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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Went from Level 50 to 51 recently, and omg at the amount needed to level up now. It just keeps on increasing. Now, in order to get to Level 52, I need to gain over a million dollars. The amount needed is probably going to increase as the levels get higher as well. It's understandable, but the only way I get even close to 33k or 40 something k is playing co-op. I finally played the Plunder only playlist in order to see if I would get more money there, but it didn't happen for me. I must be playing Plunder wrong or something. I put Deposit on, and get double cash for medals, but I rarely got any medals today. Basically had less than 10k in the Plunder matches I played. Must say, though, Plunder is really fun.


Not as deep as he thinks
reKon said:
I know it's annoying as hell. There's always AT LEAST one moron in a co-op. I played with two people yesterday. One would stick with me and carry out the objective in Fort (this was gold rush) the other guy would continuously just fight off enemies by himself and just always die once we got up in rounds. HOW CAN YOU NOT GET IT? What the hell? I mean seriously, common sense says that if you keep dying, you stay with the team. HE WAS LEVEL 40. I really just don't understand some of these people. I'm only level 29 too. I mean do some level 40+'s just play deathmatch all the time?

I was fucking amazed when I played with a team once that would ACTUALLY stick together and understood how to intelligently raise your score up in gold rush without the risk of a teammate dying or just losing the round. I've only had a team like this twice.

Words cannot express how true this is. I've already ranted about this before, but damn does that shit get on my nerves. It's ALWAYS on Gold Rush. It's rare when I get a team that stick together throughout the whole match and the worst part is that it's always the high level players that just go for the killings instead of helping you out & sticking together to deliver back the treasure. It's fucking annoying. Still, it feels so AWESOME when you DO get paired up with people who GET it. Also, something else to rant about. On Survival co-op, I hate the people that camp in one place like across the fucking map just to be in the "safe" zone and don't even bother to save other team mates because they'll just remain there camping.
Rewrite said:
Words cannot express how true this is. I've already ranted about this before, but damn does that shit get on my nerves. It's ALWAYS on Gold Rush. It's rare when I get a team that stick together throughout the whole match and the worst part is that it's always the high level players that just go for the killings instead of helping you out & sticking together to deliver back the treasure. It's fucking annoying. Still, it feels so AWESOME when you DO get paired up with people who GET it. Also, something else to rant about. On Survival co-op, I hate the people that camp in one place like across the fucking map just to be in the "safe" zone and don't even bother to save other team mates because they'll just remain there camping.
I agree. Though, sometimes, with Gold Rush, two other people can die and you can still capture the treasure if you are lucky enough. On The Village, you can take advantage of the houses and the roof of that long house and survive sometimes. In Sanctuary, you can travel underneath, and do pretty well, until the very end when there are enemies with SAS guns down there waiting for you. The Plaza, I find the hardest to do if you are the only person left alive, due to it being an almost all open map. The Fort, well, I have yet to play a Gold Rush game where the other two people didn't help. I'm sure it will happen, though, sometime in the near future.

I've had people not heal me for kills as well during Survival. I can understand it if I'm surrounded by a bunch of way powerful enemies, and they don't want to risk dieing as well. It's when I'm downed by one enemy or a few not so powerful enemies, and they don't come help me, and then they wind up dieing because no one can help them. When those strangler guys come out, you pretty much need everyone alive to survive them. Those guys can go surprise two people in an instant, and once they get a hold of you that is it. Luckily, for me, bad things like that has only happened a handful of times or maybe a bit more. So, most of the time, I'm playing with randoms that really know what they are doing, and I have a lot of fun.


SteelAttack said:
That would be me. Good games last night. Having you on the team is practically a guaranteed win. I don't think we lost any of the plunder matches we got into.

Sometimes I get the same weird issue. No matter what I try, I won't be able to join a party and neither the people I want to join will be able to hop in my party. Usually rebooting the game fixes it.

Those were pretty good games, I didn't mind the damage returning to normal at all.


Sure there are a lot of assholes but I'm sure a lot of these people simply don't know how to play the game. I remember asking a level 13 player why he didn't have any boosters on - the reply: "boosters what?".


alr1ghtstart said:
also arne, the ND blog's comment section is screwed up. It only displays the first 100 comments or so.

yeah, i know. hasn't been an easy solution believe it or not. should be fixed this week though.
thanks though!


OMG, I forgot how FUN plunder was. I havent played plunder in a couple of lvls (and that's long considering i'm about to be 56). Soooo fresh, those epic moments are like x's 10 in plunder.


msdstc said:
The old ps2 eyetoy is only 5 dollars used now at gamestop and it doubles as a mic. I plug it in and set it up next to me (it doesn't have to be near you). The sound of your friends comes through the TV and the quality is crystal clear.

I might try this since I have the PSEye even though the one time that I tried using it (while playing Burnout Paradise) the other people could barely hear me.
Okay, well, I finally played my first game of Plunder in which the other team has no interest in actually getting the treasure and just kills you.

20 minutes of the least amount of fun I've had with this game easily.

I never want to experience that again. Totally retarded. Can I quit without penalty or is there some penalty? It's really disheartening and uninteresting to play matches like that.


I haven't been able to play Uncharted 2 for the last couple of days, and I'm not sure why. I know I've played at least once since the last ps3 firmware update for facebook. I've deleted my game data, and even deleted 2 of my save datas, but whenever I start the game up I'm stuck on the spinning dagger. Any suggestions?
Kureishima said:
Okay, well, I finally played my first game of Plunder in which the other team has no interest in actually getting the treasure and just kills you.

20 minutes of the least amount of fun I've had with this game easily.

I never want to experience that again. Totally retarded. Can I quit without penalty or is there some penalty? It's really disheartening and uninteresting to play matches like that.
AFAIK, quitting penalty is unavoidable.

If your team doesn't come through to put up a decent fight and make the farmers forget about farming, the only decent way of coming out of the match with at least something in exchange is focusing on kills and medals. You can rack up a hefty sum of cash that way if the match goes the distance.

Too bad there are a number of really high level teams, tight and focused, that choose to be assholes and decide to farm their way out of Plunder matches.


GG guyz. Me and Joe and Broken ran into a couple of hobos talking shit to us in my last game, couldn't understand a word those guyz were saying, good thing we managed to slap them around like bichoz.
SteelAttack said:
AFAIK, quitting penalty is unavoidable.

If your team doesn't come through to put up a decent fight and make the farmers forget about farming, the only decent way of coming out of the match with at least something in exchange is focusing on kills and medals. You can rack up a hefty sum of cash that way if the match goes the distance.

Too bad there are a number of really high level teams, tight and focused, that choose to be assholes and decide to farm their way out of Plunder matches.

Yeah, it was a team of four elites and another, they were well coordinated on keeping things as they were.. just agitating and lame.


bish gets all the credit :)
Farming plunder matches is idiotic anyways. You only get $50 per kill instead of the usual $250 in DM modes.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
alr1ghtstart said:
Farming plunder matches is idiotic anyways. You only get $50 per kill instead of the usual $250 in DM modes.
Its not the kills that are important, its the medals. Deathmatch goes by way too quickly to focus on medals, but in Plunder you can take your sweet time collecting a crap load of them because there's no limit on lives.

Farming is still boring though and I've reached a point where I'd rather finish the game than farm till the timer ends.


Finally...got my PS3 back...it's been 47 days. Imma play some Assassins Creed II and then I'll be back online in U2. Oh, Drake, how I missed thee. And Cloe's ass.


Now that ND switched the health back to the way it was originally, I get hardly any kills. I was fine before they tinkered with it, better after, and now just shit. I don't know where I went wrong. I think my last five DMs I was about 12/40. :lol

jax (old)

alr1ghtstart said:
Farming plunder matches is idiotic anyways. You only get $50 per kill instead of the usual $250 in DM modes.

Triple Threat. Pull down. Fisticuffs. Big Brawl. BBQ. Spray and Pray. Double Down. Tripled. Afterlife. etc etc

$$$ M O N E Y $$$

For both sides of the teams, farming = a lot of money.


Not as deep as he thinks
crispyben said:
I will add you guys for coop, OK? I'll be playing in a few hours.
Sure, send an add request if you'd like. Unfortunately, I'm almost going to bed! It's 3 AM here!
Imm0rt4l said:
I haven't been able to play Uncharted 2 for the last couple of days, and I'm not sure why. I know I've played at least once since the last ps3 firmware update for facebook. I've deleted my game data, and even deleted 2 of my save datas, but whenever I start the game up I'm stuck on the spinning dagger. Any suggestions?
Same thing happened to me as well, two firmwares ago, Did you grab the new firmware?


Subete no aware
I'm totally still up for co-op, even though I haven't played the game in ages. I could never get a co-op game because of the matchmaking. I even set my difficulty to easy and couldn't connect to anyone.


Rewrite said:
Words cannot express how true this is. I've already ranted about this before, but damn does that shit get on my nerves. It's ALWAYS on Gold Rush. It's rare when I get a team that stick together throughout the whole match and the worst part is that it's always the high level players that just go for the killings instead of helping you out & sticking together to deliver back the treasure. It's fucking annoying. Still, it feels so AWESOME when you DO get paired up with people who GET it. Also, something else to rant about. On Survival co-op, I hate the people that camp in one place like across the fucking map just to be in the "safe" zone and don't even bother to save other team mates because they'll just remain there camping.

I'll be adding you and reKon this weekend.
I'm tired of finding the same thing and need some peeps that enjoy co-op.


_RT_ and firehawk12, I've added you... The online thread is dead, so might as well post here: I'm looking to play co-op right now, PSN is Grandben.


I really hope for UC3 that ND improves the MP aspect (as compared to MW2), so that people can join games mid-game eliminating the need for kicking penalties, and when you finish a game, everyone goes back to the lobby and gets rematched instead of having to search for another game again. The way it is now, you and 5 people can get in a really good team and some modes can take a minute to beat, forcing everyone to go back to square one and search again.

Something more streamlined and less waiting for everyone would be nice!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Looks like Euro Eye of Indra includes 3 new skins...

Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and United Arab Emirates
Motion Comics

* Uncharted 2 – The Eye of Indra Skins and Comics Bundle (£2.39/€2.99) (includes all four comics and three two exclusive multiplayer skins)

I wonder why the the U.S. version didn't include any. So that brings the total number of exclusive Euro skins to 5? : /

Hopefully they add the bundle to the U.S. store today; I need new skins.


HA, just beat my previous record for most kills in a match. Just went 33-7
Made a buncha idiotic mistakes that lead to my death so I could have done better :(
I went 20 before I got my 1st death.


Killthee said:
Looks like Euro Eye of Indra includes 3 new skins...

I wonder why the the U.S. version didn't include any. So that brings the total number of exclusive Euro skins to 5? : /

Hopefully they add the bundle to the U.S. store today; I need new skins.

Good thing I waited with buying those webcomics. Those skins shall be mine.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Dave1988 said:
Good thing I waited with buying those webcomics. Those skins shall be mine.
Make sure you buy the bundle, the skins aren't available if you buy the comics separately.



helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
jett said:
Does anyone know if a regular, non-headset, desktop usb microphone will work with UC2 multiplayer?
I don't see why not as long the system is able to recognize it.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MNC said:
Any screens or footage?
I think this is her:




Chamber said:
So some guy just ripped off about 20 straight kills by phasing into the ground on Plaza. Fix this shit?
Make a post at the blog.
Just like what our update to “The Fort” today, we’ll be addressing exploitable glitches in other multiplayer maps in the very near future. After those go through, we will be keeping a very close eye on multiplayer games to see if any new exploits arise that need to be addressed.


Bah, they should've included Rika's brother, too. Hard to justify getting this when it's just two skins and I got no interest in the comics.
crispyben said:
reKon said:
*coop rant*
Rewrite said:
RE: *coop rant*
lastinline said:
*another coop rant*
Chamber said:
Nice to see people who share my co-op pain. That mode seems to be where the most morons hang out.
I will add you guys for coop, OK? I'll be playing in a few hours.

Hey, count me in! :D I'm always ready to jump in a good co-op playthrough. FunkyPajamas, I'll add you guys tonight.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
BeeDog said:
:lol at those toothpick arms. Not the best character model. How does the Pinkerton model look?

Yeah, I want to see his model as well.


bish gets all the credit :)
jett said:
Does anyone know if a regular, non-headset, desktop usb microphone will work with UC2 multiplayer?

if it's usb. You can even use a rockband mic. You can test if it will work in the xmb audio device options.
The 'Making of' videos for this game are really good. They added like six new ones on the PSN stores, dealing with the cast and characters and stuff. Three are already on the US store, and the next three are already up on the UK store. I like how ND just keeps releasing these, they're pretty informative.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
bernardobri said:
Yeah, I want to see his model as well.
I'll post some later if somebody doesn't beat me to it.

NotTheGuyYouKill said:
The 'Making of' videos for this game are really good. They added like six new ones on the PSN stores, dealing with the cast and characters and stuff. Three are already on the US store, and the next three are already up on the UK store. I like how ND just keeps releasing these, they're pretty informative.
I wish they would have just used a dual layer BD and placed them all on the disc.... : /
Make sure you co-op guys add me as well, "kureishima"

My mic comes in the mail in a day or two and the second it comes in I'll be all on it. Though I did play many matches with Gyrian the other night and they went great, it's just irritating to hear verbal communication but not be able to respond and only able to imply you are listening/co-operating.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Got up to
the part where you are forced to help Flynn at gunpoint
. The previous area that had you following where Schaeffer was being taken was crazy. Pulling dudes off a ledge to fall down a mountain is the best. :lol

Only real complaint I've had in 9+ hours of this was in the "Siege" chapter - you get locked into melee animations that you can't cancel out of while some other enemy is taking free shots at you. Other than that the game has been pitch perfect. This might be one of the few games where going back later get treasures won't feel like a chore because traversing the environments is so much fun.

I'll check out the co-op and multiplayer once I am done with the campaign. Pretty cool that they have already released a free map. I am not even sure if I want to prestige in MW2 so if this clicks for me I might spent quite a bit of time with it.
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