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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

I would say that's probably for the best. Morrigan isn't going to really stay on the ground long enough for Unibeam to be useful.

That, and she ducks under the unibeam when she is on the ground, meaning it's not safe anymore :(.

Tinker time for sure on my end. Been too autopiloty and reverting to forcing stuff instead of breaking things down.


So X-mas for me involves a lot of traveling and a lot of careful scheduling in order to see all of my side of the family and my wife's side. As such over the next few days we will be driving across 3 different counties visiting two or more houses a day. Because of this whole thing me and my wife have X-mas first then unwrap stuff at each family member's house.

My wife and I just had our X-mas. Check out what she got me.


She nabbed me the minimates pack that had my old vanilla team in it of Sentinel and DLC outfit Ryu. I never did settle on a point character in that game even though Storm and Chun Li lasted the longest with occassional C. Viper fun. I always found it weird that this bundle was LITERALLY my team in their colors and everything since DLC outfit Ryu was so out of place in this toy series.

Merry X-mas Marvel Gaf. Just thought I'd share some of the awesome I just experience on day 1 of my 3 day trek across WV to celebrate with family.


But it's annoying to fight Taskmaster since he has so much fucking life to chip away.
This is very true. Only character that can really win a war of attrition against Taskmaster is Chris. I would also add Strange and Deadpool to the list. Hawkeye and DP have faster projectiles that can beat Task on start up plus in the case of DP he can catch Task sleeping with a teleport from full screen away. Hawkeye has threat of Gimlet and neat full screen slide. Strange has high durability projectiles, teleport and SoV that Task has to be careful of.

In all of these cases you still have to play at least as good as the Task player sometimes you have to play better because his tools are easier to use and apply.

Vergil does good against Task too but Vergil has to be careful about strings and moves as Shield Skill blows up numerous Vergil block strings and his wave dash allows him to easily punish Vergil on whiff. Task can't do anything about SS, his hyper is fully absorbed by it.
Yeah, I never understood why he has that much health to begin with.

I think it's because he's this game's Balrog. He's the only real defensive stalwart in the game and doesn't have mixups.

Task is mostly okay with me because he's only as good as the player controlling him forthe most part, shield skill nuts aside.

That and both Spidey and Hawkeye can mash him. Love fighting good Taskmaster's.


Yeah Taskmaster is "fair" and is essentially the Balrog/Ryu of this game. The better the player, the better the Taskmaster. I use the term "fair" very loosely of course, this is Marvel we are talking about here.

Theoretically speaking Shield Skills should go through Spiral Swords although no one has done it to me. It's still a risk for Taskmaster if Vergil is blocking when he decides to use it though.

Theory fighter Zero and Viper beat Taskmaster but that doesn't happen often especially against Viper because Taskmaster usually forces either of them to get in to do damage and no one really plays theory Viper anyway. Taskmaster beats all of Viper's normals and can go through Seismo thanks to Shield Skill, this is enough for Task to always beat Viper at least from personal experience and from matches I have observed. Taskmaster beats Zero's normals and can chip him from distances, plus Shield Skill for those pesky Zero projectiles.

Task also beats Magneto generally speaking. Of course theory Magneto should beat Task but that doesn't happen often either. Shield Skill beats Magneto's options very well and his normals really put a dent on Mag's tri-dash offense. It's also why Sanford is so salty about Taskmaster.

Not sure how Dante stacks against Task, this is also another case of theory vs reality I feel.

It should be pretty evident from these posts that Shield Skill is one of the best moves in the game. It literally does everything for Task.
Hey Sasa are you on PSN? Anybody wanna play?
Yeah, and despite your team concept there was never a level 3 from X-23. I'm doubting it will work out for you.

I wasn't going for the infinite is the main reason why. I wasn't comfortable with it online so I just thought, "if I can land a TAC I can do my setup in a match" and I would go for the TAC anyway just to see how often I can get it without thinking about Dirt Nap. I never wanted to even try Dirt Nap during our games. I guess I should go for it more, but I'm more worried about getting comfortable with my team than making sure I know a setup. I already know the setup works.

Yeah, I like the aerial superiority. That's why I'm glad I'm learning to deal with Strider assist. Point Strider...I don't think there's an answer for that for me unfortunately.
Yeah, that's when I knew point strider with EMD was a good idea. You're a really good player and I'm not, so if you can't block a lot of easy Strider crossups it's a good sign that it's a workable technique that I should practice.

I can understand my Phoenix being a bit worse than before, because it's a new team order and I've been learning a lot with her in training mode, and it usually takes ~100 matches to integrate that new knowledge. This was the first time I was doing Dark Phoenix combos beyond c.L mash into ABC Phoenix Rage. As I get used to the combos, my neutral tends to improve because I'm not interrupting my own brain process.

I'm also being more careful with her because when I use her on point, her death means XF2 Dormammu time. When I anchor her, if she dies I lose, so I become more cautious. It's something that I will improve on over time, I suppose. I appreciate your honesty there.
Sure. Phoenix is my second best character after Magneto, but I play like a maniac when I have 5 bars with her. People tend to get really scared in those situations, so I press a lot harder and try to kill with vanilla phoenix if I can. I noticed that you don't like to go for the trap infinite?

I agree that once Dormammu is gone, everything isn't quite so scary. I need to figure out something to do with just Morrigan/Phoenix that retains my 5 bars if I have them, because while I can slowly win with Morrigan doing Soul Fist barrages, it takes forever and isn't particularly scary.
Can't you do stuff like Phoenix Rage DHC Astral Vision and get a couple Soul Drains? I'm sure there's a way to do scary stuff, since both characters have invincible hypers and install hypers.


That, and she ducks under the unibeam when she is on the ground, meaning it's not safe anymore :(.
I've gotten used to her being unable to duck under Low Voltage assist, so I always forget she can duck under the beams and arrows.

Not sure how Dante stacks against Task, this is also another case of theory vs reality I feel.
Shield Skills can nullify poorly spaced frame traps and box dash pressure. It can also stuff a lot of Dante's normals since it's 2 frames faster than anything Dante has. It's pretty much the only tool Taskmaster has that's a problem for Dante, though. Devil Trigger makes Taskmaster pretty free.


I just gotta say that I love playing Taskmaster. He is so basic, yet you can do so much with him. Shield Skills is pretty dumb too, it gets me out of situations that I really should be punished for too easily. Also, its a mixup in the corner, lol.
Task is a character who doesn't own people but doesn't get owned by many.

Just a character whose strength depends on the fundamentals of the player playing.

AKA who Jwong should play.
Who is a direct counter to Taskmaster?
He's not a "counter", but Taskmaster is one of the few characters in this game with absolutely no answer to Stalking Flare. I'll chip him out from full to nothing if I feel like it, but most Taskmaster players just mash Shield Skills so I don't care.

I wasn't going for the infinite is the main reason why. I wasn't comfortable with it online so I just thought, "if I can land a TAC I can do my setup in a match" and I would go for the TAC anyway just to see how often I can get it without thinking about Dirt Nap. I never wanted to even try Dirt Nap during our games. I guess I should go for it more, but I'm more worried about getting comfortable with my team than making sure I know a setup. I already know the setup works.
That makes total sense to me.

Yeah, that's when I knew point strider with EMD was a good idea. You're a really good player and I'm not, so if you can't block a lot of easy Strider crossups it's a good sign that it's a workable technique that I should practice.
In about a week we'll play a 50-100 match set. I want to see if I can come up with answers to point Strider.

Sure. Phoenix is my second best character after Magneto, but I play like a maniac when I have 5 bars with her. People tend to get really scared in those situations, so I press a lot harder and try to kill with vanilla phoenix if I can. I noticed that you don't like to go for the trap infinite?
I don't like to burn XF3 until I go dark unless the timer is low or if I'm below 5 bars when Phoenix comes on screen. Then I'll do the infinite. I also have problems with slowly inching back while doing the infinite and dropping it. Folks say to do HCB motions instead of QCB to keep in place, but it doesn't work for me. Any thoughts on that?

Can't you do stuff like Phoenix Rage DHC Astral Vision and get a couple Soul Drains? I'm sure there's a way to do scary stuff, since both characters have invincible hypers and install hypers.
If I Phoenix Rage -> Astral Vision, I can only land one Soul Drain as far as I can tell (one pair, that is), which isn't worth the meter burned. If I could land two I would be happy.

I'd really like some way to combo into Astral Vision and do Soul Drain a la Dark Hole, but Phoenix's assists don't help with that. I found a way to only be -1 bar off of a throw with Morrigan, but since it costs 2 bars and puts Phoenix on point I want to be really confident with it before I go using it in matches. From a general Morrigan combo to Phoenix, though, I have nothing. I don't want to just burn Astral Vision on its own because some characters can evade the entire hyper's duration since I lack a vertical assist. If I could combo into it that would be different, though.

Beardo has your internet improved at all?
He's back at home with his folks, and IMO he has a solid connection now.
I tried playing Zero/Vergil/Strider and it didn't work.

Especially the Zero part.

I did a Sword Loop though so that was cool.

I drop Vergil swords more than I drop lighting loops because of that stupid ass down C. Fucking hate getting stand C. Hell sometimes I get random ass down/forward C.

/ face palm.
Who works well with taskmaster?


No I'm not trolling.. dead serious. His forward arrow assist pretty much works with everyone. His up assist allow character like Firebrand to get unblockables. His DHC does damage and he can be on point, 2nd or anchor.

No I'm not trolling.. dead serious. His forward arrow assist pretty much works with everyone. His up assist allow character like Firebrand to get unblockables. His DHC does damage and he can be on point, 2nd or anchor.
I'm inclined to agree, but there are certainly better and worse partners.

I drop Vergil swords more than I drop lighting loops because of that stupid ass down C. Fucking hate getting stand C. Hell sometimes I get random ass down/forward C.

/ face palm.
Just do the Lunar Phase variant. IMO it's actually easier than the Helm Breaker one.

Azure J

Getting closer and closer to unlocking theory Viper/Azure play more and more and I'm liking this. Still need more matchup experience, but I feel like I am using a lot more of this team's stupid tools and much better than before.
I'm inclined to agree, but there are certainly better and worse partners.

Just do the Lunar Phase variant. IMO it's actually easier than the Helm Breaker one.

Huh what version you talking about? I do lunar phase into throw sword down c into the qcf L bubble into another down c into swords.
Huh what version you talking about? I do lunar phase into throw sword down c into the qcf L bubble into another down c into swords.
I dig. I misread your post as meaning that you try to jump + helm breaker and sometimes press H too early.

I love Taskmaster but it really annoys me that his gimmick of being able to copy other peoples moves is so so poorly implemented. I don't know much about the character but that's his main thing. So he copy's Spidey Swing, Shield Skills, Aim of Hawkeye and Sword of black knight. That's it? Two characters from Vanilla, one character that got added in Ultimate and one character's move who isn't in the game at all. If you were a casual fan of Tasky you would think he always carries the sword and shield around with him and that he specializes in arrow shots.

I still love his game style though!
He copies a lot more, but the other copies are subtle. For example, his throw animations are stolen from Ryu.
I love Taskmaster but it really annoys me that his gimmick of being able to copy other peoples moves is so so poorly implemented. I don't know much about the character but that's his main thing. So he copy's Spidey Swing, Shield Skills, Aim of Hawkeye and Sword of black knight. That's it? Two characters from Vanilla, one character that got added in Ultimate and one character's move who isn't in the game at all. If you were a casual fan of Tasky you would think he always carries the sword and shield around with him and that he specializes in arrow shots.

I still love his game style though!
Ok so I'm at 44 matches on the counter with my main team for tonight unless someone wants to play right now. Not a lot of people on tonight. Only got two player match lobbies. Total games today is about 75.

I don't like to burn XF3 until I go dark unless the timer is low or if I'm below 5 bars when Phoenix comes on screen. Then I'll do the infinite. I also have problems with slowly inching back while doing the infinite and dropping it. Folks say to do HCB motions instead of QCB to keep in place, but it doesn't work for me. Any thoughts on that?
Yeah, you hold forward on the HCB to walk towards the guy you're comboing. But you don't need to hold it as long as you think, you can barely see her move if it all when you do it.

From a general Morrigan combo to Phoenix, though, I have nothing. I don't want to just burn Astral Vision on its own because some characters can evade the entire hyper's duration since I lack a vertical assist. If I could combo into it that would be different, though.
Couldn't you do Soul Drain xx pillars DHC Healing Field, call dark harmonizer and continue the combo with Phoenix's ground bounce?

Why? That team is doodoo, and Yipes likes rushdown teams.
Yeah, you hold forward on the HCB to walk towards the guy you're comboing. But you don't need to hold it as long as you think, you can barely see her move if it all when you do it.
I'll mess with it more then.

Couldn't you do Soul Drain xx pillars DHC Healing Field, call dark harmonizer and continue the combo with Phoenix's ground bounce?
After Healing Field, you only have time to do teleport M, s.H. The movement from Shadow Servant doesn't let you get a Teleport H, d.H from it. It's an interesting thought, though. Maybe I could do a super short Morrigan combo into that.

Edit: Yo if you all do a lobby I want to spectate. ^_^
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