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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Ashes1396 said:
Anybody else planning something similiar?

My friends and I get together for a Tuesday game session every week and we've been Uncharting it for the last couple sessions. Last night we split our time between the original game and the new multi beta. We should be all boned up on Drake and his crazy antics come Day One. :D


prophecy0 said:
Yes it is, I agree. When I first started playing I kept trying to hold X to run around faster (ala roadie running in gears). Then I realized I was being dumb. I need to start exploring the maps more because people were getting places I had no clue you could get to.

Give the first one a shot. I played through the demo 4 or 5 times and was not really impressed. When it dropped to $30 I went ahead and bought it thanks to all of the praise from GAF and other places. It was $30 well spent.

edit: Is anyone else having trouble logging in to see their stats at ND's website?
I am, no idea why it's happening though.


so I just read the Gamespy review. Forget the score, the review text is much more condecending. The whole review reads like someone resisting to compliment it.

It basically does nothing but point out the games flaws. It's a very pesimistic way to review something. This game is so good that it's actually disappointing for not being perfect.

oh well.


When the beta first launched there were also some trouble logging in on the stat-pages. Could be problems related to having a lot of new users getting their hands on the beta.


In honour of Uncharted 2 and Naughty GOD, and until the European release, I shall once again use my exclusive vintage BruceLeeRoy Naughty Dog avatar.

My Avatar avatar will take a rest in the aforementioned period, but not without first letting Jake say what he thinks about Uncharted 2. I shall now put my lip-reading skills to good use. What's that you say, Mr. Sully? (oh, look at that, he's also called Sully, the mind boggles at the coincidence!)


Seems like "This is great!". There you have it, GAF, the first review of Uncharted 2 by a remotely mind-linked Human-Na'vi hybrid!! Someone upload it to Metascore. "This is great!" translates to 10/10.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
rhino4evr said:
so I just read the Gamespy review. Forget the score, the review text is much more condecending. The whole review reads like someone resisting to compliment it.

It basically does nothing but point out the games flaws. It's a very pesimistic way to review something. This game is so good that it's actually disappointing for not being perfect.

oh well.
oh come the fuck on, the review ends with the typical "MINOR QUIBBLES ASIDE" line, what more do you people want


rhino4evr said:
so I just read the Gamespy review. Forget the score, the review text is much more condecending. The whole review reads like someone resisting to compliment it.

It basically does nothing but point out the games flaws. It's a very pesimistic way to review something. This game is so good that it's actually disappointing for not being perfect.

oh well.

I thought the review was fine but the last line is pretty odd.

If you bought a PS3 because you wanted to play games that you couldn't play anywhere else, then your time has arrived -- go forth and buy Uncharted 2.

I don't understand the logic behind this sentence at all.


rhino4evr said:
so I just read the Gamespy review. Forget the score, the review text is much more condecending. The whole review reads like someone resisting to compliment it.

It basically does nothing but point out the games flaws. It's a very pesimistic way to review something. This game is so good that it's actually disappointing for not being perfect.

oh well.
To put this score into context, here are some of GameSpy's other recent reviews:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 4.5/5
Batman: Arkham Asylum 5/5
Need for Speed Shift 5/5
Halo 3: ODST 4/5
Dead Space Extraction 4.5/5
Scribblenauts 4.5/5


Hazelhurst said:
To put this score into context, here are some of GameSpy's other recent reviews:

Batman: Arkham Asylum 5/5
Need for Speed Shift 5/5
Halo 3: ODST 4/5
Dead Space Extraction 4.5/5
Scribblenauts 4.5/5

Gamespy is not a single entity. The game was reviewed by Anthony Galegos.


Violater said:
This greatest of all time thing needs to stop, the moderate amount of enthusiasm is slowly giving way to hyperbole which can only come back to bite you in the ass.
I already see people looking to commit suicide off the hype train when the Metascore dips .01. Just chill

Greatest game of ALL TIME or not, some of us expected it's going to be the very best game on the PS3 (at least I did), whether in terms of pure quality in every aspect or in terms of how feature-rich the game is, and so far the reviews seem to support that.

The MP beta is an indication of Naughty Dog knowing exactly how to make things fun while paying attention to every single little detail, even the beta had just about everything right, whether it's the map design and size or number of players, they even made rocket launcher-only games fun which almost NEVER happens because those games tend to be completely frustrating clusterfucks.

Naughty Dog went out and tried to achieve everything and SUCCEEDED in achieving everything, very few developers have managed to pull off so many features without dropping the ball on any one of them while still managing an epic single player campaign with both intelligent enemy AND friendly AI while incorporating cover-based shooting with platforming that feels intuitive to the player. The game doesn't need the whole Arkham Asylum's "we thought the game was going to suck but it didn't what a pleasant surprise!" approach.


Junior Member
Shit i may have to rebuy a ps3 to play this. The first was a very good game but this sounds like a game of the gen contender. Looks like i will getting a slim next year then along with this and gow3.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
let's be honest here, no one would give a shit about a 4.5/5 if it wasn't for the, oh so precious, Metacritic translating that to a 9 out of 10, and lowering it's overall score by, what, a a single point out of one hundred.

This sort of thing gets old, fast. I can't believe it's even an issue.


reKon said:
Still, that's pretty off =/

Why? The scores reflect the opinions of those who reviewed the games. Are you suggesting that a 4.5 out of 5 review is indicative of some sort of bias against the PS3 on the part of Gamespy?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
This thread fucking ROCKS.
Rez said:
I played through to that underground room in the Fortress that's flooded. I'll probably finish it tomorrow.

Great game. It's become a bit of a 'comfort game' for me, like HL2. I just go back to it randomly. I'm not sure if it's because it was my first PS3 game or something, but yeah, I'm really attached to it.

Absolutely, after a few disappointments I always go back and run through Uncharted. For this reason alone, it is my game of the generation.


KilgoreTrout said:
Use the workaround URL in the OP.
Saw that link posted in the other thread, but it didn't work for me when I tried it earlier this morning. Figured I'd give it a week or so and see if it worked itself out. Thanks for the help though.


Shurs said:
Why? The scores reflect the opinions of those who reviewed the games. Are you suggesting that a 4.5 out of 5 review is indicative of some sort of bias against the PS3 on the part of Gamespy?

At the end of the day it's not like anyone here can do anything about the scores even if some site decided to give the game a low score. I still don't understand what constitutes a 5/5 or a 10/10 and what doesn't from some sites, is it the feature set? Single player campaign? Story? Level of polish? Production values? Gameplay variety? The need to have MP? Co-op?


Alright I thought that KZ2 still had this game beat in the graphics department (Beachhead) but I don't know anymore. This game just looks ridiculous. How are the textures so good and so varied? I don't get it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Daante said:
I've seen an ad last night that was a montage of several upcoming games, and U2 and new R&C played a very prominent part in it. It was one of the Kevin Butler ads, and was again very good.

Raist said:
Holy shit @ the reviews :eek:

I wonder when the non-exclusive reviews will start to hit tho.
To think that people bitched so much about IGN review, which turned out to be pretty much slightly below average the game is getting now?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
gamerecks said:
Its like the sharp knees of games
Sharp knees originally came from Heavenly Sword right?


I really don't understand why this "You can buy a PS3 now" crap is in reviews anyway. Just review the game, not the console it's on.


Shurs said:
Why? The scores reflect the opinions of those who reviewed the games.
You really think that ? Maybe in a blog, yeah.
But in sites like Gamespy, not only the score, but even the review is tunned and dragged by the editors; and with games with big expectation/media exposure even more.
I'm not saying that they are bias, but I'm pretty damm sure that's not just "one guy opinion".


Kittonwy said:
At the end of the day it's not like anyone here can do anything about the scores even if some site decided to give the game a low score. I still don't understand what constitutes a 5/5 or a 10/10 and what doesn't from some sites, is it the feature set? Single player campaign? Story? Level of polish? Production values? Gameplay variety? The need to have MP? Co-op?

We only have the review text as a point of reference when looking at the score. While I understand what Anthony Galegos is saying in his review, I'm still trying to wrap my head around what he was trying to say with the last sentence of his review.

If you bought a PS3 because you wanted to play games that you couldn't play anywhere else, then your time has arrived -- go forth and buy Uncharted 2.
JB1981 said:
Alright I thought that KZ2 still had this game beat in the graphics department (Beachhead) but I don't know anymore. This game just looks ridiculous. How are the textures so good and so varied? I don't get it.
Somebody with a HD capture card should compare the KZ2 DLC maps with UC2. I cant believe we dont have any decent images of the former.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Lord Error said:
To think that people bitched so much about IGN review, which turned out to be pretty much slightly below average the game is getting now?
to be fair, people (well I can only speak for myself), were saying, more or less, "proceed with caution".

it could have been one of maybe two things. it turned out that, this time, it was a case of Sony wanting a recognisable brand (IGN) to the 13-30 year old male audience who are 'gamers' but mainly only play the Halo and COD games every year, with some exceptions (like, say, Batman), and IGN wanting the extra hits.

people went and got their nose-bent thinking that people were trying to piss on U2's parade, which I can only assume is a result of naivety or insecurity.


Rez said:
let's be honest here, no one would give a shit about a 4.5/5 if it wasn't for the, oh so precious, Metacritic translating that to a 9 out of 10, and lowering it's overall score by, what, a a single point out of one hundred.

This sort of thing gets old, fast. I can't believe it's even an issue.

NO. Like I said..complaining about a 4.5 is fanboy material. I'm just disppointed in the review method in general.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Fakto said:
You really think that ? Maybe in a blog, yeah.
But in sites like Gamespy, not only the score, but even the review is tunned and dragged by the editors; and with games with big expectation/media exposure even more.
I'm not saying that they are bias, but I'm pretty damm sure that's not just "one guy opinion".
it isn't a reviewers obligation (and this is a gray area, mind you) to look at previously released games and mark the game in relation to them; rather, it is their job to look at the scale as written on the site, and make an assessment based on that.

In this case, it seems that Gallegos thought the game sat between:

  • 5 Stars: Outstanding! An exceptional game that we recommend without reservation. Five-star games are landmark titles that are generally in the running for Game of the Year.
  • 4 to 4.5 Stars: Great! A very memorable game recommended for most gamers. It might have some minor flaws, or it may lack originality, but it's got great gameplay and it's well worth your time.

the content of his review fits neatly in between those two scores, right?

whether not other reviewers have remained as faithful to the scale as stated on the site is a whole other can of worms, but in this case, I don't think it's fair to criticise the score.

Tom Penny

Rez said:
let's be honest here, no one would give a shit about a 4.5/5 if it wasn't for the, oh so precious, Metacritic translating that to a 9 out of 10, and lowering it's overall score by, what, a a single point out of one hundred.

This sort of thing gets old, fast. I can't believe it's even an issue.

It's because people want the true Messiah after the false prophet that was KZ2. I'm just amused NFS Shift scored higher.

5 Stars: Outstanding! An exceptional game that we recommend without reservation. Five-star games are landmark titles that are generally in the running for Game of the Year.

Yep. Shift definitely in the running for GOTY...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Tom Penny said:
Yep. Shift definitely in the running for GOTY...
whether not other reviewers have remained as faithful to the scale as stated on the site is a whole other can of worms, but in this case, I don't think it's fair to criticise the score.

Shurs said:
Gamespy is not a single entity. The game was reviewed by Anthony Galegos.

Yeah, that's why most of the review is pessimistic.

Anyway, sadly I didn't get much time with the demo last night, only played one round so far but as with the beta back in June it pulls you right in and doesn't want to let go. It's very addicting. Good job NG.


Shurs said:
We only have the review text as a point of reference when looking at the score. While I understand what Anthony Galegos is saying in his review, I'm still trying to wrap my head around what he was trying to say with the last sentence of his review.

Sorry but I'm going to have to be patronising. Stated simply, he is saying that if you bought a ps3, simply for exclusives, your time has arrived.

He appears to be implying that Uncharted 2 is a worthy exclusive.


it would be funny if Gamespy awarded U2 Game of the Year after all of this nonsense about the score not being a 5.

once again the reason why i didnt like the review was because it took this format.

Uncharted 2 i a great game...

however here are all the reasons it's not great.
- blah

despite everything that's wrong, if you own a PS3 then you should buy this, it's the best exclusive on the system...but it still has lots of problems.

He is taking the personal nitpicks and putting greater emphasis on them instead of the positive aspects..he even admits to doing it right in the review. "It's a beautiful car with scratches"...whatever dude. No game is perfect..so why judge Uncharted 2 harsher then for it?

I just don't like criticism that tries too hard to be critical.


JB1981 said:
Alright I thought that KZ2 still had this game beat in the graphics department (Beachhead) but I don't know anymore. This game just looks ridiculous. How are the textures so good and so varied? I don't get it.

The ICE team made the first-party development tools and the ICE team is part of Naughty Dog, plus Naughty Dog has amazing artists, plus the art co-lead from the last game Bruce "Teh Awesome" Straley is the game director of Uncharted 2.


Ashes1396 said:
Sorry but I'm going to have to be patronising. Stated simply, he is saying that if you bought a ps3, simply for exclusives, your time has arrived.

He appears to be implying that Uncharted 2 is a worthy exclusive.

By saying "your time has arrived" he's implying that the PS3 finally has a game you can't play anywhere else. On a system with Flower, Little Big Planet, Warhawk, Noby Noby Boy, Valkyria Chronicles, the PixelJunk games, Uncharted 1, etc, it seems like he's selling the system short.


Shurs said:
By saying "your time has arrived" he's implying that the PS3 finally has a game you can't play anywhere else. On a system with Flower, Little Big Planet, Warhawk, Noby Noby Boy, Valkyria Chronicles, the PixelJunk games, Uncharted 1, etc, it seems like he's selling the system short.


but who cares. Game is going to be awesome sauce.

ps - you forgot MGS4
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