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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Irish said:
Wow, that really was pretty creative. Best Part about the video- I'm pretty sure we've destroyed the team mentioned at the end.

Do you know the highest tower in the center of the Sanctuary across from where the shotgun spawns? That's where I jumped from and overjumped where 3 is in Turf War/where the Hammer spawns and fell to my death. As I was falling from that tower, I took out two people standing near the hammer with my regular sidearm. (That's the main weapon that I use, so I'm a pretty good shot with blindfiring and aiming.)

The best line in the whole video was I'm Kratos with a gun!!!! That is so true and bad ass!!!! I hope to get on tonight, at least that is the goal!
Irish said:
Wow, that really was pretty creative. Best Part about the video- I'm pretty sure we've destroyed the team mentioned at the end.

Do you know the highest tower in the center of the Sanctuary across from where the shotgun spawns? That's where I jumped from and overjumped where 3 is in Turf War/where the Hammer spawns and fell to my death. As I was falling from that tower, I took out two people standing near the hammer with my regular sidearm. (That's the main weapon that I use, so I'm a pretty good shot with blindfiring and aiming.)

Ah, gotcha. I would've cracked up at the reactions if they had mikes. :lol


I'd really like to know what boosters were "fixed" because Point & Shoot feels like it's been nerfed a ton. I'm also not sure why DtI still feels broken.
Irish said:
I'd really like to know what boosters were "fixed" because Point & Shoot feels like it's been nerfed a ton. I'm also not sure why DtI still feels broken.

Honestly, it feels the same. Sure Shot feels like it's been tweaked to being less effective.
I still get shot around corners, and the frenade radius is still inconsistent.

And none of this really matters, because it's too damn addicting.

For some reason, I see people leaping and avoiding explosions more.

Agent X

I threw on the [GAF] clan tag, and engaged in some multiplayer fun, with Drake and Flynn sporting festive headwear. Good stuff!


reKon said:

ROFL, besides all the fanboy shit, this is just hilarious/creative. Funny lyrics.

Funny video is true.


Just ran into one of the most annoying U2 players ever.
Me and my friend (Kalinekonu, for those of you that have played with him) spent most of our time just trying to kill him regardless of what game we were playing.
We kept getting partied up with him on the other team, and eventually, our whole team hated him just as much as we did.
He was one of those types that, regardless of the situation, would talk shit...
He sure made tonight fun, though :lol


We played a plunder game against a crew of what sounded like 8-year-old girls and they were actually pretty good. Very close match. I think it ended 4-5 in our favor.


this game has made me realize it is best to go on a media blackout for any game i am hyped for. I saw too much pre-release stuff that lessened the excitement of seeing those locations when playing the game. specific example: the train. it wasn't as exciting as it could of been if i had not seen the pre-release video of it. overall enjoyed the game, but at times it almost felt like they were throwing too much stuff at me. the story really is neither here nor there for me. most the time it struggled to keep my attention and was extremely predictable.


Jaroof said:
Just ran into one of the most annoying U2 players ever.
Me and my friend (Kalinekonu, for those of you that have played with him) spent most of our time just trying to kill him regardless of what game we were playing.
We kept getting partied up with him on the other team, and eventually, our whole team hated him just as much as we did.
He was one of those types that, regardless of the situation, would talk shit...
He sure made tonight fun, though :lol

The trash-talkers are the most fun to kill.
Oh God, the trash-talkers are the worst. The night before, like one out of every three matches I would play consisted of a team full of 'em. Either that, or they were racist/pretending to be black and stereotypical. I don't understand why people like being assholes when I'm clearly being nice, wishing them a good game, and acknowledging their skill when needed. I just end up being a smart ass right back at the end of the day.


Another reason I love coop. Never had any trash talkers in it. Besides, it wouldn't be overly helpful if they were shit talking the guys they had to play with.


1stStrike said:
Another reason I love coop. Never had any trash talkers in it. Besides, it wouldn't be overly helpful if they were shit talking the guys they had to play with.
But it has Afc(k)er's. Me and some other guy couldn't complete a map because the some douchebag didn't move his character at all.


Defuser said:
But it has Afc(k)er's. Me and some other guy couldn't complete a map because the some douchebag didn't move his character at all.

Haven't had that issue. The only problem I've had is people not knowing what to do and screwing up so badly that I(we) had to hold their hands the entire time. I've definitely carried some teams through several coop matches when it was clear that they didn't have a clue. It was crazy, my heart was pounding, I was frustrated, and yet I was having a blast going all bat shit crazy and killing everything lol.

Obviously, this doesn't work as well on hard or crushing since on those game modes you need a full 3 man team that knows their shit, but on easy and normal there's some leniency :)
Great games of Plunder with Dave1988 and Pwnoger (not sure what his GAF name is). Stepped up to the next level when this little kid on the other team said, and I quote:
"You got raped, nigga!"
Subsequently our whole party repeated the line to him every time we killed him, and fun was had by all. I think in one of the games he ended up 6k 19d. :lol

Double Cash is awesome, I went up from lvl 12 to 24 in one session today. :D


bish gets all the credit :)
Here Here for making this double cash standard. It still takes a ton of time to level once you hit the upper levels (51+) anyways.


works for Gamestop (lol)
One plunder game I played, the other team would call us camping every time they died, despite us not even camping for a single moment. Maybe we would spawn at an area that appeared like we were camping, but that was their excuse every time they died. Annoying


Just saw a new U2 ad (well, new to me) on at half time during the Man Utd game.

Basically the same as before with the awesome montage of footage, but it had all the review scores and quotes and a voice over talking about them. Ends with saying it's "one of the most critically acclaimed games in videogame history" or something like that. :lol Awesome.

Good to see continued marketing.
FFObsessed said:
Just saw a new U2 ad (well, new to me) on at half time during the Man Utd game.

Basically the same as before with the awesome montage of footage, but it had all the review scores and quotes and a voice over talking about them. Ends with saying it's "one of the most critically acclaimed games in videogame history" or something like that. :lol Awesome.

Good to see continued marketing.
Yeah, I saw that before Avatar yesterday. It's pretty great that they're finally pushing their highest quality software.
Yeah, got the game for xmas and i have played it for about 3 hours (singleplayer). Having played Uncharted1 and the beta (which was great fun) before , I was already quite hyped about 2, but for some reason I didn't buy it when the game came out.

Now that I have played the game for 9 chapters, i'm convinced that this is really the game of the year. Uncharted 2 got it all: great graphics, controls, characters, story, locations ... you get the idea. Although there are some parts that remind me of Drakes Fortune, there has been tons of new scenarios, so it doesn't feel like a rerun of the first one.

I am constantly staring in awe of the things that are happening as I go through the game. I think the first chapter is one of the coolest introductions to any game (like the first part of MGS2 was when it came out). The stealth mechanics are well done too, which is quite surprising, and the best part is that Nate did everything I wanted him to do. For example I was hanging from a ledge, I thought it would be great if I could drag that guard off the ledge stealhy just by pressing square. And whaddaya know, it worked even though the game didn't give me any indication that you need to do that.

Also the minor change in the combat has made it more fun as you don't have to put too much attention to the combos like in Drakes Fortune but instead you can counter the enemy graples and there are more than enough animations so you don't have to watch the same one over and over again . I think this works better than in DF, And it's fun to kick enemies off buildings...

But yeah, without spoiling anything, this is definitely the best game this year, no challenge.And there were tons of great games this year too... Just quality all around. And theres even the multiplayer with co-op missions or other game modes to be played after you finish the game. That's quite a lot bang for buck right here.

So awesome.
I spent over 6 hours yesterday leveling up in the MP and even after all that the MP just isn't for me. I spend so much time getting pissed about the grenades or the weird melee system or the guns that I never really enjoy myself.

It breaks my heart.
Can ND maybe make a playlist with no parties. Sick and fucking tired getting paired against 6 clan guys who just pad their kill stats by refusing to cap the winning point in Chain Reaction.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Great Christmas event. It's been a while since one of these double cash/XP events really caught me. Went from 25 to 43.

Will probably stop playing the game for now to give my backlog some time. :lol


BruceLeeRoy said:
I spent over 6 hours yesterday leveling up in the MP and even after all that the MP just isn't for me. I spend so much time getting pissed about the grenades or the weird melee system or the guns that I never really enjoy myself.

It breaks my heart.
the lag in the game annoys me.

i throw a nade DIRECTLY at someone and they somehow survive.

yet when i completely dodge a grenade, i die. the fuck is this shit?

I still like the MP and don't mind playing it time from time, but i cant see myself investing a great deal of time in the MP. i'd rather play co op or something.
Red Blaster said:
Can ND maybe make a playlist with no parties. Sick and fucking tired getting paired against 6 clan guys who just pad their kill stats by refusing to cap the winning point in Chain Reaction.

I'd really like this too. Mercenary playlist in COD4 always had no dumbass shit goin on, no mic spammers etc.
-viper- said:
the lag in the game annoys me.

i throw a nade DIRECTLY at someone and they somehow survive.

yet when i completely dodge a grenade, i die. the fuck is this shit?

I still like the MP and don't mind playing it time from time, but i cant see myself investing a great deal of time in the MP. i'd rather play co op or something.

Exactly! I hate games that cater to the lowest common denominator. IE. Grenades in UC2, Grenades in MW2 its like enough of this cheap sh!@t! All it does is ruin the game. I know a big deciding point for developers is to give people with no skill at all the ability to still kill someone but forget that. I hope so bad fricken MAG doesn't have grendade launchers. Its why CS will always stand as the best online mp game of all time. No cheap crap to deal with.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Exactly! I hate games that cater to the lowest common denominator. IE. Grenades in UC2, Grenades in MW2 its like enough of this cheap sh!@t! All it does is ruin the game. I know a big deciding point for developers is to give people with no skill at all the ability to still kill someone but forget that. I hope so bad fricken MAG doesn't have grendade launchers. Its why CS will always stand as the best online mp game of all time. No cheap crap to deal with.

I wish KZ2 didn't have an Assault class :(


Incredibly Naive
-viper- said:
the lag in the game annoys me.

i throw a nade DIRECTLY at someone and they somehow survive.

yet when i completely dodge a grenade, i die. the fuck is this shit?

I still like the MP and don't mind playing it time from time, but i cant see myself investing a great deal of time in the MP. i'd rather play co op or something.

There was a ton of lag last night during some games... you just get used to it I guess. I actually saved a video where me and my cousin were in game, both of us rossed grenades at the same guy and he was on top of the thing and somehow lived.


I'm just going to say this: If you are constantly dying by grenades, you need to check your reflexes. Most of my grenade deaths come from doing something entirely stupid like rolling into them or jumping on top of them. (I'm really bad at this game.)

Also, what's weird about the melee system besides the stupid animation that takes forever to do?

Here's something real to complain about:

Down the muthafuckin' Irons: It is still broken. Not only that, but Point & Shoot has most definitely been tweaked in a negative way. It's like saying: "Don't play the short range game. Stand in the back and camp the night away."


-viper- said:
the lag in the game annoys me.

i throw a nade DIRECTLY at someone and they somehow survive.

yet when i completely dodge a grenade, i die. the fuck is this shit?

I still like the MP and don't mind playing it time from time, but i cant see myself investing a great deal of time in the MP. i'd rather play co op or something.

Pretty much my exact feelings on the MP (competitive anyway, co-op is awesome.)

Which is sad, because I really enjoy the online, playing in a GAF party is hilarious. But half the time it's just too frustrating to play, even when we win. One game will be perfect then the next five I'm getting shot around walls, clearly seeing the bullets fly miles past me yet I'm getting damaged/killed by them. Grenades that kill me from miles away (at full health) yet a guy standing right next to mine survives no problem. It's quite clear that I'm fairly far "behind" a lot of the time. Saps all the enjoyment out of the game.

Why more developers of "AAA" games don't push for dedicated servers I'll never know, if they truly cared about more people playing their game at it's optimum then they'd have them.

*spits on IW*
Red Blaster said:
Can ND maybe make a playlist with no parties. Sick and fucking tired getting paired against 6 clan guys who just pad their kill stats by refusing to cap the winning point in Chain Reaction.

Yeah.. well, I don't know about no parties and all..

But when I get in to a Plunder match and that happens, well.. it really breaks my heart. Particualrly when 2 team mates drop and it's 3 v5 and they just farm. Farm. Farm. I am forced to play for 25 minutes...

Sadly I see no way of fixing this really. It just sucks and is terrible.


Irish said:
I'm just going to say this: If you are constantly dying by grenades, you need to check your reflexes. Most of my grenade deaths come from doing something entirely stupid like rolling into them or jumping on top of them. (I'm really bad at this game.

lol no.

The blast radius feels completely random at times. I can roll directly away from a grenade before it even lands and I get killed at full health. Other times I do the same and survive even though I'm closer to it.

But I'll check my reflexes to make sure they're equipped with the SEE THE FUTURE upgrade.


Fucking hell, wanted to enjoy a couple games before double cash was over and run into more cheaters, I can get past this shit already but racist cocky cheaters? Since Fort was patched how do they find new exploits? Lovely.

Cowards PSN names are in the pics, fucking hell.





Fucking rage right now.

Was in Ranked and got put in a team where I was the highest level on my team with 37 and everyone else was blue and lower. Then the other team was all fucking roman numerals.

Plunder was so fucking painful. Nothing could be done to stop them because my team was retarded and the other team just fucking sat on the plunder padding their stats.

It's god damn bullshit.


And did they tweak the grenades in a patch? I thought I remembered reading they were, was anything changed or am I mistaken?

The detonation times are still shorter the shorter the distance you throw them. Without the need to event cook them. There's barely even a throwing animation, you can throw them in ways and distances that shouldn't be physically possible. The grenades really are very cheap in this game.


FFObsessed said:
lol no.

The blast radius feels completely random at times. I can roll directly away from a grenade before it even lands and I get killed at full health. Other times I do the same and survive even though I'm closer to it.

But I'll check my reflexes to make sure they're equipped with the SEE THE FUTURE upgrade.

Yes, with as bad as I am, I refuse to believe there are people who are having more problems than me with simple things. Maybe the lag isn't affecting me as much as you because you're an unwashed peon (no offense), but it seems like the grenade radius has been consistent for me. People die where they are supposed to and I die if I don't roll in time to get away. The only place where lag really seems prevalent is in the ridiculous Mr. Fantastic pull downs I see on a regular basis as well as some slightly delayed deaths. (How in the hell can you reach on the other side of the well in Sanctuary and pull me down?)

So, are you telling me you don't have the Sharingan? Damn, that does suck. Seriously though, you might want to look into playing predictively. That's actually how I play. I try to see what a person is about to do and and set a trap there.

Yes, I am a silly bastard, but I can't help my self.

Dibbz said:
Fucking rage right now.

Was in Ranked and got put in a team where I was the highest level on my team with 37 and everyone else was blue and lower. Then the other team was all fucking roman numerals.

Plunder was so fucking painful. Nothing could be done to stop them because my team was retarded and the other team just fucking sat on the plunder padding their stats.

It's god damn bullshit.

Grab at least one friend before you try to play with randoms. Two people can win a plunder match, but one can't.

Still, the weirdest thing I've heard is when people on the other team tell us not to cap the treasure. They then call us all kinds of stupid when we deliver it.

Another thing I hate: People with Invalid saying, "Does it make you feel good to kill a guy with half health? I bet it does. Do you think you're good now? You're not, BrokenOath. You're fucking terrible."

My response: "Rematch me with Full Health and you'll still be my little bitch." (I don't say it because I'm too busy complimenting and raising the morale of the other team according to Somnium.)


Incredibly Naive
FFObsessed said:
lol no.

The blast radius feels completely random at times. I can roll directly away from a grenade before it even lands and I get killed at full health. Other times I do the same and survive even though I'm closer to it.

But I'll check my reflexes to make sure they're equipped with the SEE THE FUTURE upgrade.

I actually agree, grenades are easily dodged for the most part as long as you plan accordingly. You have to realize when the grenade is coming and start moving before it's tossed. There are a few tosses that piss me off, like just being able to drop one right at my feet. The easy fix here is just to increase the timer.


Irish said:
Yes, with as bad as I am, I refuse to believe there are people who are having more problems than me with simple things. Maybe the lag isn't affecting me as much as you because you're an unwashed peon (no offense), but it seems like the grenade radius has been consistent for me. People die where they are supposed to and I die if I don't roll in time to get away. The only place where lag really seems prevalent is in the ridiculous Mr. Fantastic pull downs I see on a regular basis as well as some slightly delayed deaths. (How in the hell can you reach on the other side of the well in Sanctuary and pull me down?)

So, are you telling me you don't have the Sharingan? Damn, that does suck. Seriously though, you might want to look into playing predictively. That's actually how I play. I try to see what a person is about to do and and set a trap there.

Yes, I am a silly bastard, but I can't help my self.

Ahh yes the infamous warping pull downs. How did I forget.

I tried the Sharingan for about a month, but unfortunately it gave me a rash. And to be honest, it didn't fully satisfy my future seeing needs.
You know unless you can guarantee a non laggy match, a map I want, a gametype I want, and jackasses who will not glitch or pad stats (or evenly matched skill levels), do not put a quitting penalty in your game. So yeah basically no game ever should have a quitting penalty. I can understand how a matchmaking system cannot give me all those things. But if you LET ME, I can compensate for those problems. Rage quitters are so much less of a problem, and if they really bother ND, make the game drop in/drop out next time.

Games nice when I can get what I want, but geez they seem determined not to let it happen.
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