are fucking themselves over by letting their country go from a democratic nation to a dictatorship in 20 years. They should fight for change.

Careful now, the predictable reply will be something about "the deep state" and how all Western nations are under the iron grip of lizard people, and we should use bear arms to free ourself from the reptilian overlords.

I would point out however that at least Lizard people let us play Gran Turismo.
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Uh huh...

I mean how are these people going to pay Sony for this game given the banking limitations in place and plunging currency value?
I dont know, but lets make sure they cant regardless? That'll help.

When you start pissing off normal people who dont even want a war in the first place then how do you think they're going to feel if you keep it up?

If you're in defence of this bullshit then honestly, try Resetera, they're over there loving this shit. Go have a look

When did society get this insane? You dont fuck over normal people for things out of their control, are we not meant to be better than that?

I guess not.


Careful now, the predictable reply will be something about "the deep state" and how all Western nations are under the iron grip of lizard people, and we should use bear arms to free ourself from the reptilian overlords.

I would point out however that at least Lizard people let us play Gran Turismo.
Long live the lizards!

Yeah I'd much rather a society run by a dictator and his 30 billionaire biddies. Death to lizards!


Normal Russians are fucking themselves over by letting their country go from a democratic nation to a dictatorship in 20 years. They should fight for change.
Are you American? Because we were blowing up birthing centers before it was cool. Are you responsible for your govt & country not living up to your ideals? Sounds like an illusion of control.


Neo Member
'Lets fuck over normal working russians who, no doubt, dont even want a war. That'll show em'

Fucking morons, all of them.
Yeah, you really understand what is going on here.

How is it so hard to get that for every move like this that happens gives "normal working russians" some clue about what is actually happening right now. Most Russians thinks that Russia is defending itself because of the massive propaganda machine. The more the Russian population gets hit by sactions and stuff like this, the more questions they will have for the government. That is the point. Moron.


I don't see the point your only hurting regular Russian Gamer who wants to play the game not Putin
I don't think this is about "hurting" gamers.

It's a manipulation tactic. This is all likely an attempt to get the populous to turn on the government, through restricting access to social luxuries.

It's a form of divide and conquer.

By taking away diversions from the people, their first active response is likely to be attempts at restoring personal "normalcy".

Just a guess.


Are you American? Because we were blowing up birthing centers before it was cool. Are you responsible for your govt & country not living up to your ideals? Sounds like an illusion of control.

Hows that working out for America/Canada?
I'm not American. My partner is also not American. From Eastern Europe in fact. They all think the Russians are cunts and want to run them freely without Russian interference.

They don't love the west especially America but they most certainly don't hate it and want to do business with them.

If the Russians weren't cunts they'd be happy to form a prosperous relationship with them also.

You know in Europe we prefer to get on with the east and West but sadly the east is current run by the modern day Hitler.


Yeah, you really understand what is going on here.

How is it so hard to get that for every move like this that happens gives "normal working russians" some clue about what is actually happening right now. Most Russians thinks that Russia is defending itself because of the massive propaganda machine. The more the Russian population gets hit by sactions and stuff like this, the more questions they will have for the government. That is the point. Moron.
Oh, okay genius. Lets piss off normal russians with taking away their things, they'll love us for it and turn on their government, what a sound plan. They wont just side with the government more, no way

Big brain moves there chief.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Normal Russians are fucking themselves over by letting their country go from a democratic nation to a dictatorship in 20 years. They should fight for change.
No offense but you wouldnt stand up to a dictator who literally poisons people in broad daylight.


Yeah, you really understand what is going on here.

How is it so hard to get that for every move like this that happens gives "normal working russians" some clue about what is actually happening right now. Most Russians thinks that Russia is defending itself because of the massive propaganda machine. The more the Russian population gets hit by sactions and stuff like this, the more questions they will have for the government. That is the point. Moron.
So when should American's be punished for the decades of death and destruction the US has brought upon the world? Also who gets to punish us? China?
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