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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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TheExecutive said:
MW2 and AC2 will sell much more than UC2. Brutal Legend and the rest of the bunch will be niche.

I don't think AC2 will outsell Uncharted 2, at least on PS3. Obviously multiplatform numbers will be higher.


NeoUltima said:
The fuck...Why did they take you guys away? G4/X-Play have consistently had awesome reviews.

as I understand it (and keep in mind I wasn't around for the decision/details), it was G4's decision, related to score conversion.

personally, I've got no problems with it.


recklessmind said:
I always said Uncharted multiplayer would be something in the spirit of the original Socom...

Pretty bad Zipper (Yeah I know) got handed their jocks by a non-military game dev.

MAG is pretty sweet, it's just not Socom

I haven't played SOCOM since the original, but I really don't get a similar vibe from Uncharted.


skip said:
as I understand it (and keep in mind I wasn't around for the decision/details), it was G4's decision, related to score conversion.

personally, I've got no problems with it.
Yep, 5/5 is NOT the same as 10/10. Why can nobody else understand!?


deepbrown said:
Gamerankings exsts...Game Stats too.

Gamerankings.com is a mere shell of what it used to be. That site was positively ruined by the GameFAQs-ifcation. It's sad too, it used to be the best of these types of sites I felt.


LaneDS said:
I haven't played SOCOM since the original, but I really don't get a similar vibe from Uncharted.

Yeah. Uncharted is more arcade without going to heavy in the UT direction. It's like...the best of two worlds. :p


gamerecks said:
Im happy to see the Host Migration is included. Helps stay in a game.

It's nice and certainly welcome, but it's too bad it resets both teams and weapon spawns. Definitely have had some amazing moments stolen from me by host migration. Still, it's a lot better than the game ending.


skip said:
as I understand it (and keep in mind I wasn't around for the decision/details), it was G4's decision, related to score conversion.

personally, I've got no problems with it.
Ah I see. If it was G4s decision, probably for the better, due to MCs dumb publication weighting.


Thrakier said:
Yeah. Uncharted is more arcade without going to heavy in the UT direction. It's like...the best of two worlds. :p

Agreed. It's really the range of movement that makes Uncharted 2's multiplayer so fresh and fun for me. Sure there are other 3rd person shooters out there with cover mechanics, but leaping out of buildings, grabbing onto a ledge, and pulling your opponent over said ledge to his or her doom is such a welcome addition to the genre.

Also hearing your character say "See ya, bye-bye" with a cigar in their mouth after a well-tossed grenade is officially the best thing ever.
LaneDS said:
Also hearing your character say "See ya, bye-bye" with a cigar in their mouth after a well-tossed grenade is officially the best thing ever.

D'you want me to quote your avatar? :p

Yeah, the whole multiplayer aspect just rocks too hard. I love it. I'm still getting used to it (and frankly I'm doing a bad job at it), so I hope I can be able to finally climb to higher ground without getting my behind capped in the process :D

Question: I'm used to firing in controlled bursts (for the assault rifles), but it seems I'm doing it too slow or it doesn't really make a difference (re: accuracy), since I always get killed first by people going full auto. Do you guys go full auto with the assault rifles, or do you try controlled bursts? Does it make a difference? (maybe I just suck badly, so that's another option :p)


Full Auto up close, taps from afar when they don't see me that is.

Once you get the booster to help with Long gun accuracy it'll become easier.
polyh3dron said:
so does Arkham Asylum.
IronFistedChampion said:
How bad are the spoilers in the G4 video review?

Note: I already watched the IGN video review.

There are definitely spoilers in the video... You can guess a little bit about what happens during the game, especially with the characters (who is friend, who is foe, who might backstab, that kind of thing.) I am sure there will be many twists and turns in the story, so in the grand scheme of things it probably doesnt matter as much, but its still there. Oh, and they also show a lot of the environments.

If you REALLY dont want any spoilers, I would suggest putting it on and just listening to the audio. Sessler does a good job of explaining his views of the game, and would probably get you hyped as well. :D


FunkyPajamas said:
D'you want me to quote your avatar? :p

Yeah, the whole multiplayer aspect just rocks too hard. I love it. I'm still getting used to it (and frankly I'm doing a bad job at it), so I hope I can be able to finally climb to higher ground without getting my behind capped in the process :D

Question: I'm used to firing in controlled bursts (for the assault rifles), but it seems I'm doing it too slow or it doesn't really make a difference (re: accuracy), since I always get killed first by people going full auto. Do you guys go full auto with the assault rifles, or do you try controlled bursts? Does it make a difference? (maybe I just suck badly, so that's another option :p)

Haha, yes Mr. Sullivan is my goto guy for multiplayer and thus a fitting avatar while I ride the UC2 excitement.

Even when I do terribly at multiplayer, I'm having fun. The game seems pretty friendly to new players (granted, we're all varying degrees of new players presently) and I don't ever see that changing too much down the line.

Are you using the Down the Irons booster? That seems to help considerably for the rifles. If you're actually aiming, use short controlled bursts, especially with the AK which loses accuracy very quickly if you hold the trigger. The M4 is much, much better but even then you'll do well by using burst fire.

That said, you can get pretty good results with a combination of running, decent blind fire aim, and a punch to the face. Follow it up with some sort of insult ("kitty got wet" is a popular one I hear) and you're golden.


I'd be in the dick
IronFistedChampion said:
How bad are the spoilers in the G4 video review?

Note: I already watched the IGN video review.
There is a G4 text review right under the video if you are worried about it. The text review is excellent.


FunkyPajamas said:
Question: I'm used to firing in controlled bursts (for the assault rifles), but it seems I'm doing it too slow or it doesn't really make a difference (re: accuracy), since I always get killed first by people going full auto. Do you guys go full auto with the assault rifles, or do you try controlled bursts? Does it make a difference? (maybe I just suck badly, so that's another option :p)

The AK-47 is full auto up close from midsection to head, the recoil will usually fuck it up though, so adjust accordingly. From mid-range to long-range use controlled bursts.

FAL is 3-shot bursts always, so only use for mid and long-range.

M4 is just awesome, go full auto.

But to really piss them off, grab the shotgun run up close and personal and just press R1, oneshot kills.


iamcool388 said:
There are definitely spoilers in the video... You can guess a little bit about what happens during the game, especially with the characters (who is friend, who is foe, who might backstab, that kind of thing.) I am sure there will be many twists and turns in the story, so in the grand scheme of things it probably doesnt matter as much, but its still there. Oh, and they also show a lot of the environments.

If you REALLY dont want any spoilers, I would suggest putting it on and just listening to the audio. Sessler does a good job of explaining his views of the game, and would probably get you hyped as well. :D

The audio only thing is good advice (it is pretty spoilery and as such I won't re-watch it till after the game is finished). That review, as I said many pages back, is maybe the only game review that almost gave me chills at the end. The Sess has some big words for it at the end.


Lyonaz said:
The AK-47 is full auto up close from midsection to head, the recoil will usually fuck it up though, so adjust accordingly. From mid-range to long-range use controlled bursts.

FAL is 3-shot bursts always, so only use for mid and long-range.

M4 is just awesome, go full auto.

But to really piss them off, grab the shotgun run up close and personal and just press R1, oneshot kills.

I can't tell if I love or hate the blindfire shotgun stuff. I've certainly abused it after being on the abused end of the stick enough times, but it really does seem too easy to just wreck people by running in and spamming R1 with minimal actual aiming.

If there's one thing in the multi I think could use a bit of a nerf, it's probably that.
I'm in love with the multiplayer. I currently suck at it but it's so much FUN that I just can't stop playing.

Naughty Dog is the best developer of the generation. There, I said it.
RefigeKru said:
Full Auto up close, taps from afar when they don't see me that is.

Once you get the booster to help with Long gun accuracy it'll become easier.
Awesome, thanks. I kept tapping no matter how close they were. I'll change my tactics tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks again!

I got the first two boosters without really knowing what I was getting (for some reason the small green letters describing the booster are really hard to read on my POS SDTV), then I realized they were for increasing accuracy when NOT aiming. To be honest, I think I've only fired once without aiming (a guy was in pursuit while I was carrying one of the idols/treasures on a treasure hunt game). The guy died, though I was so terrified that I don't really know if I killed the guy or if a teammate assisted, lol.

Is there a list of boosters anywhere? I couldn't find one in the op (maybe a link? I didn't see one, sorry).

Also, sorry to nitpick, but there's a typo in the OP. "Platnium" instead of "Platinum", when listing the trophies. Just one minor issue in an otherwise impeccable OP. :)

LaneDS said:
Are you using the Down the Irons booster? That seems to help considerably for the rifles. If you're actually aiming, use short controlled bursts, especially with the AK which loses accuracy very quickly if you hold the trigger. The M4 is much, much better but even then you'll do well by using burst fire.

Nope, I just started yesterday and didn't really play that much. I managed to unlock two boosters (Point and Shoot and Bandoleer), and I think I'll try to unlock some others today, but won't be purchasing anymore until I get to the ones that increase accuracy while aiming (probably Down the Irons, as you suggested). I'll try the different rifles today as well, is the AK47 the default one when spawning? I picked up the FAL (Although I think I was using a modified version named FAiL, ha!) and couldn't land a shot with it. I even got the impression that my character was running slower while carrying it. Maybe I'm just too old. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the M4. Thanks for the advice! :D

Lyonaz said:
The AK-47 is full auto up close from midsection to head, the recoil will usually fuck it up though, so adjust accordingly. From mid-range to long-range use controlled bursts.

FAL is 3-shot bursts always, so only use for mid and long-range.

M4 is just awesome, go full auto.

But to really piss them off, grab the shotgun run up close and personal and just press R1, oneshot kills.

Excellent, will keep that in mind. Thanks a lot you guys, I'm going to get some more practice in about 5 hrs. Hopefully I'll see some of you online. I have a headset, and while I'm not really a talkative guy, I do like to coordinate when playing.
Ars did a little... umm... preview of their review:

The mark of a truly great game is the ability to make you wonder why other games aren't better, and this is something Uncharted 2, so far, has accomplished. The mixture of story scenes, action set pieces, and exploration is blended in such a way that there hasn't been a down portion of the game, and it was incredibly hard to put the controller down and walk away.

It's hard to block out the deafening amount of noise and chatter about this game on the forums and the blogs and the gaming sites, but once you're able to sit down and experience it for yourself you'll see something amazing: a game that truly loves both its characters and the gameplay elements used to tell their story. If things are this good after the first five chapters, I can't imagine what the next 21 are going to be like.

Sounds like it'll be another good one.
LaneDS said:
The audio only thing is good advice (it is pretty spoilery and as such I won't re-watch it till after the game is finished). That review, as I said many pages back, is maybe the only game review that almost gave me chills at the end. The Sess has some big words for it at the end.

Yeah definitely. He got into some rarified territory towards the end while describing the game.

Adam Sessler said:
Amazing story, immersive gameplay, lush settings... with the time allowed I can only shower this title with so many superlatives, but you can quote me on this one: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the best single player experience I have EVER played.


FunkyPajamas said:
Awesome, thanks. I kept tapping no matter how close they were. I'll change my tactics tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks again!

I got the first two boosters without really knowing what I was getting (for some reason the small green letters describing the booster are really hard to read on my POS SDTV), then I realized they were for increasing accuracy when NOT aiming. To be honest, I think I've only fired once without aiming (a guy was in pursuit while I was carrying one of the idols/treasures on a treasure hunt game). The guy died, though I was so terrified that I don't really know if I killed the guy or if a teammate assisted, lol.

Is there a list of boosters anywhere? I couldn't find one in the op (maybe a link? I didn't see one, sorry).

Also, sorry to nitpick, but there's a typo in the OP. "Platnium" instead of "Platinum", when listing the trophies. Just one minor issue in an otherwise impeccable OP. :)

As you play more you'll probably fall into more blindfire techniques. And on certain gametypes, like sniper/pistole battles, you might prefer the blindfire boosters over the aiming boosters.

For the platinum typo, you should PM Kilgore, as he requested folks do that a few pages back if they find errors (he can't read through every post).


LeMaximilian said:
I was hoping for the same thing. My first shooters were Socom 1-3 on PS2. Looking at Uncharted 2, it seemed to ooze the same spirit of the Zipper series. Downloaded the demo last night and had a blast. This game is going to be awesome.

Deathmatch with no respawn is very similar, but with hilarious TKing.
LaneDS said:
As you play more you'll probably fall into more blindfire techniques. And on certain gametypes, like sniper/pistole battles, you might prefer the blindfire boosters over the aiming boosters.

For the platinum typo, you should PM Kilgore, as he requested folks do that a few pages back if they find errors (he can't read through every post).
Ah, great. I haven't really tried any custom gametypes, I think, just the regular deathmatch and team-based modes; I'm starting to see the depth in the game already, I wasn't considering all of those variables :D This is awesome!

I'll PM Kilgore, thanks for the heads up.


Uncharted 2 sounds like the definitive game of this generation.

I'm shocked at the reception it's received. Naughty Dogs = best developers in the industry confirmed.
FunkyPajamas said:
D'you want me to quote your avatar? :p

Yeah, the whole multiplayer aspect just rocks too hard. I love it. I'm still getting used to it (and frankly I'm doing a bad job at it), so I hope I can be able to finally climb to higher ground without getting my behind capped in the process :D

Question: I'm used to firing in controlled bursts (for the assault rifles), but it seems I'm doing it too slow or it doesn't really make a difference (re: accuracy), since I always get killed first by people going full auto. Do you guys go full auto with the assault rifles, or do you try controlled bursts? Does it make a difference? (maybe I just suck badly, so that's another option :p)
Dont fire in controlled bursts but instead learn to compensate for the recoil. You cannot get enough bullets on the enemy to kill them in control bursts, or at least it will take you much longer. The key for me was learning to compensate for the recoil.


My whole team just got Meleed to death by an INVISIBLE guy that was under the map or something............. :/

the demos been out for like a day and there are people doing this kinda shit. wow
Cant0na said:
My whole team just got Meleed to death by an INVISIBLE guy that was under the map or something............. :/

the demos been out for like a day and there are people doing this kinda shit. wow

I am guessing this was a weird glitch.


Neo Member
-viper- said:
Uncharted 2 sounds like the definitive game of this generation.

I'm shocked at the reception it's received. Naughty Dogs = best developers in the industry confirmed.

Hands down. I mean, the multiplayer demo says a lot about who they are as devs. They could have just stayed the course and done another purely singleplayer game, but they insted gave us a really great multiplayer game in addition to what should be a great SP campaign. What seperates the MP of this is how full the maps seem, it's not just running across a flat battlefield, there's almost infinite places to drop down into, climb, hide, etc. Really changes the game every time you play it.


Cant0na said:
My whole team just got Meleed to death by an INVISIBLE guy that was under the map or something............. :/

the demos been out for like a day and there are people doing this kinda shit. wow

Did it happen after the host dropped the game and everyone spawned back at the beginning? If so, just go check their spawn. Happened to me once and I don't think the guy actually knew that we couldn't see him. I went to his spawn, killed the body that was standing still and when he respawned it was back to normal.

Weird, I know.


Cant0na said:
My whole team just got Meleed to death by an INVISIBLE guy that was under the map or something............. :/

the demos been out for like a day and there are people doing this kinda shit. wow

Been playing every day for two weeks and haven't encountered anything like that. Not saying it didn't happen, but in many, many hours of playtime I have not run into anyone exploiting.


RefigeKru said:
Did it happen after the host dropped the game and everyone spawned back at the beginning? If so, just go check their spawn. Happened to me once and I don't think the guy actually knew that we couldn't see him. I went to his spawn, killed the body that was standing still and when he respawned it was back to normal.

Weird, I know.

no he was doing it from the start.

He knew what he was doing since he was standing where you score the treasure and killed us the second anyone got into the room

im checking the clip to see how he did it, hold on


bish gets all the credit :)
Cant0na said:
no he was doing it from the start.

He knew what he was doing since he was standing where you score the treasure and killed us the second anyone got into the room

im checking the clip to see how he did it, hold on

just look at the match in cinema mode.


Cant0na said:
no he was doing it from the start.

He knew what he was doing since he was standing where you score the treasure and killed us the second anyone got into the room

im checking the clip to see how he did it, hold on

well this IS a Beta. maybe it will be patched?
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