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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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The problem with chaining is that it can take a long time if you're facing a good team, while having a designated runner (treasure bearer) with team support can zip the treasure back to the base in no time at all.


Jax said:
are u insane? I'd have to agree with the people who complained. WTF? I'm glad I didn't buy it earlier. I got the skins but I still think its off. 2 things here.

a) The skins should be free to anyone who's bought even 1 episode.

b) this DLC hasn't been out that long for it to be tagged as "early adopter" related
It's not like they just suddenly did a price cut out of nowhere. People arent losing any money or anything. It's free skins. SKINS. You paid for the comic...be happy with the comic.

You know what...sometimes I dont get a straw, or ketchup, from McDonalds when I order a meal. I dont freak out :p

It's not that bad.

Now, about this screenshot business.
Look at the difference between these 2 sets of pictures.

Exhibit A:
You see this crap?? Looks like horseshit. It's ugly as hell. Ugly textures and jaggies everywhere.




Now chk out these screens:
Exhibit B:
You see this? This looks so much more awesome-er. Lot less jaggies and the textures look good. It doesnt seem like somebody smeared the colors on the textures and it just has an overall softer look to it. Dont tell me it's because of the Depth of Field/blur in the screenshot because I've seen the same thing with screens that have DoF in them.



I dont get why there's such a big difference between each poster's screenshots.


Irish said:
Yep, we had a few insanely good games. However, I have to say, throwing the treasure makes sense in most cases, but there are a few times where it can and should be ran. :p

I'm still amazed at how fast this game plays. By throwing I don't necessary mean having to throw it to another person (you can, of course), just keep chucking it and picking it up, it minimizes the time when you're weighed down by the treasure and can only fire your pistol, as soon as you throw it you're back to being able to fire a rifle and becoming less of a target and more of a threat.


Ha, I usually run around with some form of pistol anyway, so carrying the treasure really isn't a burden for me. I mean, you've seen me clear swaths of people out of the way with that vicious little Micro. I only wish you could melee with the treasure as well.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I bought the skins. I'm so in love with this game I'll buy anything they'll send at me.

BTW this new girl is quite sexy from behind, she looks better ingame.
Jax said:
What is it with this generation and ungodly freaky women hands? Is it some kind of developer fad like bump mapping, bloom lighting or the next gen filter?
Jax said:
Five dorra we love you long time. She looked so cute in the comic, here she looks like a taiwanese transvestite. must be becase she's euro exclusive :lol
Not that I have anything against taiwanese transvestites.

[edit] VVV I'll tell you what I have against Euros: you guys got two exclusive skins and I want them! :lol

It was all in good fun, my man, I wasn't trying to offend anyone :)
FunkyPajamas said:
What is it with this generation and ungodly freaky women hands? Is it some kind of developer fad like bump mapping, bloom lighting or the next gen filter
lol, I'm pretty sure that one is ugly on purpose.

And what do you have against Euros? tsk tsk
Kittonwy said:
GG Broken and SteelAttack, welcome DirtyWater.

Yeah good stuff, thanks for the invite. Hope I wasn't too rusty. :D

mr_nothin said:
Now, about this screenshot business.
Look at the difference between these 2 sets of pictures.

Welcome to 3D rasterization? 720p, 2xAA and trilinear filtering- it doesn't matter how awesome your engine is, a photo mode is bound to show some warts when you're dealing with 'infinite' angles.


Some of you need to calm the hell down on this bonus skin business.
We even have the benefit of having one of the devs right here, and this is how you ask for things? It doesn't even look like it was NDI's prerogative who had what made available to them.

Give it a little time; we already got The Fort as an extra, and I doubt that's where they plan to end it.

EDIT: Yessss! Look what I found by random luck at the NDI site:


They definitely have more cards under their sleeves. :D
Gyrian said:
Some of you need to calm the hell down on this bonus skin business.
We even have the benefit of having one of the devs right here, and this is how you ask for things? It doesn't even look like it was NDI's prerogative who had what made available to them.

Give it a little time; we already got The Fort as an extra, and I doubt that's where they plan to end it.

EDIT: Yessss! Look what I found by random luck at the NDI site:


They definitely have more cards under their sleeves. :D
Edyy Raja!?

Irish said:
I will be on after I watch the shitty VGAs. (for the trailers)
Same here!


How come when I play co-op I can have more kills, revivals and head shots than a teammate, but his overall score is higher? What am I missing?

jax (old)

grimmbomb said:
How come when I play co-op I can have more kills, revivals and head shots than a teammate, but his overall score is higher? What am I missing?

depends on

a) treasure picked up

b) death lows your score

c) saves raises it

d) what you kill. Gatling guys are worth $$$$

e) weapon you use to kill with varies score

f) headshots are worth more


*re: guys comments on rika. She's hilarious to play with though. Her dialogue and look is great.


now for a bit of shocking MP breaking talk.

Arne, there's a whole lotta buzz about the 3 booster "glitch"... It works.Fix this shit GG.


played a plunder game vs some guy who didn't go for treasure + had DTI+fleetfoot. I see why people are complaining about it now. Very frustrating. He ended up with 62 kills when people who played the game right had 30+


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
grimmbomb said:
How come when I play co-op I can have more kills, revivals and head shots than a teammate, but his overall score is higher? What am I missing?
You get different points depending on how you killed the enemy (headshot, bodyshot, punch, pistol, rifle, sniper, etc...) and when you killed him (you obviously get more points in the later rounds when the multiplier is x10). Either way points don't matter and more often than not, you'll reach the $25k kill cap before the game ends, even with a low kill count.
Now that it won GOTY I'm wondering if it'll have a GOTY edition, I gave my copy to my cousin as a gift and was gonna buy another one for myself but damn this generation and this GOTY editions.
AranhaHunter said:
Now that it won GOTY I'm wondering if it'll have a GOTY edition, I gave my copy to my cousin as a gift and was gonna buy another one for myself but damn this generation and this GOTY editions.
What could they possibly add onto the disc, the motion comics?
Im in the mood for that Skeleton Dance Party :) to celebrate Uncharted 2's win.

Anyway, I think Ive come to like using grenades now, its gets so amazing letting go of three grenades in one small area around opponents, sometimes they just cant roll anyway out the way, or on the Village, just standing up in a high area and dropping several of them right by the person walking with the treasure, double and triples are quite common , lol.


Dedication, aka EatDeath, let it be known that you are forbidden from using the Micro when playing against me, BrokenOath. (Your skills were lacking son. Plus you took all the ammo. :( )

jax (old)

EYE OF INDRA 01-04 review now that I've watched them

If I had paid the full price they were asking for episode 2+3+4/episode, I would have been stonking mad. Episode 2 was like supershort and 3 was as well. As for the animation look, well, its interesting but what was here wasn't. The story, which involves a heist/adventure, didn't go anywhere.
pinkerton's mansion. rikas bar. pinkerton's mansion.... some adventure here.
. Video also had way too much 1 hour earlier/1 day earlier/30 minute earlier/earlier time cuts in its narrative.

Also watching it, where's rika dragon tattoo on her 3D model? Really not surprised Eddy Raja is a skin because he featured so prominently in the videos as well.


worth it for the skins but I wouldn't be buying future ones as standalones or without the skins. This is a 1gb download I won't be revisiting.
Irish said:
Dedication, aka EatDeath, let it be known that you are forbidden from using the Micro when playing against me, BrokenOath. (Your skills were lacking son. Plus you took all the ammo. :( )

Whoa I actually played against you today? I guess I need to rewatch the match! lol.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Gyrian said:
Some of you need to calm the hell down on this bonus skin business.
We even have the benefit of having one of the devs right here, and this is how you ask for things? It doesn't even look like it was NDI's prerogative who had what made available to them.

Give it a little time; we already got The Fort as an extra, and I doubt that's where they plan to end it.

EDIT: Yessss! Look what I found by random luck at the NDI site:


They definitely have more cards under their sleeves. :D
Great games tonight Kitton, Crush, Broken and Lemm.

Also, if the sniper gods that we faced tonight happen to post here on GAF, please step forward. :lol


Incredibly Naive
Yeah! Heard the news about GOTY and it's well deserved! I had a bad feeling they were going to get snubbed, but for me at least I just don't think any game even competes for GOTY. Congrats:D


Fafracer forever
Jax said:
This is a 1gb download I won't be revisiting.
One thing I don't understand is "WHY" this was 1GB download. The comics could easily be authored in Flash which PS3 natively supports (for all I know, they were made with Flash in the first place), making it a tiny download.

Moreover, WTF is with making Ep1 a regular Video and sticking 2-4 into standalone executable that DOESN't support basic "play/pause/rewind/forward" functions. The pay episodes actually take functionality away and give nothing in return (other then forcing me to quit playback by using "in-game XMB" -__-.

If infrastructure wasn't there to release smaller Flash files, at LEAST these could have all been videos I can - you know, playback any way rather then having to replay whole comic if I accidentally pressed X during playback.

That aside, I kinda enjoyed the way story was told and art presentation, but really the above HAS to be addressed in the future releases. Just run the PSP comic viewer or something if all else fails :/


Just picked this sucker up, Looking forward to playing it.

Does this have a bonus for having Uncharted 1 game save and does it need the game install too work like Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. =/
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