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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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My only complaint lies in that sometimes it can be hard to know where to jump and i've died because of that multiple times, but with that out of the way..WOW, yeah, this game is like playing an action-packed movie. This games action is intense and heart racing and it tones down the action at the right moments and then out of nowhere the action gets booming again. Fucking awesome, i'm halfway through, I played 5 hours straight, I need to get some food then i'm back to it, i'm finishing this tonight!


Dax01 said:
I never said the game was "overhyped." Read my post again. What I said was that, even though I haven't played the game yet, there seems to be a lot of hyperbole in the thread.

I wasn't passing any judgment on the game.

Dude , I am so glad you stopped by. This thread really needed your expert analysis. I think your are so damn awesome , you dont even have to play the game and can analyze everyone else comment. You are just so damn out of this world.

* I worship You*


I am chapter 3 now and had to take a break because its too much.

hands down the best looking game on any system. And goddamn what a story, this is how you open a fucking game. I forgot I was watching a game cinematic during cutscenes. if they released the cutscenes as a movie I would fucking pay to see it.

Hands down GOTY.
beast786 said:
Dude , I am so glad you stopped by. This thread really needed your expert analysis. I think your are so damn awesome , you dont even have to play the game and can analyze everyone else comment. You are just so damn out of this world.

* I worship You*
I'm not analyzing anything in this thread man. I'm just posting about how I feel about some of the comments I've been reading.
I seriously am fighting with myself to also name this my GotY but Batman is giving me dirty looks. :lol

Anyone for some Co-Op? I have yet to give that a go.
finished the game last night. it was a amazing from beginning to end. anyone know how to select the golden guns? i already entered the code and redeemed the guns but don't see them in multiplayer.


Jesus christ. I don't think I have ever played a game as epic as this. The whole
train part was so intense.
. And my god the character models for this game. Gah. GOTY for me. Hands down.


I can't wait to play this later tonight. This thread got me all hyped up...don't let me down gaf.

JB1981 said:
Seriously how fucking annoying are you?


Dax01 said:
I'm not analyzing anything in this thread man. I'm just posting about how I feel about some of the comments I've been reading.

Wow... something ophra would say.

*keeps worshiping*

On the serious note. bro, everyone is just having fun and expressing how they are feeling. And its very annoying when someone is so excited about something good and here a person is complaining about the excitment without even playing the game.

My rule of thumb is sometimes keeping your mouth shut are the best words spoken.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Your getting it tomorrow! Hell yeah man you need to give me your psn.
I actually have it next to me, but I can't play it until tomorrow.

PSN is in my profile.

beast786 said:
On the serious note. bro, everyone is just having fun and expressing how they are feeling. And its very annoying when someone is so excited about something good and here a person is complaining about it.

My rule of thumb is sometimes keeping your mouth shut are the best words spoken.
See, I'm not complaining about it either. I'm just saying that it's almost too hard to believe what everyone is saying. Again, I don't think I've seen so much "holy fucking shits" for one game in a thread.:lol
BruceLeeRoy said:
Your getting it tomorrow! Hell yeah man you need to give me your psn.

You better be up for co-op with me bitch. Dax might as well jump in. I't s 3 players only anyway.

FUCK I hope someone breaks.

I have my guys at work ready to call me if someone breaks.


Darkman M said:
Junior Member
(Today, 09:39 PM)

You tell me.

I have worked in games (I work in movies now) but as far as animation goes uncharted 2 is above and beyond any other game ever released.


Just got the game. :D Chapter 4 right now, so fun :D

I wonder what kind of disease Marco Polo hide in the treasure. Probably T-virus :3


Starting Chapter 5 I think..just got the game around 3 hours ago..
Had to stop because I still have some..remnants of flu..and a headache..but darn, media blackout..serve its purpose! Game is infuckingcredible!

Multiplayer rocks, but sucks that my first (and only) time so far playing it, nearly everyone was Level 14..and I was Level 1..so of course I died...a lot, but still managed 3 kills. :p


mr_nothin said:
I could never tell whether I was going to just walk off the edge or grab onto it. Sometimes they walk off and dont grab and sometimes they just attach to it. I hated when I tried to run to the edge on Ice Cave, only to fall off and be laughed at. But other times i'd do a full jump off the edge (pressing X) and he's just grab on.
Just got to Act 4. Holy shit what a game. I know that in podcasts and boards, etc over the years the notion of cinematic games, story driven games have been really downplayed, or ragged on but i've always loved them. This game is a prime example of why I LOVE cinematic games. Get the great characters, writing, voice actors, music, camera work AND you are playing the "action" with great gameplay. When done right (like this game clearly does) it provides you with the best of cinema and gaming. Soooooooooo good

couple random notes so far
- Act 1 has to be one of the best starts of a game EVER
- I think they've found the balance & pace between the various gameplay segments better than Uncharted 1. Its a great refinement
- When i heard about stealth elements I became concerned, but they really add a fun new element and with no frustration so far
- Really like the overhaul of the melee fighting. I think i actually get it this time :lol
- The story/dialogue is as good as Uncharted 1, maybe a bit better
- The graphics are insane in the locales shown so far. Wow by far the best looking game on any console
- Another musical soundtrack i'll have to buy
- I'm glad outside the E3 trailer i went on a media blackout.


Such a phenomenal game. I quit on chapter 18 after about 6 hours of play. I can't believe how many treasures I've missed and I feel like I've been super thorough.

Game froze on me once during chapter 11, but otherwise it's been such a great ride.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
You better be up for co-op with me bitch. Dax might as well jump in. I't s 3 players only anyway.

FUCK I hope someone breaks.

I have my guys at work ready to call me if someone breaks.

:lol Absolutely.


Junior Member
Played for about an hour. Stopped in the sewers, had to force myself. Graphics didn't impress me that much in the first chapter, but as soon as the game goes indoors, it looks phenomenal. Snow looked great though.


I got grudge sucked!
Mine has frozen 3 times in the Urban Warefare chapter. I think my system is borked when it comes first party games. Oh well, time to use that coffin after all.


Dax01 said:
I'm not analyzing anything in this thread man. I'm just posting about how I feel about some of the comments I've been reading.

And now I'm posting about how I feel about your act in this thread.

*clicks ban button*


man finally beat it on hard :lol

I had the game since Friday, didn't get time to play until Sunday night, I loved it.
FINALLY was able to play this fantastic game. Still in the stealth section but my wife went to bed and said I can not play any further into the story without her watching. So I am thinking that commercial for the game was spot on.

So jumped into multiplayer and its a blast! By far my favorite PS3 game .... no competition.


Love the game so far. However, I find myself walking aimlessly looking for a ledge or
something to climb or a place to go since at times it sits you in a static area without a clue
of what to do or go next. :lol Then again, maybe I haven't been paying attention when they talk?

Any news on when the "Sully's Bar" Home space will get an Uncharted 2 tune up?


Amir0x said:
And now I'm posting about how I feel about your act in this thread.

*clicks ban button*

I can't tell you how many posts I typed up to bring up this same feeling and then backed off.

If you had waited any longer you might of been clicking my ban button right about now :lol


Neo Member
same thing here. I had to play the cutscnes for her and her brother.
bigGIRLSblouse said:
FINALLY was able to play this fantastic game. Still in the stealth section but my wife went to bed and said I can not play any further into the story without her watching. So I am thinking that commercial for the game was spot on.

So jumped into multiplayer and its a blast! By far my favorite PS3 game .... no competition.


Incredibly Naive
Game is surpassing the hype as we speak. I just didn't see how it could be that good. The production values are unbelievable, some moments of this game are getting ridiculously close to CGI. Naughty Dog does it again.:D

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
So, yeah, echo'ing everyone's feelings here when I say OMGWTF!

The snow.... I mean, the snow when he walks.... WHAT.

Also, up on top of buildings in
, the draw distance and detail that's apparent... I just stood there literally for 5 minutes looking, panning the camera around.

Noticed something flashing way out
realized I was seeing the flashes of gunfire and grenades going off
. The level of detail in this game is just off the charts.

I hope it sells 100 million billion copies.
Finished it on Hard (surprisingly had an easier time than Uncharted 1 on normal) and thought it was really good. I laugh at all those who thought the single player will suffer (about game length:
at least 2 to 4 hours longer than Uncharted 1. More, better platforming and puzzles. Better gameplay and more diverse than the first one.
) B...but the multiplayer will interfere! Unless they changed it from the beta/demo, multiplayer is stellar too. Naughty Dog are wizards. Pretty much perfect in terms of what you'd want in a sequel for Uncharted 1.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Anything I say will seem like hyperbole but oh well. After beating the game (and not touching multiplayer yet =x), there is no competition for Game of the Generation right now. This is it. This is every aspect of an action adventure game, finely honed, polished and given the proper amount of TLC to let it burst to life. This is the standard bearer right here. No question.


Loves Robotech S1
I just finished the train section. My god this game never ceases to amaze. The navigational puzzles are so clever and the combat is perfect. Stealth takedowns are a snap and combat seems a lot less frustrating than the original too. The difficulty is just spot on.

I'm still waiting for my copy of Demon's Souls so I'm not going to make any snap judgements but this is the best game I've played on the system, easily.


Neo Member
RockmanWhore said:
So, am I the only one who has a problem with the black bars that appear on the screen when you use the shoulder view (up on the dpad), it seems like there is a line of pixels missing on both the right and the bottom of the screen. I'm kinda puzzled to see such a shitty mistake on such a fantastic looking game.

Looks like you have less overscan than most tv's. My guess.


Incredibly Naive
Kintaro said:
Anything I say will seem like hyperbole but oh well. After beating the game (and not touching multiplayer yet =x), there is no competition for Game of the Generation right now. This is it. This is every aspect of an action adventure game, finely honed, polished and given the proper amount of TLC to let it burst to life. This is the standard bearer right here. No question.

Seriously, not trying to sound cliche or biased either, but it definitely feels like this is what games should be. It's really starting to blend that line a bit between movies and games. It's not just the visuals, but how everything flows.

One thing that's really standing out to me is the fluidity between cutscene and game, it literally just pans out from what looks like a pre-rendered cutscene, but you all of a sudden can control it.
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