The first week of Ultimate felt so good. All of those fraud Wolverine players trying to Berserker Slash Dormammu and running straight into Flame Carpet. Bwahahahahaha! If only Hulk didn't get armor on Gamma Charge...
I was really surprised when I started to rank in Ultimate because, suddenly people weren't getting exposed by my Hulk :lol. Then I just went crazy in training mode most of the time. I still haven't completed H&H mode...
I'm surprised you swapped to Chris, too. What's with that?
I've always used Chris in Vanilla, then switched to Spencer team at the end of Vanilla's run. Then I've gone back to Chris because, I feel like I become a better player fundamentally.
Fill me in then, because I don't know that system.
Well in KoF2000, you pick your 3 characters, and then you pick a fourth character who is your Striker. This striker can be called at any time, even during knockdown or when you are being attacked. If they implemented the same type of system, except instead of having a dedicated assist character, use the characters that consist of your team. Basically just combine multiple aspects across games, Marvel/KoF2k/KoFXI.
<3 Grandia II. I'm going to be playing through the original soon. Halfway through Alundra right now, and then I'm doing Suikoden I and II.
Grandia II is amazing, it's definitely my favorite in the franchise. I'm not overly fond of the original but all of them have awesome battle systems. Also good taste! Alundra is great. I'm assuming you haven't gone through Suikoden I and II before? Both great games as well, just good everything. PSX - PS2 era has so many countless good RPGs.
Or the great Egyptian god, Anakaris!
What cool stuff does Norse mythology have?
I see "Ouroboros" was already named. Basically Odin Sphere's take on Norse or Valkyrie Profile. Fafnir could have a very strong potential candidacy, as he is originally a dwarf turned dragon form due to his greed. Some other interesting monster concepts would be Nidhogg, the serpent that consumes Yggdrasil. The other standout concept I can think of is having Sleipnir in a kind of humanoid form.