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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Irish said:
The other night, CrushDance, Kilgore, and I partied up and joined a plunder game. About three minutes into the game, Kilgore lagged out leaving the enemy with one treasure and our team with none. Wanting to rejoin our lost buddy, CrushDance and I decided to go ahead and deliver the treasure to our opponents and have them finish the game as quickly as possible. After we handed them the treasure 3 more times, they decided they were awesome and could farm us. At this point in time, there were still 9 minutes left on the clock. Crush and I, pretty annoyed at the other team, saw that we wouldn't be able to get out of the game unless we won it ourselves. So, in the next five minutes (4 mins on the clock at the end of the game) we came back and won 5-4. The other team was completely baffled that they didn't win.

The lesson is to never hand the other team a win. If you want it to end quickly, win it quickly, it's all about teh win.


Subete no aware
I fired up the co-op for the first time in months... after patching for 10 minutes (with the dozen sync updates) I'm glad they fixed my one major gripe.

You now get points if the host quits... and co-op matchmaking seems to be much better now too. Too bad no one is playing any more, but them's the breaks I guess.
This week I'll finally have this game! It's gonna be my first multiplayer match and I want to remember it. So, just so I'm prepared, is there a way to save the recording of the match you just played? If so is it saved forever on your hard drive, or something else?

firehawk12 said:
Too bad no one is playing any more, but them's the breaks I guess.


dazed808 said:
I take it you're with Virgin - if so, don't bother upgrading. I'm on the same BB package and have the same awful lag problems you do. I was thinking of upgrading to see if that helped but had a chat with a mate who used to work as an installer and he told me the way the infrastructure is setup is not geared to p2p gaming in any way and no matter what speed you have you're going to suffer intermittent lag in online games :(

If it wasn't so much hassle I'd change my whole TV/BB/Phone package over to BT and Sky and use BeThere as my ISP - awesome speeds and rock solid connection 24/7. Until I can be arsed to sort it all out I'm going to have to limit myself to the odd game of KZ2 online and the rest of my gaming is going to be single player stuff as lag is killing all MP games for me now.

Yeah it's Virgin! NTL before the merger of course. The problem is, due to some very tall trees next to my house I can't get a Sky signal, so I had to settle for NTL Cable (which I never wanted in the first place.) If I get rid of NTL I'll either have to go without cable/sky TV or have two separate providers which would be a lot more expensive. I could only get the 20Mb connection in the first place due to it being a package deal with the TV channels :(

Think I'm just gonna have to suffer until more devs start wising up and using dedicated servers for their online games... which will be never, as one of the best selling games ever just released with a shitty P2P system.

Just gonna stick to playing KZ2 briefly from now on as well. Even tho it's just as laggy, I have more fun with it than either MW2 and U2. For other games I'll just stick to the co-op modes. I hope BFBC2 will have dedicated servers on the console versions coz I really enjoyed the Beta. But having said that, Lince and I were discussing yesterday how we're pretty burnt out when it comes to online games. I've always been more of a single player guy anyway. Just gimme FFXIII already! :'D


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lince said:
how is that possible? did your PS3 fall to the floor or something? in that case just be glad it's only the U2 disc broken.
No at all, it was something like : Hey maybe the PS3 is better on this table... or maybe on this one.
And thats it :/

Jax said:
the disc?

um, yeah. My ps3 is having problems. But guess what, I just finished watching a show and turned on the PS3, gingerly put in uncharted 2 and it worked!

so.. I gotta get a bluray lense cleaner asap. Thing still works. That and I'm gonna be vaccuming the fuck out of the thing tomorrow.
Yeah, the Uncharted 2 BluRay disc.


Auto-rematch has got to go. People are leaving their PS3s on 24/7 in matchmaking in Plunder in order to get the cash for capturing the treasure. Sucks for the people actually trying to play the game.


VsRobot said:
Auto-rematch has got to go. People are leaving their PS3s on 24/7 in matchmaking in Plunder in order to get the cash for capturing the treasure. Sucks for the people actually trying to play the game.

They could always kick people from matches if they remain idle for a prolonged period of time. Say for 5 minutes.
VsRobot said:
Auto-rematch has got to go. People are leaving their PS3s on 24/7 in matchmaking in Plunder in order to get the cash for capturing the treasure. Sucks for the people actually trying to play the game.

No... you simply patch in that the game kicks people who are afk.


bish gets all the credit :)
VsRobot said:
Auto-rematch has got to go. People are leaving their PS3s on 24/7 in matchmaking in Plunder in order to get the cash for capturing the treasure. Sucks for the people actually trying to play the game.

lol. I haven't come across this though.
Another major Boo-Boo

In my playing the medals for two and possibly three of them, as listed on the medal profile on naughty-dog.com are not correct, or at least correspond to what they are in the game that is.

As stated
Assassin - 3 stealth kills

Actually in my gameplay
Assassin - 2 stealth kills

There is also confusion on the site
Ninja - 5 Stealth Kills
Covert Ops - 5 Stealth Kills

Please look into this(?)


bish gets all the credit :)
Dedication Through Light said:
Another major Boo-Boo

In my playing the medals for two and possibly three of them, as listed on the medal profile on naughty-dog.com are not correct, or at least correspond to what they are in the game that is.

As stated
Assassin - 3 stealth kills

Actually in my gameplay
Assassin - 2 stealth kills

There is also confusion on the site
Ninja - 5 Stealth Kills
Covert Ops - 5 Stealth Kills

Please look into this(?)

covert ops is in co-op.
Awesome games tonight guys!!!!! Didn't realize it until I got off, but my teams won 42 straight games!!!! Finished the night with 2 losses, but overall, one hell of a day!!!!!


Lag isn't really your bandwidth, I don't know off the top of my head about Uncharted 2, but many other games won't hit the bandwidth limitations on some of the slowest residential dsl connections. i mean, i'm sure you know about this, it's about ping times, packet loss and latency. one connection from here in LA, great location downtown, on a RR DSL line lost like 25% of it's packets on the first hop from inside the building to the next stop. and it brought latency up to over 200ms. so it could be and most likely is stuff like that.

we still look at all of the issues and take a look at the data that's compiled. while is sucks that anybody would be experiencing anything less than ideal, it's really a minuscule percentage of games played, according to our compiled data.


A quick re-cap of the additional characters that you can't unlock through money or levels:

Available only in America, with Comic Con code
Atoq Navarro

Available only in Europe, with Limited Edition
Prakoso, Baseball Shirt Drake

Available only in Europe, with Eye of Indra bundle
Daniel Pinkerton, Rika Raja

Available during Thanksgiving
Donut Lazarevic

Available during Halloween
Dead Explorer

Available only to NDI team

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune characters
They're in the game as far as we can tell, but not yet available. Maybe a Christmas gift to U1 owners? ;)
U1 Elena, Eddy Raja, Gabriel Roman, Mercenary

On another note, Behrooz Roozbeh of NDI (how cool is it to have a name that's a Palindrome in syllables?) confirms in the Zbrush thread that an Uncharted artbook is being worked on! No date set yet. A definite pickup for me, they've done amazing work on this series. I loved following up on the artist's websites posted in that thread.


Gold Member
I'm also on Virgin, NTL beforehand.

They've been robbing us on our monthly bill and charged us on the installation depsite assurances with the saleswoman that they wouldn't (we upgraded to 10mb, cost that same as our previous 2mb line with NTL).

Everytime we tried to contact them we hit either a) a stone wall or b)Angry, bitter Scottish women.

When this contract is up i'll be moving elsewhere, and luckily saved a few friends from signing with virgin broadband/TV because of my experiences with them.

jax (old)

Gyrian said:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune characters
They're in the game as far as we can tell, but not yet available. Maybe a Christmas gift to U1 owners? ;)
U1 Elena, Eddy Raja, Gabriel Roman, Mercenary

On another note, Behrooz Roozbeh of NDI (how cool is it to have a name that's a Palindrome in syllables?) confirms in the Zbrush thread that an Uncharted artbook is being worked on! No date set yet. A definite pickup for me, they've done amazing work on this series. I loved following up on the artist's websites posted in that thread.



Blu_LED said:
I saw someone online the other day with a Eddie Raja skin. How is that possible? Is it even out to anyone yet?
Are you sure it wasn't Navaro? I use him, and people always think I'm Raja.


arne said:
Lag isn't really your bandwidth, I don't know off the top of my head about Uncharted 2, but many other games won't hit the bandwidth limitations on some of the slowest residential dsl connections. i mean, i'm sure you know about this, it's about ping times, packet loss and latency. one connection from here in LA, great location downtown, on a RR DSL line lost like 25% of it's packets on the first hop from inside the building to the next stop. and it brought latency up to over 200ms. so it could be and most likely is stuff like that.

true on all accounts, my ISP (Telefonica DSL2+) has a record of 0% packet loss no matter how far you're sending/receiving data, bandwidth isn't a problem since I got 5mb upload (550KB, I can host full and smooth 32 players games in Warhawk private games) but the problem is my ping since I got Internet high-definition TV streaming in the same package and for that tech to work without hiccups you can't use fast-path (which lowers latency) so my ping is always 60ms for Europe and 100+ms for USA, I don't know why but it seems U2 games are always hosted by Americans, same with MW2, it sucks. I hope my sis would stop watching HD movies so I could turn that fancy fast-path on :(
I've Seen Eddy Raja, and no Paw Sign as well. I've also seen the other pirate, as well as Pinkerton and Riki.

Xmas Day DLC, will buy ASAP.

Also, was a mixed bag last night, some good games (33-13) some shit games (5-9, cut short).

Need to add some more of you and form a party. Getting sick of playing with 1-2 good people per match.


These are just some questions about the multiplayer:

1)I got the game but haven't played the multi since the multi-beta awhile back. Is starting out as a newbie gonna be difficult for me since the game's been out for awhile?

2)Are there gimmicks and stuff to this game's deathmatch? Like are there things you can do to constantly get cheap kills(like just running around hip-firing instead of needing to aim), or does it actually work well. I guess the question is does the deathmatch require skill and tactics? Or is it based on just sorta abilities unlocked and spamming hip fire.

3)I have no friends who have ps3's and I want to play the co-op missions. Is it easy to get an online partner to do these missions? Will they be my relative level? Will I need a headset(I don't have one and have no urge to talk to strangers).

4)Should I just stop asking questions and figure it out myself(I'm bored at work)


I still have my copy of the game in the wrap. Been saving it for the past two months specifically for the Christmas holidays to enjoy.

How great is multiplayer compared to BFBC2 beta or CoD?


Finally got around to finishing it. Got a little too "shooty" and the ending was anticlimactic but overall a great experience. I would love for the exploration and platforming to be brought to the forefront in 3.
HalcyonTB12 said:
These are just some questions about the multiplayer:

1)I got the game but haven't played the multi since the multi-beta awhile back. Is starting out as a newbie gonna be difficult for me since the game's been out for awhile?

2)Are there gimmicks and stuff to this game's deathmatch? Like are there things you can do to constantly get cheap kills(like just running around hip-firing instead of needing to aim), or does it actually work well. I guess the question is does the deathmatch require skill and tactics? Or is it based on just sorta abilities unlocked and spamming hip fire.

3)I have no friends who have ps3's and I want to play the co-op missions. Is it easy to get an online partner to do these missions? Will they be my relative level? Will I need a headset(I don't have one and have no urge to talk to strangers).

4)Should I just stop asking questions and figure it out myself(I'm bored at work)

1) Sort of. You're going to have at least 2-3 40+ people in whatever match, but you'll learn most of the tricks. Stick with it, read some of the posts in here (mrNothin, Kilgore, Irish, etc), and you'll know how to do some stuff, and eventually it'll come together.

2) Auto-aiming for the shotgun hasbeen turned down a bit, while the Pistole is still a beast. That'll get you through some matches, but by and large, you'll need to learn all of the guns, and especially the pistol. Plunder requires some tactics to consistenly win, but you'll learn thoseas time passes (never pick up the treasure first, if its there and idle, most of the time someone's waiting for you).

3) Pretty easy to find co-op people, levels vary, but after you go through it a few times, you'll get used to it. Don't need a headset, but it does make shit easier. There's a thread in the OP/Online forum that has a list of what people here like to play. I haven't played co-op in like, weeks, but I play Plunder whenever I'm on (every 1-2 days).

4) Nah, keep asking, and come back. :D

What level is everyone now, anyway? I'm only 44.


Boombloxer said:
1) Sort of. You're going to have at least 2-3 40+ people in whatever match, but you'll learn most of the tricks. Stick with it, read some of the posts in here (mrNothin, Kilgore, Irish, etc), and you'll know how to do some stuff, and eventually it'll come together.

2) Auto-aiming for the shotgun hasbeen turned down a bit, while the Pistole is still a beast. That'll get you through some matches, but by and large, you'll need to learn all of the guns, and especially the pistol. Plunder requires some tactics to consistenly win, but you'll learn thoseas time passes (never pick up the treasure first, if its there and idle, most of the time someone's waiting for you).

3) Pretty easy to find co-op people, levels vary, but after you go through it a few times, you'll get used to it. Don't need a headset, but it does make shit easier. There's a thread in the OP/Online forum that has a list of what people here like to play. I haven't played co-op in like, weeks, but I play Plunder whenever I'm on (every 1-2 days).

4) Nah, keep asking, and come back. :D

What level is everyone now, anyway? I'm only 44.
@1: Don't listen to those hacks he's listed. If you want to get better, you talk to me! :D
@2: What he said.
@3: DO NOT PLAY CO OP WITH RANDOMS. I can't stress this enough. They leave you in the dust without telling you thus screwing over your chance at a successful run.

I'm also close to 51 myself. I can practically smell that veiled booster.
Use pistol/FAL until you hit DtI's. And favor the pistol. FAL needs a lotta space before it outperforms your sidearm.

Speaking of which, do we know what the balance tweaks were yet?


Cool thanks for the quick answers. I'm gonna have a the week after christmas to really delve into the multiplayer because my office is closed that week.

How are the maps in the full game? I think the beta had an ice/snow level and an indoor temple level.
I haven't heard much more about the DLC before Christmas again. Since tomorrow is the last PSN update before the new year, are we still getting DLC? I'm so ready for some new maps and stuff, and they would be a great Christmas present.


Black Canada Mafia
I need more practice! I started up again after getting burned out on the beta, and I am just now getting to the point where I can hold my own - everyone else seems so much more experienced. I have the day off so I was planning on spending a few hours Uncharting it up, if anyone wants to play with me, just add Kinitari to PSN - if I don't already have you on my friends list.
lastinline said:
I haven't heard much more about the DLC before Christmas again. Since tomorrow is the last PSN update before the new year, are we still getting DLC? I'm so ready for some new maps and stuff, and they would be a great Christmas present.

UNless they do another free map, included with a "title update".


Dedication Through Light said:
UNless they do another free map, included with a "title update".
They could just release a skin pack of all the previously unavailable skins that were part of special events or limited editions.
I'm still waiting for Indra bundle to come out in the US. I really want those skins, plus I remembered that they promised something with 4 episodes pack but never delivered. Is there any way to buy the bundle of the European store with american credit card??


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
roman2003h said:
I'm still waiting for Indra bundle to come out in the US. I really want those skins, plus I remembered that they promised something with 4 episodes pack but never delivered. Is there any way to buy the bundle of the European store with american credit card??
Even if you do manage to buy the Euro bundle it wont work with your U.S. copy of Uncharted 2. DLC is region locked.


HalcyonTB12 said:
These are just some questions about the multiplayer:

1)I got the game but haven't played the multi since the multi-beta awhile back. Is starting out as a newbie gonna be difficult for me since the game's been out for awhile?

2)Are there gimmicks and stuff to this game's deathmatch? Like are there things you can do to constantly get cheap kills(like just running around hip-firing instead of needing to aim), or does it actually work well. I guess the question is does the deathmatch require skill and tactics? Or is it based on just sorta abilities unlocked and spamming hip fire.

3)I have no friends who have ps3's and I want to play the co-op missions. Is it easy to get an online partner to do these missions? Will they be my relative level? Will I need a headset(I don't have one and have no urge to talk to strangers).

4)Should I just stop asking questions and figure it out myself(I'm bored at work)

1) How good were you in the beta? When you are first starting out, you should follow this one rule: Never Stop Moving (unless two or more people are shooting directly at you, then you hide.) All of the good boosters are unlocked right at the very beginning, so you don't need to worry on that front.

2) Hey, man, I don't think I like your tone. Any idiot can aim and get a few kills, but blindfiring with anything other than the shotgun requires expert knowledge of the maps, great reflexes, patience, and the ability to contend with groups of enemies in close quarters combat,

3) I wouldn't recommend playing Co-op with Randoms, but you can get matched with them rather easily. Level doesn't matter as much as skill. Also, I'd suggest you get a headset and add a few Gaffers to your list. Most of us, besides Rikyfree, are pretty cool people who aren't constantly trashtalking the other team or complaining. We may be strangers at first, but we will soon grow to be somewhat-friends.

4) Questions are always welcome.

Has anyone gotten the "Five Not Alive" medal? RikyFree, Killthee, Deepbrown, Somnium, and I were in a match and saw the only chance to get this medal ever. 5 guys spawned in the Snow spawn of the Ice Cave map and not a single one of us had any grenades or the Hammer.


Good Art™
So basically, in story mode, i'm doing the game for th second time, and i'm at the chapter with the big knife in the middle and the mirrors. I play with grenade launcher, so i don't have the basic gun (i don't really know why but hey...), and i'm now stuck at a save point where i should shot the big statue with the gun, but i can't do anything anymore.

Don't they beta tested games some times ago ?
orioto said:
So basically, in story mode, i'm doing the game for th second time, and i'm at the chapter with the big knife in the middle and the mirrors. I play with grenade launcher, so i don't have the basic gun (i don't really know why but hey...), and i'm now stuck at a save point where i should shot the big statue with the gun, but i can't do anything anymore.

Don't they beta tested games some times ago ?
IIRC they give you unlimited pistol ammo at that part, doesn't the greanade launcher take up the other gun spot? You should still have a pistol available...
Irish said:
1) How good were you in the beta? When you are first starting out, you should follow this one rule: Never Stop Moving (unless two or more people are shooting directly at you, then you hide.) All of the good boosters are unlocked right at the very beginning, so you don't need to worry on that front.

2) Hey, man, I don't think I like your tone. Any idiot can aim and get a few kills, but blindfiring with anything other than the shotgun requires expert knowledge of the maps, great reflexes, patience, and the ability to contend with groups of enemies in close quarters combat,

3) I wouldn't recommend playing Co-op with Randoms, but you can get matched with them rather easily. Level doesn't matter as much as skill. Also, I'd suggest you get a headset and add a few Gaffers to your list. Most of us, besides Rikyfree, are pretty cool people who aren't constantly trashtalking the other team or complaining. We may be strangers at first, but we will soon grow to be somewhat-friends.

4) Questions are always welcome.

Has anyone gotten the "Five Not Alive" medal? RikyFree, Killthee, Deepbrown, Somnium, and I were in a match and saw the only chance to get this medal ever. 5 guys spawned in the Snow spawn of the Ice Cave map and not a single one of us had any grenades or the Hammer.

Still haven't gotten 5 Not Alive. I almost got it like, twice, but once, the 5th guy died from someone else's bullet, and the other time, my awesome nade got three of them, pistoled the fourth...and didn't get credit.

And personally, I don't really talk unless the other team starts first. Then it's on. I had my headset off the other day, died, and someone said something. I get on my headset and proceed to hurt feelings, their closest teammate was 5 kills back, and once you really start talking, they shut the fuck up for the most part.

Now, the guys who talk in jest, it's all good; it's the assholes who think they're tough over the internet, and are 24, living in their Mom's basements.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Irish said:
Has anyone gotten the "Five Not Alive" medal? RikyFree, Killthee, Deepbrown, Somnium, and I were in a match and saw the only chance to get this medal ever. 5 guys spawned in the Snow spawn of the Ice Cave map and not a single one of us had any grenades or the Hammer.
I did :p



There is not much more to be said that wasn’t already said in the initial nominee post for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. We here at Destructoid love the game. Like, a lot.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is not only an outstanding, and vastly improved, sequel to the original Uncharted, it is one of the most exciting, exhilarating, highly polished videogames of all time. Every beat of the third-person action/adventure game is perfectly paced, and the set pieces -- my God, the set pieces! -- are some of the most clever and breathtaking pieces of design ever seen in a videogame. From the collapsing building to the speeding train, from the nail-biting journey through the ice cave to the battle on the convoy. From start to finish, Uncharted 2 impresses.

No other videogame this year possesses more moments that will make your jaw drop to the floor. No other videogame offers a better presentation. And, most importantly, no other videogame exemplifies what it means to be a videogame. Playing Uncharted 2 is like being a part of the greatest action movie ever made. You are the one leaping from rooftop to rooftop while being shot at by a helicopter. You are the one outrunning a fiery truck through the alleyways of a ruined city. Uncharted 2 is the perfect example of the supreme, unrivaled quality of entertainment you can only get in a videogame.

We are all still breathless from the experience.



Good Art™
Scythesurge said:
IIRC they give you unlimited pistol ammo at that part, doesn't the greanade launcher take up the other gun spot? You should still have a pistol available...

I don't know what i did but they didn't give me the gun. I think i already "asked" the grenade launcher before the room, so i probably entered that way.
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