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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Here's the names of two more glitchers, Arne. Played against them in Fort and we would've lost due to their lame ways if it weren't for some amzing teamwork and luck:


Edit: DC'd again. I have now lost $200,000k in 1 night. It's not my internet.
out0v0rder said:
cheese and whine
Cheese and whine about what? Glitchers are everywhere now and are especially bad in Forth since they can camp the middle and kill you as you try to shuffle the treasure out. I've been having major lag problems with Uncharted 2 for a while now. Before the patch I couldn't even get the SCE logo or ND logo to show up on screen for about a week or two. After the Fort patch I could finally play but have been experiencing mad lag and now constant dc's to the point of de-leveling.

I wouldn't complain if I didn't like the game so much. I'd move on to some other title and not look back. But U2 has one of the best communities I've ever come across and the gameplay is amazingly tight and doesn't let you get too cocky.

These problems are real and the gltiches in particular have been there form day 1. I'm not expecting or asking for overnight changes as I'm humble enough to understand that there's way more complicated stuff going on at ND. But I'd like to see them actually comment on this stuff and what steps they are willing to take to ensure everyone enjoys a smooth, cheater free environment.


So I played the demo of this game, having never played UC1 before... This game really "breathes". It's like the entire world is alive... Too bad I don't have an HDTV. :(
CrushDance said:
These problems are real and the gltiches in particular have been there form day 1. I'm not expecting or asking for overnight changes as I'm humble enough to understand that there's way more complicated stuff going on at ND. But I'd like to see them actually comment on this stuff and what steps they are willing to take to ensure everyone enjoys a smooth, cheater free environment.

I never lose points when I get a Connection Error, and by doing Plunder I at least get to keep the cash during the times. I always thought it was just a result of a faulty or wavering internet connection.

Lag, I seem to be experiencing the one when the players are like blinking and flashing across the screen in front of me, like jumping frames or something. It makes it hard to aim.


Kimosabae said:
Eh, I guess everyone's over the campaign by now.
The campaign is completely overshadowed by the multiplayer IMO. It was definitely fun and incredibly beautiful to look at but it kind of dragged on in some spots.


MNC said:
What the hell is everyone talking about? Lower health? Better rolling? Old melee? Ninja mode!??!?!!

I thought lower health was for an experimental weekend?
. Also, train section was long, but definitely not too long :D


love on your sleeve
I think I prefer the campaign in UC1 over 2. It's similar to how I feel about Gears 1 vs 2 where the sequel was technically better but I didn't enjoy it as much for whatever reason.


_leech_ said:
Not longer than any other train sequence i've played through (Gears, Killzone 2). The pacing in Uncharted 2 was tight.
I didn't play the KZ2 campaign but I remember the Gears train sequence being too long also. I agree with the poster above, I enjoyed the UC1 campaign more. UC2 campaign was definitely very good but there are things I didn't like about it. Things started repeating and there was another kinda dumb twist.
For U2 > U1 in every way.

Think I'll start my Plunderin ways again tonight, now that I can actually grab the treasure.

West Coast GAF, where you at?


Acid08 said:
Really? You don't think the train sequence lasted way too long? Ha, ok.
Didn't really feel too long. It might have been stretching it, but it wasn't so long that I felt uninterested. The pacing is leagues above the first game. However, I was more referring to your comment about multiplayer > single player. Although this is the first game I've enjoyed Team Deathmatch on and feel like I'm actually good (don't think I've ever had a positive K-D ratio in a game before), it still doesn't touch single player nor other multiplayer games (TF2, CS).

This is how the game looks on my television, and I can't believe how amazing Uncharted 2 looks. Period.. single player, multiplayer.. My god! I love the way it plays... Really amazing fluidity.

I'd like to play with some of you guys, generally I play 10PM EST - 2AM EST. Sometimes in the day also, but those are my main times. Anyone play during these times?

My PSN is "Kureishima"

Hey, I'll also play co-op for sure.

I can't stand those skeleton skins! I just don't like the way they look, feel like it is harder to aim at them because they (visually) take up less space.


Boombloxer said:
I'm down for this, depending on the time.
Well, I want to have a regular match but just have it in machinima mode....
I think it'll be really cool. I just dont think it'll ever happen. I'll need someone else to set it up though because I wouldnt keep track of it.
Do you guys have mics? I'm kind of interested in purchasing one now (I didn't really have any Ps3 game I had played online like this before), but I don't know what it'd run me or what's the best..

What do you guys use?


Kureishima said:
Do you guys have mics? I'm kind of interested in purchasing one now (I didn't really have any Ps3 game I had played online like this before), but I don't know what it'd run me or what's the best..

What do you guys use?
I'll add you for coop (PSN is Grandben). I use the official Sony Bluetooth headset, must be 30 dollars I guess?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Started playing this Sunday night, I am up to the snow caves section. This game seems like a blender mix of gaming moments throughout the decade.

I went from shooting enemies on a train (Gears of War), to kicking a soccer ball with a kid (Shenmue), to negotiating spatial navigation puzzles with an unintelligible partner (Ico).

This will probably be up there with MGS3 and HL2 as one my favorite single player experiences of the decade by the time I am done. Naughty Dog sure has come a long way since Way of the Warrior. :lol
One of the other annoying things with plunder is when people who cant throw worth beans try over 5 times to throw the treasure up in Plaza. Its hilarious seeing them try and try again yet at the same time aggravating when their on my own team.


Mooreberg said:
Started playing this Sunday night, I am up to the snow caves section. This game seems like a blender mix of gaming moments throughout the decade.

I went from shooting enemies on a train (Gears of War), to kicking a soccer ball with a kid (Shenmue), to negotiating spatial navigation puzzles with an unintelligible partner (Ico).

This will probably be up there with MGS3 and HL2 as one my favorite single player experiences of the decade by the time I am done. Naughty Dog sure has come a long way since Way of the Warrior. :lol


Incredibly Naive
Kittonwy said:
That's the most fun, beat the crap out of their team and enjoy their rage.

Oh mannn just had the best one of these rounds. Just absolutely destroyed someone talkin a whole bunch of trash. With every kill he got more pissed off. It's funny, because at first it went from stuff like "oh I'll get you next time" then progressively to "wow you're lagging" "apparently I only take one punch" and my favorite "your bullets are more powerful than mine. I really wish the videos saved voices, because his rage elevated to ridiculous levels.
msdstc said:
Oh mannn just had the best one of these rounds. Just absolutely destroyed someone talkin a whole bunch of trash. With every kill he got more pissed off. It's funny, because at first it went from stuff like "oh I'll get you next time" then progressively to "wow you're lagging" "apparently I only take one punch" and my favorite "your bullets are more powerful than mine". I really wish the videos saved voices, because his rage elevated to ridiculous levels.

I am so tired of Lost City. Comes up way too much for me. There are some levels I rarely get to play, yet Ice Cave and Lost City seems like all day. . sigh votes.


Incredibly Naive
Kureishima said:
I am so tired of Lost City. Comes up way too much for me. There are some levels I rarely get to play, yet Ice Cave and Lost City seems like all day. . sigh votes.

I get it a fair amount. The one I get the most by far is the Fort, which sucks, because even after the health returned it's still a horrible campfest. I have only gotten ice cave 2 maybe 4 times in the past 2 days though.
msdstc said:
I get it a fair amount. The one I get the most by far is the Fort, which sucks, because even after the health returned it's still a horrible campfest. I have only gotten ice cave 2 maybe 4 times in the past 2 days though.

Yeah, I really like Plaza, for example. I like Train Wreck, too.

So.. is cash in single player and mp shared? Like the MP store and SP store share the same cash amount? Or what?


Incredibly Naive
Kureishima said:
Yeah, I really like Plaza, for example. I like Train Wreck, too.

So.. is cash in single player and mp shared? Like the MP store and SP store share the same cash amount? Or what?

Yeah you can use the cash from single player in the MP store. Train wreck is one I never get actually, plaza is pretty rare too.


Not as deep as he thinks
Rewrite said:
I've been wondering about this. I mostly play co-op Survival/Gold Rush...and how come I can't choose my own character in those modes? It's always the same characters. Why doesn't it treat it like a deathmatch game where you can choose your own character? Just wondering if anyone knows. I'd love to be able to play as other characters I've purchased since I don't usually play deathmatch games.
So I'm bumping my own question to see if anyone knows about this. Anyone?

Chris R

Just finished the main game. Was pretty fun, no real low points other than the Cat & Mouse stage. Final boss wasn't too hard, or that original. I'm still pissed that I can't get my UC1 save file to work with UC2 as I'd like to buy a shit load more stuff from the single player store. Does enabling the "cheats" block trohpies/progress? I'd like to play Hard with 1 shot kill and unlimited ammo on :lol as well as being able to spawn various guns whenever I want.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Rewrite said:
So I'm bumping my own question to see if anyone knows about this. Anyone?
Because you'll spend half the time trying to figure out if your teammates are either teammates or enemies.....:lol

The starter villain skins consist of the enemy models in Co-Op Arena.

They should let you choose which Hero skin you want to use though, but it doesn't really bug me unless I get stick with Tenzin.

rhfb said:
Just finished the main game. Was pretty fun, no real low points other than the Cat & Mouse stage. Final boss wasn't too hard, or that original. I'm still pissed that I can't get my UC1 save file to work with UC2 as I'd like to buy a shit load more stuff from the single player store. Does enabling the "cheats" block trohpies/progress? I'd like to play Hard with 1 shot kill and unlimited ammo on :lol as well as being able to spawn various guns whenever I want.
Cheats don't affect your ability to earn trophies, but you can't use them till you beat the game legitly once on the same difficulty or harder. If you beat the game on Normal they'll only be unlocked for Normal and the difficulties below it. You'll have to beat the game again on either Hard or Crushing if you want to use them on Hard.

$100k is nothing, you can make that in less than an hour of multi.
Kureishima said:
I am so tired of Lost City. Comes up way too much for me. There are some levels I rarely get to play, yet Ice Cave and Lost City seems like all day. . sigh votes.

Last night I had 8 matches in a row of "The Village". It is apparently the choice stage for Plunder... as if, I would play any other stage.


Not as deep as he thinks
Killthee said:
Because you'll spend half the time trying to figure out if your teammates are either teammates or enemies.....:lol

The starter villain skins consist of the enemy models in Co-Op Arena.

They should let you choose which Hero skin you want to use though, but it doesn't really bug me unless I get stick with Tenzin.
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Villain Skins. See, that's what happens when you don't play deathmatch games that much. I do agree that they should at least let you select which Hero Skins you want or at least some of the Villain Skins that aren't enemies such as Lieutenant Draza or Lazarovich. Thanks for answering! Also, what's wrong with Tenzin? He's so awesome!
Dedication Through Light said:
Last night I had 8 matches in a row of "The Village". It is apparently the choice stage for Plunder... as if, I would play any other stage.

Man, I love the Village and Plaza. But they are rare to come to my screen. Also love Train Wreck, but all I seem to get all day is Temple, Lost City, and Ice Cave... Roarr... In general, I like all of the maps, but I just seem to get too many redundant choices!


Incredibly Naive
Kureishima said:
Do you guys have mics? I'm kind of interested in purchasing one now (I didn't really have any Ps3 game I had played online like this before), but I don't know what it'd run me or what's the best..

What do you guys use?

A lot of people don't like when you use it due to an echo, but if you keep the volume down, you can use the old ps2 eyetoy, which is 5 dollars used at gamestop. It has a very solid mic built in.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Rewrite said:
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the Villain Skins. See, that's what happens when you don't play deathmatch games that much. I do agree that they should at least let you select which Hero Skins you want or at least some of the Villain Skins that aren't enemies such as Lieutenant Draza or Lazarovich. Thanks for answering! Also, what's wrong with Tenzin? He's so awesome!
He's awesome in SP, but I hate getting stuck with him in Co-Op. Especially when Winter Chloe is one of the skins available <3


Neo Member
Finished the game recently. Thought it was excellent, and combined with the multiplayer and co-op is a much better package than the original Uncharted.
msdstc said:
I love it, just makes it worse for himself. You can't let people know your upset, it just spirals out of control.

Yea, usually, I don't talk first. Hearing the non-smack of some of these guys is incredible. After I killed this one clown and his friend, he was like "Princeakuma, you need to go back to...to...whatever game you're from..."

I'm like "Hold on, fuckstick. Is your dead body telling me to go back to game that you can't even name? :lol "

A few secs later, I say "You smell that?"

"Smell what? Pussy?"

"No, Fuckstick! Propane!"


"Well done bitch, coming right up."

Wifey is still the funniest, mainly because she's really high now, and she's embarassed a few dudes that didn't know she was a girl.

Do you guys have mics?

I have a decent Motorola one, but I might just snag the official one, heard a lot of good things about it.

Chris R

Killthee said:
Cheats don't affect your ability to earn trophies, but you can't use them till you beat the game legitly once on the same difficulty or harder. If you beat the game on Normal they'll only be unlocked for Normal and the difficulties below it. You'll have to beat the game again on either Hard or Crushing if you want to use them on Hard.

$100k is nothing, you can make that in less than an hour of multi.
Ah ok that makes sense. I'm guessing the same goes for the guns that I'm guessing you can spawn?

I could make 100k in multi, but I'm never playing the multi again (already got my trophies)
Why in the hell in co - op when you are playing and become incapacitated (grab or dying) do the other players often just lollygag around and not even try to rescue you? It's like they're retarded or low level computer AI sometimes.... ugh.

Good god some of these people make co-op completely unplayable.


I'll try adding a few of you that posted recently looking for players.
I'm on most nights, and love a good coop match.

You can find me easily, my PSN is Gyrian.

I went online a few minutes ago and there was what felt like a sizeable LiveSync update.
Anything change? Nothing new on the welcome notice.


Quitting penalty is a little weird. Just quit a laggy match and got docked $40k and some EXP apparently. It's not a big deal since I don't really use my in-game cash much but why can't they just let people join mid-game? With the current system I guess I can see this whole "plz don't leave otherwise the balance gets borked" dilemma they run into.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Gyrian said:
I'll try adding a few of you that posted recently looking for players.
I'm on most nights, and love a good coop match.

You can find me easily, my PSN is Gyrian.

I went online a few minutes ago and there was what felt like a sizeable LiveSync update.
Anything change? Nothing new on the welcome notice.
AFAIK, Fort glitch fix.
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