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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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After spending my first significantly long session yesterday with a couple of friends. Dr Doom is wayy too derpy, and way too strong. Best Character in the game imo. (Its early) The hard knockdown on the air S is ridiculous.


Any advice on how to build a good balanced team? I'm a noob but I have been using Dante and Hawkeye mostly and switching out the third character. I have tried Nemesis, Frank west, and Rocket Racoon. So many options.


Any advice on how to build a good balanced team? I'm a noob but I have been using Dante and Hawkeye mostly and switching out the third character. I have tried Nemesis, Frank west, and Rocket Racoon. So many options.

All teams generally go Batter (Builds Meter), User (Uses the meter), Assist (Helps the characers). User/Assist can flip flop. Dante is still a decent batter in Ultimate (though meter is an interesting thing in the game), Hawkeye, to me is more of an assist or batter than a user,

Nemesis is more of a user character and Frank West/Racoon have really good assists. So just slot them accordingly.

Also make sure their hyper combos have synergy so you can bring your charactes in and switch them out.


All teams generally go Batter (Builds Meter), User (Uses the meter), Assist (Helps the characers). User/Assist can flip flop. Dante is still a decent batter in Ultimate (though meter is an interesting thing in the game), Hawkeye, to me is more of an assist or batter than a user,

Nemesis is more of a user character and Frank West/Racoon have really good assists. So just slot them accordingly.

Also make sure their hyper combos have synergy so you can bring your charactes in and switch them out.

Thanks for the help. So who are generally regarded as the best in each category?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I love how I didn't even get the early Galactus Mode unlock because I picked Cloud Saves as my save option for UMvC3, so it doesn't recognize I have a Vanilla save apparently.

Combo's dropping Nemesis? Excellent.


I love how I didn't even get the early Galactus Mode unlock because I picked Cloud Saves as my save option for UMvC3, so it doesn't recognize I have a Vanilla save apparently.

Combo's dropping Nemesis? Excellent.

Really? I told it to cloud save UMvC3 and had no issue getting the unlock. Maybe it's due to the fact I had my Vanilla save in the cloud as well. I dunno but I know I got the unlock for sure, no mind you I have also passed the normal unlock threshold and I still have not played as him.


I love how I didn't even get the early Galactus Mode unlock because I picked Cloud Saves as my save option for UMvC3, so it doesn't recognize I have a Vanilla save apparently.

Combo's dropping Nemesis? Excellent.

It sure seems like hes going to. He used Cap/Spener/Hawkeye Task/Spencer/Hawkeye and then Nemesis/Spencer/Hakweye and he complained alot about having 2 characters and complained about nemesis. I wonder if hes gonna give Iron Fist a shot

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
My vanilla save isn't in the cloud, so that's probably why. Don't really care about the early unlock, but it makes a crappy reward feel just that tad bit worse.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
When I get this, I'm still going to rock the RE crew. How does my baby, X-23, plays this time? Did she get a health boost?

Health's the same, but she got something really nasty in that she can cancel her feints into talon attacks. Also she can cancel crescent scythe into talons too which gives her more manoeuverability. On the downside they made feint loops even harder to pull off.
Any advice on how to build a good balanced team? I'm a noob but I have been using Dante and Hawkeye mostly and switching out the third character. I have tried Nemesis, Frank west, and Rocket Racoon. So many options.
A series of quotes describing the most important aspects of good characters in MvC3 and the most comprehensive tier list(for this game) that we've got on this site as far as I know. You want to use this and Shaowebb's thread for the new characters.

I don't think you'll need much more for old characters if you look at the changelog for character changes and the tier list for Vanilla character attributes at the bottom of my post. It should give you a good sense of who is better and who is not in this game.

Just keep in mind that you should pick someone who is fun. Don't try to make someone work just because the numbers are high.
Thanks. Will definitely check it out.
You should definitely go through that with a fine tooth comb. It is probably more useful than tier lists and all my junk. Dahbomb and Karsticles posts are great though.
Oh we had a long discussion on this in the MVC3 CT a while back and we actually came to a good concession on it.

*Solo combos off of air throw = Absolutely vital for anchor play
*Solid and damagin combos you can hit confirm with easily
*Strong mobility
*Mix ups especially right left ones
*Spammable, fast or invincible full screen supers
*X factor boost
*Doesn't need assists to get game plan going
*Great user of meter
*High chip damage game
*Strong match ups against the majority of the cast
*Having a good assist or two is helpful

You need many of these to be a great anchor. If you look at these then you will realize why someone like Vergil/Firebrand/Nova/Spencer/Strange/Phoenix/Skrull/Doom are great anchors but someone like She Hulk/Iron Fist/Nemesis/Tron/Captain America/Hulk aren't as good.

Wesker is really the biggest outlier there is to the anchor theory. I am still a strong opponent of the idea but I can't argue the results. It's mostly because of his ABSURD X factor bonuses and some bull shit gun shenanigans. Wesker as anchor is toned down in UMVC3 essentially.
I'm actually working on a Team Building Guide that answers just this question (and everything else you could want to know about building a good team).

The below is written with Vanilla in mind, and hasn't been proof read yet:
Ideal Third (Anchor) Characters…
• Possess few bad matchups; your third character must frequently fight alone, without the assistance of other characters. If your third has trouble dealing with a large portion of the cast, you will end up losing many matches specifically due to this shortcoming. While Haggar is a solid character, his lack of ranged and safe approach options means you will frequently be fighting an uphill battle against well-played keepaway teams. Meanwhile, Akuma has a variety of approach methods, he can punish almost anything in the game with Messtatsu Gouhadou, and his other two hypers both have invincibility frames. No character can safely call Akuma an easy win simply because of these two attributes.

• Make incredible use of level 3 X-Factor; at every level of play, sometimes you simply will be stomped. Your first two characters will be slaughtered utterly, and your only recourse is the almighty power of the level 3 X-Factor. Ideally, your thirdcharacter should possess such power that your opponent is afraid to do much of anything against him for fear of retribution. Dark Phoenix is a terrifying sight to behold, but level 3 X-Factored Dark Phoenix? Against a skilled player, your only recourse is to hope your opponent makes an error. On the other hand, a level 3 X-Factored Tron Bonne is basically the same Tron Bonne, but now packing a harder punch - one of these is far more difficult to handle for the massive duration of level 3 X-Factor.

• Have a great assist; not all assists are created equal. Dr. Doom, for example, has three awesome assists; it's just great to have your team backed by Dr. Doom's…anything! Regardless of your team's synergy with Dr. Doom in every other aspect, it's tempting to slap him into the third slot on any team just to be backed by the endless hails of Hidden Missiles (etc.). On the other hand, none of Spider-man's assists are particularly interesting at all, and it's difficult to justify placing him in this spot. Your second character will frequently be backed solely by your third character's assist - do you want him to be backed by Web Toss?

• Consider assists a luxury, not a necessity; Dante can create his own mix-ups with Devil Trigger, Air Trick guaranteed he is always half a second from getting in, possesses excellent range on his normal, and he has a solid tool for every situation. If Dante is your last character left, he can perform as a one-man team if you use all of his tools properly. A character like Zero, however, finds that all of his mix-ups are much easier to block, and many of his options simply aren't there without the backup of a solid assist.

• Makes excellent use of excess meter; Meter gained is always proportional to unscaled damage dealt, so if you lose a character, it's not uncommon for you to have a healthy stock of meter. If you lose two characters, it's not uncommon at all to find yourself with a full five bars of meter stocked up. A character like Haggar has no real use for a full five bars of meter in an endgame; none of his hypers are good at harassing an opponent, they don't have special use outside of finishing combos. On the other hand, Sentinel can combo for as long as he has meter to spend hypers on as long as his opponent is in the corner, and Hard Drive is guaranteed to take him there.
Felicia fits the bill of anchor very well actually and so does Shuma some what.

That was SolarPowered's list.

My personal list is:

*Mix ups
*Match Ups
*Move priorities
*Strength/quality of tools including assists
*Overall damage output
*Air throw game
*General attributes (stuff like wave dash speed, health, hit box size)

I also have a different list for characters at Point and characters at 2nd slot. Might as well post that since someone is going to ask for that anyway.

Attributes for Point character:

*J.H/Air throw OS game (it doesn't matter if you can solo combo off of it as long as you can do it with assists like Wolverine can)
*Excellent builder of meter
*Strong reset game
*With the help of assists becomes much stronger
*Doesn't need meter to be strong/effective
*Either is able to get in exceptionally well/negate advance guard or is able to keep away exceptionally well
*Doesn't need to have good assists
*Doesn't need to have a safe hyper but needs hypers that are easy to DHC into
*Strong base damage output
*Doesn't need XF but good XFLVL1 boosts are very nice to have
*Helps to have super armor/high priority moves or high health

Attributes for 2nd Character:

*A good assist on deck
*Needs to have a safe hyper to DHC and hypers that are in general DHC friendly
*Can function with minimal assists yet becomes stronger with assists
*Can both build meter effectively and use it effectively
*Ideally needs to function differently than the point character so you can cover maximum match ups and team compositions
*Should be able to combo solo off of air throw
*Great utilizer of XF
*Has moves that allow you to change the pace of the game, allowing your point character to heal if needed or mount a strong offense if needed
*In most cases.... this is the best character on the team or the MVP (the Marn philosophy) or on a Phoenix team this is basically the main assist character or the 2nd gate keeper (who is like an anchor but can't use meter or XF)
Eh... why not.

I started out making this for fun and it became a kind of obsessive thing that I had to finish. Most tier lists for older games tend to be matchup charts that give people absolutely no insight into how or why the character can beat someone else. Other more modern lists are even more ambiguous since they just assign a letter grade and call it a day. This tier list is for Marvel vs Capcom 3 and I intend for it to cover nine different aspects of each character in the game. I find these aspects most important when trying to correctly analyze the potential of any character in a fighting game and they are all universal aspects of pretty much any fighter ever made(projectiles, damage output, mixups) with the exception of assists. Some mechanics(X-factor speed/damage boosts), health ratings, hypers(some are FANTASTIC while others are bad) and assists can place a character with more bad matchups higher on the tier list, but this is more of an outlier and it is easy to spot in this list if you have a good eye.

The tools for measurement will be nine separate aspects of the characters:
Mobility/Mix Ups/Damage Output/Moves Priority/Post throw game/Zoning tools/Execution Barrier/Assist options/Health

A nice trend that I've noticed in MvC3 is that the dominating characters sport a bevy of powerful options and moves that make them powerful in three categories. The most powerful aspects of a character in MvC3 that determine tier placement and matchups are mobility, mixups and damage output. The characters with the most powerful grip on the tournament and mid level scenes all have very healthy ratings in these three categories and I placed characters that match each other exactly in order of greatest to least in these categories(5/5/5 score for Akuma at 35 points overall will be higher tier than 4/4/4 score for Doctor Doom at 35 points overall).

Now on to the list...

S tier:
Dark Phoenix:5/5/5/5/5/5/4/4/2-40 points
Dante:4/5/5/5/4/5/3/4/3- 38 points
Magneto:5/5/5/4/5/5/3/4/2- 38 points
Wolverine:5/5/5/5/5/1/5/3/4- 38 points
Albert Wesker:5/4/4/4/4/4/5/4/5- 38 points
Phoenix:5/4/4/4/4/5/4/4/2- 36 points
Amaterasu:5/4/4/4/5/4/3/4/2- 35 points
Zero:4/5/5/5/4/4/3/3/2- 35 points
Crimson Viper:4/5/5/5/5/3/2/3/3- 35 points
Nathan Spencer:4/5/4/4/4/3/3/4/4- 35 points
Akuma:3/4/4/4/5/4/4/5/2- 35 points

High A tier:
Taskmaster:3/2/4/4/4/4/4/4/5- 34 points
Doctor Doom:3/4/4/3/4/4/3/5/4- 34 points
She-Hulk:4/5/4/4/4/2/4/3/4- 33 points
M.O.D.O.K.:4/4/5/3/5/3/2/4/3- 33 points
Iron Man:4/3/4/3/4/4/3/4/4- 33 points
Trish:4/3/3/4/3/5/4/4/3- 33 points

Low A tier:
Ryu:3/3/4/4/4/3/4/4/4- 33 points
Dormammu:3/3/4/4/4/5/3/3/4- 33 points
Sentinel:4/2/4/4/4/4/5/4/2- 33 points
Deadpool:3/3/3/3/4/5/4/4/4- 33 points
Tron Bonne:3/2/4/4/4/2/4/5/5- 33 points

Mid B tier:
Storm:4/3/4/3/4/4/3/4/3- 32 points
Spider-Man:5/5/5/3/3/2/2/2/3- 31 points
Super-Skrull:3/3/4/3/4/2/4/4/4- 31 points
Morrigan Aensland:4/3/3/3/2/4/4/4/4- 31 points
Chris Redfield:2/2/4/3/4/4/3/3/5-31points
Hulk:2/2/4/4/3/2/5/3/5- 31 points
X-23:4/4/4/5/3/1/4/3/2- 30 points
Viewtiful Joe:3/4/3/5/3/4/3/2/3- 30 points
Felicia:4/4/3/3/4/2/3/3/3-29 points

Low C tier:
Jill Valentine:4/4/3/4/3/2/3/3/3- 29 points
Shuma-Gorath:3/4/3/4/2/3/3/4/3- 29 points
Captain America:2/3/4/4/1/4/4/3/4- 29 points
Thor:3/2/4/3/3/3/3/3/5- 29 points
Mike Haggar:1/1/4/4/2/2/5/5/5- 29 points

Bottom D tier:
Hsien-Ko:2/2/3/4/2/3/3/5/3- 27 points
Chun-Li:3/3/3/3/1/2/4/3/3- 25 points
Arthur:1/1/2/5/3/4/4/4/2- 26 points

It is pretty self explanatory. The S tier is full of characters that counter each other very well. There are some legitimate counters against S tiers in the A tier category as well, but the matchups are usually in S tier's favor by noticeable margins. Mid tier struggles against S tier with few exceptions and it doesn't do very well against A tier either. Many of these characters have the tools or could have the tools to become much more powerful with a few tweaks. C tier is full of characters that are usually very very lacking in the tools necessary to win a game and they struggle greatly against anything past mid tier due to little proliferation of technology(fighting game lingo for no information on a character) among the community. Bottom D tier is occupied by characters that are barren. They usually have no redeeming qualities and if they do, they are so hampered by other aspects of their gameplan that they can't capitalize on that one possibly decent tool. They are played too little by the community and the developer clearly skipped over these characters. They are in need of a serious overhaul.

The nature of MvC3(a 3vs3 game) makes it much too hard to come up with a perfect tier list and X-factor on it's own makes it practically impossible. The game is far too random for any one person to come up with a real reference list like those you would find for most older fighters and it will remain this way because this game's life was cut short. Unlike other fighters(MvC2 was around for about ten years) this game will only have a short nine months of life so this is probably as good as it will get.

Have fun arguing about how crazy my choices are! ;)
Combo's Hawkeye is amazing, and I agree that Nemesis doesn't fit him.

I think on the long run Combofiend is going to drop Hawkeye too, yesterday Yipes seem to have completely figured the character out. Hawkeye is a Sagat character and hardly suitable for the mixup demon that is Combofiend.

He decided his team too early, I really want to see him try to get Super Skrull, Capt America and Chris working as he had tried them out before early in vanilla MvC3 and was doing well with them.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member

I'd say Taskmaster/Strange/Wesker.

Taskmaster works best on point as he builds tons of meter and doesn't have the level up mixups Wesker has as an anchor and level 3 X-Factor Wesker is scary as hell. Taskmaster will get a DHC to Strange with any of his hypers. Strange himself I'm too unfamiliar with to comment on placement, but second place seems like a good fit.


I know I'm late, but jesus christ at that DLC schedule. That is NOT how you're supposed to release DLC.
I played a bunch of ranked games last night - I'm starting to get better at the game.

I'm noticing a lot of players can't handle my Skrull/Sentinal mixups. I'll call in the drones and meteor-smash on their head and they have no clue where to block. It makes it a lot easier for me to open them up.

Especially Phoenix Wright, I love when he's on point. I can just command grab him through Maya and go to town.


Neo Member
Got to 42 ranked wins in a row before Vergil snatched away my streak :( liking this game quite a bit, top tier characters from the first game are still up there but are more manageable.
TheBeef said:
<ProfBeef>: I think I found a nice reset with Nemesis
<ProfBeef>: omg
<ProfBeef>: i feel like god's beard right now
<ProfBeef>: why does GAF have to be down dammit, I need to share this
<Papercuts>: clearly it's meant to be kept a secret
<ProfBeef>: I just tested it on Thor, and it's a TOD with 2 bars
<ProfBeef>: With most of the cast, only 1 bar is required.
<Papercuts>: you should definitely tell me, an aspiring nemesis player
<ProfBeef>: I'm gonna do one more test first to see how it does against wesker's health and such
<ProfBeef>: Ryu and Wesker only need 1 bar
<ProfBeef>: Looks like Taskmaster needs 2
<ProfBeef>: I feel like some kind of smart guy. I hope this hasn't been discovered already.
<Papercuts>: it seems like a rule of the internet, if you do something awesome someone has already done it previously
<Papercuts>: lol
<ProfBeef>: I'm gonna watch desk's Nemesis videos and make sure he didn't already do this, lol
<ProfBeef>: If not, then I discovered a nice TOD reset combo with Nemesis!

lolz my Nemesis reset kills Thor for 0 bars, learn to training mode

Taskmaster(whatever)/Wesker(low shot)/Strange(daggers)

zone with task backed by strange, rushdown with webswing + low shot unblockables, wesker comes in and mixes up with daggers and builds meter for strange's punish hypers

Wesker's physical counter + strange's projectile counter will help put pressure on the opponent towards the end of the game.


I'm trying to use Taskmaster on my team. Most people seem to put him as a point character, however I've been putting him in second because of his vertical shot assist. What would be better?


I had Captain America as a point character before, but now I'm not too sure I'll keep him.
Kinda wanna make a team of Phoenix Wright, Frank West and Haggar just because they're the three characters in the game that are normal humans without any sort of superpower or gadgetry.


Mrs. Harvey
Good stuff to the PSN crew last night. I was only around for the first hour. Killed the stream when I came back and nobody was playing.
It was unfortunate GAF was down as there was no way to blow up the stream. Besides that, the stream was still on the front page of Twitch.
I'll watch through it to find some highlights. I know Ultimoo was blowing up win streaks.


Anyone finding the PS3 matchmaking to be inaccurate? Might be the fact that I was playing late Friday PST but I was being matched up with folks with 20-50 wins and I'm not anywhere near that. Any differences on 360?


I got mollywhopped on the stream. Had fun though

The frauds from TalentedGAF recommended the drone assist when they saw my team. but I need Rocket Punch for that good damage :/
It involves the rarest of all Nemesis' special moves. There are men that dare to whisper its name behind closed doors, but few have seen it. Only the echoes of a legend remain.

45 degrees...

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
GGs to Parallax and Enzo yesterday in the 360 lobby!

I take it you were the guy who left shortly after I joined. I think we played maybe one or two matches. GGs. Playing Parallax I'm kinda salty Wesker is still the only character as far as I know who gets a very free THC mid combo with that gunshot cancel. With Parallax his team it did an easy 900k.
I take it you were the guy who left shortly after I joined. I think we played maybe one or two matches. GGs. Playing Parallax I'm kinda salty Wesker is still the only character as far as I know who gets a very free THC mid combo with that gunshot cancel. With Parallax his team it did an easy 900k.

The THC does stupid damage with my team :D


How is the netcode in comparison to SSFIV AE

I asked the same question on KOFXIII thread as well, this is the decider on which fighter I will get first.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
The THC does stupid damage with my team :D

I was seriously confused the first time you used it. Good games man. Was the connection good for you? I experienced no issues other than at the end when my internet randomly dropped for a second right before my match with enzo started.
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