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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Sony needs to launch a new UC2 campaign before Christmas claiming all the accolades. I remember Activision did this with the first Modern Warfare and sales continued to spike


Chuck Norris said:
Sony needs to launch a new UC2 campaign before Christmas claiming all the accolades. I remember Activision did this with the first Modern Warfare and sales continued to spike

I doubt that's gonna happen. At best it'll get a mention in one of those PS3 montage commercials. But hey, you never know...


Great Games tonight, Kitton, Crush, Som, Jeramii, Steel, joe, CHRP, and whoever else I might have played with.

Sorry for being an asshole the last half of the night.


I just finished SP last night, and yes, I'll definitely agree with GOTY. Incredible experience, and the multiplayer has definitely sucked me in.

As an indie developer, this game makes me happy a to see how the art of game development is thriving.


SteelAttack said:
Great games tonight Kitton, Crush, Broken and Lemm.

Also, if the sniper gods that we faced tonight happen to post here on GAF, please step forward. :lol

Yeah gg, we got destroyed in that game.


Congrats Naughty Dog!
Thanks for making one of the best games I've ever played!
And the most addictingly fun online game imo. :D


I would bang a hot farmer!
I was about to congratulate ND for winning Game of the Year but then I realized that it was the SpikeTV VGAs and didn't care. :D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
while we're doing the whole congrats thing, major props to Arne for actually posting here and keeping involved in the community at large. not many devs bother, so thanks. :)
Just finished the campaign and really enjoyed the ride overall. Very deserving of GOTY and here is hoping for many more. I had a few nagging issues throughout though, enemies still take too many shots to die and they can be ridiculously accurate sometimes. In some cases I really felt like the difficulty would really ramp up which would just result in frustration. Minor point but because you then use so much ammo it results in bizarre weapon placement
AK's and Grenades in Shambhala? really?
Speaking of which, the AK-47 might as well not have an aiming mode, I can't stand not being able to effectively use it in either the single player or multi (something that could entirely be down to me. My final issue is that the game is so cinematic and has some really awesome set pieces but as soon as I make a mistake (
The truck chase, Dodging the tank with Tenzin and running across the bridge to escape at the end
) all pace is killed and the exciting adventure hits the brakes and we fall into repetitive, frustrating video game land. During those instances I have just put the controller down and walked away, you get pushed out of that experience with a thump.

Now all my points above many will put down to just getting better at the game and this would be true if we you are trying to play it as one. However with Uncharted 2 the emphasis has been put on trying to blend that hollywood blockbuster and interactivity. Something which falls flat on it's face as soon as the main protagonist dies. Now, I played on normal all the way through so what I am about to mention may be something that happens with easier difficulty levels. I would love adventure games like this to borrow something from the music game genre, no fail mode. Make it more about the experience than playing a game, I would liken it to the Pierce Brosnan era Bond movies; shot at until the cows come home but never killed. You will always make that leap of faith, kill the bad guys with one shot and beat the main villain in one. I can't say there would be an easy implementation of such a thing but it would be a nice feature to have for those who want to go along for the ride in a more movie like fashion.

As I said though, overall I loved the game and Naughty Dog truly created masterpiece. On a scale of 1-10 I would probably give it a 4, no, more like a 5.
MikeDub said:
Speaking of which, the AK-47 might as well not have an aiming mode, I can't stand not being able to effectively use it in either the single player or multi (something that could entirely be down to me.

Ironically, I find the AK to be my weapon of choice as far as rifles in almost all scenarios. I like the accuracy you can get out of it quickly.

My final issue is that the game is so cinematic and has some really awesome set pieces but as soon as I make a mistake (
The truck chase, Dodging the tank with Tenzin and running across the bridge to escape at the end
) all pace is killed and the exciting adventure hits the brakes and we fall into repetitive, frustrating video game land. During those instances I have just put the controller down and walked away, you get pushed out of that experience with a thump.

Now all my points above many will put down to just getting better at the game and this would be true if we you are trying to play it as one. However with Uncharted 2 the emphasis has been put on trying to blend that hollywood blockbuster and interactivity. Something which falls flat on it's face as soon as the main protagonist dies. Now, I played on normal all the way through so what I am about to mention may be something that happens with easier difficulty levels. I would love adventure games like this to borrow something from the music game genre, no fail mode. Make it more about the experience than playing a game, I would liken it to the Pierce Brosnan era Bond movies; shot at until the cows come home but never killed. You will always make that leap of faith, kill the bad guys with one shot and beat the main villain in one. I can't say there would be an easy implementation of such a thing but it would be a nice feature to have for those who want to go along for the ride in a more movie like fashion.

I understand exactly what you're saying here, as I had some "fun" with the truck scene myself. But the immediate problem I see here is that by remedying it, the game would lack challenge. As it is a game, there are some sacrifices that have to be made. I'm sure there is a way in which it could be designed so that you are unlikely to die, but by doing so I'm also equally sure (almost) that the player would lose any sort of sense of challenge - I know I would. I'd rather suffer occasional setbacks in setting and immersion than a complete lack of challenge and a seamless experience.

I think you should try the game on the easiest difficulty and you might get this result, I know it's not a "no fail mode", but I'm not sure a no fail mode would be all that enticing. Even if you are aiming for just the "experience", aren't you, by very nature of taking away the possibility of death, cheapening or removing some of the experience? The point of enemies would be to offer a threat, but if there is no threat, there might as well be no enemies, which changes the sort of game entirely. I'm not saying this isn't worth investigation, I think something can be learned from this sort of mind frame, but I'm not sure it can be applied to a game that is at base what Uncharted seems to be. Even a game like Shadow of Destiny, which focuses entirely on the "experience" and "story", still has a lingering specter of death as a possibility.

Personally, I played the game on the hardest initial difficulty and I found it to be fairly breezy, so just based on that there is such a wide amount of base to accommodate. Making games must surely be difficult.

jax (old)

MikeDub said:
Speaking of which, the AK-47 might as well not have an aiming mode, I can't stand not being able to effectively use it in either the single player or multi (something that could entirely be down to me..

ther'e nothing wrong with the AK

If you think the enemies are too difficult to kill. you should play an easier setting. I recommend very easy. lots of peope here have finished the game on crushing.

jax (old)

MikeDub said:
overall I loved the game and Naughty Dog truly created masterpiece. On a scale of 1-10 I would probably give it a 4, no, more like a 5.

Masterpiece + truly deserving of GOTY and you rate it 4/10 or 5/10. Troll post.


MikeDub said:
As I said though, overall I loved the game and Naughty Dog truly created masterpiece. On a scale of 1-10 I would probably give it a 4, no, more like a 5.

I saw this picture of you playing Uncharted 2



Incredibly Naive
MikeDub said:
Just finished the campaign and really enjoyed the ride overall. Very deserving of GOTY and here is hoping for many more. I had a few nagging issues throughout though, enemies still take too many shots to die and they can be ridiculously accurate sometimes. In some cases I really felt like the difficulty would really ramp up which would just result in frustration. Minor point but because you then use so much ammo it results in bizarre weapon placement
AK's and Grenades in Shambhala? really?
Speaking of which, the AK-47 might as well not have an aiming mode, I can't stand not being able to effectively use it in either the single player or multi (something that could entirely be down to me. My final issue is that the game is so cinematic and has some really awesome set pieces but as soon as I make a mistake (
The truck chase, Dodging the tank with Tenzin and running across the bridge to escape at the end
) all pace is killed and the exciting adventure hits the brakes and we fall into repetitive, frustrating video game land. During those instances I have just put the controller down and walked away, you get pushed out of that experience with a thump.

Now all my points above many will put down to just getting better at the game and this would be true if we you are trying to play it as one. However with Uncharted 2 the emphasis has been put on trying to blend that hollywood blockbuster and interactivity. Something which falls flat on it's face as soon as the main protagonist dies. Now, I played on normal all the way through so what I am about to mention may be something that happens with easier difficulty levels. I would love adventure games like this to borrow something from the music game genre, no fail mode. Make it more about the experience than playing a game, I would liken it to the Pierce Brosnan era Bond movies; shot at until the cows come home but never killed. You will always make that leap of faith, kill the bad guys with one shot and beat the main villain in one. I can't say there would be an easy implementation of such a thing but it would be a nice feature to have for those who want to go along for the ride in a more movie like fashion.

As I said though, overall I loved the game and Naughty Dog truly created masterpiece. On a scale of 1-10 I would probably give it a 4, no, more like a 5.

One of the worst trolling attempts I may have ever read. Sucking at a game is not equal to a bad game. The AK when used properly can be one of the best guns in the game. If you knew how to work with the recoil properly it's great.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
A true masterpiece!

4/10 :lol
However with Uncharted 2 the emphasis has been put on trying to blend that hollywood blockbuster and interactivity. Something which falls flat on it's face as soon as the main protagonist dies.

...Based on this statement alone, you should never play games again. Like saying you died in Mario cause of all those pits.

The blockbuster experience is directly related to your skill, ergo you die. While if it were a movie, Bond, with decades of spy experience, can get through a Russian base, or Indy can OHKO a bad guy and make the perfect shot. While you are Nathan Drake, you are still you, with your controller. ND even put in something for this with the Propane Tanks.

Eventually you'll be able to get through areas unscathed, but it is not the game's fault that you basically suck. Once you get better, the set-pieces come alive more. Especially on Crushing.

And a 4/10 is :lol
MikeDub said:
As I said though, overall I loved the game and Naughty Dog truly created masterpiece. On a scale of 1-10 I would probably give it a 4, no, more like a 5
WTF..you love the game,and you said ND created a masterpiece but its a 4!!!!:lol :lol
ah wow, i thought the number rating was a little too subtle lol
Very end of the game, Elena asks Drake how on a scale of 1-10 how much he was scared that she would die? He said 4 and when pushed said 5.
gee, lighten up lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
larcha said:
You will enjoy this. Check it out!



MikeDub said:
ah wow, i thought the number rating was a little too subtle lol
Very end of the game, Elena asks Drake how on a scale of 1-10 how much he was scared that she would die? He said 4 and when pushed said 5.
gee, lighten up lol
I loved the ending... because :
Drake's wuvs Elena <3


bish gets all the credit :)
hmm did they just add in-game join party? I just joined a party no problem while they were still in-game. Obviously I'm not playing with them, but I can reserve a party spot.
alr1ghtstart said:
hmm did they just add in-game join party? I just joined a party no problem while they were still in-game. Obviously I'm not playing with them, but I can reserve a party spot.
What really!!!!from the XMB like MW2

jax (old)

MikeDub said:
ah wow, i thought the number rating was a little too subtle lol
Very end of the game, Elena asks Drake how on a scale of 1-10 how much he was scared that she would die? He said 4 and when pushed said 5.
gee, lighten up lol

ahhh. my apologies. Its been over a month plus since I last played SP. :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
MikeDub said:
ah wow, i thought the number rating was a little too subtle lol
Very end of the game, Elena asks Drake how on a scale of 1-10 how much he was scared that she would die? He said 4 and when pushed said 5.
gee, lighten up lol
hahaha, well done man
Jax said:
ahhh. my apologies. Its been over a month plus since I last played SP. :lol

That's fair enough, I literally just finished it before I posted so it was fresh for me. My humor gamble would appear to have not payed off though. I shall reiterate, I thought it was awesome!
Just saw the Treasure respawn near the end of the stage on Lost City (where the enemies spawn in Co-Op). Odd.

Update? I also escape grernades more now...(and I was horrible at it).

jax (old)

Boombloxer said:
Just saw the Treasure respawn near the end of the stage on Lost City (where the enemies spawn in Co-Op). Odd.

Update? I also escape grernades more now...(and I was horrible at it).

I dunno if they've updated the grenade explode time but I was getting really pissed off at my grenading fail more and more. How do you get them to explode fast? It seems changed. I thought short throw = explode fast. I've taken to throwing them at my feet or thereabouts and rolling away. Long throw now, constantly fails to kill anyone. They're the main reason why I fail to get triple threat.


  • 3 short gun kills
  • 3 grenade kills
  • 3 long gun kills

I've been moaning online that I don't get these easily despite the criteria. Something feels off. I should be getting about 2 minimum but now I don't get them. I think shotgun maybe doesn't add to triple threat? I know its excluded from the prestige blindfire class of weapons.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
MikeDub said:
ah wow, i thought the number rating was a little too subtle lol
Very end of the game, Elena asks Drake how on a scale of 1-10 how much he was scared that she would die? He said 4 and when pushed said 5.
gee, lighten up lol
Damn, iwishisawwhatudidthere :(


Jax said:

  • 3 short gun kills
  • 3 grenade kills
  • 3 long gun kills

I've been moaning online that I don't get these easily despite the criteria. Something feels off. I should be getting about 2 minimum but now I don't get them. I think shotgun maybe doesn't add to triple threat? I know its excluded from the prestige blindfire class of weapons.

Nope, the shotgun definitely counts for the Triple Threat. (The long gun kills are always the last ones I get.)

jax (old)

Irish said:
Nope, the shotgun definitely counts for the Triple Threat. (The long gun kills are always the last ones I get.)

if the shotgun does count, something is off. I know for a fact that with my playstyle - I use point and shoot + deposit, that the pistol kills rack up. I gotta start keeping track on whether or not triple threat comes up. The only thing I can think of then is that - aftelife kills don't add to triple threat.
Jax said:
if the shotgun does count, something is off. I know for a fact that with my playstyle - I use point and shoot + deposit, that the pistol kills rack up. I gotta start keeping track on whether or not triple threat comes up. The only thing I can think of then is that - aftelife kills don't add to triple threat.

My strategy, if you want to call it that, is simple. I generally use the AK (one of my favorite weapons) until I receive "COMMANDO" medal, then I proceed to switch to pistols (when it is convenient and viable) until I receive "TRIPLE THREAT", as by that time I surely have killed 3 people with a grenade. I am a grenade whore. If there were more grenade spawns I'd use the 3 grenade perk, but some levels it's just not the best option, I think.
Should I be using the pistol (or FAL) until I hit DtI's? The boosterless AK doesn't seem to be able to do anything at any range really. After all if I'm firing one bullet at a time, I might as well use the FAL anyway right?


You should never hit DtI, my young, impressionable friend. Any of the pistols, the FAL, the M4, and the sniper rifle are all viable without DTI.
Irish said:
You should never hit DtI, my young, impressionable friend. Any of the pistols, the FAL, the M4, and the sniper rifle are all viable without DTI.

Well yeah I'd love to have a sniper rifle or an M4 all the time, usually doesn't work out that way though. Even the M4 spread has let me down the few times I've had it. But does DtI work with the FAL? Be nice if that burst was a little tighter on some maps. I did just unlock Break Up though, that looks pretty tempting. I can see how someone would choose shooting up breakable objects faster over shooting people faster.


What I'm saying, sir, is that DtI is broken and you should maintain your dignity by not using it.

Anyway, the pistol is viable and rather accurate at all ranges, so I would suggest you stick with that until you find a long gun that is better than the AK.

Also, Break-Up is pretty much worthless, so you don't really need to use it.
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