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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Wow. just played for 40 minutes during my lunch break. To say the game is impressive would do no justice at all to the game, and might even be an insult. this is GOTY material, if not GOTY. it's fucking incredible.


Fuck I had cleared the entire lame as shit stealth section, and then as I'm searching around for treasures I made a jump off the balcony and the game glitched me into fucktard skybox land of hell, with no recovery. I had to fall off and die. It made me redo the entire stealth section again. I don't remember that shit in Indiana Jones.



Fucking dumb.


cool little news blip from the PS Blog live chat

Uncharted: Eye of Indra! (Its a motion comic, sweet!) (its also a prequel to uncharted 1! sweet!)

sounds like a neat idea. all the voice actors are returning btw.


Anastacio said:
Who's your favorite Uncharted girl, Chloe or Elena?
In regards to Rika:
I've mentioned this earlier, but Rika Raja is listed in the credits under the Additional Multiplayer Cast section. Her name also appears in Drake's journal under the old girlfriends section. I'm assuming she's related to Eddy (probably his sister).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TTP said:
Dunno man. When Drake moves the torso the "bending lines" simply stretch rather than change orientation like in the previous game. I found it odd Konami added it to PES2010 shirts while Naughty Dog removed it from Uncharted 2 :lol
His shirt this version is made out of burlap.
NeoUltima said:
Cheaper and more convenient. Got unlucky this time with ups running way later than usual. In the interest of time(ignoring price+hassle), it would have been better to go to a store this time. But usually that is not the case.

I don't see why you would be questioning why people
"didn't just pick the game up from a store." People have unique lives, just because going to a store is the easiest and cheapest way for you to get a game doesn't mean it is for others. You may as well question why Amazon or any online retailers exists in the first place...I mean damn, why don't people just go to B&N to buy books instead of going to Amazon.
Because there's a lot of posts talking about how their game hasn't arrived yet, and from the way the majority are written it seems that it would've just been easier to pick it up from a store. I wasn't applying my life to anyone else, nor assuming that my life was the same as everyone else.
Game is really good, but it's no Batman.

Animations are gorgeous, but they way they interact and collide with the environment can be a little janky at times. Speaking of environments.... wow.


:lol Shitty.

As awesome as this game is, even while playing it I occasionally hear the hellish screech of the red dragon in Boletaria as it swoops down to flamebroil a bridge. Curse you fiend! I shall kill you and your asshole blue friend soon!


Amir0x said:
Fuck I had cleared the entire lame as shit stealth section, and then as I'm searching around for treasures I made a jump off the balcony and the game glitched me into fucktard skybox land of hell, with no recovery. I had to fall off and die. It made me redo the entire stealth section again. I don't remember that shit in Indiana Jones.


Fucking dumb.
Yeah, the graphics do seem a bit glitchy. I've never had anything this bad happen but sometimes the textures will pop in and out.


calder said:
:lol Shitty.

As awesome as this game is, even while playing it I occasionally hear the hellish screech of the red dragon in Boletaria as it swoops down to flamebroil a bridge. Curse you fiend! I shall kill you and your asshole blue friend soon!

Uncharted Souls.


Hey actually got it on release date in QC.

Thats a good sign!


Im pretty far so far i think im at chapter 10 or 11...loving it. a lot.

Everyone who owns a ps3 would be a fool to miss this title


I played so much Souls over the long weekend when Drake is sneaking up on fools I occasionally click on R3 to lock on to the enemy in preparation for a devastating Soul Arrow / Kris Blade combo attack.

But then I see Elena's adorable half-tuck and ND has my full and undivided attention. <3 last year's model.


I'd be in the dick
Only have had time to play up to Chapter 4 but damn the game is good so far. I love the dialogue in this one and the gunplay and controls in general are a lot tighter. Chapter 1 and 3 have both made my jaw drop graphically.


calder said:
:lol Shitty.

As awesome as this game is, even while playing it I occasionally hear the hellish screech of the red dragon in Boletaria as it swoops down to flamebroil a bridge. Curse you fiend! I shall kill you and your asshole blue friend soon!

this is my issue right now. for this and brutal legend.. I love both, I want to play both.... but I want to play Demon's Souls more. I never, ever, EVER thought I'd say that. But I'm going to make myself get through UC2 and BL first. They're both fucking fantastic games, but there's this odd draw of Demon's Souls that wants me to play it....... so bad.
yeaaah mine, just glitched too. I was on a part where i pretty much was on the last guy in the environment to kill, and i like got stuck inside a sand bag, and couldnt jump out, i ws stuck, i ran out of ammo and the last dude just killed me.
Gah, I preordered brutal legend along with this...but now I am thinking I should have got demon souls instead of BL...The only reason I haven't gotten it is because its supposed to be story light...but the atmosphere and visuals are really appealing to me


Dax01 said:
Because there's a lot of posts talking about how their game hasn't arrived yet, and from the way the majority are written it seems that it would've just been easier to pick it up from a store. I wasn't applying my life to anyone else, nor assuming that my life was the same as everyone else.

This might be the first time, but Ive got to agree with Dax. Preorders (online or at brick and mortar) are, and have been for a few years now, completely pointless. For every single big release of the past 5 years, Ive been able to walk into my local Futureshop, and see a display with hundreds of copies sitting there.


Amir0x said:
Fuck I had cleared the entire lame as shit stealth section, and then as I'm searching around for treasures I made a jump off the balcony and the game glitched me into fucktard skybox land of hell, with no recovery. I had to fall off and die. It made me redo the entire stealth section again. I don't remember that shit in Indiana Jones.


Fucking dumb.[/QUOTE]
Yes there was you shut the hell up



OMG...OMG..OM MOTHER FUCKING G...I just finished chapter 1, and I am in love. BELIEVE THE HYPE, PEOPLE! This is the fucking GOTY.

And holy hell does the game start off with a bang...
Solo said:
This might be the first time, but Ive got to agree with Dax. Preorders (online or at brick and mortar) are, and have been for a few years now, completely pointless. For every single big release of the past 5 years, Ive been able to walk into my local Futureshop, and see a display with hundreds of copies sitting there.
Hey man, I'm sure there have been other occasions.

Okay, I'm hoping there have been other occasions.

Ploid 3.0

Dax01 said:
Because there's a lot of posts talking about how their game hasn't arrived yet, and from the way the majority are written it seems that it would've just been easier to pick it up from a store. I wasn't applying my life to anyone else, nor assuming that my life was the same as everyone else.

I just got mine out of the mail. The reason I turned to ordering online is each time a new game came out and I started my hunt (the day of release, not early releases) I would come home empty handed most of the time. I only got MGS4 on the first day this gen via physical store. Sometimes I even waited a week and I still had to travel to different places before finding it. In the end I figured it's better to have it shipped to me on release for less than the gas would cost me to try a city far away from my town. I have two cities that I try, one is two hours away (Vicksburg MS), and the other is like 15mins away (Natchez MS). Having it shipped to you is as easy as it gets, and you're guaranteed a copy of the game.


Amir0x said:
Fuck I had cleared the entire lame as shit stealth section, and then as I'm searching around for treasures I made a jump off the balcony and the game glitched me into fucktard skybox land of hell, with no recovery. I had to fall off and die. It made me redo the entire stealth section again. I don't remember that shit in Indiana Jones.

Fucking dumb.

Those are some sweet Cell Powered sky graphics right there.

Can't wait to start chapter 3 later tonight. Im' not gonna lie, the dark haired woman had me vaguely aroused in chapters 1 & 2.


I didn't want to post until I was finished with the game... but God Damn... I've seen that Hotel sequence a million times. But when you play it, it was one of the most intense and cinematic fights ever. Damn.

Oh yeah, visuals are bar setting on consoles so far, and the audio is even better. Back to the game.


I've had the game since Friday and boy oh boy is the boss kicking my ass :(

I died like 14 times already lol, I love the game though.


Also, why do so many of you guys pre-order / buy online for games you need on day 1? It cracks me up to see so many people bitching about screwups with their order / pre-order. I have NEVER been unable to find a game day 1 by strolling into a Best Buy. Ever...


lawblob said:
Also, why do so many of you guys pre-order / buy online for games you need on day 1? It cracks me up to see so many people bitching about screwups with their order / pre-order. I have NEVER been unable to find a game day 1 by strolling into a Best Buy. Ever...
Hear hear, most games are available day 1 here. Netherlands is easy like that. Only trouble I had was with MKWii :lol I've got Uncharted preordered because I'd get some extra's. It costs nothing to preorder.
ymmv said:
The graphics of Uncharted 2 are totally off the charts. I'm constantly astounded. Once I got to the first vista in the game my jaw literally dropped. I think Xbox fans are going to hate this game because every future discussion about console graphics will be plastered with Uncharted 2 screen shots only. There are no contenders.

I hear PC enthusiasts are a bit irked as well.


Loudninja said:
Like I already said they are cheaper online and tax free for me, saves me money.

True. If you can get a good price or some sweet pre-order bonus, I am all for online / pre-order buying. But I just get the feeling a lot of people got used to pre-ordering out of habit a long time ago, and can't break the vicious cycle, even when they get no benefit from it. :lol
ok so besides the online/crushing trophies i need help with 2 small ones.

1. Defeat 75 in a row. Never noticed the trophy and was pissed off to see i had 70! damn! So where is the best chapter to just kill a lot of people? Also could i use restart? My main problem is dying with dumb platform mistakes.

2. Bare knuckle expert. Seems pretty easy, but not sure where to start i assume the train chapter might work but there's to many shotgun dudes on there. Same thing never noticed the trophy and i had 9 in a row! damn!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ezekial45 said:
Wow, they are. I assumed they were an independent company like Insomniac.

Sarcasm, surely?

One minor quibble I have with the subtitles: I can't tell who is talking at times since generally I don't have the camera facing both characters.

"Follow the hose."
"You always follow the hose."
"Like that time in Montreal, right?"
"You're never going to let that go"

Who is who, Naughty Dog!? Argh! It's good you subtitled the behind the scenes and cutscenes (like the first) but this is just a nagging problem for some of us. >_>
Solo said:
This might be the first time, but Ive got to agree with Dax. Preorders (online or at brick and mortar) are, and have been for a few years now, completely pointless. For every single big release of the past 5 years, Ive been able to walk into my local Futureshop, and see a display with hundreds of copies sitting there.

Preorders used to be pointless until Amazon started to offer "Release Day Arrival". Now I buy my games tax free and usually with some kind of discount to boot on top of it. I now save $10 on new games and get them when everyone else does.
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