It this thread, a bunch of butthurt sexist men whine and make terrible jokes because they're uncomfortable with change, gender analysis, and gender equality. Keep it classy, gents.
And yeah, I think this is a good move by UNC. Being animals with large frontal lobes that have evolved to utilize symbolic thought and language, humans are bound within language and symbol, and thus language and symbol are incredibly powerful. Intentionally using language is necessary to create the space and foundation of any fundamental, radical, or systemic change. Of course, there will always been those who are uncomfortable with it, who stand to lose from it, who yearn for the "good ol' days" when things were simpler, more straight-forward, more honest, less PC, i.e. patriarchal, racist, classist, etc. Too bad for you, folks. Times, they are a changin'.
I'm sorry, whos the one whining? You just bumped an old thread to whine about people whining. Mate, you take the fucking cake.