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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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McBacon said:
Uncharted 3: Curse of the Pharaoh

Do it, ND.

Already ?

I hope they'll stop for a moment instead. To fully realize what they've done and realize the status they obtained for creating the Uncharted franchise and for pumping out a sequel like that in so little time, considering the result.


alr1ghtstart said:

Just finished up. The only negatives I would give it are (SP):

-Ammo pickup should be automatic, and leave weapon pickup as is. Many times you try to pick up ammo or a gun/grenade and you end up shuffling around on the ground for a few seconds trying to get the prompt for what you really want to pick up. I hated it in the first and in the U2 beta, but it's a minor complaint.

If you roll pickup, you don't stop... Kinda a must for multiplayer.


deepbrown said:
BTW guns now point to where the bullet comes out :D :lol

That was the first thing I noticed when I picked up the first pistol!! He actually aims at the reticle now.

Game is unbelievable. Easily the best looking console game I have ever seen. I loved the first Uncharted and this one tops it in every way so far and I am only on chapter 5.


bish gets all the credit :)
Virro said:
If you roll pickup, you don't stop... Kinda a must for multiplayer.

but you still pick up weapons even if you roll. that's my main complaint. I don't want to give up my M4 if there's a pile of M4 ammo on the ground right next to an AK47.


Sucks that the UK review copy ND sent out is debug only. Because of that they missed out on having a 5/5 earlier in a mag/site lol. Anyway, by the looks of it I'm just going to have to wait like all the other UK folk :(

Hopefully a promo copy turns up tomorrow or something. Unless the postal strike has it's way.


keep your strippers out of my American football
BattleMonkey said:
Why is it whenever Tom Chick reviews anything, I want to punch a baby in the face?

WTF? Why do you get so butthurt over a freaking review that you don't happen to agree with. If you actually read the review, he is showering it with praise throughout. He just had some issues with the game. Not sure why people take a review of a game they have nothing to do with, other than pay for, so personally.
Virro said:
If you roll pickup, you don't stop... Kinda a must for multiplayer.
Yeah but sometimes you unintentionally take cover behind things you don't want to and open yourself up to gunfire. Same thing happens in Gears of War.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Wasn't Sony supposed to launch a brand new marketing campaign for the game this week?
heh, so much for that.

Sony Marketing Fail yet again. I've seen ads all over the fucking place for Brütal Legend. The casuals I talk to know about that game but don't know shit about U2.


btkadams said:
i need help in chapter 9. ive spent the last hour dying over and over.

I just started the big puzzle where you use light beams. I moved the first mirror to light up the face on the floor on the far side of the room. THen i used my dagger to move one of the big arms of the centerpiece down. The hint tells me to climb the arm, so i do. Once im at the top i have no idea what to do. I keep trying to jump or climb and i end up flying off the edge and dying. can anyone please help? thanks

EDIT: NVM i got it haha

That room looks AMAZING!!!!
Just saved at the start of Chapter 20

I'll have to try and finish up the game tonight after work. Easily GOTY for me though.


WOW. The snow levels look fucking amazing, FUCKING AMAZING. I really can't get overt this game. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to play the first again. I'm not sure if I'm going to want to. Naughty Dog, you guys are amazing.
The S-Word said:
the Twitter function isn't working now?
Apparently sony took the "complete chapter" twitter notice out for now. The other ones should be working, like when you get a trophy or multiplayer monies. I will try it soon to see for myself.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Im only into chapter 5, but am already really enjoying this game. I never played Uncharted 1 so it took me a bit to get down all the controls and flow of the game. The graphics seem to be getting better with each new chapter and the story is pretty damn good so far. Im running in 1080p, I wonder if it would look even better if I changed to 720 since that is the native res?

And I kid you not, when my gf came home last night she thought it was a CG MOVIE! Good call Sony :lol


criesofthepast said:
Apparently sony took the "complete chapter" twitter notice out for now. The other ones should be working, like when you get a trophy or multiplayer monies. I will try it soon to see for myself.

Seems like right now all it does is tweet the number of trophies you get in a 24 hour period.


Just finished it, great game ND:D Only a few things bug me about it.

One thing that I really didn't like was-
Sully was not in it much

And you can't get a close up view of anyone because the camera will blur or the people will move.

Ending tricked me I was saying to myself WTF they killed Elena!!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Chorazin said:
Seems like right now all it does is tweet the number of trophies you get in a 24 hour period.

And when you complete the game. Stating the difficulty as well.


polyh3dron said:
heh, so much for that.

Sony Marketing Fail yet again. I've seen ads all over the fucking place for Brütal Legend. The casuals I talk to know about that game but don't know shit about U2.

Word of mouth, do ur part.
Violater said:
Someone needs to tally the number of time the words "holy shit" has been used in this thread. It must be a record :lol

This is what happens when you have a lot of free time. Here goes a small sampling :lol

protonion said:
I just played for 10 minutes.

HOLY SHIT! First time in many years I'm blown away by a game so early! Best graphics you've seen on a console.
dragonflys545 said:
So good! I am two hours in and i must say holy fucking shit games Perfect. How the fuck is this even possible...
Twix said:
Got the game yesterday :D

right now I'm playing through chapter 8 (or whatever you might call it) and I'm absolutely overwhelmed by how much the game has improved over its predecessor in every aspect.

Graphically speaking, Holy Shit, this game smashes everything out there, no kidding, Uncharted 2 provides everything I could've dreamed of in a "next-gen" game back in 2005. nothing else comes close to this game, congratulations ND.
Wario64 said:
Also, we completed a co-op match on
on normal...holy shit, intense. These levels are like Left 4 Dead size. 36 minutes it took to beat the level.
dragonflys545 said:
Co-op is sOo good! holy shit great game wario64 and ezekial.
Defuser said:
Holy shit,this is pure awesome from the start,the snow graphics is gorgeous,action packed especially the train levels imo very adrenaline rushing and the motherfucking scale of the game.I can't believe naughty dog designs are so pretty to look at.
Magnus said:
I'm on Chapter
with friends, and we just completed/watched the
Jeep jumping/mounted grenade launcher sequence

All that all of us could say the whole time was "holy fuck" and "oh my god". This game is a thrilling, visual miracle. How in the world could anyone rate this any less than perfection or 10/10 on visuals? How? This is unmatched.

The sequence in
the Tibetan village, with the tank chasing you and mowing shit down, blasting every wall and house in sight...
Are you fucking kidding me? This shit is brilliant!!
Zeenbor said:
Holy crap... this game has the best looking ice ever.
dragonflys545 said:
Especially Sanctuary Holy fuck!!!

Dizzle24 said:
I picked this up yesterday after work, and holy fucking shit balls the game is so awesome!

I played up to chapter 5 and had to turn it off because my face started melting from the awesome. :lol

First chapter I kept saying "holy shit" "holy shit" at
the snow, the climbing up the hanging train
...then in Chapter 4, when you
drop down into the ruins and Nate uses the blue torch
, I said "holy shit" out loud again.

If this was the last game I would ever play before I died, I would be a happy man. :D
Wrath2X said:
Well I just beat the game, and holy shit this is my game of the year. The thing is I was neither interested or even excited for it. didn't check any videos and just peaked at a couple of screens. What an awesome surprise this turned out to be.
george_us said:
My shipment arrived about an hour ago and I'm at the part after the flashback that sets everything up. Holy christ the graphics are amazing.
-PXG- said:
HOLY SHIT! THIS is the opening scene! O____O

That is one helluva way to start a game.
nskinnear said:
Holy crap, this game is addictive.
Costanza said:
played the first 2 chapters

holy fuck
george_us said:
Just got to Chapter 5 and in the words of Nathan Drake...holy crap!
GeeDuhb said:
OMG...OMG..OM MOTHER FUCKING G...I just finished chapter 1, and I am in love. BELIEVE THE HYPE, PEOPLE! This is the fucking GOTY.

And holy hell does the game start off with a bang...
zeloe326 said:
Holy shiznik this game is gorgeous.

Warning location spoiler...

JudgeN said:
OST is amazing so far, holy shit.
Violater said:
Holy shit act 1 still on act 2 holy shit
TenshiOni said:

These chapters taking place on the moving train are SO DAMN GOOD OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

lawblob said:
Holy eff at this game's visuals. Wow.

If this doesn't sell a bajillion copies, Sony needs to strangle their marketing people.
bounchfx said:
I can't stop saying wow. holy shit. wow.
Somnia said:
Holy shit what a way to open a fucking game.
Foxix said:
Fucking wow.

This game is just... holy shit.
drakesfortune said:
Let me add to the chorus of HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This game is so amazing. The story is incredible, the gameplay, including the stealth, is awesome, and the graphics...my eyes...they WEEP with pure joy. This game is sex with the eyes.
gibration said:
my turn....HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! lol but I cant stop saying that every time I play this game.
andymcc said:
with the amount of "what the fuck" or "holy shit" moments it has, and trust me i find myself yelling them pretty frequently during the game, it's making almost every other action game i've played this gen feel meager by comparison.
gketter said:
Just got to Act 4. Holy shit what a game.
Guy LeDouche said:
holy shit (chapter 20 spoiler)

where you're jumping from truck to truck

egads this game is good.
Septimus said:
Holy fuckkkk. This game is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. And I'm only on Chapter 8. :D

This is about 25% of the posts only till yesterday, havent put in the 40+ posts from today, so you can guess how ridiculously high the general "Holy Shit"-ness of this game is.

And my favorite, BruceLeeRoy: :lol :lol :lol

BruceLeeRoy said:
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I mean holy shit I am only 15 min in how are they doing this!? The fucking snow!!! This game is going to give me a damn heart attack I can't even focus my damn eyes everything is so fucking crazy looking.


I think that Uncharted 2 may be ND's Magnum Opus. Uncharted 3 will be worse. I hope they move on from the game, so as not to defame Drake.

lol, who am I kidding. Give us Uncharted 3!


I Feel the general consensus is that HARD is the way to play the game. My last bout with hard in Arkham Asylum & Killzone2 kinda retired me from playing the difficulty as a 26 year old adult.

Im at chapter 22, but I'm getting the urge to restart on Hard. Is "HARD" like it was with UC1, meaning... I *think* more clever A.I/Less health to die?

I do agree with the observation that the A.I seems less in your face/agressive than UC1. I would have expected to be flanked a bit more
. But at the same time im trying to factor in that I've been playing the Beta with the games mechanics, and I whoop all kinds of ass lvl34, and really just flow through the gameplay. Its easy to soften up people with from-the-hip fire then melee, so I haven't found myself really hiding from the enemy enough for them to flank me.

I've been having so much fun, and I really dont want the experience to end. My gf missed 20 chapters as well, so its another excuse to restart on Hard. I don't want to say its easy, but im only really challenged at the points where you're overwhelmed by the number of enemies, and not so much the simple shootout/combat.

I wonder how much of it is just my skill level with the game, and worried normal is a bit too easy.

If you played on hard, did it roughly take you 7-8 hours to get to like chapter 19?


alr1ghtstart said:

Just finished up. The only negatives I would give it are (SP):

-Ammo pickup should be automatic, and leave weapon pickup as is. Many times you try to pick up ammo or a gun/grenade and you end up shuffling around on the ground for a few seconds trying to get the prompt for what you really want to pick up. I hated it in the first and in the U2 beta, but it's a minor complaint.
-Figuring out what ledges are climbable or not often results in a lot of trial/error.
-Big long section of climbing/platforming in the middle of the game that I thought went on too long.

-Everything else
-Graphics are OMG
-Good Pace/length
-Writing/Characters and dialogue
-Stealth inclusion

Basically, this is Indy 4, not that travesty the crystal skull.

The Indy comment is exactly how i felt. Totally made up for Indy 4. :D


Picking it up tomorrow. My body is frightened but i am not.

stupide question: is it hard to get back to uncharted 1 afterwards? I still have a couple trophies left :lol


How hard is this game on hard, compared to U1 and Killzone2? I jumped straigth to hard on those, and wondering if I should do the same here. Couse I really don't have time to play the games more than once, and I wan't the games to last as long as they can. But without getting to frustrated (That last guy on Killzone2 was a bit to much... )

Edit: Or I could just look a bit up to find the same question asked...


Finally able to get into this gem of a game up to lvl 5. I am a sucker for Sci-Fi, campy B-Horror and most of all Saturday Morning Serials (Indiana Jones, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Sky Captain, Rocketeer...all good examples of the genre in modern time).

Biggest wow moment of this game thus far for me was:

The blue resin on fire lighting effect. When you go into the ruins in Borneo and it lights up everything...so surreal, but so effective..

I hope this game revives Saturday Morning Serial styled movies.
Y2Kev said:
Regardless of the quality of Uncharted's writing, man, people really romanticize movie writing.

This! Most of the mainstream movies of today have terrible writing. I mean U1 was already way better written than Indy 4.

Henning is very capable.
On the rooftops, hanging from a balcony

Harry: There's a guy above you.
Nate stealth pulls enemy over the balcony
Harry: There's a guy below you.

The banter between characters is fantastic.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
commedieu said:
I Feel the general consensus is that HARD is the way to play the game. My last bout with hard in Arkham Asylum & Killzone2 kinda retired me from playing the difficulty as a 26 year old adult.

Im at chapter 22, but I'm getting the urge to restart on Hard. Is "HARD" like it was with UC1, meaning... I *think* more clever A.I/Less health to die?

I do agree with the observation that the A.I seems less in your face/agressive than UC1. I would have expected to be flanked a bit more
. But at the same time im trying to factor in that I've been playing the Beta with the games mechanics, and I whoop all kinds of ass lvl34, and really just flow through the gameplay. Its easy to soften up people with from-the-hip fire then melee, so I haven't found myself really hiding from the enemy enough for them to flank me.

I've been having so much fun, and I really dont want the experience to end. My gf missed 20 chapters as well, so its another excuse to restart on Hard. I don't want to say its easy, but im only really challenged at the points where you're overwhelmed by the number of enemies, and not so much the simple shootout/combat.

I wonder how much of it is just my skill level with the game, and worried normal is a bit too easy.

If you played on hard, did it roughly take you 7-8 hours to get to like chapter 19?

I started the game on HARD

i mean c'mon,im familiar with the mechanics, both from Drake's Fortune and the Multiplayer beta/Demo

If you played on hard, did it roughly take you 7-8 hours to get to like chapter 19?

basically thats how it when for me, i played non-stop yesterday for about that many hours and i got to....i think Chapter 20.


Zeliard said:
The snow was nice but I was vaguely disappointed when I did a forward roll and none of the snow stuck to Drake's shirt. :p

I've noticed snow on clothes when you roll.

Snow sticks to you when you walk in the deep snow on your shoes then wears off..

and if you roll in water on the snow levels, the water freezes on you and creates snow. That also wears off.

YOU LIE! :lol jk


~Devil Trigger~ said:
I started the game on HARD

i mean c'mon,im familiar with the mechanics, both from Drake's Fortune and the Multiplayer beta/Demo

basically thats how it when for me, i played non-stop yesterday for about that many hours and i got to....i think Chapter 20.

Yeah... i was just thinking about the monotonous not enough-health-too many guys element. But Uncharted really isn't like that. U just have to play smarter...

im restartin it :)
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