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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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BattleMonkey said:
Why is it whenever Tom Chick reviews anything, I want to punch a baby in the face?

because you never raised a baby? Tom Chick's review is actually pretty insightful. I bet this review will be more helpful to the dev ND than any other positive review....

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The incidental animation of Flynn swinging that rappel rope shames most other games' animations you see 100% of the time. Unbelievable how much effort has gone into smallest of things in this game. Any by such a moderately sized team in such a short time. ND makes me want to become better at what I do.


y'all should be ashamed
I love taking a dip in water when Chloe is around. There's some funny surprises and good dialogue.

"Hey get in, the water is great!"
"No way, you just want to see me with my top wet."


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome! I finally got the game.

I strolled down to the store I had it pre-ordered at a few minutes before midnight and I was surprised to see about 10 other people waiting to buy the game. It is a fairly small store and being Japan and all I didn't expect very many people to be excited for the game.

The game looks amazing. A lot of the jaggies from the first one are gone, the animations seem much improved and the new shadow effects and motion blur really look great. I have barely played more than 30 minutes, but this is easily the best looking console game out there. It is pretty damn impressive what Naughty Dog has managed to achieve on the PS3's hardware.

Unfortunately I need to get some sleep due to having work in the morning, but I really can't wait to play more! I am still in the stealth section in the very beginning and haven't had a chance to shoot anyone yet so I still can't tell how the shooting has been improved.


I picked up this some hours ago :) Does anyone know how many copies of Uncharted 2 Limited Edition that will be made?


EDIT: I resized the picture to make it a bit smaller.
Host Samurai said:
So far I absolutely LOVE the game. Its very polished, animation and graphics are top notch and its fun as hell.

My ONLY complaint so far (I did not beat it yet ) the same issue as the first game. Where the hell are some boss battles? I dont understand why ND wont put bosses in this series, instead I am fighting waves of generic cannon fodder.

Unique Boss>>>>>>>>Waves of cannon fodder any day. Why cant ND make a few "Boss henchmen" It does not have to be as crazy as the bosses in the MGS series but its always fun to have some sort of battle with a boss to break up some of the sections.
Sorry, but no. Boss fights way too often are generic and completely unnecessary. Not only that but it goes completely against what ND is and was trying to do. If you want a boss fight go play an NES game.


The dialogue in this game is so awesome. It's not just the cut-scenes but the little quips they make when I'm just running around. Not really spoiler but I'll tag it just in case. (i'm paraphrasing here)

Sully: So we just follow the hose and it'll lead back to camp
Drake: You always follow the hoes.
Sully: Your not going to let me forget about Montreal are you?

jumped in the hotel pool
Drake: Marco!
Chloe: you can't be serious...
Drake: Marco!
Chloe: .... Polo..


TheExecutive said:
Sorry, but no. Boss fights way too often are generic and completely unnecessary. Not only that but it goes completely against what ND is and was trying to do. If you want a boss fight go play an NES game.

:lol what? Well at least have more variety of characters to fight.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The bonus PS3 theme you could get for preordering in Futureshop in Canada (probably somewhere in US as well) is garbage btw. It's not dynamic, and it's simplistic and ugly, no effort was put into it whatsoever. Not to toot my own horn, but, yeah... :p

falastini said:
jumped in the hotel pool
Drake: Marco!
Chloe: you can't be serious...
Drake: Marco!
Chloe: .... Polo..
And you get money for it too! That pool water looked so damn good too.
Gantz said:
:lol what? Well at least have more variety of characters to fight.
Why? What kind of characters do you suggest they put in there? What would fit with the game and not be too fantastical? I enjoy just shooting dudes, I don't see the point of placing giant worms or other such bosses in a game of this type.


Among thieves is supposed to be darker and show the seedy underbelly of Drakes Past.
He is still a great character with honor and cares for his friends.
I see no innocence lost.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Host Samurai said:
So far I absolutely LOVE the game. Its very polished, animation and graphics are top notch and its fun as hell.

My ONLY complaint so far (I did not beat it yet ) the same issue as the first game. Where the hell are some boss battles? I dont understand why ND wont put bosses in this series, instead I am fighting waves of generic cannon fodder.

Unique Boss>>>>>>>>Waves of cannon fodder any day. Why cant ND make a few "Boss henchmen" It does not have to be as crazy as the bosses in the MGS series but its always fun to have some sort of battle with a boss to break up some of the sections.

There are quite a few boss encounters, I won't spoil the game for ya.


TheExecutive said:
Sorry, but no. Boss fights way too often are generic and completely unnecessary. Not only that but it goes completely against what ND is and was trying to do. If you want a boss fight go play an NES game.


On the matter, the way the game handles "boss fights" is as "climactic moments":

ie. - The one found on Chapter 6:
the helicopter "shootout" where you have to destroy that damned thing.

- Another on Chapter 14
where you have to kill the big guy who's holding the Phurma Dagger.

And so on...
Gantz said:
I'm on the 4th thanks.
Wow to refute your own point? Moran hoe.

Also, Tom Chick's review is kinda bullshit. He claims there are few memorable moments in the game. What? Did he play the same game as everyone else?
And then you get dumped into a scripted bit where you run from a helicopter until you get to the magically spawning RPG.
It's a fucking videogame you cretin! Also, having played both now, Uncharted 2's cutscenes, characterization and script blow Brutal Legend the fuck away.
Violater said:
Among thieves is supposed to be darker and show the seedy underbelly of Drakes Past.
He is still a great character with honor and cares for his friends.
I see no innocence lost.

The character was always a criminal in the first place, no idea what people thought. He personally knows pirates, runs around the world with guns killing people, hes obviously not a choir boy.


The "innocence lost" comment is simply bizarre. I can think of a few things it could have meant and none of them are sensible in context.


TheExecutive said:
Sorry, but no. Boss fights way too often are generic and completely unnecessary. Not only that but it goes completely against what ND is and was trying to do. If you want a boss fight go play an NES game.



Violater said:
Among thieves is supposed to be darker and show the seedy underbelly of Drakes Past.
He is still a great character with honor and cares for his friends.
I see no innocence lost.

He means that it's a darker game when he says it's a loss of innocence. It has a different feel to it.
TheExecutive said:
Sorry, but no. Boss fights way too often are generic and completely unnecessary. Not only that but it goes completely against what ND is and was trying to do. If you want a boss fight go play an NES game.

Haha. That reminds me of how there were boss fights in the Indiana Jones movies. Only since the comparison was being thrown around between Nathan and Indy.


Violater said:
Among thieves is supposed to be darker and show the seedy underbelly of Drakes Past.
He is still a great character with honor and cares for his friends.
I see no innocence lost.

innocence lost in the way that the first UC was fresh on the market, excellent executed ideas, some flaws could be ignored, they could be kind of naive with the first game, try things out, inocent so to say, let's kick some ass, put the something out there... The second time around need to do things more clever... this is how I read innocence in the context of the review... I don't neccessarily share that point, though
My god I cant take this anymore. I am trying to look at so many things at once terrified I am going to miss something that I am going cross-eyed.


I had no clue about the trophy you got when you jumped it in to the pool. I just jumped in because I really wanted to see the swim animation.


TheExecutive said:
Why? What kind of characters do you suggest they put in there? What would fit with the game and not be too fantastical? I enjoy just shooting dudes, I don't see the point of placing giant worms or other such bosses in a game of this type.

Maybe some kind of undead vampires?


Worships the porcelain goddess
grumble said:
He means that it's a darker game when he says it's a loss of innocence. It has a different feel to it.

It's only darker in the sense that its villain is a very bad dude and that NG tried to get in some bits that make Drake (and you) think about what you're doing (and somewhat redeem his character and justify his actions).

Not a spoiler, but touched on the sociopath bullshit people got on from the first game.

Probably so the jackholes who tried so hard to find fault with Drake in the first game ended up on the "sociopath" trip. I believe the entire last bit in the climax was NG talking right at those fools.

zoukka said:
Maybe some kind of undead vampires?

Mexican Vampires?


Pein said:
I had no clue about the trophy you got when you jumped it in to the pool. I just jumped in because I really wanted to see the swim animation.

Jump in a second time and you'll get another. And just for clarification, it's not an actual trophy, just a medal. :)


I was going to hold off because I haven't even had time to finish ODST or Batman (boo to work and going back to school full-time) but I ordered it anyway. I loved the first one, can't wait to get this in!


This game is awesome. I expected it to be good, but even my high expectations were blown away. I really don't get Tom Chick's review also, if anything this game is where the IP grows into itself....

Easily a contender for game of the gen so far.
TheExecutive said:
Why? What kind of characters do you suggest they put in there? What would fit with the game and not be too fantastical? I enjoy just shooting dudes, I don't see the point of placing giant worms or other such bosses in a game of this type.

lol. I'm guessing you haven't gotten to the Mountaineering chapter yet?

And why do boss fights have to be generic? I agree with what's-his-nuts said - it's nice to occasionally fight stronger enemies that break up the pace. And like I said before, I think this game does in fact have that.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Well, I'm trying to play some other games to break up some Uncharted 2 playthroughs but I think this game just ruined the fall for me. =x My wallet may be thankful though.


TheExecutive said:
Why? What kind of characters do you suggest they put in there? What would fit with the game and not be too fantastical? I enjoy just shooting dudes, I don't see the point of placing giant worms or other such bosses in a game of this type.

Characters that look different from every other generic NPC. Add some variety especially with the amount of characters per area. They could totally do it. I don't want to see the same NPC twice. Theydon't have to be fantastical. Bosses can be main characters you have to fight to get past a certain part within the story of the game.


i need help in chapter 9. ive spent the last hour dying over and over.

I just started the big puzzle where you use light beams. I moved the first mirror to light up the face on the floor on the far side of the room. THen i used my dagger to move one of the big arms of the centerpiece down. The hint tells me to climb the arm, so i do. Once im at the top i have no idea what to do. I keep trying to jump or climb and i end up flying off the edge and dying. can anyone please help? thanks

EDIT: NVM i got it haha


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
btkadams said:
i need help in chapter 9. ive spent the last hour dying over and over.

I just started the big puzzle where you use light beams. I moved the first mirror to light up the face on the floor on the far side of the room. THen i used my dagger to move one of the big arms of the centerpiece down. The hint tells me to climb the arm, so i do. Once im at the top i have no idea what to do. I keep trying to jump or climb and i end up flying off the edge and dying. can anyone please help? thanks
When you climb the first blade to the top, walk slowly towards the second blade, the horizontal one. You should be able to walk on the horizontal blade all the way towards one of the huge face statues. When you're close enough to it, jump towards the closest eyebrow.
PoweredBySoy said:
lol. I'm guessing you haven't gotten to the Mountaineering chapter yet?

And why do boss fights have to be generic? I agree with what's-his-nuts said - it's nice to occasionally fight stronger enemies that break up the pace. And like I said before, I think this game does in fact have that.

Nope I have played that part. I wont go into it any more. However, I agree with the mini-boss thing. They throw different enemies at you many times within the game. However, I dont think that epic, set peice boss battles, have any place in an Uncharted universe. I dont think complaining about the lack of them is a valid criticism for that reason alone. They have no place within the universe. I agree that some enemies can be fought one on one but not to the scale of many games out there.

Oh and to the dude that just quoted my avatar and "sighed": :lol


bish gets all the credit :)

Just finished up. The only negatives I would give it are (SP):

-Ammo pickup should be automatic, and leave weapon pickup as is. Many times you try to pick up ammo or a gun/grenade and you end up shuffling around on the ground for a few seconds trying to get the prompt for what you really want to pick up. I hated it in the first and in the U2 beta, but it's a minor complaint.
-Figuring out what ledges are climbable or not often results in a lot of trial/error.
-Big long section of climbing/platforming in the middle of the game that I thought went on too long.

-Everything else
-Graphics are OMG
-Good Pace/length
-Writing/Characters and dialogue
-Stealth inclusion

Basically, this is Indy 4, not that travesty the crystal skull.
Played two chapters in last night, and I'm so impressed thus far. Naughty Dog have outdone themselves...again.

Best looking game of this generation...hands down. The characters and dialogue are simply top-notch, and the gameplay is just so tight. It feels very much like an homage to the Saturday serial adventures, and is obviously a love letter to Indiana Jones: the first three, not the travesty that was Crystal Skull.

I'm in love with this title! It's look and sound (the in-game DTS is outstanding), it's intuitive control and on the edge of my seat story has me hooked even more than Drake's Fortune did.

Kudos, Naughty Dog! I can't wait to see what you have in store for Drake!


McBacon said:
Uncharted 3: Curse of the Pharaoh

Do it, ND.

An Egyptian setting for the next game is mandatory. Way too much potential there (both story- and gameplay-wise - excavating pyramids anyone?), and they don't have to dig very deeply to find an interesting Egyptian myth to build the game around. Plus it would offer a striking contrast to Uncharted 1 and 2.
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