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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Tisan said:
So far I've fallen through the world once, and had flynn fail to take out his first guard three times D:
I'm doing a hard run this time, and the stealth section is broken.
Godfucking dammit

i never had these problems. i thought the stealth section was really easy and painless, especially when compared to the "next-gen wind waker" claim some posters have been trumpeting. i played wind waker a few weeks ago, trust me, these stealth sections don't even compare. :lol


y'all should be ashamed
Two things:

-How the hell did they do those rain effects with water shimmying down buildings and great water effects all around?

-How the hell did they do the train level?

This is graphically impossible. I don't believe my lyin' eyes.


andymcc said:
i never had these problems. i thought the stealth section was really easy and painless, especially when compared to the "next-gen wind waker" claim some posters have been trumpeting. i played wind waker a few weeks ago, trust me, these stealth sections don't even compare. :lol

I had issues with the stealth level because I didn't follow instructions :lol
No, fuck all of you, Uncharted 2 is Indiana Jones. Enough said.

Don't sell the game like it's a deep philosophical tale or some primal romp through the dark underbelly of human nature.
It's an incredibly well made adventure/serial type game.

That being said I just got to chapter 5 and oh lawd is it already amazing.
I have a meeting in a little more than 6 hours. I'm going to look like hell.

Caffeine don't fail me now!


y'all should be ashamed
I have to say this game really is amazing, but the first thirty minutes are, so far, easily the game's slowest and dullest from both a gameplay and graphics perspective. I could have easily quit in the middle of all that and felt like I hadn't missed anything.

ND should have just made the whole heist caper in the beginning just a cutscene really, or an unlockable extra or something. Eh.


andymcc said:
i never had these problems. i thought the stealth section was really easy and painless, especially when compared to the "next-gen wind waker" claim some posters have been trumpeting. i played wind waker a few weeks ago, trust me, these stealth sections don't even compare. :lol
Yeah I just reset the console in case it was a caching error. Hopefully it works this time :/


chubigans said:
I have to say this game really is amazing, but the first thirty minutes are, so far, easily the game's slowest and dullest from both a gameplay and graphics perspective. I could have easily quit in the middle of all that and felt like I hadn't missed anything.

ND should have just made the whole heist caper in the beginning just a cutscene really, or an unlockable extra or something. Eh.

it and the train portion represent the best tutorial i've played in a game. :lol


Bad_Boy said:
So what are these blue face mask icons next to some guns that get dropped from the soldiers?

if you do a stealth kill, sometimes you get items dropped you wouldn't get if you just killed the soldier outright.


Bad_Boy said:
So what are these blue face mask icons next to some guns that get dropped from the soldiers?

I'm curious to know what that means too. I think it just means you killed that guy stealthily. Perhaps it's signifying that the weapon has full ammo or something (since they didn't waste any shooting you)?

edit: nm was just answered above


The Chef said:
Uncharted 2 is the Godfather, The Dark Knight, the Shawshank of the video game world. And I am eternally grateful to ND for this masterpiece.

Put this on the back of the box. So good.
I am astounded by the marketing sony has Put behind their latest things, was in walmart today buying windshield wiper blades and on all the LCD screens in the front PS3 it does every thing commercials, Uncharted 2 Spot and PSP Go 249.99 Spot every 3-4 minutes.

also i have seen UC2 commercials on a scale of say halo 3 or the original Bioshock On Multiple Channels ALL DAY. seems like Sony have finally removed their head from their ass.
The Chef said:
The level of detail is unreal. You can see individual threads in Drakes shirt for god sakes. But even more than that, is the sheer realism in characters. Their movements, their facial expressions, everything received such an overwhelming level of attention and it shows in every minute of this game. And even on a technical level. My god this game does not load...ever...have people really been overlooking this?

I cant remember the last time I was so completely immersed in a game before. The characters are so real and alive. The story is so well thought out and the dialogue is absolutely brilliant and hilarious. And the pace this game sets, my god I find myself getting chills again and again.

Having spent the last 10 hours playing today I am able to really comfortably say that this game has changed the way that I look at games forever. This is truly the greatest game I have ever played.

Uncharted 2 is the Godfather, The Dark Knight, the Shawshank of the video game world. And I am eternally grateful to ND for this masterpiece.

Damn my sentiments exactly.
I just got to the
level and holy hell my eyes hurt so much. There is so much detail in absolutely every square inch of the game that I cant take it all in.


Okay can someone run me through this
Flynn says get to the fountain

I jump down take out the guy by the pillar, then take out the guy leaning on the fountain, scoot over to the left and take out the two guards chilling there. Then run down the left, jump over the stair set and take out the guy by the back.
The I jump over the railing, Flynn takes out the SECOND guard, runs up the stairs and KOs the guard at the top of the stairs.
This leaves the guard who was leaning against the fence by the fountain who sounds the alarm D: it has happened 5 times, I've reset the console & everything :(

I can't take that final guy out myself, as getting beneath him and pressing square alerts him. Also trying to jump on the ledge to take him out alerts him. FUCK.

On the upside I have all the bonus videos unlocked now.


Over the course of the weekend, my girlfriend bought a PS3, Demon's Souls, Uncharted, and Uncharted 2 (street date breakin' local shop booyah).

Playing what I have of the multiplayer and playing what I have of the original's campaign, and I can tell I've got a good time ahead of me in both games.

Demon's Souls is taking the spotlight, though. Gonna try to pry away from that tonight to continue UC1.


Tain said:
Over the course of the weekend, my girlfriend bought a PS3, Demon's Souls, Uncharted, and Uncharted 2 (street date breakin' local shop booyah).

Playing what I have of the multiplayer and playing what I have of the original's campaign, and I can tell I've got a good time ahead of me in both games.

Demon's Souls is taking the spotlight, though. Gonna try to pry away from that tonight to continue UC1.

uncharted 2 shits all over the original.


Ok made it to chapter 6 and calling it a night. I dont want it to be over its so good.

I absolutely agree with the poster who says this is gamings shawshank redemption. No other game comes even close.


Incredibly Naive
Done for the night... there were so many times I said holy shit out loud:lol :lol. The dialog is hilarious too. The characters are incrediblly likable... everything just works. It's strange, because normally cut scenes or story are tacked on or cheesy, but this is just head and shoulders above everything else.


This game is utterly fantastic so far. My only complaint is my inability to get online. Despite trying several times I couldn't connect to a party with my friends and got disconnected from PSN multiple times.

I DMZ'd my PS3, disabled media sharing, disconnected every other device from my network and even changed my ethernet cord but nothing worked.

I don't know if anyone else is having issues or if it's just me. Occasionally I get kicked off PSN, but I didn't have any serious issues with previous games such as RE5.
Alright. I'm only up to chapter 5, but Naughty Dog has just set the benchmark by which all action adventure games should now be judged on.

How can I say this. Everything else in the action adventure genre I've played this gen now seems like “just a video game” to me.

The writing is superb, the acting is top notch, the game is cinematic but the cutscenes are short, sweet and seemless.

The new stealth elements, once you get the hang of them are amazing.

The little animations, the collapsing environments, the lack of a distracting hud, just everything screams an evolution of the medium.

I bought a PS3 for MGS4 but ended up liking Uncharted 1 better. Who would have thought Uncharted 2 would set the bar so high for the single player experience?

It feels like a Hollywood production. Everything else seems like really bad Anime to me right now.

To be fair, though, I'm kind of drunk.


I had a hell of a time finding this game tonight. First Gamestop was closed, second one was sold out. Called Target and they only had 4 copies left. Luckily the guy held it for me. :D

Just got to Chapter 5. Having a blast so far. The use of the camera to create a film style presentation cannot be under appreciated. It's fucking perfect. It's like, "Hey, what should we do with the camera in this scene. Let's channel the spirit of Kubrick and see what he thinks." It's so good that there are times I seriously can't tell whether it's supposed to be a cutscene or not, so i just end up sitting there for a second until I realize I still have control of Drake. :lol


erotic butter maelstrom
Over the course of the weekend, my girlfriend bought a PS3, Demon's Souls, Uncharted, and Uncharted 2 (street date breakin' local shop booyah).

You have a girlfriend who bought a PS3, the Uncharted games, AND Demon's Souls? Damn, you wanna trade? I spent all day trying to show my GF how great this game is but she didn't even give a shit about it except she thought the Yak in the village was pretty cute.

I can't take that final guy out myself, as getting beneath him and pressing square alerts him. Also trying to jump on the ledge to take him out alerts him. FUCK.
I must have got lucky on the stealth section, because I only alerted the guards once and that was right after getting the
. I'm not entirely sure what part you're talking about, but you should just restart the chapter or something because it isn't that hard if you don't overthink it.

uncharted 2 shits all over the original.
I wouldn't say it "shits on it", but the sequel is a lot better. But at the same time...playing Drakes Fortune first will make Among Thieves way better since you'll already have a connection to the characters and you'll be able to catch some of the references to the first game.


just got to chapter 16.. holy shit. I just keep saying holy shit. it's really that good. there hasn't been a bad chapter yet. I think I've put 4 and a half hours into it so far. How many chapters are there? 25?

fuck, it's SO good.


Just got through chapter 5. Yes, it's amazing. It's beautiful. It's colorful. It's funny. It doesn't seem to load ever (how is that even possible? and if it is, why do all inferior games have to load?). And I know it'll get even better.

One minor gripe (and I know I'm one of only a handful of Americans who have noticed this) is that there are only three audio languages available, where as UC1 had something like six or eight! Yes, I played the original in all of the other languages for practice. Can we assume that ND ran out of room on the Blu-ray?


Snuggler said:
I wouldn't say it "shits on it", but the sequel is a lot better. But at the same time...playing Drakes Fortune first will make Among Thieves way better since you'll already have a connection to the characters and you'll be able to catch some of the references to the first game.

i really thought the first Uncharted was kind of mediocre, just wasn't able to get into it nearly as much. the boating parts and vehicle portions were so frustrating. plus the shooting isn't nearly as interesting....
Don't know if this had been mentioned before but when playing in 1:1 pixel mapping there is a white square in the bottom right corner of the screen on the main menu screen and in game pause menu. There's something going on down there, not sure what it is but even in game I noticed it occasionaly in chapter 3 when i move the camera quickly from side to side. I'm not the only one, as I have read this happening to other people as well from other boards.

Any clues to what this is? Anyone? Arne?

How long does it take for the Twitter updates to post? It's been a few hours already and no updates on my Twitter.


erotic butter maelstrom
andymcc said:
i really thought the first Uncharted was kind of mediocre, just wasn't able to get into it nearly as much. the boating parts and vehicle portions were so frustrating. plus the shooting isn't nearly as interesting....

Yeah. I thought it was a really good game, not quite as great or amazing as some people made it out to be, but if someone has both games and hasn't played either I think it's definitely worth it to play the first before the second. Drakes Fortune is worth playing in the first place and Among Thieves (at least the story) will be way better. Drake's relationship with Sully and especially Elena will mean a lot more.


-PXG- said:
Holy fucking shit
at the Nazi Yetis!!!! And the cross bows!

Listen dude, put a fucking chapter # so we know not to check out your goddamn end game spoiler?

Do you guys expect us to be psychic and somehow know what chapter your spoilered text is from?


TheBranca18 said:


I never saw this in any of my playthroughs. It was watching a friend do it that finally let me see that bit. Fucking awesome.

Fish out of water!

Maggot9 said:
anyone notice the flashlight "revolving" around the player in the cave is still back from the first uncharted? lol

You'd rather it didn't point to where you're about to jump? Trust me, that's not as bad as you think.

Kittonwy said:
Nicolas Cage is a fucking wuss compared to Nathan Drake.

He's also quite possibly the worst actor getting major roles today. Keanu at least committed to a shitton of wirework and choreography.

chubigans said:
Two things:

-How the hell did they do those rain effects with water shimmying down buildings and great water effects all around?

-How the hell did they do the train level?

This is graphically impossible. I don't believe my lyin' eyes.

BWAAAAHAHAHAHA, the stuff you'll see later on... Also, pay attention to some of the textures later in the game. I imagine we'll get lots o' those threads with people snapping shots of their TVs like the first game around then.

arne said:
if you do a stealth kill, sometimes you get items dropped you wouldn't get if you just killed the soldier outright.

Dude, can you please talk to SCEA and have me do the next manual? I've done more than a dozen of 'em at this point, and the one included was a goddamn farce. Nowhere in the entire game (as far as I can tell) indicated what a mask icon was. I got that it was from a stealth kill, but I didn't know if it was a more powerful weapon (yes, I admit, I thought it was that until now) or if it was just a visual pat on the back for taking someone out all silent-like. I don't know if the usual place SCEA outsources to for manuals did this one, but either way, I'm in on the next one (I do stuff for that usual outlet too). I refuse to let the next game's manual be as utterly useless and unhelpful as this one. It's terrible, dude.

Malari said:
Just got through chapter 5. Yes, it's amazing. It's beautiful. It's colorful. It's funny. It doesn't seem to load ever (how is that even possible? and if it is, why do all inferior games have to load?). And I know it'll get even better.

One minor gripe (and I know I'm one of only a handful of Americans who have noticed this) is that there are only three audio languages available, where as UC1 had something like six or eight! Yes, I played the original in all of the other languages for practice. Can we assume that ND ran out of room on the Blu-ray?

The bonus content is pretty low-res, so yes, I'd say that's a fair assumption. They opted out of doing a BD-50 for this to increase the manufacturing times and save costs. I'd expect the next game will be every region on the disc and it's just universal. There be mighty textures in this game...
criesofthepast said:
Don't know if this had been mentioned before but when playing in 1:1 pixel mapping there is a white square in the bottom right corner of the screen on the main menu screen and in game pause menu. There's something going on down there, not sure what it is but even in game I noticed it occasionaly in chapter 3 when i move the camera quickly from side to side. I'm not the only one, as I have read this happening to other people as well from other boards.

Any clues to what this is? Anyone? Arne?
It's something to do with the way they do depth of field, in fact the entire right edge of the frame can get kinda funky.


Animator said:
Listen dude, put a fucking chapter # so we know not to check out your goddamn end game spoiler?

Do you guys expect us to be psychic and somehow know what chapter your spoilered text is from?

Changed it. However, it's a SPOILER for a reason. Don't read it. Period :p
Side note: This is the first game in about five years where I've intentionally turned the subtitles off. I actually...don't....need...them! The story is, my god, coherent. It's like I've been in Plato's cave all these years and I've finally escaped.


erotic butter maelstrom
-PXG- said:
Holy fucking shit
at the Nazi Yetis!!!! And the cross bows!

It was obvious that something was up as soon as the wolves got murdered. I knew it was time for some supernatural shit, but I almost shat my pants when the monster face appeared in the corner of the screen as I was climbing that ice wall. But...I gotta say those Yeti things looked really silly, they looked more funny than scary when they finally made an appearance. Plus, I didn't really like having to run around in circles while unloading several clips into them. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, though, it was the only questionable part in the game for me so far. (I'm on chap. 22)
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