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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Beat the game last night. Awesome stuff. I would say I enjoyed the first a bit more, but technically this is the better of the two. Third favorite game on the system for me.


brandonh83 said:
You don't understand, I'm not a huge multiplayer gamer so the fact that this game got me to do it so much is something new to me. :lol

Keep this up and you'll lose another $40,000. :p (My jokes really do suck.) I agree though; this game can suck you right in.

In regards to the boosters, you get the good ones right away. Everything unlocked after green and blue shields pretty much sucks.

Down the Irons- Until you test that stuff out in The Stage, you can't realize just how broken it is. You can unload an entire AK clip into a square that is only slightly bigger than a character's head from more than half the stage away. Take away DtI and it becomes impossible.

The slowdown that accompanies it means if you get hit twice, you're probably going to die before you can get to a piece of cover that is right in front of you.

Then again, I suck, so this could all be a bunch of crying from a little baby...


bish gets all the credit :)
All skeleton crew!
Genghis Khan is mine :D

I've noticed the players met screen is still bugged. Instead of showing who I've played in UC2, it shows all of the players I've played in every other game except UC2. :lol

also, is there a list anywhere that lists all of the benefits of playing with one of the badges of honor?


Is the enemy in midair, or are you in midair and attacking an enemy on the ground? Both of you being in midair is the correct answer. :p


Just started using DTI + Fleetfoot. Had my 1st match a few mins ago and man is it cheap as hell. I'm watching ppl die behind cover and walls. wtf

There's no skill involved. Just hold the shoot button and move around.


love on your sleeve
Irish said:
The slowdown that accompanies it means if you get hit twice, you're probably going to die before you can get to a piece of cover that is right in front of you.
That slow motion bullshit that happens as you get shot is a product of DtI? Now I feel bad...
Irish said:
Is the enemy in midair, or are you in midair and attacking an enemy on the ground? Both of you being in midair is the correct answer. :p
Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air? Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?

It would be cool if the same melee attack animations that trigger for the single player were in effect for the multiplayer. The double kick, the sliding punch, etc.

Also, do you guys thing a "human shield" feature/moveset would be something that could be integrated into uncharted (single and multiplayer) eventually? Would that slow down the game flow? Something akin to what we've seen in Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell is what I'm talking about.
Chamber said:
That slow motion bullshit that happens as you get shot is a product of DtI? Now I feel bad...
Ooops, really? I'm guilty of using down the irons, and I was kind of surprised to see that really not a lot of people use it (because from the description it seemed obvious to me that it was a very good modifier to have); so is this something that's "frowned upon"? I mean, is it considered cheap to use it? I'm a lowly level 20, so I don't think I've unlocked more stuff just yet (haven't looked at the store in a while), what are the recommended perks then?
mr_nothin said:
Just started using DTI + Fleetfoot. Had my 1st match a few mins ago and man is it cheap as hell. I'm watching ppl die behind cover and walls. wtf

There's no skill involved. Just hold the shoot button and move around.

:( Why do you sacrifice your dignity?
alr1ghtstart said:
All skeleton crew!
Genghis Khan is mine :D

I've noticed the players met screen is still bugged. Instead of showing who I've played in UC2, it shows all of the players I've played in every other game except UC2. :lol

also, is there a list anywhere that lists all of the benefits of playing with one of the badges of honor?

The players met screen ingame? Mine shows the correct players, but the actual one on the XMB doesnt show any UC2 people for me.
Okay, early on, Chapter 6 or so, but just did the
part where you're in the damn building and it gets blown up and begins to fall over, that shit was bad ass and my jaw dropped. Super awesome feel of the building falling, really amazing stuff!
Just had to say that!
Nice games throughout the weekend. I think I played some DMs with GAFfers. At the very least I recall playing one match with mr_nothin and another one against his team. My performance was unremarkable at best in both matches, and shitty at worst. :lol

Stopped using DTI a while ago, but now I think I am going to stop using boosters altogether, K/D ratio be damned. Just my raw, unenhanced performance every match. I'm going to suck even more because of it, but I'm confident I'll get better eventually, and when the time comes to use the handicap boosters, the change won't be so brutal.


KilgoreTrout said:
:( Why do you sacrifice your dignity?
I quit after 3 matches.
No more doing that any more. It's off already. I hate it.
It's tooooo damn easy...I really just wanted to see exactly what was going on when people would kill me with those boosters.

After playing in the higher ranks (after the matchmaking fix). I'm starting to despise this game. Well at least the play-style of the higher ranks. EVERYBODY does the same thing. They have the same moves, use the same strategy, and repeat it over and over. Down the Irons + Fleet foot. Kamikaze grenades. There's nothing dynamic about the gameplay now. It's just a big run and gun. You cant utilize cover or do all those superman jumps and do what makes Uncharted....Uncharted. You're just running and gunning (and throwing grenades) now. It's pretty boring. It's like the ranked mode now :/

I actually prefer how the lower ranks played. It seemed like they were actually trying to use SKILL to win. In the higher ranks, it's like it's automated by DTI's. You're basically dead in (what seems like) 2 or 3 shots. Oh and you cant aim at them if you dont have DTI's because they're moonwalking all over the place and hitting you with every shot, WHILE slowing your movement down. Wtf do they expect you to do in a situation like that?

Chamber said:
That slow motion bullshit that happens as you get shot is a product of DtI? Now I feel bad...
Yea, DTI mainly. But if your health gets too low then you'll slow down anyways. DTI just stops you after 1-2 shots depending on lag. It doesnt help that the bullets curve and go through walls while they shoot you either.

Lets list the advantages of DTI + Fleet foot:
Super accurate
Dont have to fire in bursts (full out rambo mode even when firing across the map)
Slows victim down within the 1st 2 shots.
Bullets go through cover/walls (when the victim is going for cover or has just entered cover or has rounded a corner)
Bullets become more attracted to the victim if they jump/roll
You cant really aim at them very well because they're sliding everywhere
You can rarely escape them because they're moving so fast and they're bullets will go through walls and cover while they're shooting at you.

It feels like I have on a magnet vest when I'm playing against a whole team that sticks to DTI + Fleet foot.


Ballistictiger said:
Shoot until they raise their shields up in cower and go up next to them for a single button quicktime event.

Strange. I did run over shields a few times, but never with a button prompt. I don´t even remember getting one.

Now I know why I didn´t get the medal.


Lower Level / Higher Level doesn't matter. Matchmaking is borked. When my friends and I played a week ago, every match had the other team around LV30 - 40 with us being LV5 - 20.


Firestorm said:
Lower Level / Higher Level doesn't matter. Matchmaking is borked. When my friends and I played a week ago, every match had the other team around LV30 - 40 with us being LV5 - 20.
Nah, It's fixed now. I'm playing no lower than higher 30's now. Mostly 40-60's now.


mr_nothin said:
After playing in the higher ranks (after the matchmaking fix). I'm starting to despise this game. Well at least the play-style of the higher ranks. EVERYBODY does the same thing. They have the same moves, use the same strategy, and repeat it over and over. Down the Irons + Fleet foot. Kamikaze grenades. There's nothing dynamic about the gameplay now. It's just a big run and gun. You cant utilize cover or do all those superman jumps and do what makes Uncharted....Uncharted. You're just running and gunning (and throwing grenades) now. It's pretty boring. It's like the ranked mode now :/

I actually prefer how the lower ranks played. It seemed like they were actually trying to use SKILL to win. In the higher ranks, it's like it's automated by DTI's. You're basically dead in (what seems like) 2 or 3 shots. Oh and you cant aim at them if you dont have DTI's because they're moonwalking all over the place and hitting you with every shot, WHILE slowing your movement down. Wtf do they expect you to do in a situation like that?

I agree with everything you said, which is why I only play co-op arena now. Every time I play a Deathmatch game it feels the same, people are using the same cheap techniques to win and it gets old really fast.
Binabik15 said:
Strange. I did run over shields a few times, but never with a button prompt. I don´t even remember getting one.

Now I know why I didn´t get the medal.

I've beat single player 3 times, once on crushing, been going through multiplayer and still haven't done this. I've tried, it just isn't happening...


mr_nothin said:
I quit after 3 matches.
No more doing that any more. It's off already. I hate it.
It's tooooo damn easy...I really just wanted to see exactly what was going on when people would kill me with those boosters.

After playing in the higher ranks (after the matchmaking fix). I'm starting to despise this game. Well at least the play-style of the higher ranks. EVERYBODY does the same thing. They have the same moves, use the same strategy, and repeat it over and over. Down the Irons + Fleet foot. Kamikaze grenades. There's nothing dynamic about the gameplay now. It's just a big run and gun. You cant utilize cover or do all those superman jumps and do what makes Uncharted....Uncharted. You're just running and gunning (and throwing grenades) now. It's pretty boring. It's like the ranked mode now :/

I actually prefer how the lower ranks played. It seemed like they were actually trying to use SKILL to win. In the higher ranks, it's like it's automated by DTI's. You're basically dead in (what seems like) 2 or 3 shots. Oh and you cant aim at them if you dont have DTI's because they're moonwalking all over the place and hitting you with every shot, WHILE slowing your movement down. Wtf do they expect you to do in a situation like that?

Yep, there seems to only really be three different playstyles. Pistols/Run, DtI/FF, and Explosive weapon users with their perks.


olimpia84 said:
I agree with everything you said, which is why I only play co-op arena now. Every time I play a Deathmatch game it feels the same, people are using the same cheap techniques to win and it gets old really fast.

Irish said:
Yep, there seems to only really be three different playstyles. Pistols/Run, DtI/FF, and Explosive weapon users with their perks.
And the thing is...is that if you dont adapt to 1 of those playstyles then you're pretty much screwed. You almost HAVE to pick 1 (unless you're pretty good like me :p ). I still throw tons of grenades though but I try not to be cheap about it. UC2 online is like "if you dont do it then it'll be done to you a million times over".

I still love this game though :lol


Well, out of the three, the pistols one does require a bit of skill. (Yes, I'm a pistol/grenade user. :p)

I'm getting better about using long guns every once in a while now. I still prefer shooting with the pistol though.


love on your sleeve
mr_nothin said:
Lets list the advantages of DTI + Fleet foot:
Super accurate
Dont have to fire in bursts (full out rambo mode even when firing across the map)
Slows victim down within the 1st 2 shots.
Bullets go through cover/walls (when the victim is going for cover or has just entered cover or has rounded a corner)
Bullets become more attracted to the victim if they jump/roll
You cant really aim at them very well because they're sliding everywhere
You can rarely escape them because they're moving so fast and they're bullets will go through walls and cover while they're shooting at you.

It feels like I have on a magnet vest when I'm playing against a whole team that sticks to DTI + Fleet foot.
Consider my mind blown. Honestly, I thought all DTI did was give you bullshit super accuracy from across the map.

Suddenly a lot of things about this game make way more sense.
mr_nothin said:
Lets list the advantages of DTI + Fleet foot:
Super accurate
Dont have to fire in bursts (full out rambo mode even when firing across the map)
Slows victim down within the 1st 2 shots.
Bullets go through cover/walls (when the victim is going for cover or has just entered cover or has rounded a corner)
Bullets become more attracted to the victim if they jump/roll
You cant really aim at them very well because they're sliding everywhere
You can rarely escape them because they're moving so fast and they're bullets will go through walls and cover while they're shooting at you.

It feels like I have on a magnet vest when I'm playing against a whole team that sticks to DTI + Fleet foot.

My biggest problem with Down the Irons by itself.
With Fleet Foot, it makes the problem ten times worse though.

I'm pretty sure all our bitching will do nothing, because we've been bitching about it since the beginning and nothing has happened. It's just a lot worse now with everyone using it.
If you look back to the second beta, you will see me talking about all the problems with the combo. I think I was the founder of the Down with the "Down The Irons and Fleet Foot" Club.

I know a few of my friends have moved on just because of DTI and Fleet Foot.

EDIT: For accuracy.
Pistols for moi, I've started to get pretty good with them.

Seeing that post about DTI puts a lot of stuff in perpective though. I can't count how many times I've died from a curved bullet.


mr_nothin said:
After playing in the higher ranks (after the matchmaking fix). I'm starting to despise this game. Well at least the play-style of the higher ranks. EVERYBODY does the same thing. They have the same moves, use the same strategy, and repeat it over and over.

You've just described nearly every single competitive game ever created. People gravitate towards successful combinations. You can't blame them for using them. The best games are ones with numerous successful combinations and counters.

I still have fun with UC2 MP. Not TDM, but objectives where it's more than just kills.


KilgoreTrout said:
I think you and me were both actually the founders of the Down with the "Down The Irons and Fleet Foot" Club.

He was too busy bitching about grenades. :p

No, people (my loud, annoying ass) have been complaining about this since the second beta, so I'm surprised they still haven't fixed it.

I still have a ton of fun playing though. I try to get a few rounds of U2 in every night that I play.
Irish said:
Well, out of the three, the pistols one does require a bit of skill. (Yes, I'm a pistol/grenade user. :p)

I'm getting better about using long guns every once in a while now. I still prefer shooting with the pistol though.

Micro is still my main choice of item, with Sure Foot and the increase pistol blindfire


We are never playing together, good sir. I was first introduced to the magic of the Micro back in September and haven't looked back since.
Irish said:
He was too busy bitching about grenades. :p

No, people (my loud, annoying ass) have been complaining about this since the second beta, so I'm surprised they still haven't fixed it.

I still have a ton of fun playing though. I try to get a few rounds of U2 in every night that I play.

All I know is I started bitching about it when people started abusing it. I forgot it was in the second beta, but I'm sure you can see plenty of my bitching in there. :lol

Uncharted, I love you, but DTH is bringing me down.

jax (old)

Irish said:
We are never playing together, good sir. I was first introduced to the magic of the Micro back in September and haven't looked back since.

I personally mix it up a lot with the weapons. Use everything because the point is to have fun. The only weapon I don't tend to use much of is the eagle and the grenade launcher. Mostly because I don't tend to remember where they are/use other stuff.

All the weapons in the game have their uses and work really well. And the indication for this, is you can play however you play and the game allows it. There's always strategies for taking people out - running around the side to take campers with their long range DTIs out. With all the moaning, you'd think the game is really broken. But I should post my "win" screens where most of the times, with my booster mix, I come up on top with 10+20+ kills. There are a lot of games where I use sure shot + monkey man/deposit (just because) and I still do alright. I recently started using FAL and I'm liking how useful it is for a non-power weapon.

There are so many ways to play this game. The people who complain about a/b/c/d/e I find are just complaining because they can't do better. At least in the last page or so, I haven't heard moaning about the shotgun.

so its beens:

moaning about

powerweapons..etc etc

that's the whole MP game. I don't even know if you're playing the same game because lag aside, I have no complaints. If "your friends have moved on because of booster combos", that they could easily have used themselves... that's just a bit pathetic. especially when in most instances, rolling once you get hit, will most of the time save you.

jax (old)


any idea if/when ND is going to release more DLC that will further enhance the game? The guys I'm playing with online have all expressed willingness to pay for DLC/maps..etc provided that the pack is substantial and not rubbishy skins like LBP. I'm sure ND will announce these when they're ready but this really is an oppourtunity not to be missed. I'm enjoying the game so much, if you guys release say a DLC co-op map (ala nepal/monastery) based on UC1 or borneo + new skins + new maps..etc, I'm sure there'll be a market.

Also interest to know how long the FORT took to design/make..etc. I love the spawn point of the class 1 soldiers, they drop down constantly on level 1 and you can melee them in succession. :D

Can we also get an infinite survival?

and plunder as a seperate playlist. It seems to be very popular. Everytime it shows up, everyone goes for it. It really needs to be in its own class. It blends the best of competitive with co-op play.

Really digging the game and just can't get enough.
It's come to this... From my last 9 games in cinema... (Excluding people who aren't high enough levels to use them, and duplicates)

THE FOLLOWING ARE PEOPLE WHO USE DOWN THE IRONS AND/OR FLEET FOOT:(Brackets mean 5 person parties, B means both, D is DTH, F is FF.)
{Omega_Demon B
H2K-xxDaM3xiCAN D
Ed_Nigma B
The 904 Scooby D}
masfama D
hao-chi B
onexpunchxmickey B
UltimaRed D
Daddy-Cerda B
chor_boy D
PepeMarron D
sleestak70 D
BrazookaTex B
omega-blue B
suculito B
chieflightingbug D
J jOhn23 D
birdy32 B
caamel7 D
iLLmAtCk7 B
homero101 D
ctg1aztec B
TheAdamastor F
creador83 B
Fte Vwanna B
four2play B
Jaroof4500 B
CHRONIClogic420 D
torjois D
k150413 D
Boone 92 D
fougly D
Pilgoar D
MrJayStayszFr3sh D
xDIKxclown F
ecuagordo B

br steph
Swat Sgt jean

Total people: 59
DTH: 38/59
FF: 20/59
DTH and FF: 18/59
Neither: 19/59
Jax said:
that's the whole MP game. I don't even know if you're playing the same game because lag aside, I have no complaints. If "your friends have moved on because of booster combos", that they could easily have used themselves... that's just a bit pathetic. especially when in most instances, rolling once you get hit, will most of the time save you.

We're obviously not playing the same game.

I think the game is perfectly balanced everywhere except boosters.

Who gives a fucking shit about how many ways there are to play when nearly two-third's of the userbase is only playing one way, and with a broken booster that shoots behind cover?

I'm done with MP till they do something about Down The Irons, and boosters in general.


KilgoreTrout said:
We're obviously not playing the same game.

I think the game is perfectly balanced everywhere except boosters.

Who gives a fucking shit about how many ways there are to play when nearly two-third's of the userbase is only playing one way, and with a broken booster that shoots behind cover?

I'm done with MP till they do something about Down The Irons, and boosters in general.

Most people use down the irons because

1) Everyone starts with an AK-47
2) Most people spend a good amount of time aiming down sight
3) DTI makes the AK-47 much more reliable
4) It's a very low level booster

The popularity of down the irons is proportional to what players spend the most time doing in-game: shooting.

With DTI, I can take out 3 distracted dudes with one clip if I'm accurate enough with headshots at most. But bullet curving? :lol No way. Down the Irons makes your bullets shoot straighter with less deviation, not bend around walls. That's some latency issue. If you're a good and persistent shot it's possible to clip people as they're going behind cover, and if they're really hurt, yes they will die. But that's because you've already been pelted a good 5-7 times before taking cover. From the attackers point of view, you probably should have died a little earlier.

Down the Irons doesn't make bad players good and it doesn't stop people from having recklessly bad aim.

There are other good boosters, though.

Launch man can enable you to take out a whole team. In an objective based game, this can be particularly devastating.

Fleet foot is a good counter to launch man and other explosive weapons.

Deposit is a great booster for making extra $.

Treasure bearer is great for people who really want to win plunder.

Situational Awareness is good in elimination.

I've found juggler and the uzi to be pretty awesome too.

Rather than making good boosters bad, they need to make the poor, unused boosters better.

Sure shot is down the irons counterpart for pistols but not many need it because pistols are already accurate without it at nearly any range.

Pistols also track much better with hip firing/run and gunning than automatic weapons at close range, so point and shoot is kind of gratuitous as well. But down the irons most certainly isn't broken.

Blaming boosters for dislike of the game is pretty weak. Of all the games I've played with these types of supplemental abilities, Uncharted 2's impact the game the least.

jax (old)

KilgoreTrout said:
We're obviously not playing the same game.

I think the game is perfectly balanced everywhere except boosters.

Who gives a fucking shit about how many ways there are to play when nearly two-third's of the userbase is only playing one way, and with a broken booster that shoots behind cover?

I'm done with MP till they do something about Down The Irons, and boosters in general.

L :lol L



alr1ghtstart said:
fucking thing locked up on me again just after the load. Twice tonight.

Locked up on a black screen? That happened to me five times in the past two days.

Guardian Bob said:
I've beat single player 3 times, once on crushing, been going through multiplayer and still haven't done this. I've tried, it just isn't happening...

I got the trophy by killing the riot shield guy who appears early on in Chapter 5. Shoot his shield till he goes down, run up and press [ ] when the prompt appears to run over it, and quickly press [ ] again to kill him from behind.


WinFonda said:
Most people use down the irons because

1) Everyone starts with an AK-47
2) Most people spend a good amount of time aiming down sight
3) DTI makes the AK-47 much more reliable
4) It's a very low level booster

The popularity of down the irons is proportional to what players spend the most time doing in-game: shooting.

With DTI, I can take out 3 distracted dudes with one clip if I'm accurate enough with headshots at most. But bullet curving? :lol No way. Down the Irons makes your bullets shoot straighter with less deviation, not bend around walls. That's some latency issue. If you're a good and persistent shot it's possible to clip people as they're going behind cover, and if they're really hurt, yes they will die. But that's because you've already been pelted a good 5-7 times before taking cover. From the attackers point of view, you probably should have died a little earlier.

Down the Irons doesn't make bad players good and it doesn't stop people from having recklessly bad aim.
I only say "bullet curving" because that's exactly what lag makes it seem like. I know it doesnt actually make bullets curve. I've already said that lag is the stem of most of the problems that I complain about. (lag is the reason for warp-melee attacks, warp-pull downs, grenade kills from 15 feet away) ............DTI (and fleet foot) just make those problems stand out 10 times worse. I already knew that from the attacker's perspective that they've already probably killed me before I got into cover or right before I got around the corner. I expected that, but then I went and turned DTI+Fleetfoot on and it wasnt like that. The lag is pretty much universal. What the attacker sees is pretty much what the victim saw. The same thing was happening to me, but from the other perspective. I saw ppl dying through walls and dying right as they got into cover. I also shot straight into pillars and had players die somehow.

DTI turns the AK into an automatic long distance sniper rifle. It's even worse for the M4.

UC2 before DTI = 50% shooting, 30% platforming/cover usage, 20% grenade throwing.
UC2 after DTI = 70% shooting, 20% grenade throwing, 10% cover/platforming

DTI does make players "better". It increases bullet accuracy so it has to. You basically just put the crosshairs in the general area and hold the shooting button w/o having to worry about bursting. W/o DTI you HAVE to use burst over mid(long) to long range.

I really want to make some videos of the ridiculous things i've seen with DTI (from both perspectives).
I do agree that DTI and Fleet Foot take away from the 'cover and shoot' mechanics that the game was doing so well. I don't know why, but now that more people have the dti/fleet foot combo, everyone is just running and gunning. Much less strategy and thought it seems.


mr_nothin said:
DTI does make players "better". It increases bullet accuracy so it has to. You basically just put the crosshairs in the general area and hold the shooting button w/o having to worry about bursting. W/o DTI you HAVE to use burst over mid(long) to long range.
Down the irons makes you better in the same way that taking any booster makes you better: but it doesn't guarantee or hand you anything. You can take launch man and die instantly with the hammer. You can take treasure bearer and not win a game of plunder. You can take down the irons and still get the snot kicked out of you by another player. When I took down the irons I still needed to learn how to place shots to be competitive - spamming has never got me anywhere in this game outside of close quarter fights.

DTI is just an easy scapegoat for dieing to something that is most common: gunfire.

Dieing to grenades is common too, but of course there's no booster to blame there. You could take down the irons away and people would still die the same ways and complain.

mr_nothin said:
UC2 before DTI = 50% shooting, 30% platforming/cover usage, 20% grenade throwing.
UC2 after DTI = 70% shooting, 20% grenade throwing, 10% cover/platforming

I never played the beta, but it makes for a faulty comparison. There's a big player pool post release. And taking away down the irons doesn't stop people from shooting their guns, or stop you from getting clipped trying to get behind cover; it just makes it less likely. Cover is always useful and I've yet to meet a player that hasn't utilized it.

I'm not sure how platforming suffers because of down the irons. You can only platform for as much as the levels allow; which for most levels, isn't all that much. I would like to see a more platforming intensive level though - if only to make monkey man more desirable.


Dedication Through Light said:
I still dont understand how people dont use Sure Foot, it is so annoying trying to play without that booster because of all the grenade shocks, lol.

If a grenade is that close I just move out of the way, if I can't move away in time it kills me, I find SF totally worthless.
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