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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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shenglongdong said:
On the rooftops, hanging from a balcony

Harry: There's a guy above you.
Nate stealth pulls enemy over the balcony
Harry: There's a guy below you.

The banter between characters is fantastic.

That line was hilarious--one of the first to make me audibly laugh from any recent game. Also, the "dance with the one who brought you" line was so well delivered.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
polyh3dron said:
heh, so much for that.

Sony Marketing Fail yet again. I've seen ads all over the fucking place for Brütal Legend. The casuals I talk to know about that game but don't know shit about U2.
I don't think this game will do that bad with sales. To be honest, I don't know anyone who knows about or is buying BL, and I know people who got UC2 or plan to.


Am around chapter 10 or whatever, shit's mindblowing as fuck. The big platforming section (you know which one) was so well-executed.
Just finished - Naughty GOD indeed....

Wow... just wow. Everything was perfect in this Game....

and the ending... wow. When you run away over the bridge and the temple is collapsing in the backround, i have NEVER seen such good graphics before


nods at old men
When Sullivan said (chapter 4 i think)
"I like her!!"
, I really started laughing. His emotion and expression was so great.


dallow_bg said:
When Sullivan said (chapter 4 i think)
"I like her!!"
, I really started laughing. His emotion and expression was so great.

Sully's voice actor kicks all kinds of ass. Guy's perfect in the role. Easily my favorite character in the series.
The whole love triangle, as much as its actual existence is completely unsubtle and pulpily predictable, is actually delivered pretty subtly, in part because Chloe and Elena have been written nicely to reflect conflicting parts of Nate's own identity. Definitely not as over the top as it could have been. The treatment of the characters is really, really well done. I'm only sorry there isn't more Sully.


Gold Member
Played for about 2 hours now, and I'm absolutely loving it! I didn't even have any issues whatsoever with the
stealth section
in the beginning of the game (which some reviewers have complained about.

It's absolutely gorgeous, as well. However, what's up with this?


This is taken when "zooming" with D-pad Up. The black bars that are supposed to give the game a cinematic feel don't go all the way to the right and lower edges. They seem to have forgotten about those of us who are using 1:1 pixelmapping (meaning no overscan) on a 1080p TV.

Also, when playing normally there's sometimes strange things going on in this area right at the right and lower edges of the screen. Small bright dots can shot up there with no apparant reason, etc. And no, this is not a problem with my PS3 or my TV, it's the game.

There's also a weird square that sometimes shows up in that corner. It's sometimes white, sometimes purple, and it changes size depending on what's on the screen. When the game is paused, it's very visible:


(Bad pictures, I know, but that's not the point here.)

If I turn off "Full pixel" on my TV (thus allowing overscan and not using the entire resolution) these issues don't show up (since they're in the overscan area, which then can't be seen on the screen). But I obviously want as many pixels as possible, so I'll just have to live with it, I guess.

I guess this is just nitpicking, but these things can actually be a bit distracting, and I'm a little disappointed that the tech gods ND didn't catch this. Or do they simply expect everyone to use TVs with overscan?


badcrumble said:
The whole love triangle, as much as its actual existence is completely unsubtle and pulpily predictable, is actually delivered pretty subtly, in part because Chloe and Elena have been written nicely to reflect conflicting parts of Nate's own identity. Definitely not as over the top as it could have been. The treatment of the characters is really, really well done. I'm only sorry there isn't more Sully.

I think when people write stuff like this... Uncharted has not only delivered but raised the bar for story telling in the VIDEOGAME medium.

Thats a type of discussion you really cant have about 99% of games out there.


Gold Member
Full Recovery said:
I get the same thing ^

(playing on pc monitor with 1:1 pixel mapping.)

Yeah, everyone who's playing the game pixel mapped should be seeing these issues. Like I said, it's a bit disappointing coming from ND.


Played to the chapter 7 on single player. Great game.

Tried to play some multiplayer and I got to a game but after loading map it went straight to the final report and I was booted back to menu. I had this same with the beta. Is it my connection or what? The NAT type is 2 on PS3.


RoadHazard said:
...This is taken when "zooming" with D-pad Up. The black bars that are supposed to give the game a cinematic feel don't go all the way to the right and lower edges. They seem to have forgotten about those of us who are using 1:1 pixelmapping (meaning no overscan) on a 1080p TV.

Also, when playing normally there's sometimes strange things going on in this area right at the right and lower edges of the screen. Small bright dots can shot up there with no apparant reason, etc. And no, this is not a problem with my PS3 or my TV, it's the game.

There's also a weird square that sometimes shows up in that corner. It's sometimes white, sometimes purple, and it changes size depending on what's on the screen...

I'm playing in 1:1 / full pixel on a 1080p screen and I don't have this problem. Do you "force" 1080p ?? That might be the problem... (I play @ 720p)


Oneself said:
I'm playing in 1:1 / full pixel on a 1080p screen and I don't have this problem. Do you "force" 1080p ?? That might be the problem... (I play @ 720p)

Same here. Fully pixel on a 1080p screen and no problems.
Oneself said:
I'm playing in 1:1 / full pixel on a 1080p screen and I don't have this problem. Do you "force" 1080p ?? That might be the problem... (I play @ 720p)
I'm playing in 720p on a 1080p screen, 1:1, and experiencing the same issue as well. Would like to get some info from naughty dog on this.
I'm getting the same underscan issues. Hopefully Naughty Gods will patch it at some point, but so far it's literally the only problem I've had with the game. I played all the way to the beginning of Chapter 17 and I'm spent for the night, I think I'll finish it tomorrow. Uncharted 2 is, without doubt, the best game I've ever played.


Gold Member
Oneself said:
I'm playing in 1:1 / full pixel on a 1080p screen and I don't have this problem. Do you "force" 1080p ?? That might be the problem... (I play @ 720p)

Nope, not forcing 1080p. It's running @ 720p, and upscaled to 1080p by my TV. Are you 100% positive your TV is actually set to 1:1 pixel mapping? Most LCDs are not by default, you have to manually activate it.

EDIT: Seems more people are getting it than those who don't. I don't believe this could be a problem with specific copies of the game (that would be crazy), or specific PS3s (no other games I own do this).
I just finished Chapter 5( Yea..I'm taking my sweet time) and I almost don't want to continue playing because I don't want it to end. How weird is that? I felt the same way with Bioshock.
Oneself said:
I'm playing in 1:1 / full pixel on a 1080p screen and I don't have this problem. Do you "force" 1080p ?? That might be the problem... (I play @ 720p)

Same here. I have all resolutions checked including 1080p w/ Just Scan (full pixel) enabled and the game automatically selects 720p as the resolution. I am not seeing any of the issues posted above in the pics.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Zeliard said:
Sully's voice actor kicks all kinds of ass. Guy's perfect in the role. Easily my favorite character in the series.
Wait till Flynn
Imitates him

I loled


Gold Member
shenglongdong said:
Same here. I have all resolutions checked including 1080p w/ Just Scan (full pixel) enabled and the game automatically selects 720p as the resolution. I am not seeing any of the issues posted above in the pics.

Really weird. Why would some of us get this, while others don't? Makes no sense to me (if those of you who don't get it are actually playing it 1:1 pixel mapped).


It's GOTY for me, I actually like how they made ledges and parts where you need to climb not so easy to notice, on UC1 they stuck out like a sore thumb, on UC2 you actually have to look around and think what would be the best possible route.


RoadHazard said:
Nope, not forcing 1080p. It's running @ 720p, and upscaled to 1080p by my TV. Are you 100% positive your TV is actually set to 1:1 pixel mapping? Most LCDs are not by default, you have to manually activate it.

No worry here, you can be 250% sure, I know about TVs =P .. never saw that purple dot (but I see a freaking dead pixel near the center of my screen from miles away) ...

I don't know about the "up on the dpad problem" though, I'll take a look in about an hour and confirm everything with you.


My PS3 has the latest update
It's a launch 60GB unit
HDMI for video
Optical for sound
I am at chapter 7. Don´t wanna read this thread right now. Just wanted to say to Arne or any other Naughty God reading this. YOU FUCKING ROCK!!!
GOTY! No doubt about it.
Gonna try some Survival now I think with a friend. I was hyped beyond anything non-Suikoden I have ever hyped for before this but I was still suprised how much I liked it. And coming from me, being compared to Suikoden is a honor.
RoadHazard said:
Really weird. Why would some of us get this, while others don't? Makes no sense to me (if those of you who don't get it are actually playing it 1:1 pixel mapped).
I have it aswell. PAL problem? Have both the dot and the weird black bar.


For everyone else who's finished it, what's the section you died most on?

First encounter with the crossbow-armed guardians
, right?
Valkyr Junkie said:
Edge's 9 brought the Metacritic down to 96 *tear*

Lot of reviews have come in, and with most sites going for either pure 10 or 9, the 9's being 90's pretty much always push reviews downward.

Still amazing that with over 60 reviews, not anything lower than a 90% yet.
chubigans said:
First hour is slow. After that it is a fantastic experience.
Me and Chubs rarely disagree but I got to say man I thought the opening is as of right now the best opening sequence I have ever played.


y'all should be ashamed
Dabookerman said:
How long is the game, say on Normal.. same length as the first one?
Dunno, still working my way through it, but most say 10 hours. Multiplayer is fantastic.

I will say that I only marginally liked the first Uncharted (was kind of a chore to finish the game all the way through) and I really, really like this one better.


Gold Member
Tenkai Star said:
I have it aswell. PAL problem? Have both the dot and the weird black bar.

PAL/NTSC doesn't have any significance at all when talking about HD resolutions, but I guess they could have done something else to the EU version to cause this. If so, and this doesn't happen with the US version, I expect a fix. There's no reason why one version should have this issue while another doesn't, when they run at exactly the same resolution (and the same picture signal).


RoadHazard said:
PAL/NTSC doesn't have any significance at all when talking about HD resolutions, but I guess they could have done something else to the EU version to cause this. If so, and this doesn't happen with the US version, I expect a fix really soon.

I hope the fix will simply be to remove those stupid black bars :p


RoadHazard said:
PAL/NTSC doesn't have any significance at all when talking about HD resolutions, but I guess they could have done something else to the EU version to cause this. If so, and this doesn't happen with the US version, I expect a fix. There's no reason why one version should have this issue while another doesn't, when they run at exactly the same resolution (and the same picture signal).

Canadian here, mine is NTSC...


Dabookerman said:
Excellent. Great stuff. Cool. Awesome. Narly. Rad. Stupendous. Super Duper.

I have been gaming since 1979 and this game is the epitome of the Action/Adventure genre (for me at least). The bar is now so high that I assume Nintendo will be the only game developer that can challenge Naughty Dog with Zelda on WiiHD. Just my pov. :D
Dabookerman said:
Excellent. Great stuff. Cool. Awesome. Narly. Rad. Stupendous. Super Duper.

Stop selling the game short. You dont know what you are in for.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Me and Chubs rarely disagree but I got to say man I thought the opening is as of right now the best opening sequence I have ever played.

This man! This man right here! He says the truth.
Zeliard said:
The snow was nice but I was vaguely disappointed when I did a forward roll and none of the snow stuck to Drake's shirt. :p
Except, it DOES! Have you tried getting yourself wet in the ice cave while covered in snow?
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