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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Man they're starting with the
shit again, I wish they'd leave that crap on the cutting room floor. I didn't like it in Uncharted and I'm probably not going to like it in this one either.


Damn gaf, is it really that good? I never bought/played UC1, but bought UC2 on lunch and played beta a lot and love it.

Hmm... Play with new sprint phone just got today or play UC2 first... I'll smoke than decide!!! Great day!!!

EDIT. 18 ppl on psn, 15 playing Uncharted 2(retail). Nice lol.


Neo Member
I wish they make it in a way where all the Cut scenes plays one after another. My wife want to watch it but i have to keep on selecting the next one.


Crystal Bearer
MercuryLS said:
Man they're starting with the
shit again, I wish they'd leave that crap on the cutting room floor. I didn't like it in Uncharted and I'm probably not going to like it in this one either.

So you didn't like it in Indiana Jones either?


MercuryLS said:
Man they're starting with the
shit again, I wish they'd leave that crap on the cutting room floor. I didn't like it in Uncharted and I'm probably not going to like it in this one either.

If you're referring to the thing i think you're talking about,
the Yeti, then keep playing.
I liked it in this game much, much more than the previous one.
I'm not sure what there is not to like in the stealth level, it's pretty short, it's awesome when you get two simultaneous kill with your buddy. The museum looks fantastic and it's a nice way to introduce the player to the nice new stealth moves. I really like the fact that you can "stealth melee" a guard while staying in cover.


MoeB said:

I sure hope this is sarcasm. Other wise we are not playing the same game.


DoctorWho said:
Manual has a notes page. :D How many games these days have one of those?
Manual is also as weak as every other game :( I bought it on lunch and wanted to read manual at work, it was like 7-9 pages of nothing.


MercuryLS said:
Man they're starting with the
shit again, I wish they'd leave that crap on the cutting room floor. I didn't like it in Uncharted and I'm probably not going to like it in this one either.
What crappy spoiler-taggage. Anyone who has played the first game would know exactly what that says.

I know, I know, I shouldn't be in this thread if I'm trying to remain spoiler-free, but I can't help it. I'm wet with anticipation and I like hearing peoples' impressions. :(


Flib said:
Drake: "Follow the hose."
Sully: "You always follow the hose."
Drake: "Like that time in Montreal, right?"
Sully: "You're never going to let that go"

I think.

Negative, other way around. And come on, a little obvious with Sully's constant womanizing attitude. I could pick that up from their banter and jokes and I didn't even play Drake's Fortune, lol.


Played 4 hours 20 minutes, I'm 50% through the game according to the save data. Taking a little break now.

I'm not liking Chloe at all so far. The banter between her and Drake is shit. I don't feel the chemistry between these two characters like I did with Elena. Perhaps that's the point, but Chloe's just not as fun to be around. Chloe's supposed to be some badass character but
thus far she's mostly just been a damsel-in-distress. I did all that crazy platforming shit in Nepal just to get her out of a stuck elevator, now I'm doing all this crazy shit on a moving train just to rescue her, etc etc.

Aside from that I'm loving the game so far. The combat feels better and I'm glad they removed the crappy sixaxis stuff. Nice variety of environments and some truly beautiful graphics. This is a game I'm definitely going to attempt to get the platinum trophy in.


Dax01 said:
Just callin' it like I see it, man.

Huh? How can you "call it like you see it" and say the game's overhyped after admitting you hadn't even played it yet? You haven't seen anything to call.

Oni Jazar

oneHeero said:
Manual is also as weak as every other game :( I bought it on lunch and wanted to read manual at work, it was like 7-9 pages of nothing.

I was really sad to see how pathetic the manual is. How cool would it had been if it was like a journal from Marco Polo filled with clues and stuff.
AKS said:
Huh? How can you "call it like you see it" and say the game's overhyped after admitting you hadn't even played it yet? You haven't seen anything to call.
I never said the game was "overhyped." Read my post again. What I said was that, even though I haven't played the game yet, there seems to be a lot of hyperbole in the thread.

I wasn't passing any judgment on the game.


Blu_LED said:
Contact them and get some sort of money back. If you use caps lock maybe they will take some money off the game.

I will go ahead at least send them a note.

Yes, I did do release date shipping. It said it shipped yesterday at about 3pm. But no status updates since then.

Not going to worry about it to much, as I need to get some sleep anyhow.
TheSeks said:
1) Jump right
2) Take out guard
3) Move to fountain
4) Take out guard
5) go over to the darkness
6) jump up once.
7) HOLD X and FORWARD to vault (silently, it takes a bit of practice) up
8) Stealth kill dude.
9) Wait for two dudes move into their positions (or at least out of the door)
10) Climb up, move close to dude at stairs.
11) Take down, Henry should auto-takedown the other guard
12) Move up stairs, get on roof across from you. Don't worry about the other three guards on the ground and go on to the next area.

Thanks, will look at this again. Henry was doing absolutely nothing for me every single way that I tried to go about it. It seems kind of a poorly executed portion of the game... good news is that failing this checkpoint over and over netted me many stealth/melee medals and trophies. :|

Does it even matter that I'm playing through it on hard, are the guards any dumber on easy?
Dude at Gamestop told me I was good to preorder as they only had 3 copies left after preorders. Looked like they had a huge stack of them behind the counter. This game deserves every sale.


I'm going to love finally having a GOOD answer to the daily question I get at work: "so, I just got a PS3. What's the killer game I have to have?"

Could never answer MGS4 (I'd ask, 'have you played any of the MGS games before?', and the answer is invariably 'no', or 'just the first one', and that crosses 4 off the list, because it's just a disaster to comprehend without playing the previous entries), and Ratchet sadly usually fell on deaf ears ('This looks like a game my kid would like, but what about me?'). Infamous got some interest, but a lot of people brought it back quick and weren't impressed with it, and I wasn't surprised. It had no heart, no instant grab like Uncharted 2 does.

So I'd always end up suggesting one of the amazing multiplatform titles, like Batman, or Burnout, or Fallout, or whatever, and they'd love it. Again, gonna be great to have this exclusive title to show them this week.

And man, I can't believe I spent so much time on the God of War 3 demo at FanExpo Toronto this year, with the Uncharted 2 demo sitting right behind it on the smaller screen. Now that I've played UC2, I recognize the chapter sequence that that demo was taken from
Begins with Urban Warfare's Jeep escape/run & gun sequence and probably goes all the way up to the hotel

God, I could have played this back in August, but I played GoW3 twice instead. :lol

I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what my favourite sequence is in the game with regards to the astonishing visuals....I just can't decide what looked more impressive.

The Himalayan vistas around the train at the end of the train sequence, or the view of the city from the hotel roof in Nepal, or the area just before and after the first 'Yeti' encounter in the area surrounded by ice and waterfalls.

They're all just brilliant, new high-watermarks for visuals in games. God. My eyes bleed with delight.

Ranger X

NinjaCodah said:
This game has by far, BY FAR, the most beautiful environments I've ever seen in a video game.

I really wonder, maybe we'll hear about a mass suicide in the programming and tech scene. Seriously, how can you still believe you're worth it if you're not working at Naughty Dog now. The game shits all over any other product of this generation, Uncharted included. I can't believe it myself.



iamcool388 said:
Man, now I feel immature for enjoying Ratchet games. :-(

No man, I'm totally with you. I love games like Ratchet, and I'm 24.

I'm just saying, this is the typical 18-35 guy who walks in, and just won't buy a Ratchet, or a Mario, or a Little.Big.Planet. They need testosterone after buying their new car. I mean, PS3.

I have to combat these attitudes every shift. :lol
For some reason I feel bad about killing people in Uncharted 2. It was okay in Uncharted 1 because you just kinda fell into this situation and were trying to survive, but in this one I feel like I'm actively looking for trouble. :lol


Man, these vistas are jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

I find myself actually straying from the beaten path to find areas where I can look at the backgrounds.

The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries.
Gorgeous game, just started. Was funny cause my wife looked at me and saw me using the controller and was like, "you're actually playing?" Thought I was still in cutscenes.


My wife surprised me and had the game waiting for me at the menu screen when I got home. Thought I wouldn't be able to get the game. Got to chapter 13 in one sitting, the flow of the game is so smooth I feel bad for stopping but I needed the break.

Best looking game that I have played so far. With Batman this will be my contestant for GOTY.

Foxix Von

Fucking wow.

This game is just... holy shit. The ONLY complaint I have so far is the beginning tutorial with the train.
Not that it was bad, I loved it in the beginning it's just that doing it again a second time was just fucking dumb

Just got turned off the PS3 after that, since I realized I've only eaten a baked potato all day.

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