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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Just checked online and it didn't keep my stats from the beta!
Besides I bought the edition with the golden gun and the XMB theme, but nothing shows up after I download it. WTF is wrong with my version?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Damnit, really can't wait to get back home. Today is going by so damn slow.

I hope anyone has appreciated the little animation I built into the computer widget countdown, that will play today (Iphone one doesn't have it), and don't forget, as of tomorrow, the widget will turn into a regular time/date clock, so you can keep it for that, if you like.


Well.. the first 30 minutes of the game is awesome.

But I was hoping they would have done some improving on Nathan's action animations. He still looks spastic when he's jumping on something. A little more fluidity would be nice.


Just finished first two missions. So far, its awesome. Its amazing how much more immersive a game feels when you have realistic characters saying normal things. And goddamn at those visuals.
bill0527 said:
Well.. the first 30 minutes of the game is awesome.

But I was hoping they would have done some improving on Nathan's action animations. He still looks spastic when he's jumping on something. A little more fluidity would be nice.

I thought the same thing when I first saw it. You get used to it and all is forgotten.


We haz ze precious!


Still Alive
bill0527 said:
Well.. the first 30 minutes of the game is awesome.

But I was hoping they would have done some improving on Nathan's action animations. He still looks spastic when he's jumping on something. A little more fluidity would be nice.
I know what you mean, but it's not a huge deal IMO since the kind of fluidity they have as is is a pretty great feat, especially since you still have pretty much 100% control of your character.


Oh and I must say that the canadian boxart must be the most hideous print I've ever seen for a game... it's not glossy; it's in atrocious cheap-ink quality... and blank inside.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
bill0527 said:
Well.. the first 30 minutes of the game is awesome.

But I was hoping they would have done some improving on Nathan's action animations. He still looks spastic when he's jumping on something. A little more fluidity would be nice.
They did improve it. But he's supposed to look spastic and a bit clumsy, and you have to keep in mind that more fluidity would mean less and delayed control you can have over character. Uncharted is one of the games that absolutely nails this ratio down better than any other game, in my opinion. It looks like you're controlling a living being, over which you have an uncanny amount of control over. He's essentially performing moves with ninja-like strength and speed, but the clumsiness integrated into the look of animations hides that fact and makes him look fallible.


6 chapters in (normal mode) and just realized in order to unlock "Crushing" you need to beat the game on hard. Should I push forward, or start over on hard? I'm leaning towards the latter.
lawblob said:
thanks. Every time I got the circle button prompt, it put me in crouch mode. -_-
This may mean you were hitting it after the prompt had gone away, even if you didn't know it. Check your TV settings so that things like 120hz, and post-processing are disabled. All of that increases response time. You may already know all this, but wrote it just in case!
anddo0 said:
6 chapters in (normal mode) and just realized in order to unlock "Crushing" you need to beat the game on hard. Should I push forward, or start over on hard? I'm leaning towards the latter.

Absolutely start over in hard...you'll be happy you did so down the line when you are trying for that Platinum


lawblob said:
Just finished first two missions. So far, its awesome. Its amazing how much more immersive a game feels when you have realistic characters saying normal things. And goddamn at those visuals.
Yup. The banter is hilarious and the story overall seems vastly improved i.e. I actually want to know what happens next. The difference in visuals between both games is pretty huge imo.


Frogybloop said:
Absolutely start over in hard...you'll be happy you did so down the line when you are trying for that Platinum

Will do. Seems like a pretty easy platinum. ND made the right move by limiting the online trophies to two.


anddo0 said:
6 chapters in (normal mode) and just realized in order to unlock "Crushing" you need to beat the game on hard. Should I push forward, or start over on hard? I'm leaning towards the latter.

I personally played the first 1 on Normal, Hard then Crushing. Glad I did, it's one of the few games I didn't mind replaying more than once (played it 4 times total) and I feel 2 will be the same.

I usually go with defaults when I play any game, I've beat any game I tried on the hardest, but I feel like I enjoy it more...make sense?


erotic butter maelstrom
Wow. I already have so many things to say about this crack, I just got the
Marco and Polo
medals, that was some funny shit. Out of all the improvements over the first game, my favorite has to be the globe hopping. The jungle and catacombs of Drake's fortune were great, but I've already seen several different locations early on the game and I'm loving the variety. I feel like I should bake a batch of delicious brownies and send it to Naughty Dog to show my gratitude for this rad fuckin game.

Also, I've noticed a few clever references to the first game:
Flynn telling Drake to lay off the "doughtnuts" and mentioning the clothes getting wet, drake in the hotel saying "what's next, zombies" (or something like that).


Ugh, major jealous directed at those who already have their copy. It's pouring rain here in the SF area and I suspect that has slowed down the arrival of my Amazon release day delivery. Come on FedEx delivery person!


anddo0 said:
6 chapters in (normal mode) and just realized in order to unlock "Crushing" you need to beat the game on hard. Should I push forward, or start over on hard? I'm leaning towards the latter.

You can unlock Crushing by completing the game on Normal. And then when you beat the game on Crushing, I believe you'll get both the in-game money achievement and the trophy for beating it on lower difficulty levels including Hard.

I know I got the Very Easy/Easy achievements (and trophies I'm pretty sure) by beating it on Hard.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Magnus said:
You can unlock Crushing by completing the game on Normal.

oh that's cool, first one wasn't like that... oh, nevermind, guess not...


Trip to the store to grab a copy vs saving $10 to buy it online but risk agonizing wait in the event game is late or doesn't deliver for an extra day (or more). Easy decision in the future guys, come on. :D


I may have to retract that statement. I have Crushing unlocked, and I'm almost certain it came from the Normal clear. I know for sure that I didn't get anything at all for clearing it in Hard. Nothing trophy/reward-wise at the top anyway.
Hobbun said:
God, this game is short. I am already hearing people being done or on Chapter 4+.
It's not short. It's 10-15 hours usually 12 esp. on hard or better when looking for treasures. Thing is the game is so good, it's hard to put down.
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