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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Am I being a complete moron? For some reason I can't figure out how to get past those three guards on the stairs at the beginning of the game. I can take out all of the other guards in the room in 5 seconds flat, I can get the guy hanging out on the ground level past the stairs but then I'm stuck.

I've also managed to glitch the game twice, getting stuck inside a potted plant in the museum and got stuck in a wall once already.


I played through the first three and a half chapters. My first impression is positive, but slightly disappointed. A couple little things grated me about the beginning of the game:

- Anyone else experiencing an issue during the cut scenes with the audio getting out of sync with the action by about a second? It's happened to me twice.

- Why are game developers still shoehorning stealth levels into their games? I preferred the first game's opening levels in the Aztec ruins and U-Boat to the museum section of Uncharted 2.

- The writing is inconsistent, which normally wouldn't bother me in a video game, but it's harder to overlook it here, because unlike most games, Uncharted 2 takes its story seriously. For example,
why doesn't Harry pull out his tranquilizer guns sooner? Why do I need to create an eleborate diversion to sneak into the villain's camp when Drake is demonstrably badass enough to shoot his way through, and does so before leaving anyway? And if Drake is so adamant about not hurting the security guards in the museum, why does he so callously throw the one on the roof to his death?

- Anyone else experiencing an issue during the cut scenes with the audio getting out of sync with the action by about a second? It's happened to me twice.

This happened to me later on. I paused the game, and it set it right.


I'm only on chapter 8 so far so I can finish my essay but the game is fucking good, really fucking good. The writing, story, everything just flows together so well, I can't really think of a game that has done it much better yet.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
ScrabbleBanshee said:
Am I being a complete moron? For some reason I can't figure out how to get past those three guards on the stairs at the beginning of the game. I can take out all of the other guards in the room in 5 seconds flat, I can get the guy hanging out on the ground level past the stairs but then I'm stuck.

I've also managed to glitch the game twice, getting stuck inside a potted plant in the museum and got stuck in a wall once already.

1) Jump right
2) Take out guard
3) Move to fountain
4) Take out guard
5) go over to the darkness
6) jump up once.
7) HOLD X and FORWARD to vault (silently, it takes a bit of practice) up
8) Stealth kill dude.
9) Wait for two dudes move into their positions (or at least out of the door)
10) Climb up, move close to dude at stairs.
11) Take down, Henry should auto-takedown the other guard
12) Move up stairs, get on roof across from you. Don't worry about the other three guards on the ground and go on to the next area.


iamcool388 said:
There is one point in the game towards the end which is just insane in terms of graphics, art direction and post processing effects. I'm spoilering the location, DONT READ THE SPOILER PART UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME. If you finished the game, feel free to back me up on this. :D

When you are in Shambala and its night time, just after the checkpoint you kind of have to go through a canal/sewer filled with water and have to fight a couple of those shotty minibosses + an RPG guy.

Everything about that section is insane, but most of all its the graphics. The rain pouring down (amazing audio), the raindrop effect on the water below you, the lightning throwing everyone shadows on the walls... the lightning stuff is just out of this world. I remember trying to melee an enemy, and that brought me and him in focus with the background blurring out just a little, and watching half our bodies light up and our stark shadows showing up on the wall behind us because of the intermittent cracks of lightning was incredible.

Truly jaw-dropping, but only one of the many, MANY such sequences in the game.

That whole area was fantastic. One of the best looking environments i've seen this gen. :D


Just trudged around looking for this but couldn't find it. They even had U2 material in the Sony Store but no game. I nearly bought Pacific Rift (again) to console myself.

: (


ScrabbleBanshee said:
Somebody on the official boards says this:

Monsignor wrote:
Throw Uncharted 1 into the system and load up the game. Then exit out, put in Uncharted 2 and try again.

Unfortunately, I lent Uncharted to somebody and don't have the disc to try this with. :|

I have CONFIRMED that this works!! Thanks so much!! :D :D

I was able to scrounge enough money to buy it. I spent the lunch money I was given for the week, so I'll have to go without eating lunch for the rest of this week. I hope this was worth it.
Azrael said:
because unlike most games, Uncharted 2 takes its story seriously.
Huh? One of the major draws of the storytelling in Uncharted 1 was the self aware, tongue in cheek nature of it. Are you saying that's not present in Among Thieves? (Most of the cutscenes I've seen suggest otherwise.)
iamcool388 said:
There is one point in the game towards the end which is just insane in terms of graphics, art direction and post processing effects. I'm spoilering the location, DONT READ THE SPOILER PART UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME. If you finished the game, feel free to back me up on this. :D

When you are in Shambala and its night time, just after the checkpoint you kind of have to go through a canal/sewer filled with water and have to fight a couple of those shotty minibosses + an RPG guy.

Everything about that section is insane, but most of all its the graphics. The rain pouring down (amazing audio), the raindrop effect on the water below you, the lightning throwing everyone shadows on the walls... the lightning stuff is just out of this world. I remember trying to melee an enemy, and that brought me and him in focus with the background blurring out just a little, and watching half our bodies light up and our stark shadows showing up on the wall behind us because of the intermittent cracks of lightning was incredible.

Truly jaw-dropping, but only one of the many, MANY such sequences in the game.
YES! Stood there for a while just admiring everything after I cleared everyone out.


Azrael said:
- The writing is inconsistent, which normally wouldn't bother me in a video game, but it's harder to overlook it here, because unlike most games, Uncharted 2 takes its story seriously. For example,
why doesn't Harry pull out his tranquilizer guns sooner? Why do I need to create an eleborate diversion to sneak into the villain's camp when Drake is demonstrably badass enough to shoot his way through, and does so before leaving anyway? And if Drake is so adamant about not hurting the security guards in the museum, why does he so callously throw the one on the roof to his death?
I mentioned the same thing before about the Drake throwing the guard off the building. However, in ND's defense, the guard doesn't actually die. You can clearly see him swim to land if you look carefully. Of course, you could still easily argue that Drake throwing an innocent museum guard off a very tall building is inconsistent with his character despite ND putting in the effort to show the guard isn't dead.
Azrael said:
I played through the first three and a half chapters. My first impression is positive, but slightly disappointed. A couple little things grated me about the beginning of the game:

- Anyone else experiencing an issue during the cut scenes with the audio getting out of sync with the action by about a second? It's happened to me twice.

Didnt experience any such issues. Has that happened with any other game on your system?

- Why are game developers still shoehorning stealth levels into their games? I preferred the first game's opening levels in the Aztec ruins and U-Boat to the museum section of Uncharted 2.

Its not shoehorned, you'll find out soon enough. Its important to make sure you know how to use it, and in how many ways to use it, because it can be crucial in later firefights. If you can take out 3-4 guys sneakily in the beginning of one of the bigger firefights, you start with a huge advantage.

- The writing is inconsistent, which normally wouldn't bother me in a video game, but it's harder to overlook it here, because unlike most games, Uncharted 2 takes its story seriously. For example,
why doesn't Harry pull out his tranquilizer guns sooner? Why do I need to create an eleborate diversion to sneak into the villain's camp when Drake is demonstrably badass enough to shoot his way through, and does so before leaving anyway? And if Drake is so adamant about not hurting the security guards in the museum, why does he so callously throw the one on the roof to his death?

I'll spoiler the answers as well.
1. He doesnt pull out the guns sooner because he's not supposed to bring them on this mission. He's not supposed to bring them on this mission because Drake and Harry are heavily outnumbered and dont want to attract attention. No shooting, no running around where guards can see you etc etc.

2. Diversion was so that Drake could steal the documents without alerting Lazarovic, and thereby not having to fight dozens of baddies. Unfortunately, he got too involved with his find, and thus the dudes caught him leaving, so he had to fight. He would, of course, have preferred not to. He's a normal dude, not Kratos.

3. Its not that he doesnt want to hurt the guards, he doesnt want another guard to see a body or something and sound the alarm. The guard he throws off doesnt fall inside the museum, but deep into the ocean, and hence wont be the cause of an alarm sounding.

Finally, Uncharted 2 does a much better job of giving you reasons for playing a certain way than most other games, but its still a video game. Suspension of disbelief, etc etc.

Azrael said:
I don't mean the game aspires to be Citizen Kane or anything. I mean unlike a game like, say, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, which has a ridiculously awful "plot," but which is just an excuse to set up the next level, the story of Uncharted 2 is an integral part of the experience, and so little plot holes and inconsistencies stand out more.

Fair enough.


theignoramus said:
Huh? One of the major draws of the storytelling in Uncharted 1 was the self aware tongue and cheek nature of it. Are you saying that's not present in Among Thieves? Most of the cutscenes I've seen suggest otherwise.

I don't mean the game aspires to be Citizen Kane or anything. I mean unlike a game like, say, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, which has a ridiculously awful "plot," but which is just an excuse to set up the next level, the story of Uncharted 2 is an integral part of the experience, and so little plot holes and inconsistencies stand out more.


mYm|17| said:
supposed to be a map

did any one get their bonus from Amazon pre-order? I don't care about a map much but if it was supposed to be pre-order bonus, Amazon should have sent it.


bish gets all the credit :)
A.R.K said:
did any one get their bonus from Amazon pre-order? I don't care about a map much but if it was supposed to be pre-order bonus, Amazon should have sent it.
they will probably send it via email this week, at least that's been my experience with them.


I'm at chapter seven, started at normal difficulty. In my opinion there are only two problems with this game. One is that, as others have already said, during cutscenes sometimes audio goes out of sync. The second is that sometimes nathan's interaction with the enviroment is not perfect.

Anything else is perfect. The introduction of stealth is a good idea to chage the pace of fights, storytelling is great, graphics range from really good to can't believe what i'm seeing.

Epic game, we have something really special here. I'm trying to fly low cause i know that after some time things tend to look not as good as the first time you see them but..... if the game will not ruin itself in the remaining chapthers i think we have the best game in this genre for this generation...
I've been playing on Hard and so far I am glad I picked Hard. I only died once so far and I even got the Survivor trophy a few minutes ago (For defeating 75 enemies in a row without dying).
Thanks for the GAF chat invite, Kilgore. Will be handy for setting up matches now that we have the full game, but I'm gonna stay out of there while I'm playing the single player. I keep worrying that someone is gonna be like OMG THIS PART IS EPIC. ALLOW ME TO DESCRIBE IT IN DETAIL.

Game is blowing my mind.


Azrael said:
- The writing is inconsistent, which normally wouldn't bother me in a video game, but it's harder to overlook it here, because unlike most games, Uncharted 2 takes its story seriously. For example,
why doesn't Harry pull out his tranquilizer guns sooner? Why do I need to create an eleborate diversion to sneak into the villain's camp when Drake is demonstrably badass enough to shoot his way through, and does so before leaving anyway? And if Drake is so adamant about not hurting the security guards in the museum, why does he so callously throw the one on the roof to his death?

Except from your last point (I thought the same), these are details, dude. Just stop nitpicking and enjoy the awesomeness of the game.


It sucks that you can't pick up more AK ammo to refill your gold AK. That's quite the oversight. Gears of War 2 did it right.
I'm only a few trophies away from platinum. Just need the 200 kills with the GAU and the rest of the treasures. Man, some of these things are hard to find! Anyone find any location guides online yet? I'm missing more than 30 of them : (


perineumlick said:
I'm only a few trophies away from platinum. Just need the 200 kills with the GAU and the rest of the treasures. Man, some of these things are hard to find! Anyone find any location guides online yet? I'm missing more than 30 of them : (

All I have to say is WOW! I'm trying to pace myself, and here you are just 30 treasures away from a platinum:lol


DeadGzuz said:
Damn, no UPS. Stupid rain is probably to blame, big storm in the Bay Area :(
The holiday monday is probably the reason - I know my package is delayed until tomorrow because of it. Fuckers!


Need help for a later part in the game, potential heavy spoilers...
i'm stuck in the tower of the monastery, i just got the dagger back from Chloe, I moved the statues to the appropriate area and now i'm supposed to rotate the characters underneath the statues, i don't get what it's supposed to match up with in drake's journal. sorry if i'm being stupid, i am just clueless! :lol


So I'm stuck:

In the snow cave, I just grabbed a gun from a corpse. There's half of a ladder hanging against a wall with the other half in pieces below it. It looks like a spot for the team up jumps but it's just me. Any help is greatly appreciated, been jumping around for a while.


andymcc said:
Need help for a later part in the game, potential heavy spoilers...
i'm stuck in the tower of the monastery, i just got the dagger back from Chloe, I moved the statues to the appropriate area and now i'm supposed to rotate the characters underneath the statues, i don't get what it's supposed to match up with in drake's journal. sorry if i'm being stupid, i am just clueless! :lol
Match the color of the symbols near the top of the page to the shapes. I.E. Green symbol = tiger = bowl

daycru said:
So I'm stuck:

In the snow cave, I just grabbed a gun from a corpse. There's half of a ladder hanging against a wall with the other half in pieces below it. It looks like a spot for the team up jumps but it's just me. Any help is greatly appreciated, been jumping around for a while.
Shoot the ice near the body.


daycru said:
So I'm stuck:

In the snow cave, I just grabbed a gun from a corpse. There's half of a ladder hanging against a wall with the other half in pieces below it. It looks like a spot for the team up jumps but it's just me. Any help is greatly appreciated, been jumping around for a while.

there is a series of icecicles that break when shot, it'll open up a new cavern


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Searching for Optimal game...

Searching for Close game...

Searching for ANY game...

Well, gee... how about including a server browser and I can look for ANY game my dam--oh, wait you didn't include one Naughty Dog. :mad:
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