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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Mikey Jr.

I don't think I can get over the shooting aspect in MP.

I love Uncharted and am going to pick this up day fucking 1. But shooting in MP is just not fun for me. I have no idea what it is. It's probably a mix of a few things. Players soaking up too much damage, weird gun accuracy.
I saw a guy who was afk. I walked up to him, stood about 6 feet away from him, and unloaded an entire ak47 clip into his head. Took about 2/3 of a clip to kill him.

But thats ok. Mostly interested in SP anyways. Also, CO-OP is great fucking fun. So I'm alright.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I played some 2vs2 sessions yesterday in the village, some of the best MP experience I've had this year.


Prezhulio said:
so are the other 3 maps designed in a way that wouldn't work for survival or gold rush? kinda confused why they aren't included.
I'm guessing they didn't include Temple since those rooms with only one entrance and a table to take cover behind are obvious chokepoints that'd make survival relatively easier. I think Ice Cave is a bit too narrow and cramped for Survival/Gold Rush. Plus, most people would just camp in the structure on the one end of the map. The map that's not in the beta is on an open plateau with some cover strewn along the center. It's a pretty open area with limited visibility. Survival/Gold Rush on that map would just be plain frustrating since the cover on that map can only protect you from one side while you get pelted with gunfire from all other angles.
Anyone post the Arstechnica review yet?

Uncharted 2 is completely self contained, although you'll get a little bit out of a few lines or reveals if you've played the first game. This is a good move, with the new $300 price point of the PS3 and the buzz this game has been receiving, Uncharted 2 is going to be entertaining a very large, new audience. If you don't have a PS3, you're going to miss what very well could be the game of the year.

The Good

* One of the most beautiful games of this generation
* Excellent voice acting, perfectly defined characters
* A good length at 10 hours or so
* Gun fights, action scenes can play out many, many different ways
* Well rounded selection of weapons
* Genuinely funny writing

The Bad

* One dimensional villain
* A story that doesn't break much new ground
* Story falters somewhat in the last act
* It ends at all

The Ugly

* After this game, you'll realize just how poor and slapped together the writing and voice acting is in most other games
* The comments when people realize we're saving the thoughts on multiplayer for another post


I just started the train level. This game is soooooo good. I like the villian so far too,
when he shot defenseless Jeff
i was like YES! :lol


Mikey Jr. said:
I don't think I can get over the shooting aspect in MP.

I love Uncharted and am going to pick this up day fucking 1. But shooting in MP is just not fun for me. I have no idea what it is. It's probably a mix of a few things. Players soaking up too much damage, weird gun accuracy.
I saw a guy who was afk. I walked up to him, stood about 6 feet away from him, and unloaded an entire ak47 clip into his head. Took about 2/3 of a clip to kill him.

But thats ok. Mostly interested in SP anyways. Also, CO-OP is great fucking fun. So I'm alright.

Are you shooting in bursts or compensating for the recoil?


Lazaraevic (sp?) is a fucking bitch on hard. I've been watching my friends try to kill him on Hard for 2 hours. :lol


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
DevelopmentArrested said:
wtf why does it say there's 1 person online.
I don't think the counter is working properly right now. I got the same 1 person online all weekend, yet I was easily able to find people to play with using Matchmaking.
Tenkai Star said:
Server are no turned on yet? Game is not released yet so it wouldn´t be that strange.
Servers are up and there's already level 30 people running around.


Killthee said:
I don't think the counter is working properly right now. I got the same 1 person online all weekend, yet I was easily able to find people to play with using Matchmaking.

Servers are up and there's already level 30 people running around.

Grumble. I'm glad some folks got the game early, I just wish everyone had a fair shot at the multiplayer leveling field on day one.

In a couple weeks it won't matter, but still.


Wow, I'd just like to apologize to my fellow players for sucking so much.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to kick all kinds of ass. Uncharted 2 all day long.


Just beat the game.

All in all ... top-notch game. Easily game of the year (so far) and probably the best this generation has had to offer (again, so far).

On a bit of a downer, the last boss was quite frustrating. Good thing the ending almost made me forget it.


Magnus said:
Lazaraevic (sp?) is a fucking bitch on hard. I've been watching my friends try to kill him on Hard for 2 hours. :lol
You should see him on Crushing. I had to be really cheap and play tag around one of the trees. Kept going back and forth making him run back and forth and then kept hitting one of the resin to explode in front of him.


renzengeki said:
this is awesome... i have a suggestion. can you make another version of this pic but instead of the white background can you make it black? like its on a old black paper




So it took them nearly a full two hours to
kill Lazarevic on hard, and I tried it just now and did it in 7 tries :lol

I wouldn't even call myself the best action/shooter player among the four of us. Oh well. I'm happy with myself. :p Now to try that on Crushing.


I'm not reading too much of this thread but I do have a quick question....can the main campaign be played in co-op? If not, what part of the game revolves around co-op?
Just finished the game on Hard. Best game I've ever played, seriously. Immediately started over on Crushing. Anyone playing co-op drop me a line; I'm dying to get some good games in. My PSN is perineumlick.


isamu said:
I'm not reading too much of this thread but I do have a quick question....can the main campaign be played in co-op? If not, what part of the game revolves around co-op?

The main campaign cannot be played in co-op. There are however mini-campaigns designed for two or three players that are, from my understanding, similar to the events that happen in the main campaign.


I hate the fact that I can die if I go the wrong way (in some levels) or the fact that I die of not so far falls rather than lose allot of my health.



I missed one treasure at the end of a long ass chapter, and I saw it one second before I went to a cut scene (end of chapter), now I have to go through the whole chapter again because I’m blind and can’t see an obvious treasure.
So has anyone who has it played around with multiplayer at all? I am wondering if some of my complaints from the beta were fixed.

The only big things was just over how damage was handled. Didn't like the fact that it took 4 shots to the head with a AK to kill someone but two melees will finish them off.


highluxury said:
I HATE living in Europe.

I don't!!!

Anyone in Netherlands, Europe got their copy early or knows where they will sell the game early. I know one store in Zoetermeer that will start selling wednesday.....but that's so far away...;) :D


klier said:
^ why? The game will be on every shelf on the 16th....
I'm living in Spain atm, new PS3 games cost 60+ Euros.
But in UK they cost 35 £ = 38 Euros, I'm saving more than 20 Euros per game this way.


IGN AU review 9.5
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the most polished games we’ve had the pleasure of playing this year. It’s a staggeringly impressive achievement; a rollercoaster ride of shoot-outs, action set pieces, compelling traversal sequences and light puzzle solving. It ups the ante in every respect from the original, and while it may be all about the action and the stunning vistas on the surface, the reality is that it’s the game’s personality, and the game’s heart, that is its driving force. And that's a very refreshing thing. A fantastic sequel.


ACE 1991

I am SOOO pumped for the 12am release tonight. I'll probably have to steal my dad's car to go seeing as I only have my learner's permit, but that's besides the point.
picking this up soon as i get off work tomorrow from toys r u. hopefully they have it in stock so i can get the b2g1 free deal.



LaneDS said:
The main campaign cannot be played in co-op.

That's unfortunate but I guess I can deal with that.

As long as the coop parts are good :)

By the way, will Gamestop be having a midnight launch tonight?
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