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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Animator said:
Listen dude, put a fucking chapter # so we know not to check out your goddamn end game spoiler?

Do you guys expect us to be psychic and somehow know what chapter your spoilered text is from?
How about: If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read unmarked spoilers?


Snuggler said:
It was obvious that something was up as soon as the wolves got murdered. I knew it was time for some supernatural shit, but I almost shat my pants when the monster face appeared in the corner of the screen as I was climbing that ice wall. But...I gotta say those Yeti things looked really silly, they looked more funny than scary when they finally made an appearance. Plus, I didn't really like having to run around in circles while unloading several clips into them. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, though, it was the only questionable part in the game for me so far. (I'm on chap. 22)

It'll make sense. I promise.


Dartastic said:
How the fuck did they do this in only two years?!??!?!?

They actually did it in only 18 months. Less than 2 years, which is even more impressive. How? I have no idea....something in the water is my guess! :D


Alligator F*ck House
nib95 said:
They actually did it in only 18 months. Less than 2 years, which is even more impressive. How? I have no idea....something in the water is my guess! :D

I can vouch for this, since NG works a few block away and actually developed the first Uncharted in my office...it's working next to a beach.

My fiance's a framer at a local store...awhile back during E3, some guy came in with a piece of artwork he needed framing. Wearing an UC2: Among Thieves shirt, she asks him about the game, to find out he's one of the background artists. I love living/working in Santa Monica :lol


nib95 said:
They actually did it in only 18 months. Less than 2 years, which is even more impressive. How? I have no idea....something in the water is my guess! :D

Yeah, I realized after my comment that the first game came out more than a month after this ship date... which means they developed this in less than two years. That's astonishing. I really can't wait for a really good post-mortem on this game.


inner-G said:
How about: If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read unmarked spoilers?

How about you put a chapter # otherwise there wouldnt be anything to read on this thread?

Is it really that hard?

Yes Boss!


This game is EXCELLENT. Everything I want in a sequel. These folks are talented. Makes me want to go back and replay the first.


Animator said:
How about you put a chapter # otherwise there wouldnt be anything to read on this thread?

Is it really that hard?
I didn't even post a spoiler.

No one is going to stamp every post with a chapter #. Most people prob. don't even pay attention to the chapter #'s.
Bought it this morning and took it to a sick friends house to help ease his pain. I played through in a single sitting minus 2 bathrooms breaks. It was absolutely epic! Melted my brain big time.

It did freeze the PS3 twice. Once during the train level and once at a fight near the end of the game (same place other people have had problems), but both times it autosaved in just the right spots.

Total game time was 10 hours 38 minutes.

Easily GOTY for me, I can't wait to give it another go in a week or so.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Soakedjunk said:
Bought it this morning and took it to a sick friends house to help ease his pain. I played through in a single sitting minus 2 bathrooms breaks. It was absolutely epic! Melted my brain big time.

It did freeze the PS3 twice. Once during the train level and once at a fight near the end of the game (same place other people have had problems), but both times it autosaved in just the right spots.

Total game time was 10 hours 38 minutes.

Easily GOTY for me, I can't wait to give it another go in a week or so.
After defeating Lt. Draza


Soakedjunk said:
Bought it this morning and took it to a sick friends house to help ease his pain. I played through in a single sitting minus 2 bathrooms breaks. It was absolutely epic! Melted my brain big time.

It did freeze the PS3 twice. Once during the train level and once at a fight near the end of the game (same place other people have had problems), but both times it autosaved in just the right spots.

Total game time was 10 hours 38 minutes.

Easily GOTY for me, I can't wait to give it another go in a week or so.

was the part that froze up near the end of chapter 25 after clearing out the room with the heavy guards and the yeti-people


They've really hid the treasures a lot better this time around. Either that or I completely suck. I'm near the end and haven't even found half of em...


GillianSeed79 said:
Side note: This is the first game in about five years where I've intentionally turned the subtitles off. I actually...don't....need...them! The story is, my god, coherent. It's like I've been in Plato's cave all these years and I've finally escaped.
Wow, same exact sentiment here man. I always have subs on in games, and I just had to turn them off for this one.

It's a shame though that there are a couple of moments where the action gets so loud, you can't hear what the characters are saying.

One example is the shootout just before
the train sequence, in the tipped over cart in the trainyard. Nate's yammering hilarious shit and the gunfire is so loud you can't hear anything.


erotic butter maelstrom
No freezing of the PS3 for me, it seems like only the internet browser has done that to my system so far.

I'm surprised by how tough the co-op is, even on easy or normal it can be pretty difficult. I played my first match at the ice mountain place, I fell off the clip twice like a total moran. I really like playing co-op on this game, though, my only prob is that there is only 3 maps. Naughty Dog said that they plan on supporting mulitiplayer so I hope that the first thing they do is add more co-op missions. By the way, if anyone wants to play some co-op over the next few hours send a message to Snuggler86, I am up for it.
Strider2K99 said:
Yes, once you pick it up, it doesn't have to be picked up again.

Killthee said:
You can carry over treasures, medals, and stuff bought off the store to a new game. Weapon related purchases from the store will be locked until you complete a game in the same difficulty or harder.

Thanks. That's good. I don't want to spend too much time treasure hunting in first play.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MirageDwarf said:
I'm gonna start this now. Do treasure pick-ups get stacked across multiple play?
You can carry over treasures, medals, and stuff bought off the store to a new game. Weapon related purchases from the store will be locked until you complete a game in the same difficulty or harder.


Snuggler said:
I really like playing co-op on this game, though, my only prob is that there is only 3 maps. Naughty Dog said that they plan on supporting mulitiplayer so I hope that the first thing they do is add more co-op missions.

Justin Richmond (Multiplayer Designer) already said it's unlikely that they'll do more Co-op for Uncharted 2 because making those levels are resource intensive:
"What you'll probably see is more of the competitive type: more maps, more modes, stuff like that. The co-op stuff is hugely time-intensive and the size of it - the physical download size - is huge, so that's probably not an option.

"I'm not going to say never," he added, "but for the foreseeable future we're not going to be doing that."

Richmond admitted that he is "fascinated" by co-op, and that there is stuff he would "love to do next game" now the code is in place.

"Naughty Dog does a really good job of defining things, and I think no one's really done a definitively amazing amazing co-op experience and I think we can do that, and it's something that at some point we'll tackle," he said. "If I have my say, then that's what we'd do."
Source: Eurogamer - U2 DLC Details


Absolutely brilliant game. Easily one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, and I'm only at Chapter 6. The graphics, writing, gameplay, humor, everything about it is head of the class I am in awe of what ND has accomplished.


Alligator F*ck House
Keeping this completely unspoilerific, who else loved the ending besides me? I thought it was very well scripted, crafted and left me with a sense of happiness and accomplishment.

edit: It was only a sense. I was not happy at all that it ended in retrospect...
I got home at 6 with Uncharted 2 and stopped at 12 am because I don't want to finish this in one sitting. Great Great game so far and I'm waiting for the upcoming chapters to blow me away.


OMFG. Made it to Chapter 23....
The truck chase scene OMFG

So many moments! So many things to talk about. Finally had to end my play there for the day. Just unbelievable.


I'm a little pissed off right now. The German dub is a atrocious and the English dub isn't on the euro-version.

Also how can you simply PULL A FUCKING SWITCH to shut off the alarm in a museum that holds invaluable treasure and is guarded by what seems like a hundred armed Turks? It seems like a minor complaint but it's by far the stupidest thing I have ever come across in a videogame.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Quick question - Uncharted 1 was about 70/30 shooting/traversal (and that's being a little generous - it might be closer to 75/25). What is the ratio like in Uncharted 2?

I'm playing through the original again and it reconfirmed my memories from a couple years ago. It's a very good game, but I wish there was a more balanced mixture of combat and traversal.

I think I remember reading somewhere that it was closer to 60/40 or 55/45 in Unch. 2 but now I don't remember for sure.


8 hours into the game, i have no words other than MOTHERFUCKING MASTERPIECE.

The level in which you see
the Demon Yetis for the first time
is just one of the most astonishing things i've seen in a videogame in 21 years of gaming.
It's like a sublime mixture of Gian Battista Piranesi's "Carceri" and Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime, with a divine level design and fucking insane graphics.

Kudos to Naughty GOD for creating such an amazing cinematic experience.


The CHICKENS cast self-shadows, holy smokes.

Edit: So does the yak.


Im just shocked this is all realtime...

the ambient occlusion effect, the skin shaders look like skin, the ice.. looks like ice, the water looks like water...the sky is beautiful, the bricks look amazing the dirt looks like it would feel like dirt... The cuts look like cuts, Chloe's ass looks edible.


Bra-fuckin-vo Naughty Dog. I even noticed drake has a nervous tick with his hand when hes walking across balance planks/beams. That didn't need to be done, but hell why not?

I really hope drake ends up with Chloe :\


Anyone get the
Marco Polo trophy? or .. medal? Great fun
Just finished story, and holy shit.

Game of the generation if I were just to judge by single player alone.

The ending was so good.

Elena: How scared were you, on a scale of 1-10, that I was gonna die?
Nate: 4.
Elena: A four?!? What's a ten?
Nate: Clowns.

I'll post my detailed little review Thursday, probably.

Will start up my Crushing run tomorrow.
Sorry if this has already been answered but is there any point in having the U2 Beta saves & game data? Are stats from the beta completely erased?


time to take my meds
Hey Naughty Dogs, put drake in the desert next time. Say... Egypt. He's been in the jungle enough. Or is that too cliche?


Dartastic said:
"It's a shame you have to sit on something so pretty."

...or something like that. =p

Im honestly in love with her character, attitude.. The acting in this game is honestly the best game acting I've seen besides maybe Heavenly Sword?
I hate to rain on the graphics parade, but wasn't it confirmed that the cutscenes are FMVs? ND said it was for the purpose of loading the next area while a cutscene played. Whether or not it's just FMVs of in-engine stuff is debatable, but I'm pretty sure there's no chance in hell.

See that? Up there? That was me trying to find something wrong with this game. How'd I do?
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