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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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mgviperman said:
Heh, I was on last night and NONE of you bastards were on except Jeramii. I'll be back on later tonight tho :D

I wuz on but im no basterd.
So when is voice chat going to be added so when I play one on one with a friend we can talk to each other?????????? We love the MP in UC2 but just don't play it because of proximity chat.
Irish said:
The fuck? That bastard will quit playing his Xbox to play with you? YOU'RE GOING DOWN VIPERMAN!!!

You're not European, you're just Hooked On Phonics. :p (I think.)

I might be a bastard, but yer a motherfucker. -_-

Bearillusion said:
So when is voice chat going to be added so when I play one on one with a friend we can talk to each other?????????? We love the MP in UC2 but just don't play it because of proximity chat.

Voice chat isn't proximity when you're on a team. It's just regular voice chat.

Proximity is for opposite teams.

Sounds like you have a problem with your mics, or sometimes in the lobby it will glitch out and you won't hear a person until you're in a game.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Bearillusion said:
So when is voice chat going to be added so when I play one on one with a friend we can talk to each other?????????? We love the MP in UC2 but just don't play it because of proximity chat.
Cross game chat was delayed till next year and it looks like they're planning on making it a premium feature on PSN.
KilgoreTrout said:
Voice chat isn't proximity when you're on a team. It's just regular voice chat.

Proximity is for opposite teams.

Sounds like you have a problem with your mics, or sometimes in the lobby it will glitch out and you won't hear a person until you're in a game.

You misunderstand. We like to play private games of 1 on 1. We can't talk to each other while we do because of the proximity chat.
Bearillusion said:
You misunderstand. We like to play private games of 1 on 1. We can't talk to each other while we do because of the proximity chat.

you must have some problem, cause me and my buddy have done that with no problem
djtortilla said:
you must have some problem, cause me and my buddy have done that with no problem

No you haven't. We can talk while the level is loading or if we are close to each other while playing. There is no such thing as free for all in UC2 as it is always team vs team that only supports proximity chat.

jax (old)

AniHawk said:
Well apparently there's this whole process when it comes to renting games at Blockbuster now so it looks like I won't be playing U2 any time soon. They had one copy left and everything.

110 hours. just buy it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Why the hell do they feel the need to add Clan Tags, seriously?

Clans are so fucking stupid and don't fit the game at all. :|

Nice for people that want to designate where they're from (or use it for "ifurmom" like CoD kids do), but for the rest of us. This is pretty useless. :/

I rather them tweak the co-op reward levels. Grinding to 50 to get the last gun is getting so damn boring.


:lol was just playing with some argentinians. such sore losers. racist too. Funny how they refered to the DLC girl as "that dirty bolivian!" :p


So how's the rematch system?
Do they just keep everyone grouped together until you (other another person) decides to leave and whoever doesnt leave just stays grouped with the others?

And the loading. Is it significantly reduced? I know that sometimes it only took like 3 seconds to load a map (it was very rare though). Happened like 5 maps in a row once though.


mr_nothin said:
So how's the rematch system?
Do they just keep everyone grouped together until you (other another person) decides to leave and whoever doesnt leave just stays grouped with the others?

And the loading. Is it significantly reduced? I know that sometimes it only took like 3 seconds to load a map (it was very rare though). Happened like 5 maps in a row once though.

I don't know what is this rematch system but I don't see it.


KilgoreTrout said:
Fucking disconnections...

It was better, and now it is worse than ever.

Try later? I had some issues too. I know we had to do some work on some of the backend intermittently later, but may have started earlier and shouldn't have really affected much, but who knows.


jett said:
I don't know what is this rematch system but I don't see it.

Here's what Naughty Dog's blog said.
Naughty Dog said:
We have also added Rematch functionality. At the end of a game, all players will be put back into matchmaking together, allowing you to play the same group of people over again. This decreases wait times, while still allowing people to leave after a match if they so desire. Again, this gets people into games faster and allows more time playing and less time in the menus – all of which is a very, very good thing!

But now Arne's here so hopefully he can go into more detail (?) please!:D


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
mr_nothin said:
So how's the rematch system?
Do they just keep everyone grouped together until you (other another person) decides to leave and whoever doesnt leave just stays grouped with the others?

And the loading. Is it significantly reduced? I know that sometimes it only took like 3 seconds to load a map (it was very rare though). Happened like 5 maps in a row once though.
They dumped the Party Up/Score screen and instead replaced it with the normal MM looking for players screen. Everybody who stayed till the end of the last round and hasn't turned off the game is automatically dumped together in the MM screen. For the first ~20 seconds or so the MM screen stays on the "found player" mode to give anybody who wants out the ability to back out. If a slot opens up during those ~20 seconds or if somebody left in the last round, the mm will kick in and search for a replacement player. If no one quits, you'll keep playing the same people until you back out to the lobby and restart MM.

Loading seems a little bit faster than before and the super long hangup loads seem to be gone now.

jett said:
I don't know what is this rematch system but I don't see it.
Its automatic.
arne said:
Try later? I had some issues too. I know we had to do some work on some of the backend intermittently later, but may have started earlier and shouldn't have really affected much, but who knows.

Yeah, it was a problem last night too. Hopefully it will resolve itself soon.
Either way, I'm gonna power cycle everything to see if it is something on my side, because I moved my entertainment center around last night.

Another thing, plunder seems to be a 20 minute deathmatch now. I know I was one of the people who said during the first beta to up the points per kill, but I think it's detracting from plunder being played right. Everybody just seems to camp around the treasure and the few people who actually try and get it just get shot.

Maybe on an experimental weekend you guys could try tweaking the treasure to be double the points, and kills to be 3/4, or maybe half of what they currently are?

I gotta say how you guys have reduced the load times is fucking awesome. :D


Oh yeah I got it now the rematch system is pretty awesome. I've also come to understand that the rank number means absolutely nothing. :p


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
KilgoreTrout said:
Yeah, it was a problem last night too. Hopefully it will resolve itself soon.
Either way, I'm gonna power cycle everything to see if it is something on my side, because I moved my entertainment center around last night.

Another thing, plunder seems to be a 20 minute deathmatch now. I know I was one of the people who said during the first beta to up the points per kill, but I think it's detracting from plunder being played right. Everybody just seems to camp around the treasure and the few people who actually try and get it just get shot.

Maybe on an experimental weekend you guys could try tweaking the treasure to be double the points, and kills to be 3/4, or maybe half of what they currently are?

I gotta say how you guys have reduced the load times is fucking awesome. :D
I think it was on your end. You got logged out of the chat room during one of your dc's but remained connected to the PSN, usually when that happens to me its because the internet connection on my laptop is momentarily broken (my ps3 is using my laptop's internet connection).

The game will start to lag, then I'm booted out, logged out of the GAF chat room, & the IM client on my PC gets disconnected. All that happens while the system is telling me that I'm still logged on to the PSN. A couple of seconds later the connections either come back and everything is fine or I have to reset the wifi adapter on my laptop to get the internet connection working again on my laptop/PS3.
TheSeks said:
Why the hell do they feel the need to add Clan Tags, seriously?

Clans are so fucking stupid and don't fit the game at all. :|

Nice for people that want to designate where they're from (or use it for "ifurmom" like CoD kids do), but for the rest of us. This is pretty useless. :/

I rather them tweak the co-op reward levels. Grinding to 50 to get the last gun is getting so damn boring.

I'd suggest that any game with a team basis is suitable for clan tags.


Incredibly Naive
The reduced load times mostly come in on the rematch option, which really isn't an option, it just sends you right to it, which I actually don't like that at all. Also I've had more connection issues today than any other since I started playing this game. Anybody else having that problem? Not to mention I'm getting a ton of 3 v 3s now, more than half the time people have quit.
msdstc said:
The reduced load times mostly come in on the rematch option, which really isn't an option, it just sends you right to it, which I actually don't like that at all. Also I've had more connection issues today than any other since I started playing this game. Anybody else having that problem? Not to mention I'm getting a ton of 3 v 3s now, more than half the time people have quit.

It sucks sooo bad when one person quits and you're left with a 3 v 4 or something of that nature. That lack of extra manpower can be decimating.
So what the fuck is up with kick off/pull off? Does the game simulate a coin toss. I can't stand when I have a clear shot of doing either and as I do so I get killed. My favorite is when they're RIGHT FUCKING THERE and I just do the stock animation and WITHOUT FUCKING MOVING they get the easy kill. This shit is the worst fucking aspect of the game. Every fucking time it fills me with rage.

Don't even get me started with the shitty ass warp grabs. I can be in the middle of my landing animation after dropping off a ledge but the game decides to warp me back up to the leg of the attacker. I run at near perfect-perfect bars so I don't want to hear lag bullshit particularly on my end.


Incredibly Naive
Kureishima said:
It sucks sooo bad when one person quits and you're left with a 3 v 4 or something of that nature. That lack of extra manpower can be decimating.

Sucks, because I always end up getting farmed. I just played 5 rounds, in the first it was 4v4 and one kid quit, 4v3 and farmed the entire round by one sniping with the dragon, another camped with the fal, another would run side by side with a kid with the AK and the Pistole and they just farmed for about 15 minutes while only capturing the final one with 30 seconds left.

The second round a kid quit immediately on my team until the very end when somebody quit on there team. The next two rounds kids quit on the opposite team. It's ruining the game, it happened with Resistance 1 towards the end. That one person makes a huge difference and ther'es not much you can do when you're getting farmed.

Since the new system I've been kicked from 2 rounds of the 10 I've played. It might be my internet, but has anybody else experienced that? It seems weird somebody has quit almost every round, it seems like they might be getting disconnected.
Not sure about the kicking. I'm about to play some tonight (ugh mic plz agh), so I'll let you know if I do, though I have not had any problems in the past.


ugh even though this is not a strictly Uncharted 2 problem, I am wondering if anyone else has this issue.

Whenever I turn on my console with my controller (by pressing the PS button), the system comes on ant takes me to the login screen, but my controller never syncs. This is only a recent problem and I have no idea what's causing it. I thought the battery might be low, but I charge it on up just fine. It has been happening for days. It is happening now. Is anyone familiar with this? If I hook it up via USB it works fine, but does not wirelessly sync. Sometimes works if I turn the system off manually and try it back on.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
So what the fuck is up with kick off/pull off? Does the game simulate a coin toss. I can't stand when I have a clear shot of doing either and as I do so I get killed. My favorite is when they're RIGHT FUCKING THERE and I just do the stock animation and WITHOUT FUCKING MOVING they get the easy kill. This shit is the worst fucking aspect of the game. Every fucking time it fills me with rage.

Don't even get me started with the shitty ass warp grabs. I can be in the middle of my landing animation after dropping off a ledge but the game decides to warp me back up to the leg of the attacker. I run at near perfect-perfect bars so I don't want to hear lag bullshit particularly on my end.
Kicking will pretty much ALWAYS win. Never, ever be afraid to just run up to someone who's hanging on a ledge...they will never get you unless for some reason you do an actual melee attack (because of lag, it's also very rare). That little animation where you see the person on the ledge come up a little bit like he's going to grab you, it's apart of the kick-off animation so dont fret. They did that just to keep you scared (as if the other person had a chance to actually grab you off).

For the above reason, never hang on a ledge and try to grab someone (unless it's lower ranks). Always stand next to a ledge and then jump on the ledge and just keep pressing square. That's the safest way to get a pulldown. Or hang on a ledge and then when someone is running towards you...drop down when they get close (they'll then probably try to do a kick off but get stuck in the regular melee animation) then you can jump back on the ledge and pull them down. That technique is a little iffy sometimes because of lag and they will warp into a kickdown from 10 feet away.

Also, about the lag. It seems "universal". It's like they add lag compensation for everyone so they can all experience the same amount of lag (probably to avoid host advantage). What I mean is...lets say you have perfect bars ("no lag") and you're going against ppl with around 2 or 3 bars. The game will effectively, add a few milliseconds of compensation/delay to your ping/lag or whatever you want to call it. They do this to even out everyone. So if you get shot through a wall, chances are that the guy that shot you also saw you get shot through the wall even though the actual data says that you werent behind the wall and you got shot just as you were entering the corner.

Sooo, GOOD for fixing host advantage | BAD for "precision"/accuracy

*That's just my take on how they do their netcode.
Updated today after my internet has been giving me trouble today. >> Loading times, I've noticed them a bit quicker before matches, but not by a huge margin. Mostly noticed it being rather fast at the end of matches. The Boosters, I haven't really noticed anything really different. Down The Irons might have less auto-aim, but I'm not sure. Clan tags, it seems as though even if someone else made a clan with the same name, then you can as well. I can see that causing a problem. The Clan system should be like any other game. Set up a clan, invite players, and be able to send all Clan members messages and stuff. I love the added "Rematch" system, so I don't have to worry about pressing O after every match, haha. Glad the problem with Double Cash not giving double cash for medals is fixed. :) Yeah, pretty good update, all in all. I look forward to future updates.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Kureishima said:
Not sure about the kicking. I'm about to play some tonight (ugh mic plz agh), so I'll let you know if I do, though I have not had any problems in the past.


ugh even though this is not a strictly Uncharted 2 problem, I am wondering if anyone else has this issue.

Whenever I turn on my console with my controller (by pressing the PS button), the system comes on ant takes me to the login screen, but my controller never syncs. This is only a recent problem and I have no idea what's causing it. I thought the battery might be low, but I charge it on up just fine. It has been happening for days. It is happening now. Is anyone familiar with this? If I hook it up via USB it works fine, but does not wirelessly sync. Sometimes works if I turn the system off manually and try it back on.
What firmware are you using? 3.10 had controller sync issues; 3.15 fixed them.

If 3.15 doesn't fix it for you, try resetting the controller. Use something thin to press the button inside the little hole on the back, then connect a usb cable to it and the ps3, and then press the PS button on the controller to turn the system on.


GG Broken, mgviperman, gekkoton and yeef, sniper riflez & pistole=afw, got our asses handed to us in that plunder match in the ice cave tho.


Irish said:
4 vs. 4 Sniper Rifle & Pistole matches are terrific! Good Games everyone.
Yeah. That was a lot of fun. That balcony dude was pretty good. Probably one of the most balanced matches I've played in any game. Those are always the most fun.


love the rematch system. My team went on a 6 game winning streak before I had to leave and I ACTUALLY GOT TO PLAY WITH SOMEONE who's just above my skill level. Now I'm not trying to brag, but in most modes, I'm usually the best on my team and I hate playing matches where my team has no sense of teamwork (so we lose). The rematch system allowed me to play with an above descent team and it was much more fun.
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