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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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The multiplayer demo is so fun in this. Though I'm assuming I should play through the first uncharted before starting the 2nds campaign.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Sony and Naughty Dog should release HOME avatars of Drake, Chole and Elena. I want an avatar with a half tuck shirt.
beast786 said:
Wow you got all the treasures from chapter 23 through 26. I envy you sir. Congrats on your platnium.
Actually, no. I'm missing one in 25, but I suspect that it's after the freeze - I haven't loaded up singleplayer since I got the platinum to check. The Strange Relic counts as one so that's why I have 100.

They're not all that hard to find, really. Just keep an eye out in every room/area that has an event for something glistening high up, or if there's somewhere else you see that you can climb along the way.


Neo Member
De-mon said:
Click to full version (1080p) :D

this is awesome... i have a suggestion. can you make another version of this pic but instead of the white background can you make it black? like its on a old black paper
I must be shallow, because I absolutely love all RPG multiplayer matches. What a rush.

I think I'd play the demo more than any other multiplayer game on the PS3. Is it ending when the full game is released? Do the stats carry over?


Seriously, how is the world Did Naughty Dog did all this in less than 2 years is freaking black majic. Especially with Unique Co-op, MP and Best SP


Still Alive
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
I must be shallow, because I absolutely love all RPG multiplayer matches. What a rush.

I think I'd play the demo more than any other multiplayer game on the PS3. Is it ending when the full game is released? Do the stats carry over?
IIRC it's ending near launch (dunno the exact date), and no stats are of course not carrying over to the retail game at all.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sentry said:
IIRC it's ending near launch (dunno the exact date), and no stats are of course not carrying over to the retail game at all.
My system is telling me it ends tomorrow at 9 A.M. PDT (Select the beta, Triangle, Information), but its weird because I thought the contest ended the 12th at 11:59 P.M. PDT....
brandonh83 said:
Hi Tuesday, just wanted to say that you sure are being slow as fuck getting here. Stop being such an ass and get a move on.
Yeah fuck that Tuesday guy!
I'm just pissed my Gamestop isn't doing a midnight release any more :(

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dude Abides said:
Great checkpointing in this game. The shooting is also so much better than the first. Goddamn so much better.

That's very good to hear. The "checkpointing", shooting and having to press triangle to pick up ammo are my main complaints about the first game. At least two of these seem to have been greatly improved!
beast786 said:
Seriously, how is the world Did Naughty Dog did all this in less than 2 years is freaking black majic. Especially with Unique Co-op, MP and Best SP

They already had a great looking engine all done, they just got to refine it for 2. Not like they started from scratch.


I'd be in the dick
Zefah said:
That's very good to hear. The "checkpointing", shooting and having to press triangle to pick up ammo are my main complaints about the first game. At least two of these seem to have been greatly improved!
I thought the checkpoints in the first were excellent. Multiple ones in long platforming sections and usually several within some of the big combat encounters. Where did you have trouble with them?
Played the first 6 chapters of this game. (well I played first 3, girlfriend played 4-6). The graphics are fucking sensational. This isn't hyperbole. This game looks better than Gears of War 2 and Killzone 2, easily.
Istanbul, Borneo and Nepal
are all uniquely different yet beautiful in their own right. Other developers should look at this game, the animation, the cutscenes, the incredible vistas and gorgeous set pieces and be FUCKING ASHAMED of their games. The gameplay and gunplay are much more refined, the changes are granular but so rewarding. The platforming isn't as easy as one might think and I haven't encountered a real puzzle yet so I can't comment on those. The story, characterization and script by videogame standards are very very strong. No it isn't Oscar worthy but it isn't saccharine either; the voice acting and mocapping are some of the best I've ever heard/seen. Nolan North as Nathan Drake is so perfect and the character himself is so richly defined; I can't wait to see where his character arc. The supporting characters are all solid although I agree about Chloe's weird eyes; also Elena's voice still annoys me. Nitpicks aside, this game is as perfect as a game can be. And that's a review 1/4 in. Back to the game.


love on your sleeve
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
I must be shallow, because I absolutely love all RPG multiplayer matches. What a rush.
It's my favorite type of match yet it's so rare that I get to play it. Of course, I play about a million pistols/grenades games. I have the worst luck with the match making in the demo.
Lord Error said:
Can you keep us posted about difficulty on Normal as you progress further through the game? Assuming you're someone who's been playing through the first game on hard or crushing. I haven't decided yet whether I should be playing on normal or hard first. I don't want the game to be a total walk in the park, but I don't want to get stuck in some places and have to retry them ten times over either.
Let's put it this way. My girlfriend struggled worse than Easy on Uncharted 1 than normal on Uncharted 2. This game feels easier than Uncharted 1.


lol im finally paying off my credit card tomorrow... unfortunately $67 just got added to it thanks to this game :( Oh well, I'm pumped and its gonna be soooo worth it!


Will drop pants for Sony.
dragonflys545 said:
Woah the new uncharted 2 mutiplayer maps not in the beta are so fun to play!!!
DevelopmentArrested said:
Let's put it this way. My girlfriend struggled worse than Easy on Uncharted 1 than normal on Uncharted 2. This game feels easier than Uncharted 1.
I've been assuming the target while blind firing would make the game much easier.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
NeoUltima said:
Where would somebody get one of these codes? I would really want that skin.

At the San Diego Comic-Con. I think it's going to be a time exclusive, in any case.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Let's put it this way. My girlfriend struggled worse than Easy on Uncharted 1 than normal on Uncharted 2. This game feels easier than Uncharted 1.
Yep. Uncharted 2 is considerably easier than Uncharted 1. That's true for all difficulties. Having played the hell out of Uncharted 2 for the last few days and getting a Platinum trophy, I decided to go back and play Uncharted 1 on Crushing since I'd never played it on that difficulty before. Right off the bat, I'm only on chapter 4 and I've already found myself really frustrated whereas I never really got frustrated playing Uncharted 2 on Crushing. Interestingly, I've noticed that the standard enemy AI in Uncharted 2 seems a lot less aggressive than the AI in Uncharted 1. The basic/standard enemies in Uncharted 2 never charge directly at while you're taking cover like they are currently doing to me in Uncharted 1. That's not to say they won't try to flush you out or that they're always hiding behind cover, but they don't all-out run at you like they do in the first game.

Also, holy hell is it hard going back to Uncharted 1's style of grenade throwing. The sixaxis controls are bad enough, but having to actually select the grenades using the d-pad as opposed to being directly mapped to L2 is annoying.
No pics up yet of the other mp maps, how many maps does it ship with?, i hope they keep supporting this with map packs etc as i can see myself playing it for a long time.


supermackem said:
No pics up yet of the other mp maps, how many maps does it ship with?, i hope they keep supporting this with map packs etc as i can see myself playing it for a long time.

7 standard maps. 3 objective co-op maps.


Sentry said:
Wait, what? What do you mean exactly by 3 co-op maps? :s

the coop objective maps.

i thought i had read there's only 4 of the competitive maps available for survival and gold rush modes, is that true?


Sentry said:
Wait, what? What do you mean exactly by 3 co-op maps? :s
There are 3 objective co-op maps. Each is based on a chapter from the single player game. It's largely all the same geometry/layout (with some changes), but the objectives are completely different.

Prezhulio said:
the coop objective maps.

i thought i had read there's only 4 of the competitive maps available for survival and gold rush modes, is that true?
Yes. You can only play Survival and Gold Rush on 4 out of the 7 standards maps.


Prezhulio said:
which 4? the two from the beta and ? spoiler tag if you deem the other 2 necessary of it :D
is one of them. The other is a single player location spoiler:
Lost City
Sorry to gloat that I have the game but I ha to pop in and say that i'm on chpater sixteen and it has exceeded all expectations. The ice caves are sooooo pretty.


Gribbix said:
is one of them. The other is a single player location spoiler:
Lost City

so are the other 3 maps designed in a way that wouldn't work for survival or gold rush? kinda confused why they aren't included.
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