There are a few things which keeps IM back in this game (reality is that he is a "balanced" character but balanced doesn't cut it in this game). The first is that he can't cancel his dash before the 11th frame which means his ground dash game is limited than other characters. His aerial box dash and tri-dash has start up time which can easily be read and stuffed out. This combined with the no block during air dash makes IM a very weak rushdown character. His up to down air dash is super fast though meaning at close range his high low mix up is as good as Magneto's. His dashes also linger on at super jump height meaning he can go from super jump height and dash all the way down and hit you with a high/low (if the opponent is still there).Quick question.. What makes Iron Man bad? I've been reading here and on SRK how Iron Man is dead, but a friend of mine gave me a tough time with Iron Man today. I've been trying to get good with Spiderman and have been avoiding Iron Man even though Repulser Blast is a great assist for Spidey. But after our matches I'm considering putting IM in.
A lot of people still think that move sucks when it doesn't.. it's one of his best normals now. It's decent for approaches and hit confirms. For combos it's ok. I approach with Smart Bombs now plus an assist.why aren't more IM users using the cr.H cancel to set up safe approaches as well as some nice combos?
Viscant now has a Zero/Dormmamu/Dr Doom team. So strange.
he's like a not crappy version of nerdjosh
Dieminion vs Masta CJ
Nerdjosh managed to defeat Marlinpie and get 4th in the latest big 2. I am not sure even Viscant can even achieve the way he's screwing around.
Shit's gonna be hype! Dieminion vs anyone is great to watch.
soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist soul fist
Japanese Rocket Raccoon combo vid., dem boulder loops.
Curleh Mustache starts at 7PM
that is fucking gangster
why can't all tournaments be like this? lol
Curleh Mustache starts at 7PM
that is fucking gangster
why can't all tournaments be like this? lol
Any details on who is gonna be there?
Top 3 winners For this event wil have free entree and Free venue for this years WINTER BRAWL!! SHOUTS OUTS TO BIG E GAMING!!!
Entry fee for this tournament will be 25 and spectator/venue fee is 10$
Main events B4 the tournament(will be Updated)
Dieminion vs Masta CJ
OMG itz ANDRE VS Noel "the professional" BROWN(he called u out noel,hahaha)
Demon Hyo vs Chris G
Now here are The invites:
Philly crew:
Demon Hyo
Rogue Yoshi
10 Stars
Julien Robinson
Doctor Chaos
New York/New jersey:
Noel Brown
Chris G
Masta CJ
L.I Joe
Dragon God
Ray Ray
Chris Matrix
Bankboy Spankz
Megaman Steve
Alukard NY
Marlin Pie
Nerd Josh
Sean Aquino
Dj houshen
Steve H
Ohio/Facebookhahaha u know i had to troll u for this one,hahaha)
We've covered this several times. That ain't the real Hsien-Ko.
No need to worry now.avoid srk? What's happens?
I wish there was a way to stream the Curleh Mustache tournament at work
and chun li is damn near unblockable ..when you're as good as me haha
I wish there was a way to stream the Curleh Mustache tournament at work
and chun li is damn near unblockable ..when you're as good as me haha
I'd join the new age of Zeroes, but I just don't really like the way he plays. Well... I suppose I shouldn't say I don't like the way he plays, just that it doesn't suit my style. I do actually enjoy playing him, but I could never main him since the way he plays just doesn't suit me.I really should join the nation of maverick hunting.
Viscant now has a Zero/Dormmamu/Dr Doom team. So strange.
I'd join the new age of Zeroes, but I just don't really like the way he plays. Well... I suppose I shouldn't say I don't like the way he plays, just that it doesn't suit my style. I do actually enjoy playing him, but I could never main him since the way he plays just doesn't suit me.
Plus, Zero is almost strictly a point character, and I want Dante on point. Zero will just have to brew in the pot of my many secondary characters.
Zero gives you bad habits? How so?
Zero + Dante is one of the strongest pairings in the game.
Zero gives you bad habits? How so?
Japanese Rocket Raccoon combo vid., dem boulder loops.
Zero + Dante is one of the most boring pairings in the game.
I ordered Ultimate off Amazon.
Fuck the Capcom suits and fuck Marvel. I'm gonna enjoy my fucking Mahvel 3 one way or another.
My order of emotions just now:I ordered Ultimate off Amazon.
Fuck the Capcom suits and fuck Marvel. I'm gonna enjoy my fucking Mahvel 3 one way or another.
I ordered Ultimate off Amazon.
Fuck the Capcom suits and fuck Marvel. I'm gonna enjoy my fucking Mahvel 3 one way or another.
Nice avatar!One of us one of us
also testing out my new avatarrr
Sp00ky of course.Nice avatar!
So, who is streaming the Curleh mustache tournament?