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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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msdstc said:
GTAIV? Really?

In terms of metacritic score.

No one really thinks GTA4 is the game that defines this generation.

I typed that a little too fast. Not to say Uncharted 2 defines this generation, but...well, you get it. Sort of.


I just got done playing two rounds of deathmatch. It was fun, but I definitely suck at the moment. I also kept trying to play it like Gears, and it is certainly not Gears!

Anyway, I can't wait for the full game. ND may just be my favorite developers.
msdstc said:
GTAIV? Really?

I enjoyed it immensely, despite its flaws and shortcomings. But in this case I was simply referring to its Metacritic score. In terms of Game of the Generation, no game will succeed Super Mario Galaxy, regardless of Metacritic score.
prophecy0 said:
I just got done playing two rounds of deathmatch. It was fun, but I definitely suck at the moment. I also kept trying to play it like Gears, and it is certainly not Gears!

Anyway, I can't wait for the full game. ND may just be my favorite developers.
Gears is slow as crap compared to Uncharted. No big walking tanks that can't even jump down a ledge in this game. 8P


Incredibly Naive
DrPirate said:
In terms of metacritic score.

No one really thinks GTA4 is the game that defines this generation.

I typed that a little too fast. Not to say Uncharted 2 defines this generation, but...well, you get it. Sort of.

I see what you're saying. Yeah I haven't got a ton of time put into GTAIV, just played it here and there, but I hear keeping up with it is a chore.


I went to scratch my nose at the start of an elimination around and accidently blew up a team mate with a grenade :(
Some screenshots I took from the multiplayer demo (unmodified):





I made the mistake of watching the G4 review. I wish I would have waited to play the game before seeing some of those environments. I'd rather have seen them in HD on my 62" television instead of in a 3" flash player. :/

The best single player game Adam Sessler has ever played sounds good though.


Incredibly Naive
The visuals are unbelievable. Can't wait to grab this and a brand new controller when it comes out:D. Then some R+C not long after.
After playing the first game's demo, it didn't grab me, so I never bought the game. But the incredible review scores have me interested in the sequel. I wonder if I should pick up the first game and play through that first, or go straight to "the better one"?


Crystal Bearer
SkinnyPupp said:
After playing the first game's demo, it didn't grab me, so I never bought the game. But the incredible review scores have me interested in the sequel. I wonder if I should pick up the first game and play through that first, or go straight to "the better one"?

Play the first one. It's only $30 now.
SkinnyPupp said:
After playing the first game's demo, it didn't grab me, so I never bought the game. But the incredible review scores have me interested in the sequel. I wonder if I should pick up the first game and play through that first, or go straight to "the better one"?

Pick the first, its about 20-25 brand new. Play it for story at least. Then you can jump onto Uncharted 2 without any plot holes.
SkinnyPupp said:
After playing the first game's demo, it didn't grab me, so I never bought the game. But the incredible review scores have me interested in the sequel. I wonder if I should pick up the first game and play through that first, or go straight to "the better one"?

The full game was much better than the demo. You should be able to pick it up relatively cheaply or just rent it. I think you'll appreciate the characters much more if you do.
It's a lot of fun farming all of the noobs who just got the demo :lol

It still doesn't change the fact that I suck though :(. Although, it shows me just how far I've come in terms of getting better since the game came out. Hell, when I first got the Desert Eagle I just ran at people blasting it. Now I know that it kills in pretty much one hit so I basically just take my time and sight em up. :D


Alex said:
Can you do co-op/gold rush with 2 instead of 3?

Not sure if you can actively choose to, but you end up with just two players when match-making fails to find a third in a reasonable amount of time.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
AltogetherAndrews said:
That militant fan shit is precisely what causes the most fucking backlash. I realize that those in the center of it at all are probably blind to it, but the fanboy and trollspotting guard surrounding the first game soured a lot of people on the Uncharted brand as a whole.
Eh, one can argue (with actual sales numbers as a proof) that such persistent fan following is what pulled the first game outside of the obscurity, and helped it get some deserved spotlight - something its marketing back then didn't do a very good job of. So, if it pissed a few bitter forum goers off, big freaking deal I say.


DrPirate said:
In terms of metacritic score.

No one really thinks GTA4 is the game that defines this generation.

I typed that a little too fast. Not to say Uncharted 2 defines this generation, but...well, you get it. Sort of.

I actually do think GTA4 is the game that defines this generation... so far. IMO, it's the closest realization to a 'living, breathing world' in a video game as of yet. Further, it's chock full of polish that even most other AAA games can only dream of -- no game does random dialogue from NPC's like GTA4 does. It's also [easily] the best satire on modern life in America in the history of gaming.

IMO, everything about it: the Euphoria physics, combat (esp. hand-to-hand), driving physics, story, graphics, sound, animation, weather effects, scope & scale, and freedom of gameplay choices are all superbly done. Not perfect, of course, but no game that ever tries to do as much as GTA4 does in a world that large will ever be able to do all things perfectly.

The way they handle police chases enables skillful drivers to evade the cops -- even all the way up to 5 stars (though you have to be lucky and a very good driver to do this), and it's all the more satisfying when you spend 6 minutes running from the cops, causing destruction out of necessity (in fleeing, you need well-timed grenade drops out of the window of the car to take care of cops that are in pursuit), changing vehicles, and swerving in and out of traffic... but it's oh so satisfying when you pull off a great escape, or even when your failure results in an epic death.

Anyway, that's my 3 paragraph defense of the completely uncalled for beating that GTA4 gets any time it's mentioned... which, IMO, is purely the result of the pre-launch hype and all of the 10's it received in the media. Objectively, I think any experienced gamer, if they can put aside their personal gripes with the game, could agree that it's a great achievement for video games and pushed the standards for its genre forward.

IMO, the best game of the generation is a dead heat between GTA:IV & MGS4. I'm greatly looking forward to playing Uncharted 2 though, as the videos and early reviews make it seem like it has all the components necessary to join this elite group.

BTW, I think further comparisons between UC2 and GTA:IV are completely unwarranted -- UC2 is a focused and refined action/adventure title to the point that a game with the breadth of GTA could never hope to achieve. I think most gamers can and will appreciate both.
Lord Error said:
Eh, one can argue (with actual sales numbers as a proof) that such persistent fan following is what pulled the first game outside of the obscurity, and helped it get some deserved spotlight - something its marketing back then didn't do a very good job of. So, if it pissed a few bitter forum goers off, big freaking deal I say.

For good or bad I think in the grand scheme of things the haters / lovers of any game on a message board do very little to influence the success of a game. I think Andrews is giving us more power than we really have. A lot of my friends that have a game console and purchase games do so completely oblivious to the furvor that boils over on the internet.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Kittonwy said:
Doesn't happen to every game though, especially when people who like Uncharted 2 are militant.

Haha here here!

Also, the gunplay in Uncharted was excellent. I never understood the complaints, they seemed to come from a lot of people who didn't play long enough to get the feel down. I love the Gears games, and Uncharted, and they feel almost identical to me in terms of the gunplay, outside of the active reload thing in Gears (which is a nice touch).

AltogetherAndrews said:
That militant fan shit is precisely what causes the most fucking backlash. I realize that those in the center of it at all are probably blind to it, but the fanboy and trollspotting guard surrounding the first game soured a lot of people on the Uncharted brand as a whole.

If that's true, that's really sad. I can't say that rabid fanboys of game x, y, or z have ever deterred me from playing a good game. People are looking for reasons not to like x console, and x game if they can be swayed to dislike a game because a bunch of people really like it and advocate it. I mean, Uncharted is STILL one of the best PS3 games, and for a long time it was THE PS3 game to own IMO. So when people asked, what game should I buy, the answer was always Uncharted. It's STILL Uncharted. It's a great game, with great graphics, that shows what the PS3 is made of. It's one of the most balanced games in every aspect thinkable that you can buy this gen. When you play that game on crushing, you use every single ability at your disposal, and you feel like a bad ass doing it. It wasn't until I beat the game on crushing that I understood how finely tuned everything in the game is.


God, I've been avoiding anything Uncharted related to avoid dying of the hype but the mp beta is even better than the first iteration way back in may. I don't even like mp modes but arena is so fucking intense. And is there even an easy way to take down the heavy machine gun guys?
Edgeward said:
God, I've been avoiding anything Uncharted related to avoid dying of the hype but the mp beta is even better than the first iteration way back in may. I don't even like mp modes but arena is so fucking intense. And is there even an easy way to take down the heavy machine gun guys?



AltogetherAndrews said:
That militant fan shit is precisely what causes the most fucking backlash. I realize that those in the center of it at all are probably blind to it, but the fanboy and trollspotting guard surrounding the first game soured a lot of people on the Uncharted brand as a whole.
Easy solution, stay out of this thread.

I haven't really seen this kind of fandom over Uncharted except for on Gaf.


Why am I all of a sudden being put in 3v3 matches? This didn't happen once before tonight and it just happened 3/4 games
Having an issue getting a guy into my party. Can't join his party either. Which is odd, because the party system has worked flawlessly for me until now. Anybody got an invite?


Shining Sunshine said:
Gears is slow as crap compared to Uncharted. No big walking tanks that can't even jump down a ledge in this game. 8P

Yes it is, I agree. When I first started playing I kept trying to hold X to run around faster (ala roadie running in gears). Then I realized I was being dumb. I need to start exploring the maps more because people were getting places I had no clue you could get to.

SkinnyPupp said:
After playing the first game's demo, it didn't grab me, so I never bought the game. But the incredible review scores have me interested in the sequel. I wonder if I should pick up the first game and play through that first, or go straight to "the better one"?

Give the first one a shot. I played through the demo 4 or 5 times and was not really impressed. When it dropped to $30 I went ahead and bought it thanks to all of the praise from GAF and other places. It was $30 well spent.

edit: Is anyone else having trouble logging in to see their stats at ND's website?


It's getting soooooooo hard avoiding playing the mp demo and looking at the vids. But I'll endure, I don't wanna have the environments spoiled until I explore them by myself in the campaign. Also browsing this thread with images deactivated, so it's a bit hard sometimes knowing who's who here, I'm so used to the avatars. :lol
Damn I'm so hyped for this. :)


Edgeward said:
And is there even an easy way to take down the heavy machine gun guys?

Grenades. Lots and lots of them. In The Plaza, you'll find plenty on the waist high wall near the shield in the center. Stay close to it and keep throwing.

In the last few rounds, you're better off going around the gatling enemies, though. Just fight them until they're all bunched up on one side of the map, then take the treasure around on the other side.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Wowbagger said:
Grenades. Lots and lots of them. In The Plaza, you'll find plenty on the waist high wall near the shield in the center. Stay close to it and keep throwing.
A couple of headshots with the Sniper Rifle will take him out much quicker than grenades.


I foresee a bunch more copies of Uncharted get sold after the late comers get a feel for the Uncharted goodness. So glad Naughty Dog is getting some critical love.


For me the only disappointing thing about the game is that it will ship with only seven multiplayer maps. The four maps in the demo led me to hope we'd see at least 10-15. Oh well - still a phenomenal game.
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